So Holla Forums aside from the usual muh degeneracy, is this a good Plan?
Canada: the madman is finally going to legalize it
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Any Canadians I have talked to were always apathetic depressed soft pieces of shit. Dumbing down the youth and aging hipsters by legally letting them numb their mushy brains even more and zoning out to Rick and Morty isn't going to help anyone.
It's a bad plan because it's associated with a continued Trudeau in power in a country that's shit.
Tired of winning yet canacucks?
Wow! Just in time for the reelection
This is why we need energetic young immigrants to pay for our pensions. Don't be heartless, goy, 6 gorillion babies are being gassed by evil dictators in their countries every day.
Pic related - liberal platform for 2020
A huge issue here is how the elections are structured, which funny enough this fag wanted to change, but then decided not to because it would give "fringe parties" (see 'alt-right') an advantage. Major cities pretty much hold all the power, and those are obviously the most brainwashed degenerate areas. Electoral reform or a serious fuck-up on the Liberal party's end that leads to a hardliner conservative/other into power are the only peaceful options.
This too. Everyone is sick of him and will vote for anybody else. His only hope is to try to win using this ploy.
Legalization is the one thing Liberals are doing right. It dries up the black (pun intended) market and puts a lot of dealers out of business.
Yeah, degenerate whites then have access to all the anesthetizing pot they want. Guess what. They're smoking that pot anyway. Legal weed isn't any cheaper than illegal weed, so it doesn't really increase use rates. And when they can buy it from a store they stop socializing with each other as much.
Yeah, who cares if a portion of the population ends up being useless stoners, when we can replace them with somalis.
It's pretty blatant how western society no longer cares about its own. Why spend all that effort feeding, rearing and trying to instill values into a child for 18 years, when you can import hordes of shitskins now. It's just not cost effective, I'm sure you'd understand. So go ahead, have a celebratory joint, you've earned it :^)
I want to say I'm shocked that anyone would vote for this retard that can insult his voter base. But then I remember Bernie's "White people don't know what it's like to be poor," and those faggots still voted for him.
Well you either can institute national socialism and start the hitler youth and put all those stoners to work in the civillian korps or whatever, or you can flip the switch on legalization and make no aspect of the problem worse, and a lot of the toxic parts of it better.
And please be very specific about your plan to trigger National Socialism in the same timeframe. Outline a roadmap based in reality. Not a fucking Adolf Petting Blondi meme.
This. He's basically won now. Wew.
Just in time for reelection or did you Canuckistanis forgot about his promise of electoral reform? Here's to more chemicals, natural ones to placate the populace.
Everyone's gonna forget about his gaffe about attending parliament once a week.
Sadly, this.
The bigger thing that it's going to offset is his lack of fulfilling election reform. Liberals in Canada were or are pissed off at him for that. Everyone is going to be too high to remember though.
Just you wait, Canacucks. Just you wait.
Using drugs with no real reason is escapism which is bad for any people. And to elect or re-elect someone simply because he legalized some shit drug shows how retarded people get. It's fucking dumb and just another tool of the kike, ever since the 60's in America the jews pushed for pot to be legal and only the jews.
Exactly what they want, a dumbed down populace.
Too late, people are already cheering for this "Historical Canadian Moment"
An out and out falsehood. Will we apply the same prohibitions to alcohol and cigarettes? I trust you don't browse any other boards on 8ch? No vidya, an obvious bit of the escapism. Read any books, watch any television? Why aren't you out doing your part instead? It's the muh degeneracy fag in you at work here, not the logical Holla Forumsack.
Alcohol and cigerettes can fuck off for all I care. I don't mind escapism at all, but frying your brain with it I do mind and drugs tend to do that. Movies, books and videogames that teach you something are all fine.
And yes, Regan for example was furious about the fact that jews kept whining to him to legalize weed. It's no secret user.
Also you can have escapism while praticing a skill, again drugs wont give you any skill.
Very amusing to read all of these comments coming from what can only be Americans disrespecting Canadians right at the same time that Trump is turning around and fucking all of his voters in the ass.
Like leftypol arguing who's version of communism is superior, Holla Forums is also suceptible to "who's whiter" and "who's country is more cucked" bullshit, which is funny, because our situation is whites for white countries, meaning for example, if Sweden's getting fucked, it hurts us in North America equally, and vice versa. I guess it's a way to disassociate from the pain, but it's just such a blatantly obvious ego defense mechanism, I'm surprised so many retards fall for it.
