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Does this mean that Red Bull is the official drink of Holla Forums now?
ok so should we now start drinking tons red bull to show support for this kind of statement, and meme red bull as the official /our energy drink/
I'm gonna stick to water.
Deserves massive support.
I am not a fan of energy drinks, though.
dubs confirm
Can't one just donate without buying the poison?
Me too. As much as I approve of what he said, water and coffee are still way healthier options than drink packed with sugar.
meant for
I'd buy some redbull but large quantities of sugar make me feel like shit.
Red Bill and tendies for all!
Just don't actually drink it; it's terrible for you.
fortunately there is the sugar free option available also
Sugar alternatives are even worse for you than sugar if that can be believed. And sugar really is the jew of flavorings. Wrecks everything, from skin to organs, bones, hair.
Please don't get the idea that you should actually drink it
Do they make something that doesn't have sugar or aspartame? Like a can of liquid caffeine or something.
Just take caffeine pills you sperg.
I hope the CEO of Clorox is redpilled too so you can give that a hearty sip as well
You mean like a coffee?
to be fair, Clorox is an alright cleaning product that I use at work..
Mateschitz is also the owner of the tv station "ServusTV", which broadcasts in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland, and recently made Ferdinand Wegscheider intendant of the station.
Wegscheider has a weekly commentary on ServusTV named "Der Wegscheider", where he his actively countering the state propaganda by constantly satirizing the leftits insanity and the absurdity of the illegal immigrations.
The official energy drink of the white race!
Taurine is Aryan af tbh
You'd be better off wearing their merch if visibly supporting the company is important to you. You will look a little like trash, but no more so than if you drank Red Bull.
Dubs confirm buying and wearing their merchandise is better way to support them
Can't drink that shit but it's refreshing to see someone with some balls. Libs will all scream boycott for a couple weeks until the next reason to be offended arises. In the end he'll see a rise in prophets.
There are a few.
There are also defacto Holla Forums approved clothing brands. Hugo Boss, obviously. Then there's New Balance and Adidas. New Balance actually makes some decent combat and police boots, but they're hard to find. Adidas also makes camo track suits. Make of that what you will.
Except that this isn't the drinks company, but the Formula 1 scuderia it bankroll. At this point, the company might even remove financial support.
is this autism?
Fanta, not fantastic. Fucking autocorrect doesn't like well known name brand sodas if they're associated with Nazis, apparently.
Generally supporting big brands is an ineffective approach over shopping independent/ local. I do wear New Balance however as they are one of the only sports shoe companies that manufacture (a very limited line of) their shoes in Britain. The domestically made range is twice the price of their Chinese made goods but they are stupidly superior in quality, the pair I am wearing now look better than the day I put them on three months ago.
Heil Red Bull. Heil Max Verstappen
Vote with your wallet. If you're going to buy an energy drink, buy a red bull. Unless you don't want to feel betrayed later if this guy cucks out
Red bull and a red pill too
Share the article on Faceberg, Twatter, etc. I'm ready to bet their sales are going to increase if this article goes viral.
Surprisingly, yes. We call it coffee.
never realized how close Red Bull is to Red Pill, spelling wise.
No but you see, the point was to give Red Bull my money in exchange for something like coffee but that wasn't terrible for me.
Too bad energy drinks are poison, otherwise I'd crack one open to support him.
(Seriously, don't drink any of that shit. And absolutely NEVER drink any of that shit alongside alcohol.)
Guys with the resources like him could do so much more against multiculturalism.
Well hot damn, considering this guy is worth billions as red bull is world reknown he should run and fund his own campaign to wrestle power out of these traitorous cucks hands. I'd love nothing else than to see the world's leftists decry the owner of red bull as a damn fascist. What a time line that would be.
A very tiny amount of bleach is useful for sterilizing water. Make sure you get it right though. I can't remember the exact ratio, but I think it was something like 3 cups of bleach for a 40-gallon tank. But don't take my numbers, and do your research. RV manuals will typically have it, and probably also survival-related books.
