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Why you gotta be like that, Sweden?
It's anythings fault but the mussies, isn't it.
Somebody please check if this is a joke or not.
Does Sweden have an Onion analogue?
Huh, we're this far down the slippery slope, huh? I know people virtue-signal, but how does the majority ever form a consensus of "Yes, it's those nasty trucks, lets ban those". Unless, it's just the government and the people just accept it apathetically (however, considering how pro-refugee/indocrinated they are, I'm unsure, it may be their "own" desire.)
It's not a joke. Aftonbladet is the biggest tabloid paper in Sweden.
The memes jack
Remember when "let's ban cars because they kill people too" reductio ad absurdum arguments were made against gun grabbers?
I think it just gave them ideas.
Like said, it's Aftonbladet, the somewhat more respectable type of Daily Mail. They have good journalism sometimes (a lot of corruption schemes solved and uncovered) but mostly just feminismpozzed on the internet version. The paper version is Daily Mail type for the most part.
we keep forgetting that we must meme responsibly. kek's power is uncontrollable.
And this is why you meme responsibly.
Sounds like Google is going to nationally field test their self-driving car technology there. Wouldn't be surprised such an announcement emerges in the near future. Sweden is like the globalist test chamber for such things.
After all this, when people are murdered by being tied to train tracks, will they ban rope as well?
Can't we just meme about nuking stockholm already ?
Assault rope and assault trains will be banned.
Picture in OP almost works for Maryland :^(
I remember one fag on tv in France was trying to justify why the afro arabs burn so many cars annually, its justification for them doing this was that the Afro Arabs live outside the cities and need to rely on public transport, can't afford cars, so naturally they're jealous, so they burn cars. They burned 1,000 cars on New Years in France, and of course le pepe le pews covered it up, a major increase from 650 cars burned the year before. No go zones in Sweden and France, cars torched, but lets justify this somehow boys and girls.
www.telegraph.co uk/news/2017/01/02/almost-1000-cars-torched-around-france-new-years-eve-government/
www.breitbart com/london/2017/02/21/sweden-cars-torched-looting-riots/
all things considered though, cars are a danger to sosciety
give us buses and remove card - life would be cheaper for the users, and there'd be a lot less car crashes
Aftonbladet is a part of the jewish operated mass media companies in Sweden.
Most of the time Aftonbladet reads like a bad leftist joke. If a foreigner was to read Aftonbladet, you'd just shake your head and laugh, but blue-pilled Swedes take the publification seriously.
Aftonbladet often slanders and spreads baseless fake rumors about Sweden Democrats (in Sweden) and The Basic Finn's Party(in Finland). There's no doubt that they've slandered and lied about most anti-immigrant factions and parties all around the Europe.
Also, relating to the unrest and riots in Sweden, they NEVER write about it, that's why the problems in the Swedish muslim ghettos are unknown to most Swedes who live in decent areas. It also goes without saying that you'll NEVER find an article in Aftonbladet criticizing Islam.
You know god damn well that (((they))) are not fixing any problems.
They're only going to allow taxis and delivery trucks to drive (presumably) early in the morning and late at night, when no one really needs to use them? That makes so little sense, that I don't have a proper reaction picture for it.
Ofc it doesn't make sense.
Trying to revoke the right of free movment, and allowing it under strict observation is the kikes wet dream.
For once, American urban design has the upper hand. It's hard to run people over on a sidewalk when there's cars parked by the curb.
Where the pics of mussies in sweden news videos reporting live close to scene cheering and all happy on cam. They really do want all Swedes dead man. It's disgusting and disturbing.
There's an opportunity to learn something here. If (((Swedes))) start pushing for a city-wide or a country-wide ban on transport trucks or other automobiles, then other left-leaning government goons in other countries might take note of it and start doing the same thing. The key is to learn from the mistakes of the Swede and not to repeat those mistakes in other Nations.
I don't have that.
But I do have a sand nigger holding up a sign at the memorial for the terror victims. Sign says "Open Your Borders" or someshit like that. Any swedecucks have a proper translation?
Decommission trains.
Too many lives lost to being pushed in front of them.
Sweden to be the leader in safe countries free of dangerous trains.
Strap the arms of every adult around their body so that they cant use these weapons of mass destruction to choke somebody.This also fixes the problem with the raping.
Fucking hell.
Trains are white and redpilled.
