is it possible if we dig up information on Jared Kushner, find anything nasty on this guy to potentially cause a divorce with ivanka and break ties with trump?
We need a scandal happening on this guy, maybe he fucked a couple of hookers or snorted crack on their asses, who knows, where do we begin?
Dig up Kushner Scandal
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I've heard he shit posts here
yes lets start attacking him. he is the bad guy. god emperor is helpless victim.
Hey Shareblue, whatcha doin?
Oh that would totally solve everything. It's not as if his wife was feminist and friends with Chelsea Clinton herself, right?
They're BOTH liabilities and she's probably more dangerous than her kike. This guy needed daddy to get into Harvard. I have a hard time believing he got smart all of a sudden.
why should i be the shill. there are like twenty kushner threads already.
His family were buddies with Trumps family going way back. Trump and Charles planed on giving Ivanka to Jared. Its how the elites have always lived, interbreeding with those just like you.
still too many virgins in love with their "princess" without realizing she is part of the problem…daddy has had her around jews her whole life…..she use to date a Rothschild and has attended their "parties"
Look into his past Holla Forums and stop blindly following the man as your messiah….that is what liberals do. They will not allow another Hitler to rise.
Look at his history with Tevfik Arif, Roy Cohn (his mentor), Roger Stone (who is now dying of AIDS), Michael Glassner, Ghislaine Maxwell (Mossad friend of Trump and the Clintons), Bunny Lindenbaum
Trump funded open borders politicians like Schumer, Durbin, McCain, Graham and Menendez and received 160 million from George Soros. Trump was also named in a lawsuit along with Soros in New York surrounding the sale of the GM Building.
It's not 8D chess, "but he just uses the jews but doesn't like them"……honestly no one in Jew York gets anywhere unless they are part of the Tribe or they serve them. I remember when we use to dig and find truths, not cover them up.
It's not always shills or people trying to divide us. What if the jews want us following Trump? What if they knew he was the only thing that could work against us? He is in their pockets and we are being led astray.
You really think he is involved in the decision to bomb Assad?
The call is Trump's, but he is surrounded by jews (natural and elective) throwing bad suggestions at him.
They're orders not suggestions.
no, it was fucking mcmaster and he is using his own media connection to push a distraction onto Kusher, who himself is bad and needs to leave, but not anywhere as bad as mcmaster is.
Good goy. Pay no attention to the chosen advisors.
Does he have any ties with Russia? lel
user I'm supposed to call my doctor after 4 hours please don't do this to me
Matshills, do you honestly think you're subverting us by making us hate someone we already hated?
now the only thing to do is to give Kushner the old pewdiepie treatment except with the russia narrative. Just like when I email'd buzzfeed the 'proof' of dog whistling so that they and WSJ would put up a hit piece to further diminish their own credibility, and oh boy, did it work out better then I expected it to :^)
seriously tho, stop just focusing on just Kushner, like I said, Mcmaster might be using him as a distraction with fake drama with his media buddies. We need to take them both out.
Now anons, you're just being anti-Semitic and paranoid.
Hey you incompetent lefty fucks. For all your connections in the media you sure do suck at digging up dirt. If you really gave a shit about foreign agents working in the Trump administration you'd start here:
You went after Flynn for personal reasons, but Kushner was the one all along you should have been attacking if you actually gave a shit about not having foreign agents working for the presidential administration and weren't just throwing a tantrum. I'll break it down:
Let's see if you lefty fucks can actually stomach the truth about the kikes and Israel, that's if your boss allows you to pursue this.
no, its a kike CIA using a shabos goy Mcmaster using another kike Kushner who may or may not be willing to be the distraction, to distract from their plant thats causing the real problem. Its called slight of hand, look over here while I jew you over there goy, and its working.
so what exactly should we do wait for hitler? if politics is so hopeless when's the race war actually going to start?
makes me smile knowing in some office in jew york a bunch of kushners kike shills are sitting around a table like
Whenever you want.
I love how the semites and the non-jews are separated.
