Explosive Growth of Hateful Memes and Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Against Jared Kushner
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how many memes do you think the ADL contributed this time?
The ADL has called Trump anti-semitic only weeks ago and did Surveys asking how he made Jews scared. Greenblatt is an Obama staffer. Supporting Kushner, this is fucking clear evidence that Trump is compromised.
it's all been said before
Oy vey Steve Bannon is Hitler, Oy Vey Kushner is the man. If the ADL are supporting a Trump staffer when they just called him an anti-semite last weeks, then shit is fucked.
What are you even trying to say?
That their guy is now running the show, and Trump is still getting fucked by them, he needs to fuck this kike off and fast, patience is wearing thin.
oh christ I cant even
Nigger do you know how Trump operates, he delegates a lot and then lets people make the case, if he is favoring Kushner which all signs point to, then it's fucking over. We have Sessions and Bannonm in the whole fucking government, that's it. Trump is not a FP expert he had a simple principle guiding him which is why we voted for him. Take that out and there is no defence against kikes. That is the reality of the situation, he's not in control of policy, he's being lead.
Holy Shit!! this has degenerated fast into a true doomsday scenario with Kikes running the show.
Apparently you don't
Which signs? We all know you shills wish he was controlled by Kushner, but, unfortunately for you, most signs say Trump is pretty independent from everybody.
Oy vey.
The Bannon autism has to stop.
Also from the ADL:
No, he's the best guy we have in there. If he's gone we might as well have Hilldog.
That isn't saying much.
The fucking huge role he has been given in foreign policy, are you an idiot?
It doesn't say much if he's chucked out, about the Administration, it would be a neo-con one, bar Jeff Sessions.
This meme (and the several variations of it that are in circulation here) makes me extremely mad. I think it's very powerful. It shows in a single picture what is wrong with the world.
Earlier today there was an article saying that Kushner asked Breitbart to quit writing negative articles about him, Breitbart complied.
I bet 100 shekels that Kushner called up the ADL and said "ACTIVATE IT MOSHE".
No matter what, jews will always side with jews, but the speed of this kikey call to arms is very suspicious. I bet that whiny kike called the ADL kvetching that the big bad internet was picking on him.
You missed Michael Anton on the far right. He is the one that wrote archive.is
Makes me wonder how many of (((them))) are always monitoring the chans
We need to liquidate these kikes.
I couldn't find anything saying he's a jew.
the Grabber, everyones nightmare. Always scheming how to add more shekels to the pile.
Can't forget the Blabbler, always causing discord with it's nagging nasally gossip.
The anit-Kushner stuff trending was wonderful to see.
I read Trump was annoyed by the popularization of the President Bannon meme, so hopefully calling Kushner prez will get to Trump.
I'm starting to think Trump is an all-around dumbfuck and very easily influenced.
As a former Trump supporter I didn't think his first foreign policy blunder would cause me to abannon him
Do you have the one where he talks about Shlomo Shekelstein tweeting him sales flyers for ovens?
This kike has serious pull. He needs to be gassed.
This is not surprising. I figured Kushner would get tushy-troubled and activate all the people backing him. Now go after McMaster and see how (((they))) react. That said, this response proves without a shadow of a doubt that Kushner is compromised and at the center of (((their))) plans.
He's the figurehead of various opposing factions and operates under the veil of being married to Ivanka. He's the perfect double agent. He himself is probably stupid as rocks but he is married to Ivanka.
This is the most exploitable happening of our time.
Bannon literally reads Evola and Camp of the Saints.
He's also friends with NRx folks and even brought some into the white house.
Wilbur Ross needs the star. Excellent job, though.
Holla Forums I'm in your side and i don't want to make you feel bad and destroy this narrative, and i know about kikes, but in this case this is 100% manipulated by the same media of democrats party who pushed this and ADL is some fake bullshit who care for nothing since they know that all this bullshit was pushed by the same media owned by democrats party who the ADL trash tried to shill for Hillary Clinton like some fake bullshit organization of DNC.
All this kushner thing was made by the media owned by democrats party baiting and projecting this to see if people in Holla Forums and internet accept their bait
Any anons care to place their bets on who is next?
Holla Forums I'm aware of the kikes but you are looks like have great possibility of yourselves being manipulated by the media owned by democrats party who always tried this strategy since the begins.
he's totally controlled by the Hillary, Pence, Bannon, Putin, Kushner, McMaster, and all DC Neocons at the same time. It all makes sense if you just have enough imagination.