I collected the pics of the Muslim inbreds all happy during the attacks. Look at their happy faces, like they won something and little by little, they'll win it all.
Phew for a second i thought i had to worry about being 55% but then i read this story about sweden and now i dont feel bad at all haha my country isnt as bad as sweden right!? F-freedddom!!!
Why call it Sweden instead of New Somali?
You really have to wonder how much cognitive dissonance a people must have because they are unwilling to see the truth.
Oh you have no idea
Got more of these?
If the power is unpredictable then it doesnt matter how responsible we are with it.
Thus, lets take it further to see what will happen. Seeing this thread made me smile and laugh, not cry, because of how absurd it was. And we were right. Lets double down on the craziness and smug
Bitch please nobody cares about your frozen shittown, it barely even made the news over here
What is with swedecucks not realizing how fucking irrelevant they are?
maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but it's not hard to find muslims celebrating every time westerners get killed
The Swede brain can't comprehend for the most part that these people want to kill them off and take everything from them slowly.
I wish, ripped them off from a post on Voat for you guys, saw it yesterday and burned into my brain that these people are truly human filth.
voat co/v/European/1781856
I fear it's only a matter of time till they gain more power and force Swedes to convert or sneak a head tax on the native swedes that directly pays the muslim minority, where they will take it as paying tribute to Islam and really take over the country within a decade or two.
Islam is going to bring Sweden back to the horse and carriage age if this keeps up.
Oh yes.
I like this.
If we keep pushin then they'll eventually break
When they break they will turn to us
When I talked that you must ban cars, I pointed out your idiocy and hypocrisy of banning guns. I wanted you to use logic and unban guns, not ban cars you fucking marxist cultist.
Not anymore.
Is my theory to far fetched to say that these attacks were organised in order to raise awareness of assault cars and that they have to have access from a 3rd party like Police.
And this is all done to prepare us for hyper police state world government?
No goy, it's pure coincidence
Here's the problem: Sweden (or the mindset instilled in the majority of the population) will do anything to keep the terrible idea of multicultural existence alive. They will shed, bleed, and lose at no cost. They have lost priority for housing, access to weapons, priority for welfare, shelter, you name it. Every day lost not understanding the problem, is another 10 Muslims working against Sweden, and another 4 Swedes dead.
Actual Swedes will be far too few, and should they express they have woken up, the Muslims will pull pack their curtain, and will genocide openly.
No, user. They will ban trains.
Sweden deserves this. They've proven themselves to weak to survive.
Never heard of her but i'm not suprised Sweden's communist paper says this in one of their columns.
On the other side of the fence, Sweden's largest forum Flashback is calling for the responsible-ones heads. With the official thread of the terrorist-attack having over 10 million views and a majority of the politically involved users on the site is anti-immigration.
No it's those fucking delusional Stockholm-people, the last remnants of PC-people in the fucking country aswell.
I hope they all die, because they are the ones behind all of this, claiming everyone else are stupid and wrong for saying this is moronic, that we don't fucking want shitskins in our country.
Well the population of Stockholm and it's metropolitan area accounts for like 1/4 of Sweden's population, so you can't just write that off as muh citified degeneracy, and claim that some pure Aryan swedish countryside exists, because it clearly doesn't.
This is the problem I've thought of too, and frankly it doesn't seem that native Swedes have any fate other than mongrelization or outright genocide. If a population is really this willing to allow itself to be killed, then there's nothing for it, like the pandas that simply won't fuck to save themselves.
Like it or not, the global population of whites and Europeans is going to drop MASSIVELY this century. It's up to those of us to remain to fashion new internal cultures of survival and fertility to keep our bloodlines going, new forms of nationalism. Saving entire nation states is beyond our capability, unless you're talking about rare cases like Poland or Hungary.
She's got those crazy fucking eyes.
The swedes are beyond saving.
Let them die. Their deaths shall usher in the day of the rope.
Their suffering will reveal the problems once and for all
Don't forget that the CIA can get remote access to said car to make your death look like an accident.
You thing that someone talking shit like that would not be deeply mentally deranged?
Holy fuck I never thought I'd see the day… No citizen should have the right to own such high capacity, fully automatic death machines.
Assault Memes are the most dangerous webm.
Begaus bysigal wombs heal XDDDDDDD!
Look, maybe all they need is more restrictions. Nobody needs a 12 gallon gas tank. Only military vehicles and vehicles of war need anything more than 2 gallons.