God you're sad. She converted to Judaism. They don't love each other - she probably fucks other guys regularly.
Fucks sake lad, she's a rich liberal girl who grew up into a strowng independynt womyn in Jew York. She's a fucking mess and Kushner is just the Jewish cuckold who was willing to sign his name to hers knowing that it'd mean his fucking tribe gets the Trump fortune in the end.
How isn't Bannon kosher?
Here's my attempt.
He's only not-kosher in context.
Relative to the rest of that gaggle, he's fucking Hitler… While relative to US he's fucking (((Trotsky))).
Oh, and you're gonna need some more action on Pubis, McMasterubates to Zionism and RexshitforIsrael, but otherwise not bad.
when we stop blindly following those who capitulate to israel. opening people's eyes to trump's pro-israeli views will help. trying to obfuscate the truth about trump, when it's literally right there in his family tree, is nothing but hurtful. the swamp isn't being drained at all; it's worse than ever.
This is something we should meme.
Nigger said he'd drain the swamp and all he did was add more crocodiles and malaria.
Those three just seem like run-of-the-mill neo-cohens. I couldn't find any significant affiliations, other than being part of Yael Kushner's dad's administration.
We should target every Jew, let's take out Mnuchin and Cohn while we are at it. Is there any way to bring back Flynn?
Could we meme the "Zionist puppet" or "Israeli treason" narrative among lefties? They ate the Russia shit up with literally no evidence and now that that is getting stale and them demoralized the "Israeli treason" "Jew Puppet" might take. It would expose the JQ and get the useful idiots to do it also, with the possible downside of the JQ being conflated with shitlibs but whatever.
Come on faggot
Is Roger Stone actually a Jew though? I can't find any information. You're still an anti-Trump shill so I probably won't trust anything you say, however, I'm still curious.
You need to take the zionist angle with these faggots, any mention of jews exclusively and their anuses start to gape for gigantic black cocks
If it was up to Holla Forums to create Trump's cabinet from scratch (you can still appoint some old cabinet members though) who would you choose for each position? I know Rand and Ron would probably have a position, as well as Flynn and Bannon. But who else?
Destroy this kike
See, leftists are fine to criticize Jews when it's about them oppressing poor muslim Palestinians. But if it's about Jews oppressing whites their conditioning sensors go off and their brains shut down.
Just like if you talk about white genocide, if it's Europeans moving into foreign countries it's evil, but the opposite is enrichment and diversity.
Are you mentally arrested?
Good idea user
Another Shareblue thread
Another Shareblue thread
Another Shareblue thread
Another Shareblue thread
posts leftist memes. Calls Holla Forums stupid… You're so Fashy
Goddamned, she was ugly. No way she's not ethnically jewish.
she takes a bad photo once so she must be jewish..
looks like a JAP to me
Her mother wasn't exactly the cutest Czech girl but perhaps she cheated on Donald Trump and then Ivanka was born 9 months later.
CONTINUALLY point out that his REAL ethnicity is Khazarian aka from the land of Khazaria. If newbies are not aware of the Khazar coversion to Babylonian Talmudism in ~740 AD, then redpill them on such important facts. And that these Khazars are NOT the people of the Bible and have NO moral or legal right to be in the Holy Land, much less try to expand the borders to encompass most if not all of the Middle East, aka "Eretz Yisroel" and the "Oded Yinon Plan".Research those terms extensively and inform,educate, redpill as many folks as possible about these matters. And everyone needs to tell these Khazar interlopers to take their Talmud, kabbalah, Zohar fake religion and go back to Khazaria and get out of the Holy Land.
It's slavshit not kike-blood lad. Slavs all look subhuman as fuck during puberty
why do you think ugly ass slav dudes have cute gfs? because they snagged them before they got qt and could because of a low AoC in the slavlands.
Also her kids are definite kikes.
I recently saw coverage on talmudvision wherein they lamented the ebil internet and its smear campaign against Kushner…
…I think you're barking up the right tree, OP.