The only difference is that in this time Holla Forums wanted to believe and accept the bait of the DNC shilling for this.
I'm not saying that kushner is good or bad, I'm saying that is batlantly manipulation of DNC since they tried this with every person
Do you know that the DNC always wanted to put Trump like a loser in the power who is controled by other people. (Now i don't know if he was controled by neocons, but even before even if he is controled or not, the DNC will always sell any sort of narrative in hope to demoralize, divide, cause chaos and shit in trump because they will shill for the next candidate of DNC in 2020)
Wilbur Ross is a pure Scott.
Okay to be fair Anton is literally a Holla Forumsack. So we have Bannon, Miller, and Anton.
Fucking sad we have so few people.
Anton is literally a Nazi apologists and is most likely more /ourguy/ than Bannon or Miller(although both are great).
Thezog has him listed as a jew, but I'm having a harder time to find secure sources on the web. Thezog is generally right, though.
If we didn't support Trump, we'd turn on Ivanka. We are upset with her for fucking her dad up because her kike husband fucked up with Syria. However Kushner is a whole different league of bullshit faggot.
The fucking ADL is defending him, John Mccain and graham are fucking happy as weasels who got in the hen house. Breitbart is censoring it's staff. This is telling we found a rat.
looks more like taig side than anything, but the british jews are fucking hard to tell at times if they're mixed
Agreed. Kushner is important to them, the reaction proves it. I am reprioritizing my targets accordingly.
I don't have any good dirt on him at this point but tying him to his jailbird dad and whining about corporate capitalists and the 1% and all that business is the way to get the grassroots left activated against him. And pushing the line that the airstrikes killed a 4-year-old or whatever it was supposed to be. Kushner = baby-killing monster. Jews wouldn't take that tack all the damn time if it didn't work.
Fake news. This is the actual quote:
It's fucking nothing.
Here's an Israeli website defending him on it:
http:// mida.org.il/2017/02/21/media-fabricated-bannon-evola-connection/
And more kikes defending him against the charge of anti-semitism:
http:// www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2016/11/15/breitbarts-aaron-klein-steve-bannon-fighter-anti-semitism-defender-israel/
http:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/11/14/stephen-k-bannon-friend-jewish-people-defender-israel/
http:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/11/15/pamela-geller-as-a-jew-i-stand-with-steve-bannon/
http:// www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/220502
http:// thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/306035-letter-to-anti-defamation-leagues-jonathan
http:// www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2016/11/15/alan-dershowitz-steve-bannon-smears-not-legitimate-call-somebody-anti-semite-disagree-policies/
The crypto-jew William F. Buckley, Jr. called it a "great novel", and he definitely wasn't /ourguy/.
Great, even more semitic influence on him.
Does anyone have the image about (((kushner))) paying a fuck ton of money for a building with the address 666? I see plenty of articles through jewgle but there was a pretty sweet graphic made a while back. I was telling people at work about that and it had a YUGE impact on their opinion of him. People have a hard time swallowing major redpills right away but bring up anything satanic to them (especially niggers and beaners) and that opens the door really fucking wide really fucking fast.
of course
did t_D kick you out?
I can't keep up with all the reddit shit, and don't want to. Gratuitous parentheses and trump-words aimed at plebs still means someone isn't lurking
Holy fuck, ((((((((((you)))))))))) people aren't even trying.
Why is this being slid so quickly?
You have to ask? I wonder how soon this thread will be derailed. All Kushner threads thus far have been derailed.
It was a rhetorical question. I just wanted to draw attention to the fact that pro-Trump shills are indeed sliding it.
It's 4:25am EST. I have never seen Holla Forums this active ever, except maybe election night.
Jesus fucking christ. All im asking is if anyone has the image. The echoes are because he is a fucking kike and the YUGE is because i think its funny. You can't say a thing around here anymore without being either a shill or shareblue or some other shit. Its getting fucking old. And yes, of course normalfags respond to repeating digits which is why i want the image to spread it to normalfags. Its not that fucking hard to understand, is it?
He just lists anyone with a surname that goes both ways as a jew.
Scottish and English (of Norman origin) : habitational name for someone from Rots near Caen in Normandy, probably named with the Germanic element rod ‘clearing’. Compare Rhodes. This was the original home of a family de Ros, who were established in Kent in 1130.