And bumpers. Only someone running over people needs a bumper.
From now on, cars will be manufactured with only a 2 gallon gas capacity and no bumpers.
how will we have the DAY OF THE ROPE if they ban rope you nigger faggot lover
but we need assault cars to defend ourselves.
You're saying like banning assault cars is a bad thing. These fken things are part of what keeps normies from redpilling themselves and to word it the way some of you would, breaking their conditioning. The fact that they're willing to put up with in the back of their mind knowing that we're right and not acting on it, is in part due to them at least having that.
Take it away from them, I dare you.
Is this real life?
During the Nice attacks I think I heard of automated roadblocks being planned in European cities. I suppose banning cars altogether is even easier.
Swede here.
It's a Krönika, IE a debate article.
I'll be on my way to pick up my wifes son now.
That's the spirit!
t. a fucking leaf (your ideological cousins)
I'll never forget that moment of that year's E3. One of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen. Sage for off-topic.
My fucking sides. The whole thing, with the soft music and the soft feminine voice… and thinking about "from the designers of the award winning cuck shed"
This is why I still stick around.
There were people who tought that Global Communism Agenda 2030 was tinfoil
Hol up wasn't there a shitposter from the year 2000 who claimed that he was from the future, and his timeline became a nightmare distopia like that in that year?
Literall cuck mobile
In Finland we call this the parody horizon and we're way past it by this point.
Is this a joke? This is so fucking absurd i almost can't believe it.
On the other hand it's Sweden we're talking about.
Who needs more rope?
Meme responsibly please.
It will end with every human bean being an actual human bean growing inside a 2m*2m*2m padded cell, fed with goylent and entertained with a VR headset.
I don't even know what to say. I'm so angry that I can barely see straight.
I tried to translate more but I'm too damn angry to focus. HERP DERP it's anti-freedom to be able to drive anywhere you please!!
The matrix is really the end goal of progressives.
Accelerate it and ban all four wheeled vehicles from Sweden.
This is not even fucking funny anymore
Don't forget to ban assault fists when that's all they have left and still manage to kill the same amount of people.
Shit, didn't crop correctly.
Wow, how problematic and gross. Sweden still has a long way to go until it's fully decolonized by cis white males.
Swedes are too innocent for this world.
I can't even laugh about these anymore. Parody these days seems to be like predicting the future. I'm thinking about the shit-eating on norwegian television and all that.
Damn it Sweden, just when you were about to finally wake up….
e-excuse me?
S-surely you mean a documentary about some Indian cult, right?
sorry mr dub dubs
This is how they are going to justify mandatory google AI driven cars. Screencap this post! You've heard it here first.
So you missed that, eh?
Transhumanism is end goal of jewry
Titcows go to southern germany first, so nothing of value is lost. Svens are proficiant at speaking english but there is not really anything of value besides that.
More like a stable for them, because they are dead.
What the fuck?
Nevermind, I'm late.
But to speak in memetic ways: The swede should be reduced to a dickless impotant servant robot that is really good at imitating the english language and the current zeitgeist, they are really proud about their education but besides that they are more like a paper flyer you throw into the garbage and not even the trashman will pay any attention to them other then the garbage can is filled with their genetic trash. Like paper flyers that have a nicer scripture on their wings but besides from that they belong in the trash can.
No Poverty?
Really? That's their number 1 goal? The first god damn thing they put on the list?
No poverty?
In what insane fucking world, can you have no poverty, we've got god damn near 6000 years of recorded human history, with THOUSANDS of different civilizations, hundreds of thousands different styles of government, millions of different leaders. A large portion of which put "reducing poverty" pretty fucking high up on their list of shit to do.
Guess the fuck what? It's never happened, it WILL never happen, it almost certainly literally cannot happen.
Are they really going to strip the privacy, the wealth, the right of self determination of people in pursuit of a fucking pipe dream??
Fucking hell man, liberals and (((globalists))) need to go.
It's code world for redistribution of wealth.
The problem with leftist shitcans is that they want to reduce everything to equality and they are not focusing on the main part of the equation, it has always been the same problem, the "do gooders" are the same fucking monkeys as they have always been. Just like the "crime prevention" facilities you see today, it is always going for the little details to speak in a broaders sense because once you have the option to control why not control it all, what bad could ever come out of this. It is like a an iq125 retard speaks of shit he cannot really comprehent because they are specialized idiots that are going to bot whatever shit is trending.
