Man, the State and the Good Life

I've been thinking Holla Forums, as one tends to do when you have nothing else at hand. I've been thinking about the good life, and the morals a nation or a people need in order to see that this good life is attainable.

We don't agree with the capitalist vision of the good life. It is exorbitant and selfdestructive. It will break man down to his last vice in order to derive a capital gain from his downfall.
We don't agree with communism either, for it is based on the false belief that mankind will toil selflessly for a common good.

Then what is the good life and the true political purpose of nations and countries?
We have banded together to create the best possible opportunities to live the good life. But recently, our flirt with democracy has become a draining marriage. With a divorce that seems like it would devour the very European soul.

How do we cast off the manacles of democracy as the end-all be-all of political development?
Destroy this belief that it is the superior of inferiors? That we should be shackled to one another in a system that plays to the lowest common denominator, rather than encouraging the most outstanding of individuals to seize the day?

I have my own views, as we all do, about the faults of democracy. But I think we all have to gain a deeper understanding of the faults, and what alternatives we offer. Before we can truly take on the leviathan that is Liberal Democracy.

Nobody has anything noteworthy to say on the topic? Really?

We live in a time were democracy is preached like the gospel, carried on the shoulders of two corrupt and twisted world wars, that were perpetuated by powers malign towards the traditional beliefs and ways of living that we have had for more than a thousand years. And nobody wants to discuss how to reveal the illegitimate nature of democracy and republics?!

well maybe noone else noticed the thread the first time it went down page 1
the majority of people don't really know whats going on and many of them don't really hold genuine political beliefs, and just cling to whatever political views suit them socially, i.e. make them popular or likable of something
that is a gigantic fault of democracy

what alternative though, is there to democracy and republics, and capitalism, and communism, in a world that is seduced by evil?

rather than what alternative is there, what system would work? I'd erroneously implied that democracy and republics would be viable

nice thread, however if you look back in time far enough, you will always find some form of democracy in any civilisation, whether that be the old germanic tradition of the alþing or the greek forms of democracy, it has always been part of our world. The problem with modern parlementary democracy is that it is easily manipulated, the only thing (((manipulative powers))) need for leverage is scandalous info on the right men to set the system to their hand, and if such info is unavailable or certain people get too dangerous, they have them killed. Another problem is that the people who control the press control the voters, which is a problem that's slowly vanishing now with the advance of the internet as a news source, although the power is nnow shifting to people like (((Mark "they trust me, dumb fucks" Zuckerberg))) and those google kikes. Ideally, a swiss democratic system, like was used with the saxons and the frisians as well seems like quite a waterproof system, the people research their laws and actually see voting as a civic duty rather than a chore, which increases patriotism. As long as your country is not overrun with retarded niggers and backstabbing kikes off course

Find a leader who genuinely cares about the health, safety, morale, education, and general well-being of the citizens that can also prove they have the moral fiber and intelligence to run a dictatorship without attempting to pad their own coffers or play nation-building games or using absurd amounts of propaganda.

Maybe you will get people to believe there is a CHANCE. Literally find the greatest world leader that ever existed, put his balls in a vice, and tell him that if he fucks it up or loses his citizens' trust, he becomes a girl.

There's a reason why spartanian nationalist millitary state would be considered the best "life" for all men. Struggle for "good life" can end up with domesticated population that doesn't work, doesn't fight to survive and just consumes products, in their apartament cages.

We'll see how long that lasts, both radio and TV were supposed to democratise information as well, but quickly became another tool to control people. With all the attacks on YouTube from the old media, increasing talks of censorship such as from the German government, constant threats of SOPA-like legislation and net neutrality, and fewer websites gaining an ever larger share of the traffic it's hard to see the internet remaining a bastion of free speech and access to information forever. It's too dangerous that way, it needs to be censored and controlled, and propagandised. They're just figuring out how best to do that.

I think your implication that the world is seduced by evil is wrong in a deeply fundamental way. I cannot believe that the majority of people are evil, or have evil intentions. We DO know that their intentions are usually motivated by what they deem as "good" and thus it is forced upon others in a way that socially engineers their perfect society. Which of course creates great social imbalance, and ultimately causes a reaction that will render their desired outcome completely defunct and impossible.
I believe that we'd need a return to a more conservative form of government, in which people meet on another basis, than 50/50 split parliaments.

In a way I believe a return to the Estates General, a court of commoners, intellectuals and the rich/powerful, led by a king or high authority, could create a sense of identity and nationhood, that might encourage community and higher ideals for a population.

I don't argue for tyranny. Obviously tyrants have rarely enabled the people they rule to obtain the good life, that will create individual fulfilment as well as propel society towards a higher level of civilization.

