If we want to initiate a race war, we need to destroy the economy. The normies will not move unless pushed. They're too comfortable.
If we want to save our race, we need to destroy the economy.
If we want to initiate a race war, we need to destroy the economy. The normies will not move unless pushed. They're too comfortable.
If we want to save our race, we need to destroy the economy.
Yeah sure numbers
1. Collapse economy
2. Mass crime and chaos ensue
3. Police state and martial law step in to "keep things together"
4. Our of order comes chaos
5. ???
6. MIC profit
It's not that bad yet
Just sage, report, and move along.
It's pretty fucking bad. It's bad enough we should be fighting in the streets, but there is no will.
Best way to destroy the economy would be to replace the dollar wjthca labor backed currency.
Wow, what a good plan to help the white race by basically destroying one of its biggest bastions.
We totally shouldn't infiltrate and take over the economy, finance, politics, media and education instead.
Obama already destroyed the economy.
Who the fuck are MIC?
I've seen this on several threads now.
The Irish.
The will is rising again.
That was the last straw for trusting our governments, they are too interconnected with corrupt cronies to actually function properly anymore.
And now they are trying to hide the truth from us through disinformation.
No, if you want race war, you start by destroying the enemy within your gates first.
To do this you destroy THEIR infrastructure and organizations and then you get them radicalized and rabid.
Military Industrial Complex. You're welcome, newfag.
If you want to fucking destroy your own, atleast make sure that the enemy can not capitalize on it
Read the Turner Diaries.
(and Hunter)
So is it time to poke the minority nests in our countries with a stick?
Start with the 400lb tranny niggers on /leftypol.
You must read more, brothers. You are ignorant. The Turner Diaries are a must for Holla Forumsacks.
No, I mean the REAL WORLD infrastructure and organizations.
There is absolutely NO reason to risk getting demonized by mowing down and killing irrelevant people. You need to take those risks to destroy things that MATTER to the enemy. Important figures, important businesses and important organizations.
This should really be saved, in fact, Im going to download it right now myself to preserve it. Its WLP himself, reading TTD.
You mean Starbucks?
The economy is in bad shape, so we really don't need to do anything. Boomer pensions and student loans alone will fuck the economy within the next decade. And the money masters have tried every trick in the book to keep the house of cards standing, but now they are out of options. They can't do quantitative easing again or lower interest rates again. They can't inflate anymore bubbles.
The only thing we need to worry about is the heavy handed methods they will try to use as they start losing their grip. Martial law, gun confiscations, etc.
I mean non-whites with real power. I mean organizations that fund our demise, kosher and halal organizations just to name one quick thing. And I mean places where they can organize and plot.
People are going to finally realize they have nothing after the kike bankers confiscated their 401K's.
This is impossible, newfag. Leftists closed the door behind them when they infiltrated. Because they aren't stupid enough to enable their enemies like the right wing does.
Also I think priority should be on material damage, assassination (rather than massacres) as those two give the least crocodile-tear ammo.
Important enemy people, important enemy material, important enemy meeting places.
Does turner like wringing out Holla Forums for shekels?
The loans can be forgiven. Simple :^)
But the pensions are not feasible.
lol gtfo faggot you're clearly in the wrong place
And that might explain why Trump was pushed into power.
they can be printed into oblivion, enjoy your ponzi
Well we should definitely start with Soros.
Oh boy I'm hungry.
what is it the us gov are currently spending to run the country until, October? No crisis until October though goyim!
money money money go go go!
Misery always radicalizes people, but not necessarily in the direction you want. There's no point of resistance movement that is misguided.
A. obtain silver or bitcoin
B. watch the economy burn
C. watch the shills burn
D. retire
OP isn't far off. Boomers are a large amount of the white population and they're pretty old. Once they die (many will before the next presidential elections) whites will be 40% of the US population . Trump was the last chance for a (relatively) peaceful retaking of the US. Since the base is fractured and whites are dying out, we can't really do that anymore. Accelerating a collapse of not just economy but perhaps society is necessary. Whites historically were always better at turning chaos to order than the other races, but this has to be done before blacks and browns are like 90% of the population or some shit.
Maybe there needs to be a stronger push on whites being attacked by the minorities and bled by jews. Not sure how that can be done any more than what Holla Forums already does without coming off tinfoil, other than training anons to redpill carefully and move to a less pozzed white area for preparation.
