Other urls found in this thread:
The fuck? I saw no bright flash
And? I mean, if it were a missile, or if it was really a nuke of some kind that got by without even a two minute warning, we would likely now by now. Or are you trying to say it was ayys? Elaboarate, nigger! Pics? Video? What are you trying to tell us?
All of them are emitting from California..
Turns out to be the Shooting Kek Star
Again, elaborate.
They're saying it's a meteor.
California getting nuked tonight.
I mean, how many? Which way were they headed (South, east, up or down, whatever)? Could California even see a meteor or shooting star in the sky with all the light pollution? What do you think it is? What is the possibility of it being missiles or nukes or anything military?
At least they're getting the worst state.
I sorrow for Reagan as he was somewhat better than everyone else proceeding him except Trump maybe.
A shitstorm's a brewin'
We have the whole NK conflict arising, might be that. Could be something else.
If cali was getting nuked, the internet would go down immediately, since a lot of the infrastructure is based there.
fug. it's been a blast, lads.
OP is a double nigger turbofaggot
From what I've assembled, it seems to have been a bright green flash displayed over most of CA.
latest ffs click latest
California isn't getting nuked, something just got launched from Coronado Naval Base in National Bay, San Diego.
Read the tweets, use your head.
All Burgers must die
Does anybody know which ship is heading towards the Korean peninsula? I got a cousin in the navy, and I don't know if he was on that ship or not.
I can confirm California has been nuked. I live here and we all died about 10 minutes ago.
Hi muzzie
Just saw this in the North Korea Happening thread. Wew.
Ahoy! The wild shitposter, identified!
holy shit it could be a trident fired at north korean nuclear site, they have no OTOH warning radar
Is this literally the same spot where the flashes are emanating?????
If we're lucky it's just a meteor. Whatever it is, the epicenter seems to have been San Diego.
Thread theme that I saw on twitter. Synchronicity.
From your posting, the promised chan is able to connect to any and all chans in the past, present and future I assume? Cool, what are the chans of the future shit posting about?
If I was Californian I would've gathered my family and took a road trip with vital belongings Eastward since the Syria Strikes.
California is my home. If it goes, I go.
I prey for you, user.
That was an iridium flare.
Shit, dubs arose on that one.
Looks like it's not just commiefornia
Source? Glad, if true.
Hope you're in the good part.
Could it be a Californian Asian?
About how much of a faggot you are.
Apperently there is a vid that shows it
Breaking link just because
https:// twitter . com/ davidmartin08/ status/851647365710663680
Could be just a meteor
Doesn't look like a meteor
What is this?
Remember that meteor in Russia I think in 2012 or something? Looks pretty same to me.
So it was nothing? Just a meteor?
ICE updated their longvans
Huh. Perhaps.
I think that's a meteor, just a fair sized one with high copper content.
no wait, upgraded would be more correct.
Hey, that means I survived. Unless you were talking about the post you were going to post after I asked because that technically is the future.
If so,
a meteor just so happened to span over California directly after we stepped on nork's toes. What the hell.
Praise Khorne
North Korean happening.
It's not clear, but it looks the US and China are planning military action against North Korea.
Ominous Meteors have long been a omen of death and destruction, user…
i'm banking it's a failed or end-of-life satellite
Can't see the military giving a shit about a space rock.
Shit would be hilarious.
I do. Didn't it land on a factory or some shit?
Possible scalar shield test or successful nuke intercept?
I told you niggers about Kali Yuga. I told you niggers Kalki would be coming back. Fuck me I can't believe the gods would be so bold as to send a fucking meteor.
To clarify, Nork is short for North Korea or North Korean
Oh nork is north korea. I've been up way too late.
This is a meteor.
That's a missile.
Coincidences are fucking nuts like that.
Shadilay, Pepe (Band), Kek (Egyptian God), Pepe (Cartoon Frog)
Potential earth-shattering (literally) happening in Best Korea RIGHT FUCKING NOW
Oh shit, trips of death and destruction. D&D TRIPS
These digits are making me TREMBLE
I'm honestly spooked.
Go to sleep, you'll figure out what happened when you wake up. Seems to just be a meteor.
