Post bikinis you want to see your pubescent, legal-aged significant other in.
Not to help you on this but on a similar topic, why do we even allow these? I don't recall girls that age wearing that when I was that age, which is only about 15 years for me at 27.
muhammed said its okay, so therefore hawt
I never understood why swimwear is of the same form as underwear, yet one is considered ok to walk around in were as the other is not.
In the good old Aryan days, men would marry teenaged (virgin) girls…
won't answer your question directly, but ask a feminist… You'll get a funny (muh feels) answer
We have fucking pre-schooler beauty pageants (Toddlers in Tiaras) where they prance around in bikinis and shit.
We're totally fucked, fam.
I guess I could take a guess. And if said it could be considered lewd for a child to wear, they'd spin it into "How could you look at a child that way? Pedophile!" (strange, because these progressive stack fags are supposed to now be backing pedos, right?) But, more than that, it implies that the belief would need to be my own, and that there isn't in actuality a general consesus that clothes that gives emphasis towards the sexual parts of the body (vagina/breasts) is, intrinsictally, sexual (regardless of who wears it).
ITT: shills discussing about underage girls in bikinis. Watchya sliding this time?
And they would be much more polite and prettier, back them even they menstruated at 18, even the normie ones menstruated at 15 at least.
If anyone is the retard/shill, it's you.
Just because this is a thread obviously not meant to be here, doesn't mean people can't discuss as long as they sage and wait for the mods to remove it.
Shit user. You were so close.
You have to go back.
Are you referring to reddit-spacing? Do you know what that is by definition? It's to put a an "enter" line, i.e. newline, between sentences as opposed to just when one has lengthy paragraphs. All my lines are adjacent to one another i.e., no extra line inbetween.
I know we want to spook off raiders… But this isn't gore user.
Gore spooks them not pedoshit infact the raiders are probably pro pedo.
The one on the far right is going to look stunning when older. brb gassing myself
the only good pedo is a dead pedo
It's a sad time user, hopefully this diseased time passes from our nation quickly.
Holy shit pun intended how do you get the smell out of the house after that??
Global reported, tough luck kid
Perception. Weird how a human mind works, ain't it.
Hol up, hol up!
Let me in too.
I still laugh at people who get off to kids.
Everybody is a degenerate these days, if you get excited at some dumb brat then your standards are so low that I can't help but laugh.
Omg her breasts are so budding omggggg hnnnghhhh.
Only in my patrician pedo world I can see such beauty and magnificence.
Noooo she's a total secret model, just look at her unformed self, she has those tiny hints of womanhood about her omggg to witness this perfection omg I am such a blessed mannnn.
Only in my exciting secret world of gentlemanly patrician pedoness can one appreciate such a thing, I am very unique and a connaisseur!
Nooooo she's a MODEL hnnnnnnnnnnngghhh.
Look at those subtle curves.
Can't you just imagine it?
Having a BBQ and the kids are playing at the kiddy pool, and some guy is hiding in the bushes, his jaw agape.
Eyes bulging, doing a little autistic dance of joy like a treasure hunter having found a nugget of gold.
And writing in his diary that he saw the perfect wife today?
Just imagine living as a person like that.
What a dud.
Fuck off back to cuckchan.