The Perpendicular Sign – Kekism And A New Fascism

The Perpendicular Sign – Kekism And A New Fascism

The Cross is almost universally the sign of Northern European nations. The principle of the cross is resolution of paradox, that is, perpendicularity. It is by no coincidence then that Hitler chose the Swastika as the symbol of the National Socialist principle. For the Swastika embodies even more clearly this central concept: unity and resolution through the application of perpendicularity. The four cardinal directions are both unified and diversified through right angles. Perpendicularity is the concept by which unity becomes dimensionality. It is the ideal of idealism and at once both the generative and unifying principle.

To expand on the concept of perpendicularity and national socialism: National Socialism is a political theory which espouses at its core the eternal pursuit of an ideal state as embodied in the welfare and destiny of a race. This eternal pursuit is both the unification and generative principle by which the race is furthered and the ideals of the race both developed and embodied. The dimensionality of the race includes its history, culture, language, scientific knowledge, institutions, land, and all folkish traditions. The dimensionality of the race is unified by application of the perpendicular concept, that is that they are brought into intersection with other intersecting dimensions at right angles. Yet these right angles are inward seeking. This can be mathematically described as the process of dimensionality reduction of vector space. Conceptually this is the process of abstracting diversified dimensions into generalized or spiritualized dimensions. Practically speaking these unifying dimensions are the memes, the symbols, and the mythology of the race. Although the Swastika implies only one application of perpendicularity in effect this application is continual and eternal as the race explores its own semantic space, seeking deeper and deeper levels of reality through the process of perpendicular abstraction and type formation.

It needs be emphasized that this principle is simultaneously unifying as it is diversifying. It is unifying in that each aspect of folkish life must be drawn from the unifying values and ideals of the race. It is diversifying by exactly the same concept. All aspects of folkish life continually develop and evolve into more perfect manifestations of the folkish soul. These results in outward perpendicular manifestation of new crafts, knowledge, discovery, exploits, and stories. The infinite inward and outward expression of perpendicularity is the principle of the Inner Sun.

Holla Forums finds itself at the cross-roads where-before it was chaotic and self conflict it became through trial and opposition united under one iconic personality, namely the God Emporer. However in arriving at victory Holla Forums teeters at the brink of disorientation. The outward manifestation of the inward meme is always imperfect and prone to manipulation. Fixation at this point spells death as it is equivalent to discarding the eternal pursuit of the ideal. Ideals and Memes must always been continued regardless of any outward activity or turbulence. What is required is perpendicular extension of the Holla Forums mythos. What is required is perpendicularity and it has already arrived as Kekism.

The materialist dismisses Kek as a childish folly. The wise know Kek as the herald of a new mythology. The fool believes Kek is a God. The shaman understands Kek is our Soul. The principle of perpendicularity dictates that Kekism is a tool to explore a unifying mythology. This is the great task of

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our generation, to complete the system of German Idealism. Kek is the principle by we complete the system of German Idealism.

German idealism failed because it attempted to bridge heaven and earth. It failed because it imagined heaven and earth are not bridged. In imagining that they are not bridged it created concepts of division. In creating concepts of division it created imperfect ideals. We have gone another route. In the midst of chaos we imagined impossible unity. In imagining unity we created unity out of division. In finding unity in division we found that heaven and earth are one.

Let me be more explicit. The synchronicities that accompany Kekism are real. They are a manifestation of the generating principle by which ideals become reality. This is because the universe is inward to outward experience just exactly in the same way as the universe is an outward to inward experience. National Socialism is not real only because it works. National Socialism works because it is real. It is real in the sense that is a microcosm of how the Universe works. The universe is a manifestation of higher unified ideals. The universe includes you and your consciousness. Your consciousness is a manifestation of perpendicular application of unified consciousness. The race is our unifying principle not because only the race is us but also because we are the race. This is true at the consciousness level. Kek is a thoughtform manifestation of our consciousness in exactly the same way that we are a consciousness projection of Kek. You can see this spiritually or you can see it materially. It doesn’t matter what lens you use so long as you are continually developing it in accordance with reality.