Stale meme.
well … since we're user , I've seen the nuclear attack on the US , it's started by Putin and it's not more than 10 ICBMs, not a massive all out attack like everyone expects. The missiles are of a novel unforseen design and the results is people in rags, travelling mainly done by foot and govts. hidden underground with no control of the world above them. Take that with a pinch of fallout.
That's some convenient fucking timing for a meteor.
A synchronicity, perhaps.
Don't think they ever found it, did make factory windows break and shit, and there was some hole in the ice on some lake.
But coverage of it all dropped in Canada like 2 days after.
Last Time I saw anything on it was a Nova Special.
blew out a bunch of windows etc
Will they spare Jefferson?
what did he mean by this
I still can't believe a fucking meteor. I feel like we're going to get Northern Lights over the Midwest or something to signal the Race War. 2025 is when Kali Yuga is supposed to come to an end so the cycle of rebirth can happen, but fuck me I can't imagine another 8 years of acceleration towards the end of an age. What a time to be alive.
what the fuck is going on
did they launch a trident at norks?
was there a call?
Go fuck yourself.
oh fuck are you serious?
If it was a meteor would it just disappear like that, or was the light produced by propelling fuel?
When will this meme end?
Can we confirm that it was not a missile? It looks like a meteor to me, but I'm not expert.
This is actually nothing new. This person just made a gif of a 2015 video,
You guys need to calm down. Your paranoia is getting to your heads.
Which of you stupid faggots are doing this?
God would decimate LA, Hollywood, DC, and Miami, London, and Tel Aviv in fiery infernos, not some backwater like North Korea.
Just delete the HTTP you fucking mongoloid.
I'm ok with this.
but really it is most likely nothing. The lights would be off already
Thats an old gif
Would the lights be out if it was actually outgoing?
byebye best korea
do you autists even know why we do this? Twatter dot cum already knows about Holla Forums, we're not tricking any referrals.
Speaking of the wall, there's a shill thread where they're trying to blame the GOP undermining Trump's budget for the wall on Trump himself. Watch out for the new (((narrative))).
Its been well over 10 minutes since people reported the flash, if that was a missile, it would have hit its target by now. It might also be some sort of spooky black project being tested or deployed. I doubt it is an aircraft since if a foreign country were to deploy an aircraft in the US they would use a stealth aircraft, not a glowing fucker of some sorts. Since all of those options are off the table it can be concluded that it is a meteor, if it was a nuke being launched we have about 20 minutes to bug out.
…Wtf? Why would someone make a gif to explain what others are seeing? Tons of people in San Diego saw something.
Don't get me hard and not make me cum gigga-nigga
they can, yes
if it was a "nuke," kimmy sent a dud
I saw that gay shit. They know a budget won't pass with a wall on there.
heres the image
Probably decoy accounts or something.
That's not a meteor
Meteor confirm. Time for bed.
Yes, most of the time meteors completely disintegrate before touching the ground. Basic shit.
could be a satellite
will Trump launch cruise missiles at a horse farm in Norco now that is the question
In Riverside. So it's a Meteor then. A missile launching out of San Diego wouldn't pass Riverside.
Why hasn't it hit yet? If it was a sub launched weapon it would have hit by now, if it is a missile we will find out in no more than like 10 more minutes.
What was your mother doing in space?
Yes we are you fucking subhuman. It takes two seconds and robs and endless amount of people with referral information. You do it as a matter of habit with all links not just "oh ok someone cyberbullied me so I better break this link." Why do you think the mods edit OP's to break links? It's like not washing your hands after you pick up shit because "lol there's germs everywhere it's whatever"
This, however, isn't debunked yet.
Outgoing no, incoming very much yes (at such an altitude you'd only see a flash over the horizon). From Cali it would be to the East. Was the flash heading out to sea or over land? Where's the vantage point?
Anyway, look up rainbow bombs for EMP effect type explosions.
Hahahaha, you know there's a secret military base under Lake Norconian, right? Norco is a government town.
But if you don't wash your hands, you build up your immune system.
Why do you think that Pajeets don't immediately die of every illness when they enter the Ganges, but foreigners do?
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
That's just a meteor.
Mind capping the time for me user?