On another note, if anyone you know starts talking about voting for Trudeau, make fun of them for being retards and only doing it for the DUDEWEEDLMAO, instead of the actually important electoral reform.
which he lied about, so don't vote for him.
t. if it wasn't obvious from the way I wrote. It's late.
Exactly, pretty obvious Trudeau was saving this as a backup Trump card, also no surprise now that even liberal leaning Canadians are starting to get sick of this snake in recent months.
I did not ask for this timeline.
All I'm saying is this kind of muh country is better than your country bullshit is absolutely worthless. A complete non sequitur and useless mud pile of stupidity.
This shit is best left on 4chan where the IQ levels are lower.
I'm fine with legalization but I really hope the laws on where to smoke marijuana will be a lot more stringent than even the laws on tobacco because I personally can't stand the smell of the stuff and I don't want to be walking through clouds of it like 10 metres from a store entrance or bus stop like I do with tobacco smoke.
I didn't even know such tests were available. Do they even work?
I recognize that faggot with weedman. He started the Marijuana Party to split the sepratist vote in Quebec.
narcotics are always dodgy, but cannabis can help when you want to avoid anti-depressants or sleeping pills or ritalin.
Also its less degenerate that drinking alcohol wich is a literal neurotoxin, if you ask me.
so i would say its great.
not to mention that its retarded to treat a fucking plant like its crack cocain.
yeah, this is the exact reason for why flags are disabled.
It just gives shills a great way to provoke a reaction.
Still can't believe people elected this unbearable faggot because of "dude weed lmao".
Anyone and everyone could already get weed whenever they want. I smoked got for 20 years until I moved to Vancouver where it's already legal and sold in stores. Lost its appeal for me then.
usage might actually go down. When is this law supposed to take affect?
Alright cultivation of four plants per household too! Everyone is going to be growing weed.
All it takes is whoever runs opposing this cunt also promises legal weed, and then Turdeau is immediately sunk.
Best part is he doesn't actually need to deliver in his promise, as canucks have proven they will elect any retard as long as he goes DUDEWEEDLMAO
Always a fucking American.
yes if they promise legal weed AND election reform they're a shoe in
Brain Changes Are Associated with Casual Marijuana Use in Young Adults
Cannabis Dependence
Cannabis Smoking 'Permanently Lowers IQ'
Cannabis Use, Abuse, and Dependence
Cannabis Use and Risk of Lung Cancer
Cannabis Use Steals 8 IQ Points from the Teenage Mind
Decreased dopamine brain reactivity in marijuana abusers is associated with negative emotionality and addiction severity
Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Complications
The Health Effects of Marijuana
Long and Short Term Effects of Marijuana Use
Longtime Marijuana Use Linked With Decreased Motivation, Study Finds
Marijuana May Cause Heart Problems in Young Adults
Marijuana Said to Trigger Heart Attacks
Marijuana Smoking Tied to Testicular Cancer
Marijuana Use and Risk of Lung Cancer
Persistent Cannabis Users Show Neuropsychological Decline from Childhood to Midlife
Review of the Validity and Significance of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome
Regular Marijuana Use Bad for Teens’ Brains
Regular Pot Smokers Have Shrunken Brains, Study Says
Respiratory Effects of Marijuana and Tobacco Use in a U.S. Sample
Teen Marijuana Use Linked with Schizophrenia
Teens Who Smoke Weed Daily are 60% Less Likely to Complete High School Than Those Who Never Use
The Terrible Truth About Cannabis
capped. Im glad Im not the only user.
Weed smoking should be punishable by death.
Legality hardly matters, not like leafs can get any more cucked.
Pot makes people lazy and unmotivated, it also contains xenoestrogens - in other words, it contributes to feminization.
Break your links man..
I never got that meme tbh
It's quite funny seeing a progressive try to justify immigration and higher unemployment.
"There's not enough jobs for anyone but they do all the jobs unemployed people don't want to do, unemployed people are so lazy they shouldn't get welfare, wow why shouldn't immigrants get welfare they need it more than us, they're not lazy, working isn't part of their culture!"
And Wynn wants bill 89 passed, to take away the kids from White parents and indoctrinate them with transgenderedism.
"Becoming a White Eunuch is good for humanity."
Sterilization is white Genocide. Canada, Yes! Japan is not as stupid as you.
Canada's politicians and bureaucrats are blackmailed by the CDN/colonial deep state.