My problem with the current way we organize ourselves, is that we have completely lost our will to dream and realize the potential we have. Since it is economically unfeasible or worse, disinteresting to the many, who have become docile and nihilistic. Completely without vision for the world that coming generations will inherit.

Direct democracy like in Switzerland is in many ways very viable. But having been to Switzerland, I can tell you that there is a deeprooted corruption in their hearts, that leads them towards a slow burning nihilism. They want to be left alone in their mountains, they want comfort and luxury. But are not willing to struggle alongside others. They'd rather live off of other nations as a parasite. Just like the Venetians did. Their system doesn't encourage anything greater than living comfortably, and while comfort is worth having, it is in no way an admirable feat.

Ceasarism won't do any good if you don't have a system that lets genius live and breathe. Rome fostered countless great men, from the plebeians and the nobilis. But when the system broke down, Rome languished a slow death as the spirit that conquered and dominated most of Europe was washed away by the Augustine family and their successors.

Go watch some E Michael Jones, his books touch upon this subject. His perspective is that any form of usury, not just capitalism, is fundamentally predatory.

Creditors = predators

Also, there is no good life. This is a usurious concept, that abandons the fundamental principle of labor=wealth or cause before effect

How can anyone walk past that and not feel the urge to stick this onto it:

The only way to stop that cycle (which has repeated throughout history without fail) is by abiding to the Aristotelian principles: Wisdom, Moderation (incredibly important one since Good Times = decadence) and Justice.

The problems with democracy are easy to expose and you've covered most of them. Anti-truth brainwashing campaigns, bribery/corruption. Other issues apparent but people are fooled into thinking they're beneficial. Like the tangled 'checks and balances' of the American republic that cause senators to game the system to the point of inactivity. Or universal suffrage, which allows any room temperature IQ ape to have the same political impact as you or I.

Humanitarianism leads to the idea that suffrage is a good thing, because normalfags are unable to find the rhetoric to describe why another race is any different. Conservatives can only point to the markings on a passport, which is so weak that cosmopolitans easily won that argument and became the (((educators))).

And do you equate wealth with happiness or 'the good life'?

Why bother? They're identical to the original. I was certain that poster was satire, but it isn't, it's a real fucking poster the English government put up, along with this one. Incredible.

Because they are peddling "for your own safety" angle without the other, darker implications which the Big Brother ones reveal.

Life is just life, but we take it for granted. The public is called 'the dead', 'the unbegun' by jewish occultists. These creatures sell us a fake version of life, and for every gentile they beguile into their reality, it grows and begins to resemble life itself. Like a tyrant who lies and cheats their way into positions of power, they are prepared to kill or die for their objective. Ask yourself: Is there life for a man who cannot live in the present? To them, in their plan, we are all dead already.

However, we are all capable of making a plan. If you plan to 'live a good life' at the expense of others, fooling yourself into all kinds of trappings, then you have only just begun the initial steps to finding your ground in this yoke. If your plan does not conclude in a personal state of godhood, in which you have risen above the trivialities of 'society', you will always be apart of the problems you see and the eb and flow of this world (whatever your name for it may be) will resist you.

Social trivialities exist even for 'Gods' (so to speak) and finding yourself above them means you've only altered the manner in which you see them. Let's say I totally ignore the social ebb and flow in my quest to ascend into godhood, but my pinnacle is the peace of mind of eating a well prepared cheeseburger rather than any of the typical godlike traits. What backbone of ideas would then consider me not a God?

What I mean to say is… You are your plan. If you cannot begin the crucial change right now, if you know why but not how, you're trapped. You cannot do anything for others if you can't even help yourself. Society to a great extent is an illusion smashed into our heads before we are even capable of walking or talking, and we are surrounded by impressions that destroy our ability to set anything in motion. 'the good life' may entail cultivation of ones potential and prosperity, but it is just a myth by which to live that contains no meaning outside of context. At best it is a compilation of principles and elements that are often open to interpration. I see there is talk of democracy ITT; democracy is a psyop based on what I am talking about here. The philosophical Greeks lived in a civ where slavery was normal and even upheld at times as a group necessity. Those who fell into the criteria of a worthy servant was made a worthy servant. This model has not changed, we have the police, IRS, Military/Pharmaceutical industrial complex, the list goes on. Despite its influence that most of us would misinterpret as 'control', it is all a great bluff. It is all based upon fear and suffering, illusions that have become a collective reality from which no man can hope to escape but through himself. This too has always been the case, and has often been the salvation of mankind in the face of animalistic value systems.

Read Nazi-Sozi by Goebbels.
tl;dr it's the Jews.

Also, on NatSoc and dictatorship:
tl;dr National Socialism requires dictatorship at first, during which they structure society and government to self-sustaining NatSoc systems.
What these systems are, I assume, is the subject of this thread. What do you all think of Goebbels's idea?