Maybe Klaatu has had enough of this bullshit.
What pisses me off is just how retarded of an attempt it is.
How does that even make any fucking sense? They're getting so lazy it's actually cycled around and it's succeeding in pissing me off.
I feel like I just listen to a nigger explain how computahs worked.
Anyone here know anything about NK's nukes?
What the fuck are all these digits in this thread??
I don't think anyone in NK knows anything about NK's nukes.
This guy is onto something
I'm serious. Research Lake Norconian. The place houses some secretive Naval research base. They hide it in the open.
I think this is the longest April fool's joke ever.
Fucking Kim Jong Fail.
why the fuck does everything have to be missiles?
Military launches satellites sometimes, and with Trump's budget expansion we're probably catching up to 2015.
My dad just came home from the airport and saw it on his flight, his uber driver said it was a meteor exploding in the atmosphere.
Thank you, whoever this was.
It's a meteor
I never understood why mods don't just word-filter http instead of hand-crafting every tards post.
I didn't think we'd go out like this
President director Gowdy knows his shit.
Hey Cowboy, wanna get some Vietnamese food in Norco tomorrow before the end of the world?
looks like a recovery
As I said before, you guys need to calm down. Do a little bit of research before assuming what you see is 100% accurate.
Here it is. Very odd for a 'meteor'.
must be some CIA Niggers in the midst my laptop keeps freezing
Sounds good to me. Let it burn.
If only.
You need to freeze dry your shit, nigger! You can't survive without it!
For me, the fake "meteorite" posts increase my suspicion that it's not a meteor.
There seems to be a video of it.
It's the USS Charles Vinson
Spics recorded this earlier in the day. Something is going on in that region. This seems like a separate incident????
That's a military jet dropping flares for certain
I'm going to tell your cousin how much you seem to care
Looks like a mainstream meteor to me
Yeah no doubt, the white thing hovering over the flare gives it away. Between our craft out in the ocean circling and Mexico doing whatever the fuck they are doing. Something is imminent on the west coast.
that's not it, the video is here ->
it's an iridium meteor that was launched from a trident
Let me tell you a little secret, I never wash my hands after using the toilet.
A green flash really does sound like a bolide.
Something might be fucky.
Not sure if a missile would be losing some parts of itself that would get disintegrated in the atmosphere.
Sounds more like a meteorite for me.
you're a viscous bastard, but depends on what you use your toilet for I guess.
Some kind of flare probably, searching for Russian sub activity. They have to surface eventually, no?
Not for a few months, no
huh, I found a red-headed Trump girl on chaturbate
Guys. What if it isn't just a single meteor.
fuck, it's an entire galaxy entering illegally
The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. 8And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; 9And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
10And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; 11And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
Underrated post. An embed.
How do you rip videos from twitter?
Probably some normalfag faking for nerd cred but something definitely did happen. My dad claims he and his uber driver both just saw it.
normie faggot needs to knock it off. people that use chans to get kool kid cred outside of chans are the worst cancer.
The grays aren't sending their best, they're sending drug addled probers. And some of them, I assume, are good puppets of the demiurge.
no it's not, that's a meteor. that's what they look like. not even a big one.
There's an addon for Chrome, and several sites will let you post a URL. I imagine that there's a way to get the video from the source code, but I've never cared to figure out how.
It looks like a meteor to me m8
Link related
www .cnn.com/videos/us/2017/02/06/meteor-caught-on-camera-orig-jpm.cnn
Wsnt there a meteor passing by soon?
maybe we all can finally die
Hope someone finds the rock (if there is any left) they are worth a small fortune.
i hear helicopters outside
not even memeing
What if they were wearing sunglasses?
A lot of palindrome digits today.
Fam, there are always helicopters in Southern California.
It's going to be fifty times as bright as the sun.
you do realize helicopters can only travel 150 miles right, they dont fly all the way to russia
i was memeing you idiots
So, about forty to fifty welder lenses?
Reagan was born in Dixon,IL though
Switch to the mobile site by putting an m. in front of the url.
you can open the link as mobile (replace www with mobile) and then right click on video and "save as"
So what is the proper procedure when a nuke hits?