There is ample scientific proof that kekism is not a fluke of mere confirmation bias ( ). A huge amount empirical research confirms that consciousness can shift directly and without intervening mechanism change the mean outcome of random events. Although they never discovered an explanation for this effect they did discover several principles by which it operates. Their failure to develop a satisfactory theory meant that (((mainstream science))) has nearly entirely neglected this enormous body of data. However we have no such problem. We are free to apply empirical evidence without a need for explanation of the precise mechanism.
The principles of consciousness-reality interaction are Four:
1. Emotional proximity increases the effect
2. Time and space do not apply
3. Novelty increases the effect
4. The length of the causal chain does not apply
Let’s now apply these principles. 1st those who are emotionally united in their will can increase their influence on the outcome of random events. 2nd Time and space do not apply. Therefore, folk who are united through time and space into one unified will increase their ability to manifest the outcome of random events. 3rd discovery exploration and a childlike-shit-posting-spirit increases the effect. Less specific application of intent permits more surprising manifestations. 4th since the length of the causal chain doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter what the scope of the intent is. It can be to make America great Again or it could be to make Hillary Choke on her own vomit.

Quantum theory demonstrates that reality is the aggregate manifestation of probabilistic fields. It is not hard to see how the optimized and mass-scale application of principles 1-4 would permit direct intervention in the outcome of reality.

However, application of the first principle has more room for manifestation when the intent of the will does not conflict with the will of other minds through space and time. Therefore a unified will at the most abstract level will be the most effective in concrete manifestation because it has the most room to find un-opposed expression. Since time and space do not apply it can be deduced that a race in the infinite future which has achieved complete and total spiritual unification of their will can bend the shifts in probability to such an extent that they can manifest macroscopic reality at will. Their synchronistic protection to their kin can even extend retroactively back or forward in time. This is the basis for the hyperdimensional meme war. It is also the basis by which it can be said that God both exists and does not exist. Those who are closely unified with the ultimate will of reality can expect to enjoy the power and protection of being in line with reality, precisely because reality is a manifestation of the unified will of all beings throughout all time.

Let us return to the principle of Kek and how Kek demonstrates how to create a more perfect fascism. Fascism up until now has relied on a unification of a cult of personality. This has also been its downfall. Personality is flawed because it is discrete and in being discrete has great difficulty in reaching the full expression of the ideals required for it to be the lynchpin of a folkish will. It is also very vulnerable to exploitation by all the means well known to be enemies of the personality, ego, foreign memes, degenerate desires and the rest.

Kek is a racemind born out of memetic unification of mythology and symbolism and will. Kek is the iron dictator with no discrete personality, directly manifesting the pure will of the people. In light of the infinite potential of this reality manifesting principle it becomes clear that a true and pure fascism will above all guard the ability of the folk to manifest the race-mind and the memetic environment in which it dwells. In order to do this the fascism must be formed in line with the principles by which the chans of thrived: radical free speech, constant communication, a freedom of meme flow. In light of this a hierarchal structure centered around personality cult is the antithesis of the chan-principles which have permitted the rise of Kek.

The New Fascism which embodies the perpendicular and Kekish principle must be organized along decentralized consensus building mechanisms. Consensus is more fascistic than dictatorship. It is more pure than democracy. It requires nothing less than total agreement. Just such a system can be built on the blockchain using self organizing networks. The entire structure of this system merits its own discourse and development however a sketch of such a system might be as follows:
The system is built on 7 interlocking blockchains. Decisions flow from top to bottom or from bottom to top as they generate successive blockchain entries. This permits decisions to be made in a decentralized manner and in a easily scalable manner. It also permits the societal units to duplicate, evolve, and reproduce. This ensures that the system can continually seek a better manifestation of the highest ideals.
1. A registry of persons
2. A system of man-hour credit/debits
3. A registry of personal and transactional reputation
4. A registry of communal adjudicated disputes and agreements
5. A registry of system rules

6. A registry of gatherings, traditions, parties, and events
7. An image board for eternal shitposting
The New Fascism requires a new system. A system of the perpendicular sign. The center has never been the individual but the memes. The center is not one man but the folk themselves. The power of networked computing permits solutions never before tried or attempted—systems which nurture and preserve the folkish mythology and will and place that type formation and creation at the center of the decision making process. This is the New Fascim of the Perpendicular Sign.