There should be a new word:
botting: a task required to fullfill a certain task you are asked to to with high efficiancy.
I get that, but if a government is gonna take my money, I'd rather it be for something actually possible, like roads or schools. If they're taking my money for something that's totally impossible or inherently ineffective that's where I start to take fucking exception.
I don't fucking wake up at 5:30 for Karl Marx impersonators to waste my god damn money on a "socialist experiment"
This. They have zero plan for eliminating poverty, other than taking money out of the public treasury and giving it to poor people.
Michael Moore put it best: "When they want to have a war they always have the money. When we want welfare spending we know damn well they have the money."
Translation: "When the neocohens want to rob the taxpayer they get to. We should get to rob them too!"
And they did spectacularly for 8 years under Obama.
If dubs, Mosques in Sweden will be forced to accept gay marriage and allow women Imams.
user… If you make everyone impoverished, then nobody is impoverished. :^)
That doesnt really justify some people sucking all the worlds wealth does it?
There is an article in the bavarian constitution that noone should become that rich because with wealth also comes power.
I also find it really interesting that the poli and journoducks are asking user to be more responsible when in essence responsibility comes from wealth. But if i read their clockwerks i assume that shitheads want someone to fuck shit up.
If you ask me, the boobanimals are just celebrating the "refugees" and islamic warriors because deep inside them they crave exactly that. Deep inside they hope that male competition will restore something they craved all along.
We need to stop shitposting irresponsibly. That or we need to increase the meme output by 100%
Things will always get worse before they get better.
Target the boobanimals, there is a german band called "die ärzte" with an anti nazi song "deine springerstiefel sehen sich nach zärtlichkeit".
Means "your jackboots are longing for tenderness", lets meme this
"my gender equality is longing for male superiority."
oh shit? user, do you have a link to that style sheet?
Sage for off topic
This was predictable, and lampooned by gun owners for decades.
fuck Sweden gone past point of caring hope they're all raped to death, tired angry and drunk fuck them they're beyond hurt and beyond help. Hope every cunt in Middle East and this shit hole burn to death
Forgot to quote, damn drunkposting.
meant to quote
Sweden is a lost cause and deserves everything it gets at this point. There I said it
You should imagine user as a smoke creature with a knowing grin that waves a huge smoke dick in a horizontal eight and you take a deep breath nigger.
Watch it unfold.
(failed Hitler dubs)
Wow, isn't your opinion radical!
Sweden is like a meme country where the most politically correct memes we post become reality
I'll love it when Sweden really has the race war and becomes NatSoc instead. No middle ground left for them.
The boobanimals should be saved, good stock, and i want to fuck them, like platos cave metaphor when they see a real man instead of the domisticated svens.
I see you swallowed muh road pill.
There is translation for you guys: natur alnews.com/051058_2030_Agenda_United_Nations_global_enslavement.html
Mandatory cuck porn when?
Do you know what i dream of, i dream that sweden has an intelligence agency that is active on this board and i can all rape them by myself, like an achievement unlocked, Just to show them what a pathetic nation they are and it will reflect on their intelligence sector.
Watching all the race mixing couples does the work already.
this comes from the country that regulated snowplowing to be less misogynistic in stockholm and to plow schools and daycares first for women, only to realize that no one could fucking get to work.
They are using it as a certain vehicle without knowing about the secondary effects.
They are like reddit, not very smart as trump would say.
But seriously women aren't very smart.
Adding more females to your government makes it less intelligent.
Na they want to be liberated because they do not have the constitution, they love the immigrant dick in an abstract kind of way because sven is a femistation like some kind of cancer just with lovely colours.
The best thing about this is if you take away svens perceived intellectual superiority because sven is just an idiot functioning on a more proficiant plant, sven will realize that on a cerebal level he is inferiort to niggers and on a prefrontal cotex level he is superior to people like me. Which means sven is checkmate.
Oh wait, getting into svens head made some freudian spelling mistakes. I apologize on behalf of sven.
That's actually a cool idea, too bad Sweden is currently too fucked to have neat stuff like this.
I will say there are some good ideas to this thing.
I mean I'm impressed he thought to have it so you're at the same height as a car driver.