Western N.A. is long overdue for The Big One so we got that going on even if an extinction level meteor passes by harmlessly.
Alternatively, you can help expedite human extinction by killing yourself.
Thank you, that's super helpful.
yeah because a fucking normalfag is going to be wearing that shit….
Depends on what kind of sunglasses. If they completely block UV then it's only a few minutes of temporary blindness. Otherwise it permanently burns the retina.
So what you're saying is that in the case of nuclear war, people may be damaged pretty bad? Are you certain?
It's a gift from the gods. Go make a sword out of the metals, pol.
Don't look at the flash at all and wait for a fuckhuge amount of time before opening your eyes.
did you just, make that now, to shitpost?
good job if you did
stop being a retard ffs
Don't fucking look.
The issue however is that you need to look to confirm that it's a nuke in the first place. My suggested solution is to quickly shield your eyes at random throughout the day, dramatically increasing your chance at avoiding the nuclear flash.
and cover!
We don't need to see where we're going
Also, since this is one of the most active threads, should I post a scribd to the fourth presidential memorandum?
No shit user, I thought you would be smart enough to realize when someone is taking the piss.
I didn't, I saved it from here a bit back.
Duck…….. pwshhhh ……. and cover!
This is very true; I recall seeing something enter the atmosphere and light up in a green color last year. I was riding my bike home from a friends as he doesn't live very far and I love to cycle. So as I'm about to turn onto the road that leads to my lil neighborhood. I see a huge fuckin' flash with a kind of long streak at the end of the bulb and a smaller bulb between it and the end of the tail strike through the atmosphere. It lit up the entire sky for a few minutes and then afterward. I seen like a dozen of drones that patrol my areas skies constantly (which appeared ever since I saw a UFO the size of a small manor in my backyard while checking on my dog) head in the direction of where that light had hit down.
It is most definitely happening.
great show, my dad watched it when he was a kid before he died.
just got real.
I was obviously using hyperbole, trying to get a chuckle from people. You must suffer from the turbo 'tism.
Do not look at the blast, at all. Immediately cover yourself with a thick blanket count to 10,000 or higher after the thunder stops, then come out. Secure whatever canned food you have if you're close enough to see the flash don't trust shit that isn't in metal containers grab whatever weapons you have. Now find whatever the nearest disaster relief is, you will likely not have any working electronics but relief camps are supposed to be set up along free ways in such an event. Alternatively, your town or city should have predetermined locations, go ahead and familiarize yourself with those.
Finally, hope you weren't too badly irradiated.
Run directly to it and soak in the radiation, hopefully turn into Hulk. Just not SJW chink hulk.
You don't wanna know, tbh. Marvel turned everyone of their characters into a either a woman or a non-white.
It's the most evil of evil plots, I improve my immune system through minor but constant exposure to the bacteria in my waste while yours is weak and maybe one day I leave a little bit of poop on the handle and now you've got SHITAIDS.
I'm sure if you're close enough to see the flash then you'll most likely be cooked to death seconds after the flash.
At least you leave a cool shadow-person behind.
It's like a giant Capt planet.
Seriously though do not look at the fireball. Keep your eyes shut or head turned for at least 10 seconds after first light. Possibly longer in the case of larger fireballs.
Same goes for impact event fireballs.
wait, that would mean you have SHITAIDS.
Or, what you mean is you use an unclean toilet that has SHITAIDS and you're a SHITAIDS carrier. But then you would need to wash your hands soon after spreading the disease.
or you're a fag with AIDS Milo?
You'd think but the flash radius is supposedly about 10-20 times that of the blast radius. Oh one thing that's kindof weird, keep your mouth open. It'll help mitigate the chance of pressure blowing out your ear drums.
Why not just turn 360 degrees and walk away? why risk it?
SJW cuck faggot writers killed off Bruce Banner and replaced him with this little gook fuck named Amadeus Cho who is now the Hulk and he has control of the Hulk which makes him even gayer.
Because geometry isn't for everyone. :^)
Because you'd be walking in whatever direction you were already facing.
Holla Forumsacks shouldn't be reading super-hero comics anyways. They're the mental equivalent to McDonalds food, they poison your soul.