Quality post.

I don't like this. "Registry" gets said far too many times.

God damn. I have nothing to add, but this is the quality shit I expect from this place.
Much the same as I have concluded.

Whatever new personified figures are made in the new pantheon I suspect one will be a solar child, and red will feature heavily. A bloody dawn born son

So basically a should read Carl Jung?

I like perpendicularly. The Bank of Canada and the RCMP sure don't though.

Nice uploads from Jung's Red Book or Liber Novus. Highly recommended read.

So is that the reason why vampires and other unholy bloodsuckers hate crosses and right angles?

I'd like the full book in english please.

Here you go friend.

http s://www . stillness

So the Red Book
he Kybalion

And other must read books for wizards?

Nope start there.

what flag is that ?


I've had a related idea about KEK; He is an entity from Future, hE's creating the Past, the specific timelime for his humankind.

Jung was a freemason. Not to be trusted.


So, care to explain why the Hopi use this symbol as well?

There's a theory that back in those times, the sky was quite different than it currently is, and that there's a lot more going on electrically in space than modern astronomers will admit or believe.
The short version is that a lot of these symbols found in every culture were due to specific formations of some planets, and the electrical/plasma discharges from them.

This thread stinks of jews and freemasons.

The Sun cross is ours. An hero kikele

than take a shower and then come back.

Quality thread. I see that I am not alone in contemplating the paradoxical nature of the relationship between image board culture and fascism/national socialism. The traditional fascist system, as OP states, revolves around a cult of personality. Yet more than anything we value anonymity and quality of content over ego. For the foreseeable future, our online efforts will remain anarchic and decentralized, as they should. However, outside of the internet, not much has changed. Hierarchy develops naturally. Whether or not we end up with a Great Leader, we inevitably end up with regional lieutenants that lead their communities toward a goal commonly shared with other communities that make up the folk. I expect that as time goes on we're going to see some serious synchronicity that's going to violently shake up the order of things both offline and online. Praise Kek.

Thanks for the quality post, but there were some parts I did not fully understand and I think worth expanding on.
Does the "God Emperor" jargon not count as a personality cult? For anyone not living in the states the Brexit event were just as important and pushing the term "God Emperor" after the election does feel like manipulation towards anyone not living there nor consider large parts of the US to be part of their folk. While I am glad for the outcome in the election I will not bow down for a foreign nation just because our values happens to align. Living in a smaller country makes it easy to see the larger, but I am getting convinced that the reverse does not always happen.
Perhaps it is just a poor (but recognizable) choice of words on your end as most shills are pushing the "God Emperor" meme as justification to remove Assad. I am just concerned that if we hunker down in our separate quarters there will be even more disorientation ahead which is unfortunate.

How will it work? Will it be the text of the rules of the society, encoded?

Not OP but I figured I'd explain cross symbolism the best I can. The cross represents physical reality. The cross has 4 end points and 1 where the two lines intersect. In Pythagorean numerology the number three represents unbridled spirit, 4 represents the spirit "nailed down" to physical reality (Jesus nailed to the cross), and 5 represents the completion of the fusion of physical and spiritual reality, giving the spirit a way to manifest and replicate itself physically and spiritually. This is why the pythagoreans sacred symbol was the pentagram and they considered 5 holy. The Hopi sign is showing reverence to the physical plane through a visual depiction of the number 4 (the 4 corners of the earth, north south east west, father son mother daughter). Familiarize yourself with sacred geometry, hermeticism, jungs collective unconscious, and a little bit of ceremonial magic if you want to understand better.