This nigger apparently has 14.4 Billion dollars that's almost Soros tier Rich.
Can he become our Soros?
Also don't forget to read the bottle because they don't all have the same percentage of sodium hypochlorite.
Also apparently Kikebart is almost calling out the Holohoax.
Could they be threatening to go full white nationalist if Bannon is kill?
I'm gonna buy a case of them and either just pour them out or maybe put them on the shelf on my flag wall in my funz room.
I dont want anons to start drinking the shit but if everyone bought a couple of them just for shits and giggles the company would be able to report a big sales increase in response to the guys statements.
you are truly the best goy
Sure but don't actually drink that shit.
if doing so serves as a giant fuck you to their kike bullshit I'll toss a fiver in on it.
Gesaturate the red a little bit, needs to be more pink, also the font doesn't line up quite right, needs some curving. Good on you though.
wtf I want to buy red bulls now
De* saturate
I didn't mean to kraut it
So basically it's starting in Austria again?
checked and keked
Thanks, yeah I know but I'm too lazy to go that autistic on it, already spend way too much time making it lol.
I need to buy a red bull now, he deserves it
Red Bull it is
just buy clothing anons
Sweeteners are fine as long as you don't marinate yourself in them
I'm gonna buy a can of red bull now.
I've never had one before, what does it taste like?
It must be memed into reality. He's probably already on a hit-list somewhere.
bitter-sweet dry tangy flavor less sweet than normal soda ginger ale like but more citrus flavor, dryer and more carbonated. Ice cold they are dank as fuck.
Don't forget to drink some whisky with it and smoke some blunt as well for maximum comfy sleep.
that's a pretty accurate description tbh
The thing is that he is literally Soros tier rich.
The elite being above the law and above us Plebs cuts both ways.
I fucking hate sodas. But Red Bulls are my Achilles' heel. This guy being based just absolved my sins.
Dietrich for Emperor of 2nd Austrian Empire!
Gas yourself
I don't actally drink this sugary stuff, but good on him
user, we'll get it right the second time. Dubs will confirm it.
Why is that though? What about Fanta makes it /oursoda/?
This is also kind of funny. Considering how much Coca Cola promotes the third world and diversity and refugees and all that shit, its nice when some of the people you're trying to suck up to declare your product poison. I bet they have a bunch of people on major damage control with this. Haha.
Red Bull is pro-White, they sponsor all kinds of extreme sports with all White athletes.
It's probably the most corrosive soda. Good for use as a reagent to gass jews.
More than Cola? How come?
Root beer could be the safest soft drink for your teeth, new research suggests, but many other popular diet and sugared sodas are nearly as corrosive to dental enamel as battery acid.
Prolonged exposure to soft drinks can lead to significant enamel loss, even though many people consider soft drinks to be harmless or just worry about their sugar content and the potential for putting on pounds, the study says.
The erosive potential of colas is 10 times that of fruit juices in just the first three minutes of drinking, a study last year showed. The latest research, published in Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) journal General Dentistry, reports that drinking any type of soft drink hurts teeth due to the citric acid and/or phosphoric acid in the beverages.
Non-colas are less acidic than colas overall, the study found, but they erode the teeth more effectively than colas.
What about mixing apple juice and water? It's called Apfelschorle in Germany.
wtf i love redbull now
Adidas also makes combat boots. From what I understand, they're the same ones used by GSG-9 and the SEALs.
yeah but they look pretty corny. The women's adidas combat boots actually look more legitimate which is unfortunate.
Enjoy your kidney stones.
You know what's even better for your teeth? Not drinking this shit at all. Buy a redbull hat if you want to support their brand.
I'm still not gonna buy Red Bull.
I don't condone drinking any corrosive sugar waters. I don't even drink them. I support the Red Bull Formula 1 team already though. I'm actually more of a Ferrari fan
Free yourself of all addictions.
What of my imageboard addiction?
If you're addicted, take a break. If only to prove to yourself that you can.