Post your end of the world/next life song
Newfag alert
Because you'd be looking straight at it :^)
Putting the snark aside, you will not be able to walk outside the blast zone if you're inside it so that won't aid you any. Just keep your eyes away from the flash and you'll at least avoid blindness.
In a way, reading them made me who I am now
This isn't the end user. We have AT LEAST until Kek's return on September 23rd, assuming we don't fuck up during the August 21st eclipse.
Change is coming.
Who /comfyapocalypse/ here?
I hope so, I really hope so. I just don't want my life to be for nothing.
This isn't that weird if you consider that the sinus system is in fact all connected and is there as well. :^)
This isn't what I'd choose, but, it'll probably be this considering that I keep listening to it. (I tend to find certain songs with certain lyrics as being memetically influencing, as well as, having a meaning about what is happening globally. Think of it like the world or a force beyond physicality as speaking through it as a medium.)
You can see a nuclear blast for hundreds of fucking miles.
This would be my true apocalyptic intro.
not everyone their is a lib-cuck
ive been dying to move out of state anyways
What a time to be alive.
Fun facts! Coronado Island is also full of upperclass people who live in mansions. Riverside is full of fucking yokel retards who are hyped up on drugs.
user, I…
Not recognizing :^)
I have to be sure
you can go home now
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Also most nuclear strikes would actually be air bursts so they are less likely to be obscured.
Did you see anything? People I know saw it but I was obviously indoors on the internet. One of my friends' brother is stationed at NASNI and is assigned to the Carl Vinson en route to NK right now.
Door to your right
that shit creeps me the fuck out
well, if it really happens I have plenty of calibrated CD gear itching to be used.
A meteor shower?
Is that it?
This is worse than blogposting op.
big fucking deal
I can not believe I am to say this, but you seem like the nice person :) I would like to take a minute just sit right there and read this, I am in need of the help. I am in my country of home in the west Africa born and raised, where my family ruled as the royalty. Unfortunately, my life got changed, turned upside down. A couple of men, who were down to no good, started making trouble in my kingdom. They set us up the lies. Now, the people of my kingdom have accidentally my family's rule (with violence), and due to the fate, I am the only surviving member family. Looked at my kingdom and realized I must flee…what do?
I currently have the fortune of over €9000 million monies, but it is in a offshore bank account in a Switzerland in the Europes I can not get to. I need to get to the Europes, where I have all the safety and money and riches. If you can help, I need an hero. Please send my 10,000$ so that I can fly to the safety. All my wealth are belong to you in reward, but I am disappoint if you do not halp. A winner is you I am sure, the God blesses you.
Prince Omari Anikulapo-Kuti
Crossdressing gear? user, the apocalypse is no time for degeneracy. That or it's the perfect time, it depends.
Whew. Thanks, Satan!
actually I got a 1958 CD V-700
sort of like pic related but older and uses a fuckton of D batteries
Didn't see anything. Also congrats to your brother.
Not for long, probles. F.
I was going to call him out but now I want to see if some network actually falls for it.
Don't worry nigger-kun, nobody would bother to waste a nuke on your backwards, sub human tribe. This is a matter that concerns civilized beings.
checked and kekked
step 1: die
step 2: there is no step 2
Just please spare ONLY the upper-most rural pacific northwest of WA you crazy fucking russkies. We'll welcome you into our arms and help lead the resistance to destroy our government with the help of ya'll. We actually want this shit to happen so we can watch seattle burn with the rest of the commie coast and live off of our massive deer reserves from the endless olympics while rebuilding a true community.
t.gun toting farmer
If you're that close to ground zero, all electronics in your car will be fried. You're on foot, pal. Or maybe bicycle. Unless you're one of the paranoids who has vehicle from the 80's, or early 90's with removed OBD.
I saw that shit, lads. I was driving to the store and a bright flash went out. Family and friends saw it as well.
Whatever it was, it could NOT have been a meteor.
Why? That shit flashed TWICE. A single meteor is one quick flash and gone. That was one quick flash, and then 30 seconds later another. Don't know what they're up to, but its something.
Well that's it then. Carry on the good fight anons.