No.. it's North South East West.
It's morning midday evening night.
It's winter spring summer fall
It's birth adolescence adulthood death

It's sim to the swastika, and other such "wheels". It symbolizes the cycle of nature, simple as that.
Cross, the 4 seasons and 4 feast & blots*
Circle because nature goes always goes in circles, namely the year here
We still use it, I don't remember age here but I think some 3k BC

Midsummer, jól, diseblot/haloweener…… Though they don't need to be on the exact crossing, it is the solstices

Everything goes in cycles for us, the big one being the ice age. Shit dies and afterwards it revives again just like the spring brings life.
Einar here he explains it very well.
See she raises
for the second time
earth of sea
green again
water falls
eagle flies over,
which on the mountain
catches fish

That is when it's over and start a new.

Crosses, Hakenkreuz ,fascism
(Pic related)

Both are true, but I believe it's better to give it as little verbage as possible. It's like the black sun, a simple symbol that has too many explanations. It is what it is, adding mystic dogma eventually occludes its importance.

The cross is two lines in the most pleasing conjunction. It is applicable to a multitude of physical and spiritual concepts. When more lines are added it is more related to the sun, and when the ends are curved the sun is described as in motion.
That is the symbol. All else builds off the motif but is not inherent to it.

I might be off on this one, but doesn't it have 12 such broken lines in it?
12 moons in one year
If I'm not mistaken I've seen some with 8, I have no clue why, except for this, it it's east asia it is from. A baby is in a mother's womb for 8 months and not 9 there. Which btw is why 9 is a holy number here.

Didn't state the obvious the movement of the earth to the sun or how the sun moves, you got that part.
Fuck I'm shit beer thirsty hot as fug spring! She has come

I don't got img fucking spamming you here, but if you also look on formation you call the dipper.
look how it is positioned in the skies the 4 seasons, add it to one image
What do you get?

this, op is a faggot

That or Ayyryans

The path to becoming a magus seems to be about finding the right information to begin with. I want few things more than to find some truth in all this remote viewing stuff and break the 4th wall for myself - see that at least some of it must be true for myself.

ooh jew

fuck off gupta

checked but op makes some interesting points despite the fact that he is of course a faggot

quality post, reminds me of a project I outlined a while ago but never had the time to start:

Fascinating post OP, much appreciated. Anyone shitting on OP with lame one liners should be filtered and ignored.

Jung was almost as bad as Freud.

Mind explaining or do you like to leave pointless posts like a memetic litterbug?

all these (1)s lol

Esoteric = pure mental degeneracy every time — anti-reality, anti-nature, anti-fascism

You're consciousness is an illusion a replicated universe.

Not necessarily… That sounds like regurgitated ritual magic theory to me.
Esoteric new age speculation to the point of being edgy as fuck. We get it, Time is an invention. Space and moments always applies.
That's when dealing with pop culture meme theory not reality theory. Evolution has no novelty rule.
Then why do memes get old?

In other words, the "gods" of the future are reaching out to me. Prove it… More story telling, just like Christianity's lies = anti-nature, anti-reality, anti-Fascism.

No, kek is a trickster archetype and you're crazy.

Also, Jungian psychology isn't meant to be used to make gay internet cults.

It was a way to bring forth reasonable understanding from the unconscious into the conscious – what Jung called "the process of individualization", meaning to unify with all shadow and ID and super ego and anima and all the issues you have until you feel understood and balanced.