Redbull isn't just caffeine, it has taurine as well, which is what separates it from corn syrupy caffeinated soda…also, there are sugar free Redbulls…
i hate these people that have no clue what they're talking about but want to tell you what to eat.
The existence of other shit in redbull doesn't make it any better for you. Sugar beverages and "sugar substitute" beverages are both terrible for you. Stop falling for the marketing jew.
I thought redbull was owned by a thai family?
Did you ever think all the stupid shit bashing Redbull and telling you how "poisonous" it is, is to undermine a business founded by someone redpilled? Like how the NY Times (and jews like Richard Stallman) constantly bash Steve Jobs and Apple, and tell you to use a judaic Android, or how the NY Times tells you Uber is "exploitative and has a sexist corporate culture" and that you should use judaic Lyft instead? Gee, any company that shows it's possible to be successful without selling out to globalization is clearly bad for you, right goodgoy?
Yeah, the original Redbull that was sold in those little brown medicine bottles in southeast Asia was, but some white guy visiting Thailand saw promotions for it among Thai boxers, and took the ingredients and turned it into an energy drink
Read the thread dumbshit, I already said to buy their merchandise. Sodas are poison and you're a fucking idiot if you drink them.
Are you the same faggot that constantly complained about Roids having a bad reputation and called other anons "too much of a pussy" a while back?
Austria to try and save the day again.
wtf I love Red Bull now
Probably, he sure sounds like that faggot. Just look at that rant about all sorts of completely unrelated computer bullshit. He's obviously taken this personally. Very fragile ego.
Have you ever drank a Redbull in your life? I don't think so, because it's not a "soda" like some shit you're going to drink when you're thirsty like some fat gaming faggot, it doesn't even taste that good because it's not filled with all kinds of corn syrup. It's sold in tiny as can's because it's not meant to by drank by the liter like some fucking rootbeer. it's an energy drink, you don't drink for the taste and you don't drink because you feel "thirsty", don't be a fucking retard.
I don't give a shit what you call it, it's poison.
yeah, and meat is murder, shut the fuck up low-t faggot
Didn't they have this music academy thing where they push diversity and all kinds of degenerate shit?
I'll stick to water, thanks.
Does this make Jagerbombs the nazi white supremacist drink?
yup, he's definitely that guy:
He can't defend his soda addiction so instead he switches to baselessly calling people vegans. What a fucking lunatic.
Hey faggot, is pic related soda? It can't be, it's in a small can!
Meme it.
also, don't eat meat, all the protein and hormones might fuck up your transition to genderqueer hippy
Don't forget to add lemon slices.
I don't even drink Redbull because it makes me too horny and I don't feel like fucking random thots to get nuts off, but to say it's "soda" is fucking stupid, that's like saying beer is soda because it has carbonation.
Go roid rage somewhere else fag.
Your message should only be promoted when you have an obese basement-dweller looking for advice. The average guy who drinks a can of soda once every three, four days won't develop any types of problems daily consumers do.
This being said, yes, healthy drinks like juice, water or even fruit-blended vitamins with oatmeal or some cereal in it are healthier and should take precendence over conservant-filled canned fizz drinks.
Do you know what it means to be "addicted"?
No its the drink company.
go try to be a kosher jew somewhere else
Moderation is permissible enough, but far too often moderation doesn't stay moderate for long. Particularly with caffeinated beverages, people get hooked quick and need one a day to stop the headaches. If you're drinking black coffee most of the time then it's not a big deal, but from what I've seen most cafffiene addicts either drink sodas or coffee with a ton of sugar in it.
You'll look like some sort of British faggot drinking it, but tea is probably the best option. You're less likely to become dependent on it, and less likely to start putting half a cup of sugar into it.
Red Bull is disgusting. Filled with chemicals and shit. Still,I guess we should meme support them.
RedBull Gives You Wings!
Yeah, taurine, a chemical that naturally occurs in meat and fish, but i guess as a vegan tranny that offends you
Focus on memeing their merchandise and sports ventures.