Despite the sillyness of this the tactic of Duck and Cover is NOT an attempt to make people less afraid of the inevitable. It was based on the fact that the people who survived the Japan bombings were hunched over, away from windows, taking refuge from the bomb as one would from regular weaponry.
At the time, the knowledge of nuclear fallout and the effects of longterm radiation exposure were unknown and the Civil Defense were more concerned with fires, flying debries, and other aspects of damage from Thermonuclear War. In fact, it was not until the 1960's that the longterm radiation exposure was begining to be addressed.
Even in the Kennedy years were they not concerned about Radioactive Fallout. Public fallout shelters were sometimes built on second or third floors of buildings with firm structure which was thought to be enough.
The duck and cover method will not prevent exposure of Radioactive Fallout but will prevent debries from injuring yourself as well as preventing wiplash and other things. This only works if you are far enough from the blast zone too.
There's some knowledge if you ever get involved when Cataclysim reaches us.
So… Did it end up being nothing?
I think I know why everybody only remembers flashes and nothing else.
If it's a nuclear sub and they have full reserves of food, they don't need to surface for a very long time, easily 6 months to a year.
As long as you aren't in the blast zone and limit your exposure to fallout, you'll be just fine.
This is best case scenario; problem is if Portland and Seattle get hit most of rural central Washington will burn.
Hope for one or the other.
We can only hope user.
See also: The War Game (1968). It's a made-for-tv BBC Mockumentary that takes place in England after nukes hit the island nation. Also good is watching old Civil Defense information. Survivalist Litrature goes into it as well.
What you need to realize though is that War isn't Hollywood. MAD is only a possibility. In a true War senario it is highly unlikely that a nation would launch a complete attack with their entire nuclear arsenal all at once, misslegap or no. The truth is that the first areas to be hit will most likely be areas of control rather than what movies would teach you: major population centers. Afterwards, retalliaiton would most likely be similar. It id idiotic to launch an entire nuclear arsenal in the first few minutes on a single agitator, ESPECIALLY when other allies may be preparing to launch strikes against you.
Above all else, the effects of Thermonuclear War is also heavily exagerated by the Hollywood Machine. The areas hit by nuclear warfare are, of course, going to be hit, but Radioactive Fallout will take long periods of time to travel in the winds. Fallout will especially be limited if only a few thermonuclear weapons are launched against the US.
Nukes are not a major concern and are mostly a Jewish fear tactic, but do have strong damage.
well shit. been nice guys I'm in the middle of this bullshit.
Don't think for one second that the US government wouldn't nuke one of its own cities just to initiate war. Look at 9/11 or the Reichstag.
Califag here, I would gladly die to know my land is being cleansed.
Take Trevor's Advice. Trevor Knows his shit.
Anybody notice the link?
The ending of the words is a meme.
Is it finally the Blue Kachina of Hopi prophecy?
God damnit
Yeah, it wound up being a slide thread
I'd call that lucky.
That's actually billions of years off from happening.
that's what I'd call those quads
You don't know much about history, do you?
Most underrated excellent post.
I can't handle it
Found the newfags
My god.
every month we have a thread about how North Korea is going to nuke japan or the US, every 3 months we have a thread about a Navy launch from sand dog. ITS FUCKING NOTHING.
Fucking kids these days. When I was actually in the Navy, a South Korean PT boat was sunk by the north. Not much happened. Years earlier the North shot a satalite out of space and our ship actually had to baby sit their coast for a while. I was on a DDG. Trust me, these are routine if its a launch from commiefornia or anything in NK.
yawn. in 3 weeks the norks are gonna make new threats and throw another tantrum.
Aww shucks sorry that apocalypse didnt happen man
But seriously I made this thread because Ive been monitoring twitter for keywords like 'bright flash' 'loud bang' 'ufo' 'meteor' etc on multiple tabs while checking the ISS feed for ICBM streaks so that I can give you guys a heads up if it goes down so at least a few woke ones will survive the apocalypse
Definitely happened. Friend gave me a ring and told me he saw it while driving. Thought it was Nibiru.
Wish I was outside at the time.
I hope you or your friend isn't that fucking retarded
nothing is gonna fucking happen
I've been so unafraid, to die alone…
Bright flashes and ball lightning can be signs of an imminent earthquake
We got a pretty big thunderstorm on the east coast over here.
