they turned up the heat about him being a kiddie fiddler after he started referring to kikes in his songs. the raids happened soon after.
Did Holla Forums support MJ back in the day? I wasn't around back then.
they turned up the heat about him being a kiddie fiddler after he started referring to kikes in his songs. the raids happened soon after.
Did Holla Forums support MJ back in the day? I wasn't around back then.
Threads are cyclical I suppose.
old news is old
thread is now about all the cool kids who hated jews, and 'oy vey, shut it down'
4th one doesn't even make sense. They do that shit to themselves.
Fucking wiggers and 'muh dik'. Probably don't even know what a circumcised dick looks even if they are worse than our natural dicks.
Fuck Michael Jackson. More coal was burnt in the '80s to his music than we'd like to admit.
They want to keep doing it because muh tradition, so it's in their interest to keep it legal and socially acceptable. They also like to fuck over the goyim by forcing them into the cut fold. Foregen needs to hurry up and so does the second first holocaust.
Who knows what kind of sick she he was forced to do user. That being said, who the fuck cares. sage
MJ is still a gigantic cultural figure and his being very anti-kikes is a thing to exploit and spread to normalfags.
I remember being watched as a very little kid by a family that put on a michael jackson film thing. Bad or Thriller I think. We lived in a very white place and old-fashioned, so it creeped me the fuck out. One of their sons moved to the city later and was among a group of people raped and murdered by niggers.
I did not ask to have my dickskin chopped.
I literally don't know anyone who likes MJ who isn't a music nerd liberal cuck who honestly just appreciates his music for what it is and ignores who is.
Also, Michael Jackson was pretty Jewy himself.
I know a lot of people love their based niggers like Muhammad Ali and MJ, but hey really just were niggers who hates kikes. Doesn't make them friends of Holla Forums.
Good, fuck the beatles
Paul McCartney is a genuinely terrible person. I know you said he's a cuck faggot, but he's worse than a cuck faggot. That guy is a gigantic cunt to everyone he interacts with and I've heard a lot of shit about him having violent episodes with them as well - though I can't confirm that. The Beatles are garbage to begin with, it was a boy band before boy bands and that's basically it. Paul especially deserved to get fucked, though.
Hitler dubs confirm your foreskin will inevitably regrow through Aryan magic administered to you by the best SS occultists as part of a burger rehabilitation plan implemented under the global 4th Reich.
I agree. I don't like them either. But when someone produces something, even if it sucks, I believe he's entitled to make his own money on it.
He did exactly what Jews do. He basically swindled the Beatles in a very kikey way.
And in the long run, he actually ended up making all Beatles songs sacred, since no movie or any other piece of media could use original Beatles songs without paying out the ass.
So he fucked a white artist and made them even more timeless at the same time. Without MJ buying his songs, you wouldn't hear as much about the faggots if he didn't.
Plus, go fuck yourself for liking "Le based negro" meme.
why are you so bothered?
It's Paul McCartney shitposting, I'm certain of it.
Because there are no good niggers.
You sure that's what has you bothered?
Or is it TRS with their based nigger bullshit again?
Yes. Muhammad Ali is a nigger and Michael Jackson is a nigger. Stop with the bullshit "but dey hated kikes!" bullshit.
A nigger is a nigger is a nigger. No good niggers and no good kikes.
Thanks, but for the asians, africa mostly for the wildlife. We won't need the entire globe because we'll be sending out colonies. are we the SS occultists or do they come later?
It's Paul McCartney, I'm certain of it.
I need my foreskin back too. If we gotta occult, we gotta occult.
I prefer MJ over the real one even in a replacement conspiracy scenario.
Is there a Holla Forums-tier archive on the "Paul is dead" theory, or is that theory just full of shit?
Don't worry user he's going to rejuvenate the white race and bring about the new reich ironically not seeing that all his faggotry is exactly the kind of stupid shit Hitler is defamed for by kikes.
Full of shit, and even so, the "new" Paul was much better than the old one anyway.
This is a perfect psyop to get ADL to answer on michael jackson. If they condemn his music this will push more Americans to be anti-jew. What say you anons?
No trying to brag here but oldfags are like babies to me – I'm an ancientfag who was posting on 8ch back in the 80's (I left 4chan after the first exodus in 1945).
He hated being a nigger and tried to turn himself white so I guess he has that going for him. And Michael Jackson is kind of a white-sounding name, unlike La'Trayvarious Jones
Maybe MJ just hated Paul and that was his way of getting back at him.