Look up how Molech was depicted. Correct. A red bull.
I don't know what's in it, but the one time I tried it I retched. It practically burned. Nothing natural has that much caffeine.
Glad their company is based though.
you stupid fuck
It doesn't even have high caffeine content, the key ingredient is taurine not caffeine. moreover, if it's just a "sugary drink" why does it taste so bad that a cartoon watching gamer like yourself couldn't consume it? like i said, i hate people who have no clue what they're bitching about but do it with zeal.
Oversensitive evangelical pls go.
you stupid fuck. There is much more caffine in a strong cup of coffee. Also, youre a pussy if you cant drink a fucking sweet soda. Ill bet you cant drink whiskey either you double faggot.
Hey dipshits, the sugar is on purpose. I can tell noone in this thread is an engineer working late nights.
The idea is to have the Taurine and caffeine speed up your metabolism so it processes the sugar extra fast.
That shit goes straight to your brain, which you burn when doing heavy math or some other shit that requires focus and heavy thinking.
Of course that if you drink 5 cans and then stare at a wall you're gonna get fat. You're not burning the sugar.
And you'll get even fatter if you drink this shit with ANY kind of fat. Your body burns the sugar and stores the fat.
Redbull is fucking great IF you only drink it and nothing else.
It helps you focus and refreshes that badly slept night out of your face.
To the fags saying "water is better", try drinking 50 galons of it. Shit gets stuck around your brain, pressures it and you get migraines.
Oh, what's that? Noone sane of mind would drink 50 galons of water?
Well fucking guess what: noone sane of mind would drink Redbull and then eat a burger or a bacon-based meal.
It's your morning fuel and you don't need anything else.
One more thing: this same shit goes to soda too.
It's a good source of sugar (fuck you, you need sugar, you vegan hippie pieces of shit).
Just don't drink the fucking bottle in one go, lardasses.
A 1 Liter bottle of soda should last 3 days for a single person. If you drink more soda than that, you're a fat fuck that needs to drink high-speed bullets.
It would be beneficial if it could be memed that he is a white supremacist.
What makes it even more hilarious is that it's called
I feel a lot better being addicted to Red Bull for the past 10 years and paying the premium. I thought it was a Thai based company for some reason.
I still wouldn't recommend it. Shit fucks with your head and is addictive.
The original was invented by a Thai guy. An Austrian teamed up with him to sell it to a world market. The Thai guy died a few years ago, but together they made billions.
Correct, including yourself
who the fuck is suggesting to drink 50 gallons of water? If you want to stay alert, constant consumption of water is the best way. Most actual studies have shown that stimulants like caffeine don't increase productivity at all, in fact the exact portions of your brain that accomplish problem solving are inhibited by them.
that sounds like the broiest of bro science. The amount of water you'd need to drink for that to happen is amount literally no one drinks, or proposes anyone else to drink.
Maybe I'm thinking of monster. Only had whatever once and hated the taste.
seems legit.
You drink it and you feel great.
You go a day without it and you feel like shit.
That's fucking right: Red Bull is a friend.
And when you're with a good friend, you can take on the world.
When you're alone, all you can think is how much you miss your battle brother.
Stop you're enabling my addiction with your humorous truths.
He was 88 years old.
Eat a dick, Vegan-boy. I got nights where all I can afford to sleep is 3 hours. I can get up at 7 in the morning, drink a can of Redbull and stay sharp till 12'clock.
The food coma gets me like crazy though.
And why the fuck would they?
They boost focus. If you can't focus on anything productive, you're not going to be productive.
Or fuck it, google Hydrocephalus, plenty of medical papers about it.
It's also what happens after you're done swalling cum from 50 diferent niggers, you fucking fruit.
Taste like bull cum
This is glorious. I hope the future generation of Red Bull racers will have glorious careers. Perhaps Max can beat Sebastian's 4 back to back championships.
Does this trigger you less?
Can't be THAT bad, can it?
