that silly shit that happens on screen for one sec but makes everyone laugh or cringe
my folder from this year is bit empty
that silly shit that happens on screen for one sec but makes everyone laugh or cringe
my folder from this year is bit empty
The guy in the Bethesda stream who kept changing his shirt every time they went away from the camera was pretty funny.
Those six people playing that eagleflight game. They look like they were taking a drunk simulator from an outside perspective of them playing. So animated for such a poorly graphically made game.
is that from tumblr?
Did you even watch Ubisoft's presentation? That was enough cringe for a year.
I can't tell if that emote mask guy was adorable or painful.
Guess he also knew that Scalebound is shit.
Especially when he showed the GIANT ENEMY CRAB
little moments not the whole conference
Tons of games had giant enemy crabs for whatever reason.
I've missed most of the conferences. What did we see of Scalebound and why is it shit?
It would be cute if it wasn't a game about being a mass murdering terrorist.
he should have been main character instead
This was pretty good.
I suspect she did that on purpose.
got Matt parket gay jokes or what did he said that he triggered tumblrinas
this is some OC… and my favorite e3 moment from a previous year.
Basically it's the slowest Platinum game to date. They showed giant enemy crab and all it was was incredibly slow dodging and the main character going BIG GUY BIG GUY BIG GUY to his dragon, then he puts on the headphones and dubstep starts blasting loudly and apparently there was co-op but I didn't even notice because the combat looked like complete trash.
Main character stood around shooting arrows at a giant enemy crab while it popped up with "0 damage 0 damage", while he remarked he wasn't doing any damage. This went on for a couple minutes. The crab then shifts about the place while he slowly surfs his dragon launching fireballs that completely demolish it's health, while co op partners just fuck around in the background.
It was one of the worst showcases of gameplay I've seen. Who intentionally does the wrong thing for minutes knowing this is what they're going to be showing of?
this meme will never end
seems this is end of thread, sad
It's summer user, at best they were just being epik prankers.
Is this from e3?
Please tell me its not.
It's not an action game anymore. It's an RPG. I'm not sure if they're good at creating that kind of game.
they talked about the kanye west gay fish stuff and didn't wear the faggot ribbons
Yeah, it seemed like Platinum's answer to Dragon's Dogma, only nothing like what you'd expect Platinum's answer to Dragon's Dogma to be like.
yeah ive got some
why did they get teh most god ugly trannies to present?
I want to have sex with Aisha.
This guy.
That guy is my spirit animal. Thats how I sit everywhere. Meetings, funerals, weddings, orgy.
What a sexist pig. plz stop the manspreading
stop talking like a highschooler
Back to your literal hugbox, autist.
"[x] is my spirit animal" is a term used almost exclusively by dweebs and underaged from places like reddit and bumblr who have to related incredibly simple things to themselves. example some one posts a image or gif of a stupid cat and 8 retards chime in and say "MY SPIRIT ANIMAL" because they are stupid, but not actually as stupid as that cat
this post is extremely bitter, but not wrong
We need a webm of that
Is this some new tumblr thing im not aware of
its not new. my normalfag associates send me stuff from bumblr and imgur and the like all the time and i can tell you they've been making that same spirit animal joke for like 2 fucking years
Having not been to reddit or perving around highschools, I'll have to take your word for it.
Now, since we are giving unsolicited opinion, let me explain something to you. Caring about such simple things and bothering to reply is why you are an unlikable twat who spends so much time online that they think themselves the arbiter of internet cool. You've provided nothing of value in this thread, just as in all aspects of your life, so please do the world and yourself a favor and finally hang yourself.
wew lad
Heres your reply
hard pressed to believe you aren't underaged now
You would be the expert.
goddamn hit a nerve did we?
Why did they turn Ryder into a busta?
this made it off the cutting room floor and some one said 'yeah this looks like a bunch of likable related characters"
or maybe i'm just getting old and this is actually what people want to see?
Fuck it. I'm having fun at this point. Lets dig for shitposting bedrock. What else you got?
Yes, that was the joke.
that's great user
I have nothing more to teach you. You have finally grown thick skin.
Truly you are a wise teacher. "wew lad" and your smug robot have shown me the light. You are truly a credit to the board and your fellow man.
i remember that
What fucking year is it?
Not without you, rage comic fuccboi. Let me suck that dick of yours.
what the hell is going on in this thread
Summerfags from cuckchan and reddit.
I mean, it IS E3, this shit happens every fucking time. Doesn't make it any less shitty.
Nice meme. Where did you get it?
Know your meme, they always have the dankest.
Thats good for a start, but I need only your rarest dank memes. Where do they keep the good shit?
this is top secret so keep it to yourself
Is that legal? I'm on meme probation.
as long as you put up at least 7 proxies they can't get you
What if they back trace me?
the consequences will never be the same
Excuse me, I'm having a conversation here, faggot.
alright, I might get on the FBI's list if I tell you this, but make sure to clear your browser's cache!
What in the fuck is this for?
Why did they even have it, its so out of place it makes that fucking rap number from last year seem normal.
I already use incognito mode. I hope thats enough.
How's this meme? I feel its pretty dank.
I'd fuck the chick in blue, i'd fuck her right on stage.
…they're both in blue
you're a quick learner
now go out into the meme world and meme 'em all
Thank you, sir.
OK the one with the black lace arm thingys.
you sound autistic as fuck
Ay dawg, I da me-mes right here. Dankest on the block!
I think it's for JUST dance.