Can confirm, I dont know about the violent outrages.
But as stage technician I worked at a concert of his.
And one thing we always look forward to is the lunch, for some reason they always had good lunch at that avenue, not that day tho, nope.
Cuck McCartney ordered that no meat should be served that day and had the food changed to vegetarian shit. And that completely fucked the mood for most people and work went much slower after lunch break
And thats the kinda person he is, just like Madonna and others he has a god complex and thinks he knows better than the rest of us do.
You know, I have to say that thanks to SJW and brainless parroting libs that identifying similarities in their antics and the typical schlomo tricks are much easier to pin point.
It does make sense, Jews fuck their own kids up mentally so that their own offspring will NOT have empathy.
Lurk moar, nigglet.
Jackson was killed by the kikes. This is amazing knowledge to give to the negro, who was brouht here and sold by the kikes to other kikes in the first place. Over half of slave owners in the USA were kies.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
Hate to break it to you, user, but you're wholeheartedly wrong there, on both Michael and Jackson.
The guy was a complete weirdo but his music and the production value or staging thereof was pretty revolutionary. I mean let's take video related as an example.
30 years old and few if any other clips have come close.
He was murdered by his dpctpr who FLED THE SCENE after jackson died. Jackson was not rumored to be a pedo until the kikes and msm were being outed as the NWO/ZOG by Jackson. Jackson further shows classic signs of being a victim of an MKRAPEsquad and probably managed to break some of he programminv with psychedelic drugs.
Jackson was the greatest force in the world for civilizing the negro. When he died, his music was replaced with Thug and gangsta rap. As a result, about half of the negros were turned to niggers again, and we have to put them down.
Go the fuck back to reddit or cuckchan, all niggers are subhuman and NONE of them are our allies.
The "feminization" of Jackson is a tell of him being mkultra'd as are the childish persuits, that or he was raped a lot as a teenager. The high voice is a submissive thing, and the childish reverting is often due to traumatized people reverting to personas from before the trauma occurred, in an attempt of their psyche trying to regain an idea of self from before their corruption.
All of the chimo rumors started AFTER jackson named the jew.
This is a weapon. We can use jackson propaganda to turn older negros against the kike, and the niggers will parot their elder's when they do.
Any info on the Big Nigger Handler walking besides jackson in the webm? He looks suspiciously like the geurilla who was handling Shillery Clinton.
And how is this of use, if true Holla Forumsacks support the deportation of all niggers? You think it is best to waste your energy, in a lost cause .. even if you manage to redpill a good amount of niggers, they'll still act like animals. There is simply no room for anyone but europeans in our lands, you'll never be able to coexist with savage animals because sooner or later, they'll turn on their host.
Violent niggers start to target kikes. Angry niggers start rambling about ZOG instead of deadguy from Nirvana. I get lulz, kikes get robbed, we all win.
Michael Jackson was Transracial.
Now, that's not very nice.
I actually have a lot of respect for Micheal Jackson and his talent, he had a rough fucking life, being enslaved by his own father sold to the Jews, but he still didn't resort to chimping out and playing the race card. He never had a childhood, and unlike the cases of Elijah Wood or Corey Feldman, there are no reports of actual sexual contact between him and children.
Of course media portrayed it that way, but Macauley Culkin insists to this day Jacko did nothing wrong, and by now you know that they've waged open war against him as soon as he stopped being useful to them.
I'm pretty sure he was murdered by his Jewish doctor, too.
You're getting ahead of yourself. Nigger support is important to oust the Jews.
They might be animals, but don't forget who the real baddies are.
I've come to pity the fuck out of Michael Jackson and he was right about the kikes, but he was still a nigger and your thread a shit.
This is a way to use a negro to name the kike. How do you not comprehend that? The best case scenario is that the kikes try to ruin jackson post-mortem.
No it isn't, that has nothing to do with anything OP is saying.
OP is a faggot, what's new? The opportunity to turn the savages against the frail kike is always amusing, and anyone could be of use, it's jackson.
I remember when he looked like this and he was much younger than I was.
1st picture
2nd picture
I was circumcised at birth by a Jewish 'Dr. Rhinehart' for 'health reasons' because my protestant Christian parents were told it would prevent against urinary infections (even though those are much more common in females). In the U. S., circumcision is still very common among non-Jews–it's a really terrible form of child abuse!
Agreed. Bumping for this great idea.
True, and (((Jerry Heller's))) influence on NWA (especially Ice Cube) should also be looked into.
I wonder if (((they))) killed Tupac or Biggie?