Wasn't taurine supposed to be good for ya?
goddamnit even in the middle of berlin i could find it made from actual apples, how hard can it be to produce it elsewhere
Calling out any kikes in any way is constructive, since every little bit will edge people closer to realizing that jews lie about this sort of shit.
nigger the material cost of an iphone lies around $150 and new ones get sold for $700, there is no reason to buy apple if you care about jews fucking you over, if you don't want to get spied on by (((google))) root your android or install a different OS. besides that, android allows you to install any app whereas apple only allows apps that conform to the (((guidelines))). sage cause off topic
The mini can reminds me of that thing trannies put on their penii.
Mountain dew replaced by Red Bull?
Definitely. That Mountain Dew thing was entirely our doing. Their corporate leadership had nothing to do with it.
Damn, I had just switched from Monster to Rockstar after learning about kike related. Is Red Bull more based than Rockstar now?
Time to support Red Bull, do they accept donations?
Just fucking buy their products.
Come on man.
You'll help them a lot more by buying and wearing clothing with their logo on it.
This tbh. Probably the only constant among warriors is their vices ironically. In war people are likely to die, but for instance, Germans in ww2 always had cigarettes by their side.
And it turns stains White!
Always loved redbull
Sage for shitpost
Go fuck yourself kike
True virtue is not living with no sin or vice.
True virtue is owning up to your sins and vices.
I know what my vices are. I know when I let people down.
All those are things I am strong enough to carry on my back onwards to victory.
Especially if it's Red Bull Winged Victory.
I dont buy it
This is how i see it. Were so thirsty for a right leader to exist that we worship anyone who denounces the left. Seems like itd be very easy to manipulate and control us if we let our guard down
Switching to red bull for my once in a while energy drink choice.
I can get behind that.
Water is healthier. Want energy, eat some food or a fruit.
Sometimes I really love being Austrian.
There used to be much more people like him here when I was growing up, but the Jews have really been pushing us too Sweden-tier levels of poz.
Isn't it the son of Michael Savage (Wiener) (possibly with Michael's recipe?)
Well with the Turks trying to overthrow the state. Yea its starting.
Fuck, you're right. Rockstar is even kikier than monster.
formula 1, official sport of Holla Forums when?
Taurine itself is good for you, it help nutritiens be transported into muscles for faster regeneration.
Problem is mixture of easy assimilable taurine + caffeine. Together they work symbiotic, increasing stimulating effect, BUT when effect is about to end (ussually few hours) you gonna have some sort of hungover effect, which will make you feel way worse than before drinking this. thats why so many people drink this bottle after bottle. not saying anything about sugar in so huge doses that you should lost legs
What kind of demographic is this newspaper appealing to?
the poor and stupid, it got closed down for hacking phones though
Was this about the little girl that went missing or was abducted and them hacking someone's mailbox or something? Or am thinking of something different?
hacking into answerphone messages (voicemail), the parents thought she might still be alive because someone was checking the messages IIRC
Redbull is pretty fucking nasty admittedly, but at the very least it's good for Jagerbombs. Drink water but never turn down a Jagerbomb.
Absolute madman.
Kek confirms. Looks like Red bull is my new energy drink.
Really nigger? It was literally created by the Nazis in WW2 because Coke was embargoed. Also, this ad that caused heaps of butthurt.
Why? This is not even slightly offensive.
Because Germans are hyper-sensitive about their history. To call the the 1940's the "good old days", you may as well yell Sieg Heil!
Nah fuck you faggot, it's milk and water only. And fresh pressed juice.
I get the whole lactose/white people thing, but tbqh milk is for children.
Fun fact: The only Dutch politician Verstappen follows on social media is Geert Wilders.
Based af. I also like how he's not using the
line as his argument against migration. He talks about the diversity of nations we already had, which is the REAL argument people should use.
And fuck that fat shabbos goy Frans Timmermans, he'll be one of the first to hang.
Hey Engiebro, I have a recipe for a much much better drink that's better than any other you've tried! It's real simple to make too!