But my god, the fella has never even heard of testosterone
But what i really find elevation is the mind of the swedish intelligence, since it is l a cancer ridden
confidence, always stuck in between russian and american aggression. Which is also detrimental since their idiots are pumping in very vital young men that really hate their culture, so they have to take care of this shit on the inside and on the outside, but it is like aids they have no immune system and the immune system is autoaggressive. IT is the perfect virus. Faggot ass nation, literally.
(those digits)
The meme magic is getting out of control. This is like a parody of the reality I once knew.
Or in other words, only Hajis will be the ones in cars by the time this is done with.
De niro is one of so many kikes that I only realised were kikes once they got older and started looking ultra kikey
A glimpse into the upcoming Bumper Car Crusades of 2020
Bonus points for having a nigger kid, too.
Burn in hell for that OP pic.
you faggots are so full of yourselves
this is a natural response and what the (((people))) who are sending the mussies to use trucks wanted all along
you didn't meme shit, this site is so fucked you're all goddamn retarded
Nope, aftonbladet is the paper Brevik used in his example of why peaceful action was not an option. The editor said he thought it was good that a right wing party's leader was hit in the face with a brick, and others beaten with pipes etc by blitz, a Norwegian Antifa group. They are one of the largest, if not the largest paper in Norway.
Oh, sorry, thats "Dagbladet". I guess you understand the confusion from an Anglo.
What else has the political power instigated and applauded that is likely to precipitate violent resistance?
The Fatherland Party [FLP, Fedrelandspartiet, a nationalist party in Norway between 1990 and 2008] received about 0.5 percent of the vote in 1993, the first time they ran in Parliamentary elections.
[FLP leader] Bjarne Dahl in 1993 tried to legitimize political opposition to immigration. At a market square meeting in Oslo, he had his face smashed with an iron pipe, his jaw broken, and his teeth knocked out in attacks by some Blitz members [antifas belonging to the state-funded group mentioned previously].
Party leader and professor Harald Trefall [1925–2008, experimental physicist, anti-immigration activist, and Fatherland Party founder] was also hit in the face by something that was thrown. The party chairman was bleeding from a wound in the face.
Also, others were beaten and kicked.
When a horrified spectator tipped off Dagbladet [one of the country’s largest newspapers] about these violent attacks, he received the following response from Dagbladet: “Isn’t that good, then?”
This was their attitude. The same attitude shared by most of the press. The mass media made no mention of the violent and dangerous attacks againt the Fatherland Party.
No Freedom of Association
On June 28, 2002, the parliamentary parties committed democratic suicide. They passed a new law saying that all parties that hadn’t received at least 5,000 votes in the last election were stricken [from the ballot].
They must collect 5,000 signatures under stringent restrictions. This means that there are very few small parties. It is almost impossible to start a new party in Norway today. In Sweden, the requirement is 1,500 signatures
Truth hurts user
Why do you have that pic. on your computer, user.? Delete it immediately.
Wasn't car control a /k/ meme?
Europeans (whites) need to get with the program and overthrow their cuck governments.
as always, find the jew
/n/igger here. That shit looks comfy as fuck. Too bad it's made by a cuck.
Ending poverty is only possible in a post-scarcity society.
Please stop sticking around anytime.
How is 1, 2, 8 and 9 compatible with 7 and 11-15?
How stupid is it possible to be!?
Hello, kike. :^)
Leftism is toootally not a mental illness, giiiiirrrll.
Nice slide post.
Improved design minus the masculinity
Sweden in a nutshell
Sweden needs the help of Fred Flintstone. He would know how to deal with this shit.
That's be one retard writing what is essentiellt a blog in a tabloid. Not sweden.
Why are americans so retarded?
lol'd at the filename
Sweden IS an Onion analogue.
I never thought such an amazing occurrence could come from a dog having his guts torn from his body into the bloody rape streets of sweden/.
In the dark times of homogeneity, cars were tools used for peaceful purposes. Now, in our diverse society, cars have become deadly weapons. What happened that made cars turn evil? Are cars racist, they can't have a diverse individual driving them that they start having murderous thoughts?
almost anything can be dangerous you dumb cuck. you can't just ban everything in life. i hate retards like you.
save a cuck, bin that truck!
If this results in normal trucks getting outlawed and only little bitty azn/utility trux used for deliveries with speed limiters I think I'd just about die of laughter. (score another victory for mohammed!)
pls let my life end this way!
pls let Sweden's roads looked just as cucked as the rest of the nation!
can't say I'm surprised, theres no light there…it's literally looking into a walking corpse. fucking creepy.
So just went and read this comic.