You must be a shill. Everyone knows who Pierce is here. This is the quality of shilling were dealing with.
Yeah, sure.
You're giving the police/military too much credit. They really couldn't do much if the entire population went ape shit.
The bigger concern in a race/civil war is that foreign nations would jump at the chance to invade or at least push for more control around the world.
Then maybe they should get these kids with loans into better paid jobs so they can repay the debt and finally fund the pensions.
I can't believe this scheme has so many people fooled.
Pierce is constantly spammed here by some faggot. Some guy has a boner for him.
And MIC is not a normal acronym for the complex. Many people use the full name.
I mean to protect the elite from revolution.
No, this board respects him highly and youre not welcome.
Since kikes are astroturfing with open anti-WLP sentiment, I guess Ill post the archive and remind everyone to download all his broadcasts, if they havent already.
Please don't be retarded white niggers.
if you try to race war–the jews win.
They win by pulling the strings on the end.
Pitting goyim vs goyim.
Then they buy everything up for cheap creating a quasi-feudal state
Fucking get your shit together.
America will never be a white ethnostate. It's too late.
Europe can still be saved.
Fuck, meant to
My opinion is the powers in the west are pushing their citizens into a racial conflict, while trying to disarm them, indebt them, steal from them and lie to them. Create so much disinformation and misdirected hatred so that when things do kick off people don't target the ones that have actually fucked them up.
Interest rates are on the climb, the vehicle mortgage bubble is still going strong, kids getting sold new cars on the promise that:
we're fucked
It's certainly been working well so far. Lots of hostilty towards foreigners now that we've found other over half of all immigrants are on welfare. If we can push legislature that destroys employment opportunities for them and turns border towns into ghost town, they'll either go back ot Mexico, or so many if them will become welfare leeches and criminals that people will start killing them on their own volition.
>Look at the new Holla Forums Waifu, the niggers and muslims her and now she has to , let's show her how REAL White men treat their women, PATREON, PAYPAL.
tl;dr distract and redirect anti-Jew action into pointless lashing out against symptoms.
Dont do anything violent goyim, you are not like schwarza. #bluelivesmatter! Vote CHANGE 2020 and remember to pay your taxes
Day of the rope includes Jews, and race traitors.
Says you.
It's like this place is the only place that actually knows what is properly going on.
Meanwhile everyday a new scam is produced. A new unobtainable promise and more debt that is never going to be paid.
In the Turner Diaries, once the chaos was initiated, all sorts of people started to engage in violent activity, because they couldnt watch TV anymore, or didnt have the normal luxuries that would keep them happy. When you take away the things that people rely on to drown out the real problems, they start to actually do something. The OP should not be saged.
It is one of the problems, that everyone can just drink beer, and watch sports, and beat off at night, and never actually go out and do something besides complain.
So, now youre openly saying this board does not highly respect William Luther Pierce. Its beyond obvious youre a shill, and youre going to be banned. WLP's broadcasts are mandatory listening, you cant call yourself a Holla Forumsack. You assuredly havent read Mein Kampf, and we ban for a month for that.
I don't think he was pushed into power. Obviously there was very strong opposition to him from all sides. But the Flynn removal marked the coup, and Trump has since been broken.
The best part is the 3 people listening to the conversation all cheered!
You don't want to initiate a race war. Very bad karma. It will shrivel your soul.
Be honest about it. What you truly want is a whitopia, preferably one without bleeding-hearted half-wits moralizing our society. Since this is what you want, why don't you work for your whitopia instead?
Be creative, not destructive.
Yeah forgot about the car market. Another fucked area.
White children under 8 are less than 50% of the population in America, the time for pacifist bullshit is long gone. In a few decades, vid related will be in power and youl be treated like the Rhodesians and South Africans, burning tires around your necks.
I don't know.
But I know there are single posters like you that won't stop rubbing that book in my face.
Who ran the coup though? And enemy of Trump or Trump himself?
Enemy dumbass. Have you even been paying attention?
I don't even.
I think I passed the "devilish" point a long time ago.