Druid's coffee
You grind up Irish Moss, and rosemary in a blender, a half cup of each; then mix it with cold brew coffee (8 cups rough /coarse ground coffee to 4 liters water stored in the fridge overnight then strained) and then store it in the fridge for a month straight, then strain it.
What it does is simple, the Huperzine A in the rosemary and Moss increases your mental functioning in addition to the slug of caffiene a single shotglass of this stuff gives you. It also allows you to stitch thoughts together faster.
I hope not.
They sell sparkling water with caffiene or sugar free caffiene brews in a can at whole foods. Cheaper than redbull per mg of caffiene
A bottle of caffeine pills is the cheapest option. Just knock them straight down with a mouthful of water.
No , I cannot believe that actually. There was some bullshit law and science Jewing about the health dangers of sugar alternatives, all paid for by the sugar lobby.
Tea is pretty dank. Its got more caffiene per dry weight than coffee
These are pretty dank fam, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, and gives a really nice boost.
It's 140mg for the runa per can and 160mg for the hiball
Woops forgot pics
Between this and Nivea's(admittedly pulled) 'White is purity' ad…
Could the right wing finally have it's own funding?
Don't shit talk bulls faggot.
fuggin homo :DDDD
You're forgetting the most important thing sugar ruins - the brain! Consuming sugar is good goy tier.
Absolute pleb tier
Haha, what a joke. Your body needs 0 sugar to survive. Keep being a pleb fat fuck addicted to sugar like some pissant child while I live my life like an adult and don't consume the sugar jew.
You do not need sugar, you fat fuck. You just think you do.
Shit. I drink Monster.
Nobody ever brings up the 'o' actually being the Chinese character 中, meaning middle, centre or within. Wonder if that has any significance?
Just bought my first red bull. No coffee for me today
Are you…are you suggesting that Satan is in the can, user?
Goddammit. I just tried to find red bull caffeine pills but those are just MDMA. Don't fuck with me like that.
This makes me want to drive one of those retarded Red Bull cars around.
This is why you drink with a straw, dumb nigger
Not sure what the economic situation in Ausrtalia is, but the Judeo-Capitalism went too far with austerity measures, crashes, etc. The immigration will never stop in those places. Calling for an end to refugees means these countries become barren in 50 years.
wtf I love redbull now
I wouldn't drink RedBull but maybe it can be used for other things. Any chemists here? What can you do with RedBull, what could RedBull be used as an ingredient for? Maybe cleaning certain materials? Killing plants in your driveway? There has to be something.
What is good about adidas? At least New Balance makes some shoes in the US.
He needs to stand up to jews not bums who got suckered.
… id drink it but i just…. it tastes BAD. Could they make it taste like something else other than bitter sugar
Caffeine is addictive as fuck!!
I'm currently cutting ties with sugar free energy drinks, because fuck sweeteners are addictive too.
Couldn't cut both at the same time, so caffeine pills and ice cold water with lemon in the morning works for now.
What, are you some sort of hippie?
Too bad antifa counted the votes.
Checked, but no. Unless you want to die of your heart seizing.Just go do a pile of coke instead.
Caffeine withdraws give the most annoying migraine and nausea that takes a whole day to cure, if you're a regular coffee drinker, don't quit cold turkey, the consequences are nasty.
was it Kek's doing?
I don't drink energy drinks much, but that sure is nice
"Way separator"?
You're not the smartest (1), are you.
due to the sugar, its still practically poisonous
I dont usually buy energy drinks but if i ever do for some reason I'll buy redbull.
KEK. Although it's kinda ironic in the sense that Red Bull is a thai drink originally. But hey, he just colonialised in a new way.
Sometimes I want to die. Still don't like energy drinks.
To be precise, a (((Levenshtein))) distance of 2.
I wanna know if there's any wealthy people or organizations that are /ourguys/ and what they're doing to support us.
