Ubisoft Comfy Thread

Didn't see one in the catalog. As before, thread for comfier, slower discussion of this shit show.

I don't have any relevant images, so whatever.

Pleasant surprise for once.

i haven't bothered keeping track with e3 so far, has anything interesting been announced?

Any information about Rainbow 6 Siege?

God I'm so tired of Aisha Tyler and the South Park thing dragged on for way too fucking long.

No, probably the worst e3 yet so far.

Not yet, but I'm sure it will happen.

How can I forgot that horrible fucking dance intro.

What the fuck were they thinking?

Microsoft was pretty good because Forza looks good and every Xbox game ever is coming to PC


I'll enjoy South Park 2 just as I enjoyed the first game.



South Park looking pretty decent honestly.

I wonder if PC Principle will complain about there not being enough women characters in the game.

God I hate these fucking people. I can't believe I actually prefer the corporate as fuck approach of something like EA or Microsoft.


no wonder siege is so good, CEO's don't give a fuck


I want society to die

Trey and Matt didn't.

Did they show wildland yet? thats the only game I'm interested from ubisoft

I didn't know Ubisoft was still making Playstation 2 games.

All these bird noises are making me laugh.

Not falling for it, kikes

These people wearing headsets on stage look incredibly stupid.

Why do they pretend they are playing the game live when we all know its fucking scripted as fuck



Good on them. Maybe they are aware of how stupid the pretentious ribbons are. I half expected booing when they started talking about the gay fish.

Wouldn't people who were actually affected by the shooting rather not constantly be reminded about it by some shitheads on a stage that then transition into talking about video games or are wearing some sort of giraffe suit?

On a more related note these shots of the people playing this VR hawk game are absolutely RIDICULOUS and why is Aisha Taylor talking about her piss.


I'll deal with Windows 10 to play Forza without an Xbox.


Look at it this way: the COULD have invited Wesley, but they purposely didn't.

Sure is a lot of video games happening right now oh boy man the graphics and my emails hahaha bags of dicks man she's totally talking about dicks.

You're fucking with me, right? What could be worse/better than 2006?

I'd still hit it

nah man it's everything else



But the height is a good thing.


I just want a new, non-shit Splinter Cell.







Get on your knees bitch, the Patriarchy is here.

South Park The Fractured but Whole wins E3 for fracturing the buttholes of twitter sensitive people.

So much talking so little showing.

What are they mad about now?

wasn't for honor already out?
does that means that the user who was posting screenshots of it last time was actually a beta?





That, pretty much.

The trailer was cozy, but where's the gameplay


All they really have to do is give me more south park like the first one had and I'll be happy, don't even need to improve on the gameplay because it's gonna be shit anyway. Not gonna spend $60 on it though because a glorified south park movie isn't worth $60. Probably pirate it first and when I see it on sale for like $15 buy it for the price it's actually worth.

It was an alpha, user, and they were webms. Sadly I don't fucking have my footage anymore for some reason.

I haven't heard a single thing since that alpha last year. I take it from this single player footage that each faction will have a tanky player (that viking and that boss were tanky, they always can defend in one direction at all times. In the alpha, the knight character we could use was a tanky dude), a mid range character, and a fast character. I think there will also be different weapons to switch between to mix it up, and each faction uses different abilities during combat (like the viking charge).

I don't get it. Is coon a bad word?

it's a synonym for Basketball-American

I kinda guessed it was going to be God of War hack and slash nonsense, so this is no surprise.

new blood dragon and its going to be a meme game

nice to see anons stick around despite Holla Forums fuck ups as platform


It's a word some people use to describe niggers and it offends the liberal cucks.

Have you played a Musou before? Then you already know what the gameplay will be. A boring repetitive button masher.

Kind of accurate, if you amend it to

Dare I say, For Honor did not look as shit as I expected?

God who the fuck is this old fart and why should I care. The finnish guy was more entertaining.

It looks competent, but boring. So I guess so?

This place is home, fuck anyone who went back to halfchan

It honestly was the only reason I wanted to watch this conference. I'm pretty pumped with what I've played so far.

Man you guys like video games? Well here's some movies.

Were we watching the same clip? It was just Musuo-type shit with QTE boss fights. Best thing in it was the stance system, and even that looked pretty simplistic.

Oh look DeadSec hacked the Ubisoft conference. Totally did not see this coming.


So you play a nigger with problem glasses in this game? and your friend looks like fucking Shredder?


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This story is on retard-level, i'm sorry. And why is hackers good guys, running around in the world fighting for democracy using privacy-infrigement-shit and droids?

Mushous are ultimately more about positioning the way i see it.

Yeah, nothing is a danger to you, but get caught up slaughtering shit in the wrong place at the wrong type and you gonna fail mission objectives.

It is pretty fun when you make realization like "Capturing Area A means i can ignore that Raid Unit since the enemy unit moving to it won't make it to interrupt my Escort objective, letting me go and duel that officer at my leisure".

The actual combat is shit and you generally use one of two (in some cases 3) "combos" depending on the situation (AoE/Base Capture or Single Target/Anti-Officer), but the fun is in the "Cao Caos rhetoric boosted troop morale" "oh, my cousin? i guess i should switch sides" moments and countering them and pursuing Lu Bu and getting away with it.

And various game dependent gimmicks that get switched around constantly.

And unless a Mushou clone has that kind of situations what is the point?

Basically what im saying is DISGRACE TO MUSHOUS!

This is the worst E3 in years.


Stealth is dead.

Yves "I will fuck PC in the ass" Guillemot is rocking that grandpa belt like it was ever in style.


Year of the black protagonist.


I can dig it.


Seems comfy, and fortunately you get to avoid all the hipster-douches that flocks in those areas IRL.

druup zuns


Should be 0 tbqh femme

I want to bend Aisha over against her will and split her in half using my cock.

Alright, this already way better than EA's reboot of SSX

Year ain't over yet!

I hope you can start avalanches and try to outride them!

Oh man these guys wiping and cracking all their bones. They sound like they fucking die.



I mean it looks mediocre, but at least it was somewhat original.

This is this amazing new IP? A sports game?

You saw the clipping right?

Sooo. SSX Tricky?