''(…)Thus when Freud spoke of ‘symbolism’, what he thus misnamed was in reality no more than a mere
product of the human imagination, varying from one individual to another and having nothing in common with authentic traditional symbolism. But that was only a first step: and it remained for other psychoanalysts to modify their master’s theories in the direction of a false spirituality, in order that by a much more subtle confusion they might apply them to the interpretation of traditional symbolism itself. This was especially the case with Carl Gustav Jung, whose first attempts in this field are already rather old. 2 It must be noted, for it is very significant, that for this interpretation Jung starts from a comparison he believes can be established between certain symbols and drawings done by the mentally ill: and in fact, these drawings sometimes do offer a sort of ‘parodic’ resemblance to genuine symbols, which is enough to raise our suspicions that their source of ‘inspiration’ is a very sinister one. ''

Read Guénon about symbolism.


No wonder kikes hate crosses and swastikas soo much. swastikas are downright censored, regardless of the context, but its okay to let kids watch satanic symbolism in TV!

man that guy is fucking crazy

Thule guy did nothing wrong.

Posting something someone might like

well he was wrong about fucking UFO's for one thing.

and about atlantis for another.


The kikes are beasts of the demiurge. The leftward spinning swastika is the antithesis to their degeneracy against nature.

Our ancestors traveled the world and made the greatest mistake of their existence, spreading technology to the shitskins thinking that they were worth saving. We must remember this mistake, and never repeat it.

I think the EU theory of our history is probably a lot more accurate than our "official" history.

They stick to the pure science, but I believe they are on right track, and probably that is why they are being ignored so much.

eu theory?

No, I do not like these schwarzpills.

There are good timelines yet.

electric universe

I honestly believe we live in an inverted world, and the past we came from is in fact the degenerate, savage future we are heading towards. Every last fragment of life degenerated into disease, at perpetual war with itself to survive. Here lies Shlohmo's paradise of Tikkun Olam. It is not the primordial soup at all, but hell itself.

oh ok

It's like these people don't realize Ernst Zundel (under psuedonym Christof Friedrich) wrote in 1974, long before being a Holocaust denier, about how the Nazi's survived in Antarctica and are planning a return.

The return is near.

I can confirm this. They are now on their way.


Speaking of the Lost battalion, anyone know where I can get a pdf of pic related?


I have been considering how we might manifest Kek consciousness outside of imageboards. For now, our obvious disadvantage is that needing an imageboard to catalyze Kek consciousness means it cannot be replicated off the internet, at least not without taking special steps. The key property of imageboards is poster anonymity, which means discussions must focus on what is being said rather than who is saying it. "Identities" do not persist longer than a single thread at most, with a new identity being formed for each thread.

What I fear occurring sooner than later is the internet being handicapped so that it could no longer fulfill this function. A "promised chan" (text-only blockchain? just an idea) could preserve that function but we should also consider alternate methods of evoking Kek. Such alternate methods must, so far as is possible for the given medium, satisfy the properties of "poster anonymity" in a way similar to that observed here on imageboards - but without being on an imageboard.

To that end, one might consider "spontaneous information cells." These might be thought of as the white version of the flash mob. This is only hypothetical for now and hasn't received input from other anons. These are the protocols which must be enforced with an absolute vengeance:

1) NEVER share your name
2) NEVER ask someone their name
3) NEVER divulge a person's name, if you happen to know it
4) NEVER advocate crime, either planned or hypothetical

Anyone breaking these protocols must be immediately forced to leave. Each rule is designed to make possible a simulation of poster anonymity - to a degree which is only a little less secure from government surveillance as posting here, although clearly it is far less secure in terms of information that private actors might seek. The purpose of these spontaneous information cells is for the sharing and coordination of information. Any and all discussion of crime must be prohibited - this keeps us free from worrying about the legal responsibilities that come with hearing someone talk about committing a violent crime, which you know the government would use against these gatherings. That it why it is absolutely incumbent that the meetings are free from any taint of crime or violence. This must remain the case even in the event of civil war - the value of these gatherings is that they establish a means for the free exchange of information without censoring or manipulation. In fact, because it requires showing up in person, the amount of shilling at these gatherings compared to here should be much less, although an undercover FBI agent can easily make problems by advocating for violence which is why it is so important that each rule is followed without exception.