I wouldn't reccomend this method of suicide, it takes too long. I've been drinking 5 Monsters a day since 2012. Still no progress.
You might be some kind of hypersensitive faggot if coffee gives you withdraws.
I've gone from drinking an entire pot of black, I make with double the beans everyday to nothing and back again. Sometimes only in the morning, sometimes all day and I have not once had caffeine withdrawals.
I only drink a cup with a splash of cream before work nowadays and none on the weekends anymore.
I get up at 3am, fuck you im drinking coffee
I got a laugh off this but wtf really
Aspartame is shit (Rumsfeld did some exceptionally out-jew-slick-tier maneuvering to pass it) but others are less so, though I never use them enough to know which is best.
Buy some literal Sugar-free (as in not even sugarless added) caffeinated drinks, I think Arizona tea has one at least, local brands deffo, and carry some raw unprocessed cane (the brown cube shit) sugar around.
The white shit is literal poison though.
And not necessary like Potassium either.
It is literally only safe for you in restaurant packet sizes, and exactly one.
If you don't like the raw stuff just steal yellow or blue packets at restaurants whenever you eat out, should keep you more than full on that.
he's actually "lefty" but at least he worships the right kind of lefty (He likes Tito, aka the guy so hardass even Stalin was afraid of him. He even bought his private plane!) so his leftism is offset by his Croatianism.
Croationism > Creationism!
It's too damn bad the Trotskyites and Frankfurters won the 'hearts and minds' of the public overall though. This is the kinda lefty I could hang with.
so basically if he ever takes over yorup you'll have social programs and maybe a couple "decent gays in high places" but you'd also have him encouraging social pogroms at the same time. Raid and Roundup sales would go through the Dylann roof. With special exception to any turkroach willing to toss the fags in dresses off the roof.
also his partner was a hardcore fash Thai which completely nukes leftypol's shitty fake horseshoe narutotive. He wasn't allowed in the limelight much for applauding the royal family killing someone that disrespected them on holy ground. Straight up Buddhist deus vult.
As if that isn't memetastic enough already
>Chaleo Yoovidhya (Thai: เฉลียว อยูวิทยา, rtgs: Chaliao Yuwitthaya, Thai pronunciation: [ʨʰàlǐːaw jùːwíttʰájaː]; 17 August 1923 – 17 March 2012) was a Thai businessman and investor. He was the originator of Krating Daeng (กระทิงแดง) and was co-creator of the Red Bull brands of energy drinks. At the time of his death in 2012 at the age of 88, he was listed as the third richest person in Thailand, with an estimated net worth of US$5 billion.
(kek, if only he died 3 days sooner for additional dankness)
you know what's one weird thing this just made me realise? If someone is from another non-euro country the (((media))) never mentions anything else they did when they die other than what made them famous/rich, while if it's some shitty liberal they drop reams of paragraphs about all their "progressive causes" and "philanthropy." Man, fuck these assholes, no wonder bluepills have that whole "evil greedy capitalist" idea.
It's pretty literal, fam.
as in "Unleash the…"
idk if anyone remembers it but they debuted around Halloween ages ago. It's literally engineered towards sportsfags that don't think about shit at all before they chug it.
tha fuk?
Search - "red bull" hospitalized death
Moderation is the key. Are you going to sue Nescafe if you chug down 10 cups of espresso and get a heart attack?
stop using words of which you do not know the meaning because it makes you look like a dumb pretentious little cuckfaglot who just turned 10
at least it tastes good, and it matches YOUR taste, shithead
So does this means that RB Leipzig is Holla Forums's club of choice? It's owned by the same guy.
delete your life
Hypermobility, it's a semi-common condition that's sometimes caused by Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and can occasionally lead to joint hypermobility syndrome due to the joints being loose.
I worded that horribly, but I'm too lazy to correct it so fuck it
Have any anons tried to contact high profile people who express ideas like this and try to redpill them?
We could do with some powerful friends.
Who's eloquent and willing to write a letter/email?
These memes, I swear.
I thought that was Fanta