Ball lightning doesn't really exist; what evidence there is to support it is fairly weak.
Generally the way you detect earthquakes are with seismographes for smaller quakes before the biggun.
I've seen it before while sitting on a mate's balcony at night time. My mate and I were sitting and watching a storm when suddenly a glowing ball about 50 metres in diametre appeared about 100 metres above a house in the distance. It wasn't as bright as normal lightning and in fact was about as bright as a huge bonfire. It hovered above the house for less than a second before shooting down and hitting the roof. As soon as it hit, the ball disappeared. We saw nothing more. Later the next day, we were watching the news and we saw a report about a house that had burned down from a lightning strike. The house mentioned was in the same location as the one we saw get hit. Apparently the house was engulfed in flames in about a minute.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed, user.
inb4 "this response was part of the joke"
This is from Thailand.
This is merely another of the secret tech weapons the (((powers))) keep hidden from the goyim, along with the orbital heat beams and the heart attack wave gun
In sixty years, no one will remember you even existed. Do you even know your great grandfather's name?
He's probably just larping
I know a great deal of my lineage.
Bloodlines are incredibly important. I get to go meet my mom in 3 weeks if the shit holds together long enough.
ok but how the fuck exactly then does the nuke not burn 100% through the first 10 seconds of film?
This one is kinda mind fucking, like reading dream. Some cuckchanner obv posted it some time back.
A killing bolt will shine in the night, but it will not kill
this was funnies
These christianmen, like animals they hardly know the names of their grand parents
Son of heathen earl, studying in Constantinople I think it was he at least said also this
Never have I seen men, like these (((christian))) men take to the sword, so fast over unjust causes
Follow this link:
Or just open embed and jump to 51m 47s
TL;DW: Lose all hope. A new life of despair and fight for survival will began and everything that was important to you before will disappear.
Duck and gover!
KEK. I'm ashes if we start a 3rd ww the first nuke that strikes here, basically hits me in my head. Run to shelter get boiled alive, I'd rather just watch it's glory the few sec I got and become dust
are bunch of people getting news from Holla Forums nowadays?
That is not a meteor
skyking 8992 active just now
Three branches will become one
An island will drift away
>a solution had not yet been found to stop the artificial island – on which the facilities sit – from drifting away.
A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
The star will gorge itself on clay
Idols will speak and move about
The black flag will fly above the dome
the belly of the dragon will drip water
two voices will call out in silence that all will hear
A rock will stand on seven hills
The ravens will sarve
the bear will leave its cave forever
the rod and the ring will strike
It's been fun knowing you all gentlemen.
No, not Grimmelshausen!
You stupid fucking nigger
nah the navy is looking for a sub off the west coast. Theyve been shooting off a bunch of missiles over the past 2 or 3 years near california that always get reported as "maybe it was an exploding meteor" then it eventually coems out that it was "the navy testing a weapon"
It was the navy using a missile detonated over the ocean to basically cause large ripples in the water and allow radar to better pick up submarines.
That's not how radar works. Furthermore, radar isn't used for sub hunting. Furthermore, a detonation in the air would be a moronically inefficient way to create a sound pulse in the water, they'd use a detonation in the water if anything.
sorry user but it seems youve been selected for harvesting. dont worry we will keep up the fight against the ai overlord.
well why else have they been doing this same thing on a twice a year basis?
They're probably shooting down missiles Either Korean missiles, or American ones for training. If they are indeed intercepting DPRK reentry vehicles, they'd keep it secret to avoid causing a panic and ass-raping the economy in the process. A failed missile that makes everybody flee the state would still be destructive, economically, to California. What you see is not a proper detonation, it's an in-atmosphere breakup. Either they are meteorites, or they are ballistic missile reentry vehicles being failing or being BTFO.
All those calicucks fleeing would be the death knell of america.
You may be right.. But If thats the case…. I was under the assumption that our antimissile tech did not have an efficacy that would explain multiple missiles a year getting shot down very easily. I mean the iron dome relies on spamming weapons fire at the incoming missile
Of all the times that I have to visit family in this hell hole it had to be as the happening happens.