Scottish and English : habitational name from any of various places called Ross or Roos(e), deriving the name from Welsh rhós ‘upland’ or moorland, or from a British ancestor of this word, which also had the sense ‘promontory’. This is the sense of the cognate Gaelic word ros. Known sources of the surname include Roos in Humberside (formerly in East Yorkshire) and the region of northern Scotland known as Ross. Other possible sources are Ross-on-Wye in Herefordshire, Ross in Northumbria (which is on a promontory), and Roose in Lancashire
English and German : from the Germanic personal name Rozzo, a short form of the various compound names with the first element hrōd ‘renown’, introduced into England by the Normans in the form Roce.
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) : metonymic occupational name for a breeder or keeper of horses, from Middle High German ros, German Ross ‘horse’; perhaps also a nickname for someone thought to resemble a horse or a habitational name for someone who lived at a house distinguished by the sign of a horse.
Jewish : Americanized form of Rose 3.
What's wrong user only 1 smug at a time?
No need to waste all my smug, user. I just want to keep this right at the top, where it belongs since shills keep trying to slide it.
I have the wikipedia article but I don't have that image (it was in my Trump folder which I deleted the other day). It is probably backed up somewhere. In any case,
Man, it must suck to know that you work so hard to get this to the bottom and all I have to do is make one post and all that work is for nothing.
Well, if you happen to find it, please put it up. I had the attention of about 6 guys at work talking about how creepy he is and the conversation went from them saying "yeah, jews have all the money" to "no wonder theyve been kicked out of all those countries." in like 10 minutes. It was great. One guy even said "all they do is cry about the holocaust, like theyre the only ones who ever died."
Jesus Christ Holla Forums quality has dropped through the floor.
Really? They exist sure but I don't see them sliding this. I do think Kushner got some shills to cover for him under the guise of being pro-Trump to further draw more anger towards Trump. His whole aim is to deflect blame from himself and somewhat, Ivanka. In any case, I may be derailing it myself so I'll leave it at that.
They're not really being paid. They're from the_donald. They made a thread about how they're going to try to coordinate here and push the pro-Trump rhetoric. They admitted it and I caught one samefagging and admitting to it in another thread.
I guess they're not shills, but they're doing it for free. They're trying to bury all dissent of Trump and any decision he's made. They want us to be aligned so that we still create their pro-Trump content and memes.
Get out
You couldn't resist showing yourself, huh?
reminder: Zionist shills hate beauty and they hate anime.
It really is the quickest way to find the nose. Every single fucking time. I've never seen it not work. You would think they would know by now but they dont and i hope they never change.
I love it. I don't know if it's kikes specifically in this instance. Pretty sure it's just reddit. But you are absolutely correct. Anyone who can't at least put up with anime isn't from here.
Both of these points need to be taken into account.
No one who gets pussy likes that shit. It's redundant you fucking derailing virgin faggots showed yourself.
You are shilling because you don't address the fucking issue, just post that shit.
Kushner is a kike who needs to be closely watched. The founding fathers knew about them well enough.
kek. That's a strange way to ask for anime tiddies.
This shows that Kushner is indeed a key player in influencing Trump and more needs to be done to expose everything about him.
Regardless on how anyone views Trump, there's likely more to Kushner than even Holla Forums realizes. This could be very big.
I don't care about the odd anime post. When it's just spamming the fucking thread like a 15 year old faggot you can GTFO back to halfchan.
Clearly I'm such a reddig shariafaggot shill because I don't post this shit? Maybe I'm just someone who actually gets pussy and gets sick of anime shitting threads up as an anti shill tactic when we're on to something?
What we do know in this case, is we struck a nerve. ADL supporking Kikeshner = very sore spot.
Whenever the jews are whinging through their side organisations, it's usually major as they try to not overuse them. Only once every few months do they pipe up to national media level.
Thanks for your hard work anons. Kushner the kike has to be exposed
You're a redditfag because you sperged out on a chan about anime.
I was bumping the thread with the anime tiddies, you fucking retard. This thread was being slid quickly and I posted anime to keep it at the top so it's visible, you fucking tard.
If you read the thread you'd know the smug posting and sweet 2d ass was to keep it from getting slid (which it was). This is an imageboard and anime has always and will always be here. You don't have to love it but bashing it very quickly paints you as an outsider. You can post all the 14/88 you want anywhere you want, but respect chan culture if you want to do it here.
have another, too.