Thats because of what the book contains you fucking schmuck, go back to cuckchan if you dont like reading. Holla Forumsacks love TTD, and white nationalists/white supremacists have since it was written too. Theres a reason we promote Pierce, and its because he is right. TRS doesnt like Pierce, Cuckchan aut-right actual niggers dont like Pierce. Pierce is like the American Goebbels, we cherish him, many of us would gladly exchange our own lives to give him life again. He died too soon, he missed the advancement of media and the internet. His potential was not fully realized. We spread his videos because he didnt have the chance to, he gave his life to save the white race effectively, and has done more than anyone here. He was the real deal, he was no David Duke, he could have been our Hitler. He was on the same level as Rockwell, we all love him. Your obvious contempt for him shows you dont belong. The only reason youre being let to tarnish his name is because we are obviously being raided, and overwhelming with brute force garbage. Get out, Pierce in death is greater than any living leader we have right now, and any white man who knows what he did - would be genuinely insulted and infuriated at him being disrespected.
Sounds like he really did "drain the swamp" :^)
I got 900 pages on legal ethics and equity to get through first :^)
I know that. Times are gonna get very tough, esp. for those of higher vibe and/or intelligence who are not rich or part of the dark powers. Despite that, the Universal Laws remain - self-defense is a duty, but first do no harm to other humans. That's not naivete, but adherence to right actions and thinking.
Your kumbaya idea is a fantasy, look at history, push past your indoctrination, what you'll see is the hard cold truth of regular forest clearing.
Nice bait CIA
I can't actually figure out if satire, anti-semetic, both or having no insight, mockery, I don't….. Might investigate the producers for a giggle
ok wtf
Totally not a globalist kike, right user?
There is literally 3 options:
I want to pass my genes and culture to my kids as well.
I have so many questions about that video that I don't know where to begin.
Jews in Israel doing a childish dance routine with a bank note mascot.
I'm under no illusions about what's to come. If we fall into race war, half the population in the U.S. will die from fighting, or secondary impacts. And when the smoke clears, I'm not sure who would still be standing. Don't underestimate the power and will of browner peoples when they are backed by an elite hell-bent on our destruction. I'm just saying, instead of initiating this chaotic nightmare, let it come to you while you plan for it, work out how best to deal with it.
the channel is weird, it just raises more questions…i'm not going to derail this thread but i am going to go and look at this shit.
channel is youtube.com
mascot thing is called fiveish…i'm out
the economy is fucked
Sure thing Mordecai
Are you an idiot?
Revolutions don't spring out of thin air. The majority of the population are lemmings and they need to become discontent or unable to achieve their needs before they're willing to join a revolutionary group.
America in it's current state is a poisonous plant, trying to fix it is futile and will only result in our race slowly dying off. The only cure is pulling it out at it's roots.
Merely questioning whether he was posted here by his own people.
Considering I bet he makes money from us.
Fuck it I don't care anymore. Read it if you must.
How does a ghost shill for a book though?
I've never seen people shill the book here. you're just making shit up
William L. Pierce, the author, has been dead for over a decade now. Regardless the book is easily found for free everywhere. Think before you talk dumbass.
Usually I don't go out of my way, but…user, you are truly retarded.
How it could be done. -)
I'm certainly not clicking that shit.
stop trying to make me watch cartoons and not research the horrific state of the world and our impending catastrophic future tbh…reeeeee
There is pretty much only one way the economic collapse is going to happen and the cartoon makers figured it out.
If everyone just borrowed as much as they could. Mortgages, vehicles, you name it as long as it's on borrowed money. Then everyone stopped repaying their debts, that would fuck things up for a while. That's basically where we're headed
I really didnt even know you could be this new. Even cuckchan almost unanimously know who he is. This is reddit tier trash, and hes using the stupid faces too.
That was always a Reddit culture thing.
resist. com/The_Turner_Diaries.pdf
This will be the third time Ive linked a free version of TTD, theres the archive which include it among his broadcasts and other like Hunter, theres the audio book from youtube, and this is a direct PDF of TTD. No one is making any shekels, this isnt a fucking funny meme factory, its a place where National Socialists try to stop white genocide. This is like the exact same thing if someone said Hitler was shilling Mein Kampf here for shekels.. just beyond stupid.
well whitopia (AKA Europe) is full of niggers and kikes ATM and they won't leave when asked politely
is it also available on paper? i don't like reading from a screen so that would be nice if you're on this site you're on a watchlist anyway, might as well buy books online