What might seem the most obvious shortcoming to this is that it would seem guaranteed to get you put on a list. Which is true, but on the other hand I can only assume all of us here are already on many different lists. If you're smart, white, and you've even once expressed skepticism at the dominant narrative, you're probably on a list.

A bigger problem, in my mind, is that anons are unlikely to actually follow through on this, at least under present conditions. However, I think the idea is worth preserving. If suddenly imageboards or the whole internet were shut off, I am confident many anons would make use of these protocols. Further, if we find ourselves forced to make use of an IRL Kek summoning then probably there are many confused and curious normies that we could redpill in person.


Jungian psychology is but one building block when it comes to memeing interesting times for us to live in.

bumping cuz it makes shills sperg hard

The secret to Freud and Jung both is that they were dealing with a large proportion of mind control victims. I'm not sure if they knew or not, but their systems in both cases are heavily skewed towards representing and explaining the very peculiar psyches of mind control slaves.

In Jung's case, the reproduction of symbols and ritualistic behavior is a direct consequence of exposure to RSA, which heavily features both symbols and ritual. Also sure Jung was MCed, he had a weird childhood.

Kek, in 88 Dreams.

didnt read lol

Be wary, it's also a symbol of gentile cuckoldry aka Christianity.

The church in my neighborhood is donating to and housing refugees. I find this unacceptable… Flamingly unacceptable… I'm absolutely engulfed in rage.

vid related

Kantbot2000, is that you?


I skipped most of this post and saw the registry guy complaining, then I read this.
Anyone who falls for this doesnt deserve to post here. its fucking lefty/pol/ and hes proposed a lengthy communist-kek mashup religion.

Also, Im the guy who suggested making the National Socialist religion based off Himmlers discoveries and the Black Sun symbolism a few days ago, chances are this shill has been working on this elaborate subversion attempt ever since.

We must uncuck the 13 families

looks like a dude pissing like a dog

That's the absolute most basic meaning. You're not wrong but there's way more to it than that. That's like saying the swastika is a symbol of national socialism and nothing else. You aren't wrong but you're missing 90% of it. And that 90% is where the bulk of the meaning is.

Agreed. I try not to get too far into it when I'm explaining it to someone as it seems to become more and more confusing to people without a prior understanding. I guess the tl;dr would be the cross is a symbol of divine spirit existing on the physical plane.

Here's the obligatory screencap. Thanks for an interesting post OP.

Elaborate subversion attempt with communistic ideals. Being bumped by shills and meme lovers who dont understand ideology.

btw you know what is funny? I've been studying orthogonal vectors AS WE SPEAK.

I have been studying it since this thread was made [came here to postpone] for linear algebra class and to my surprise I have been studying for the remainder of this thread existence. the text about it coming the next monday. :3333333

thanks for all the meme magic Holla Forums

I don't know much about Jung, if he was less of a kike than Freud, but Freud was a super-kike;
money was part of the treatment (no money = you are never cured), he wanted psychanalists to be only jews (a way to suck the rich goyims money), gave cocaine to his friend who killed himself because addicted and etc, he was an incestuous father and family member like 90% of the jews or so by raping boys and girls, so no wonder he focused on sick jewish-inspired concepts like Oral and Anal stages, the Cannibal diner, Oedipus complex, concepts still used and promoted today (i found in a kindergarden a magazine talking about child sexual health and all the freudian vocabulary was still in it).
But yea, I don't doubt that Freud and Jung had a guru-like control over their patients at all, since everything proves it was the case.

Buy it from the 55 club.



Is the post still up? I'd be interested to read.

Breddy based guy right there.

you seem pretty jelly tbqh

Fuck off back to /x/ or /fringe/, dumb hippie nigger.


About a year or so ago the there was the Froschkönig who spoke if you know his prophecy from Grimm's tale and now the sun wheel is found, in time more symbols will come forth from the abyss. Perhaps next it will be the Eadwacer or Saxnot?