That is not an edit.
And jesus titty fucking christ it is shockingly good.
Far better than a comic about the Flintstones has any right being.
How did this even get made?
At some point somebody somewhere said "I want to make a comic about the Flintstones full of social commentary that is aimed at an adult audience."
Somebody made this pitch to the old businessmen that own the Flintstones IP.
Manual only. No fully automatic assault cars.
what constitutes as an "assault car"?
This is the time to care, this is the casus belli.
There was a documentary with a young swedish boy who's parents put him through multi kulti hell. He's fighting to survive, alone. Daily beatings and death threats are his life.
Don't let him down. If he goes then there is nothing left to fight for, only revenge.
Now, you could fuck his mother and knock her teeth in for being so stupid and HE WOULD THANK YOU FOR IT>
comics are a niche within a niche, so it's not that much of a risk, because the money you'll lose is pretty miniscule. Plus you have the idiots that run marvel's comic division so it's not like the bar is set high.
my sides
Every types of transportation need to be banned in Sweden so to speed the things up because the Swedish people are not going to the civil war.
Bikes of peace next, Muslims ride them to the attack site and throw them at people
This isn't really about terrorism or car attacks, the Greens everywhere in European cities want to turn cities into their "green" carless , bicycle utopias. They want to strip car owners of their rights, their roads, their parking spaces, ridiculous markups on gas/parking fees and trying to get cars only to "flow" around the city as said here instead of being able to access the center or populated areas. It's nothing new and it's pretty much unstoppable politically since every other party has hijacked the Green environmental ideas as well for more votes to gain. Unless of course some anti-environ, pro-car folks were elected to run shit as a majority, but the Greens are becoming larger every time.
They won't get past hammers most likely. By then, most of the culture will be Muslim/Refugee oriented and the violence will level off. Then Sweden (if it's still called that by then) will pat themselves on the back and extol the virtues of their multicultural society… that is suspiciously brown and Arabic looking overall.
no surprises.
Holla Forums had been joking for years about how something like that could become possible in sweden.
sweden hadn't made us wait.
Don't worry self driving cars will fix the issue. You need your ID to get into them, so that every car is coupled with the ID of a person. Next you plan your destination (data is recorded). Law enforcement can track you all the time.
That would easily fix the problem that Sweden has, and it's completely in line with their no privacy culture.
I was taught that extinction events take hundreds of years without meteors.
Sweden is ruled by women and weak faggots. They desperately need a strong bare-chested barbarian to conquer them. That is what they desire.
Currently, le chocolate face of peaec is conquering them. Clearly that's a signal that Sweden is up for grabs.
This shit ain't gonna work.
why is my country so fucking cucked?
starting to think the serbs had the right idea in kosovo
conquer me hard daddy
With great meme comes great responsibility.
these people are more autist then us
How is this not satire?
I have been working on a theory, its entorely insane but what we are seeing is a battle for the future being waged in the past.
Shadilay, orwell, nieszche, the black clad legion… memes
We have been receiving the weapons with which to fight the upcoming and current dystopia
the most plentiful meme cow of races.
it will be a real pity when their deliberate elimination is realized.
RIP sweden.
ewww lad
This, there is nothing that could make parody of Sweden. All parodies are just vain attempts to grasp the sad ridiculousness of the Swedish state.
This is not news. Banning cars in the inner city is something a lot of cities does already, at least during the summer. It's a way of creating a more tourist friendly environment, filling the streets with street stands and outdoor restuarants.
This may seem unbelievable to americucks but in sweden cars are seen as a nuisance to begin with, living within walking distance is preferred by a lot of people.
hahahaha europe is doomed, we might as well go raid it for white woman now. Its gonna look like that world war z movie in 20 years.
But they were all false flags
Clearly, the vehicles are the problem here
Kill yourself kike.
I would drink some beers and drive that thing to nearby lake and do some fishing while drinking, then drive back. This would be cool for shit like that.
But no, the creator has to use it like a cuck.
Also i would take that top off, it looks silly and makes it harder to see your surroundings.
We tried to warn you bro. You didn't listen.
Now that i think about it i might as well mod one of these myself and get noncuck version.
What makes this so cuck looking is how the top part tries to imitate a car. It looks like a baby car that's a faggot.
Ye hath memed too greedily, and too deep.
We need to go deeper.
What's next? Can we meme a massive shutting down of pig farms because it isn't halal?