Alright, fuck off back to reddit. You're probably not even a fellow maplenigger, just some pothead.
so given all the shit that conservatives keep flooding my inbox with, are we switching up the Holla Forums horse to bet on? Bernier keeps talking about muh Quebec instead of muh guns. How can he not see that his potential voterbase wants real change to immigration? What makes people buy guns? (Protip: not so they can hunt deer with a SKS)
Eat your shit, man. It’s not my responsibility to make you not have an HTTP referer.
Then don't smoke. It should be legal. Unhealthy things should be legal.
Not as much as beer.
Actually I'm just smoking one after putting Hadrian to bed. The cultural cachet of being anti-weed is gone. Also, that koan about not giving into your enemies provocation went way over your head. Smoke more.
It takes little effort faggot. Dont be a lazy cunt.
Unhealthy things ARE legal.
Alcoholic products are unhealthy in just mere moderate doses and can shorten one's lifespan. It's still a legal product.
Cigarettes legit give you cancer and can literally blacken your fucking lungs and second hand smoking is still dangerous. It's STILL legal.
Marijuana is about as dangerous as everything else listed. It's not a huge killer. It wouldn't make a dent to the world population if it were legalized globally.
It actually is, and you must be new because mods redtext about it regularly when they are forced to fix it for you. Actively encouraging people to not break links is bannable, Ive seen it happen.
It sends a message to the server whenever someone clicks on it, telling them this website is where they came from. Its bad for all of us, fuck you, you fucking selfish cocksucker.
That meme about Trudeau and Castro doesnt have all the information it should. They kidnapped 2 people, not just the British trade minister.. they also kidnapped the Labor minister, and killed him! Trudeau flew them to Cuba on a Canadian Forces aircraft! They were communist terrorists… you might have trouble finding a source on this, since its word of mouth information from a guy who lived through it, but the RCMP supposedly got caught blowing up barns, setting off false flag bombs.. and that Trudeau pretty much used the whole thing as an excuse to enact the war powers act, and strip people of their rights. So the amazing thing is that they were flown, on a Canadian forces aircraft, without say.. being arrested, or executed on the plane… You ask for a plane after robbing a bank, they ambush you in the car when youre vulnerable, sparing the hostages.. Thats what should have happened, I dont think they even had a hostage with them.
J. Trudeau actually very well could be Castros son, but there is a lot of information missing from that graphic. Its a big difference to just kidnap an ambassador and assassinating a labour minister as a communist act of terrorism.
dude eh
By legalizing weed, kids will think it's a birthright they have to try at 18. We need stricter antidegeneracy laws not less.
Take your pick then. You deregulate it, and they decide to smoke it at 18(or earlier). Or, you continue the trend where it's decriminalized under the equivalent of 5 joints and accept that happy situation we have now where prescription drug abuse is rampant in Canada. The reality is short of chiefs and inspectors, policing, crown prosecutors(AG's), and politicians already know that this is a lost battle, and they're up to their nose or drowning in problems related to it. The other option is to not, and we deal with all the other additional problems to boot. Illegal grow-ops, hydro theft, booby-traps in the woods/thickets from criminal organizations trying to protect their shit. Hey I know you guys in the US have already seen that. But there's nothing quite like nearly stepping on a bear trap in southwestern ontario(a place where you rarely see bears of any flavor). Or the growing cases where raided properties are booby-traped, and someone nearly gets killed. Whether it be police doing a raid, or the actual owner of the property doing a legal inspection. That's not even touching on the huge crime problems. Around 90% of the illegal immigrant gangs in Toronto get their funding directly off weed. The rest comes from the regular run-of-the-mill vice type problems.
Take your pick, but there's no simple or good solution to this. But prohibition doesn't work, you americans figured that out in the 30's. And here in Canada the problem is so bad on the west coast that police are considering using AP ammo because criminals are using armour and hardening their buildings/vehicles so they can't be shot-up either by their buddy-criminals or police.
for how long will THC register positive on a saliva test?
Maybe all the pot heads will get charged due to erronous testing.
mane, weed legalization iz raycis, black men be losin they licenses n shit.
BTW the coorporate world believes that muslims don't do drugs and will gladly replace any white person using alcohol/drugs with Muh'hamad
The longer weed is illegal, the longer Jamal will keep selling weed to kids in High School and flashing his benjamins at all the "white thots". If teenagers are going to smoke, i'd rather it be from some goofy family member buying it for them at a convenient store that's regulated rather than out of some niggers ford taurus.
"A-at least I have the weedstitution"
Lol you're going to fall for this.
That would be Sir Robert L Borden to you, burger.
Canada the country that tries to be as shit in every way possible. You had one chance in life and but you were born Canadian. Canada is like a playground for retarded kids. What a fucking joke