That's a hedonistic ideal, unless of course you can fit daily nutritional requirements that do not contradict your state health into said burger without changing its symbolic value. It is natural to enjoy life, the world enjoys us as we enjoy it. However would you want to live forever? Wouldn't you like to be the cheeseburger in another life, devoid of fears and sensitory illusions just being a delicious stack of simplicity? And don't forget: You can eat yourself sick, so permanence is the last thing anybody should hope for.

How to fix the overrun with niggers and likes part. (((They))) have conditioned the public to shame any kind of perceived "hatred". Wouldn't a traditionalist dictatorship to restore the old order be kind of necessary to save us?

What a coincidence. Was thinking much the same last night.
The only solution I found is not really a solution. I figured that, inspired by Metal Gear of all things, society needs to truly fracture. I don't mean as we are now, but as it was before the internet. No shared television channel between East and West coast, no youtube with multi-million views, and nobody trying to spread a political message outside of their state/country.
We need an end to shilling. Right now the whole world is being forced to share one story. Nowhere is allowed to face a singular hardship, to form its own answers without in turn answering to a higher, morally skewed, power. The Phillipines are a prime example of a country trying to fix itself and being labeled as wrong for the act.

We need to shut out the outside world on a morale and political basis, for better and worse. I just can't figure out how.

Liberalism is the state of human society escaping the Semitic slave cult. It is the road to individuality and therefor self-mastery. The reason why Liberal Democracy fails is that Global Democracy is bad and we need a Republic of racial cultural unity in order to function properly.

The goal of National Socialism was to hive mind the Germanic race in order to save it from destruction. Liberal Democracy allowed for this destruction because Democracy voted in global cultures (Jews) as part of the merchant class dominance over Industrial society.

The problem isn't with the system, it's with the men using it. The men where Christians merchants and with Christianity comes Jews… It's like peanut butter and jelly.

If anything Liberalism would of taught us about nature, reason, and our native pagan spirit… But like everything the Jews hijacked it.

We live in an experiment that is out of hand. To me this is the only realization that must occur at the core of 'self'. Only then can we appropriate ourselves to this insane game of life. It is all done for us anyway. In the mind of god this is all over and was at the moment it even began. The logos of reality is the 'thing' that sits at the center of everything we 'think' about or what we 'thought' we were. The jews are self-defeating, and are at best here for our entertainment and self-reflection. Changing your way of thinking ripples out into the consensus through all forms of your existence. Therefore there is no good life just life, and the inherent con-job of 'ascension' negates life by placing a limit upon it.

What's the point of losing sensitory 'illusions' AND trying to actively avoid death? Given the material world is these illusions then wouldn't it be it contradictory behavior to fear the afterlife and try to shun the essence of life itself? Maybe I'm misinterpreting you, but do you or don't you want me to die?

Why should an individual entity coalesce with anything but his own ideas? There is a frightening line that people cross, even without the Jew, where they become atomised and dissasociative. If an individual cannot conform to the ideal lifestyle, then he will never reach the maximum fulfillment he deserves. The Fasces is a good illustration of an ideal society where individuals are bound by creed. My question is where this creed originates.

It was less giving them a hive mind, and more giving them consciousness of race and nation.

Daily intake of knowledge via books and dialogues in balance with healthy lifestyle and family bearing. Not trying to shill the ideal of 'if everyone was like me there wouldn't be any problems' but look around and see for yourself the hell on earth that is manifesting from the exclusion (and attempts of substitution) of these facets of life.

Race. Race is your nation. Culture comes from race. There is no true multicultural nation, and saying something is multicultural effectively makes it have no culture of it's own. Multicultural culture is an oxymoron. There can be no light without darkness. Nature favors diversity, and the ethnostate is Nature's representative.
The government's prime duty is to represent and enforce the heart of it's race.


This is trivial to me, as I believe there are things in life that we fail to recognize as death and things that are far worse than death (e.g. ChemoTherapy, heroin addiction, podesta). I think we lost the point when I brought in the abrahamic 'god' concept. I guess we are trying to fit a lot of things into a concept here, which is why I must reiterate my point that our actual value systems have been enforced upon us through coercion from the point of entrance into 'life'. Please don't get all suicidal new age on me.

United ethnoStates of America when

First Oregon and Washington combine into the State of Cascadia. Then, cascadia creates a state-owned bank and bans usury. Then, the long awaited purge and declaration of succession unless they keep the Nigs out.
The PNW is the last place in America that is still mostly white. The North belongs to us.
At least, this is my platform in case of SHTF.

Inter-continental race war.
The survivors will pick up the pieces.