MUH radical forum tactics
While on the subject, thread related:
There's some information already accumulating on Kushner there.
Most Republicans support perpetual war and Israel, fucking morons.
This board is not purely anti-Trump and there are plenty of anti-Trump shills as well. They tend to be the ones who derail threads, especially the ones about Kushner. They do anything to shield him, even at the expense of Trump.
Why didn't we listen? even the ny times is warning about this kike
The way he asks about Holla Forums like it's the most reprehensible boogeyman shithole of the internet fills me with hope, but the way he meets the responses about 4chan with a sort of familiarity fills me with dread for that place. Granted everyone who still decides to be there after 2014 is either a newfag or cancerous retard, it still pains me to see just how far it's fallen.
Obama is raised as commie though. He is the problem
Hating on anime is by far the easiest and most effective method of D&Cing here. I'd be surprised if they aren't doing it on purpose by now. A single "anime sucks" posts is like kicking a hornet's nest - swarms of neckbeards instantly flood out of the woodwork to the sound of autistic screeching and spam any given thread with their cartoon faggotry, effectively killing all ongoing discussion while patting each other on the back for "battling the jew" at the same time. If the shills haven't picked up on these useful idiots yet, they need to be fired and replaced with more perceptive ones immediately.
old, tired tactics that are pretty ineffective. Bumping threads with juicy info or memes is far more productive
either way is an obvious, known tactic
Obama is half jew on his mother's side
Yeppers, and what it helps to identify is not Jews but Jew-minded individuals. Weather they are born from (((The Tribe))) or simply molded by their (((teachers))) they all hate the wholesome nature of the animu girl.
So you are a Hillary man now? JEEZ!
Doesn't make me mad at all. I don't see the kind of slimy empty suits that Hillary would have brought in. I don't see a gaggle of middle-aged quasi-lesbians or a ton of mystery meat. Several really solid men in that picture, which has never happened in my lifetime.
BTW the world is full of GS alums. All kinds of smart people worked there at some point.
I want Bannon and Kushner to swap chairs.
This. They're grooming this asshole to be the centerpiece of ((American)) politics
"V" predicted all this.
pic-related : Trump & Kushner in uniform
It's redditors. They came here during the election because they were told we're a Trump board. Now they're shilling us because they think we're insufficiently loyal to Trump.
Stephen Miller looks fucking pissed in that pic
That's the spirit of Goebbels inside of him screaming out against what's happening, despite being trapped inside his fleshy Jewish prison.
All this tells me is that we named the culprit of this zionist scam
The fucking wording… they just announce exactly what they are doing and then add THIS IS WHAT THOSE EVIL NADSI PEOPLE BELIEVE, completely oblivious to the fact that it's fully transparent to everyone, even the mouthbreathers out there.
They do this every time! And each time they do a freudian slip or two, or accidentally mention something which was not even brought to light already, further exposing themselves.
How the hell did he rise up the jewish ranks so fast?
dude might even be higher then soros
Is this info real?
You can't even see his face. The Jew faggot loves it just as much as the other kikes in the room.
You need to stop believing in "good Jews." Stephen Miller is not /ourguy/. None of those kikes are and Trump is looking less and less so by the day.
Only if you believe it is. Just pretend Bannon is a fascist, Miller is the new Goebbels, and Spicer was really denying the Holohoax when he compared Assad to Hitler. LARPing makes everything better.
Psychopath. Notice how his smile doesn't reach his eyes.
God knows how many people he had killed.
The kike cries out in pain as he strikes you
Of course it's real, did you think that kosher Trump would drain the (((swamp)))? Come on, user, you're better than that.
That's 20% Jews, compare it to other presidents
HUGE cut.
You have an interesting method of calculating percentages, user.
I think we're being hit on both sides. We're being raided by redditors and shilled by shareblue at the same time. Hopefully reddit's adhd kicks in soon.
God. With ((friends)) like that who needs enemies
Ever wonder if he just married Ivanka to get at Trump's heart?
What vile kind of slime does such a thing?!
Source of photo?
That was from Richard Spencer's anti war protest. I'm feeling good about it. I think we can even win normie support if we keep doing them. He's inviting everyone who's against the war to come. Don't need to red pill everyone if they're following you cuz you're the only ones who won't start a war. It's genius.