Only by the breaking of the blood that binds you might you be free of the past of your ancestors. The Jew knows this but how many who have something to lose do not?.

hollaforums. com/thread/9515639/politics/himmler-awareness-thread.html

My post was more of a request for the informed to fill the thread with the knowledge you would normally attain from reading several books,so that the community as a whole were to benefit. The real posts of value were further down, not the OP.

Oh, wait, that thread. Sorry, I misread. Anyways, no.. its gone, Im pretty sure the one where the religion was suggested was a very small low energy OP.

Good post OP.

Good stuff, that whole channel. Excellent post-Eisensteinian physics.

It's such a universal thing, the sphere (circle), often spinning, hence the swastika/spinning cross, obviously representing the the 4 seasons/elements as a wheel rotating around the axle of the present moment. Similar shit with the Slavic kolovrat (8 with cross quarters of 4) and the black sun itself (12/zodiac).

13 moons in a year.


Kek endorses the EU.

Funny how synchronicity does that, the real trick is when you can have faith enough to live, or even fly.



Honestly I feel like we've hit a current road block in our power and development and we won't get that much stronger until we get genuinely innovative improvements in imageboards/anonymous communities. Hell we're still operating on what's basically a Japanese site from 1999 whose code got copied by a Jew and then copied again by a cripple with only marginal improvements.

All we need is
1.A system to apply our hurtbox to the creation of complex projects like vidya, comic books, film, software, literature, ect.
2.Create a user subscription model to finally check moderator abuse and take away the enemy tactic of mod infiltration.
3.Decentralization of the site so it can't be taken down by (((them))) in any circumstance bar shutting down the whole internet.
4.Automatic langauge translation.

If we had an imageboard with those 4 improvements implemented well we would literally be unstoppable and Kek would dominate the entire Earth.


I've saved your 4 points for future reference, though I need more explanation on point 1, as it's a little vague. The only thing that will strengthen our control of media is the introduction of a better publishing system than the kike-owned publishing giants that have played gatekeeper for decades.

You bunch of tards, "parties" can be controlled and you can mix a decent point with a lot of garbage, this is how all political parties in the world works, the only real way to get something real is supporting a point, nothing more, no symbols, drawings or anything, are you against muslim rapists? just talk all the time that you want to deport them and destroy islam, do not talk about memes, antichristian crap or anything like that, just about a point, simple as that.

The Labarum is a much more appropriate symbol.

In hoc signo vinces.

Nine is a holy number here.

You didn't say anything of substance

What a faggot you are.

It'd archived here:

It's gonna be great user. We will awaken to the Vrill, and we will manifest the green rays of the black son. You will see, and when we do, the purge happens.

Sieg Heil.


Sounds good dude.

Paganism is almost dead and would be hard to kickstart (sorry asatru)

Christianity has rot at its heart. Jesus says love everyone equally and this life has no meaning, only the next. You can't get around that.

Ressurecting sun worship and the thule society sounds amazing

from (((wikipedia)))


Quality thread, nice to see i'm not the only user left in the midst of this sea of newfags and shills.

faggot confirmed.

Dead fucking wrong. Maybe it's high time you shills start getting fucking instantly permabanned for bullshit D&C like this.
I get a feeling you're the same type of people trying to turn Holla Forums against Trump.

Refute his point instead of being a butthurt faggot please.

You are close to it; what is happening is that what we call Progress is to actualy an attempt at recreating the primordial state we were in a long time ago, but that it can never succeed; it is still a degenerescence and nothing but an illusional trip to the past.

Any hookup scheme that wants to focus on anonymity will have to force anons to store part of the board on their computer for a time. Sort of turn an image board into a constantly evolving torrent, this is all possible to do but probably not in a standard browser.

I'm not an expert but html5 may allow for some parts of this. It'd be easy to convince anons to up their local cache in their browser and then they could use a site like that.



jesus is a kike

Odin is a faggot.
