Trumps National Security Advisor is a Warmongering Bag of Shit

Trumps National Security Advisor is a Warmongering Bag of Shit
The removal of Michael Flynn as Trump’s National Security Adviser has been greatly significant. Trump is now being advised by H.R. McMaster whose views appear to be directly in line with the neocon establishment.He was on Fox News today discussing the Syria strikes with the (((Chris Wallace))). During the interview he pushes the entire child gassing fake news narrative and repeatedly talks about how Bashar Al-Assad is the meanest person on the planet. We’ve already seen this movie with Iraq and Libya. We absolutely can not do the same thing with Syria as this would spark off a direct confrontation with Iran and Russia.I say to hell with this warmongering bag of shit. If the Alt-Right Nazi movement has to transform itself into an anti-war movement than so be it.

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oh my, you're not from here now are you kike?

Isn't this the same guy who always calls ISIS, "ISIL" and whose selection was cheered by neocucks? Fuck this guy. At this point, Trump should just outright pardon Flynn of any possible wrong-doing and bring him back.

We should aim our efforts at getting this guy ousted.

OP sucks cock but he's right in that this guy is trouble.

this guy is trouble, but this thread concerns me, its like he's actually getting paid for something.

By whom? And what would be the downside in getting rid of the guy or pushing for him to tossed?

Daily reminder that the US military is actually the core problem along with jews. They aren't separate.

The faggot could have at least had a source, but no, he had to go full discord-nigger

source is Liveleak verbatim.

Because he's a multi-dimensional chess champion

Well if war breaks out it's all the liberals fault.

They were the ones responsible for removing Flynn.


The liberals are part of all that, mostly as useful idiots but part of it nonetheless. They will get some of the blame as well.

The Hacker Known As
(((The Alt-Right Nazi Movement)))

It's going to be another jewish war, and if you're going to blame gentile fronts, the goys in the Trump administration deserve just as much blame as any liberal.

I'll put it this way, I am not all so very much worried about Russia, Syria, Iran or even China. I simply think it is the wrong thing to do because let's say, let's say the USA beats them all what everything has shown me since 9/11 with the NSA, the CIA, our elected leaders, the police forces within the USA. If the USA was to beat them all we'd be a world wide planetary monster on the leash controlled by evil world dominating JEWS. And as a traditionalist US Constitutionalist
and a believer in the Bill of Rights I can't abide by it. I guess by saying this I'll be rounded up in the slaughter that is coming. Good luck Anons.

What's wrong with that? Are you troubled that the term Levant encompasses Israel? That's literally the only argument I've heard against using ISIL. they never heard of Greater Syria, of course.

You're not from here right ?

And now you're just trying to deflect blame. I am tired of idiots trying to pull this bullshit when those very same people would have you flayed alive and set on fire. You're a blithering idiot to defend liberals. Half the time someone does, they want someone spared.

It seems like an odd and unnecessary change that was pushed by Obama for whatever reason. They're terrorist trash all the same.

ISIL/ISIS were always interchangeable. I used to prefer isil before normies latched onto ISIS because it "sounds good."

The only person trying to deflect blame here is you. Syria isn't an enemy of the "liberals", it's an enemy of the jews and Israel. But that won't get yo upvotes on reddit, so it's easier to just keep everything confined to the two jew-controlled parties and blame the "liberals", who are probably the "real racists and fascists" too.

Probably because the 'S' in ISIS stands for al-Sham and they just figured they'd use an English-language term instead. The hang up over it seems to come exclusively from ziotards thinking there is some deep seeded ulterior motivation behind it.

……don't we want the war to happen so we can finally scream


You're a damned fucking idiot trying to control how people view things and limit all the responsible parties in all of this. I'm tired of people trying to pull this bullshit.

That depends hat you're objective is. I worry it will mean that as a police car drives by niggers will open fire on it with an AK47 and then when I open fire on the niggers I'll be killed by the police responding to the niggers killer their fellow officers. That's the Happening.

The name should be ISIS because it always was ISIS. 99% of Americans either have no idea what ISIS or ISIL stand for or they don't give a shit about it. Obama pushed the ISIL and Daesh bullshit to make them sound "less cool" but I don't like playing politically correct wordplay so it was always be ISIS – aka the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.

In general, neocons should be a target (figuratively speaking, of course).

We were already anti-war, and we're not alt-right.

We need to deal with this McMaster problem, he is probably one false flag chemical attack away from saying we need to use "military means" to conduct regime change.

If Bill Kristollnacht approves something you do or say, you're wrong. Simple as that.

Before the word became mainstream, we actually used it to describe Holla Forums

I'll just post this here

I'm 2 minutes in and it's the usual buzzword loaded bullshit.

And this is the quickest way to know how fucking bad this guy is, anything Bill Kristol is for is cancer.

How often do generals give interviews on TV? Does anyone remember a general during the Obama administration giving interviews on TV?

Bullshit, we said natsoc. Unless you're from cuckchan post exodus. In which case… gaaaaay

Apparently McMaster's and Haley's plan is to remove both Assad and ISIS at the same time (how?).
Doesn't take a genius to figure out this will end in complete and utter chaos.


ISIS only describes Syria and Iraq. ISL describes the Levant which includes a much larger region, including Isreal. That being the case ISIS should be used as they are only a threat to Syria and Iraq. Including Isreal gives them the angle to say this group is a threat to (((our greatest ally)).

Don't be fooled by that shit.

H.R. McCuckster


He has a Silver Star. A war mongering scumbag, yes, but not a cuck.


Where's the CIA's heart attack gun when you need it?


There is always a new generation of dumbasses who believe this crap but the lion share are the older ones that still get their reality from the old jew propaganda outlets.

Just watched the video and I'm pleased with his answers. I went in hating him but he said the right things convincingly in correspondence to what many of us believe is really happening in Syria. Not saying he's /ourguy/ but he's not traitor level like Kushner…


I can tell just from hearing his voice that McMaster isn't a genius pulling the strings….hes a fucking gung-ho military retard who sucks up political propaganda to justify to himself his barbarous career at the expenses of other, albeit degenerate, humans.

This guy probably really believes Isreal is an ally and that Assad is gassing his people. I'd be supprised if this moron could tell you which sect of Islam any of the groups he wants to get involved with are a part of.

Did you watch it? What part bothers you specifically? He calls for OTHER countries to change the Assad regime diplomatically. Isis first. He condemns Russia and Assad (to appease the left and simultaneously kill the putin puppet narrative IMO)

He's talking to the MSM and he knows it. He played his hand well if he is doing what I believe he is doing.

Hello March Against Trump.

That's what the Arab League, EU and US together have been trying to do for the last years 6 now.

The conversations of the last few days have been dominated a bit too much by "if" and "I believe" for my taste.

I agree but if we actually knew then all the invaders here would know too. I'm not so entitled to believe I need up to the second facts on top secret military strategy. That being said, all I can do is hope and pray that things are being handled correctly. Nothing in this video contradicts that.


Yes, which is why your critique is a joke. He's pushing the jew narrative of evil Assad attacking his own people bullshit for pretext to carry out jew agenda. Fuck jew agenda, fuck him, fuck you.

Makes sense. Once Assad's gone, ISIS will move on to fight Israel's other enemies.

Want to know how it will end ?

Ever notice how the media has a total blackout on Libya these days ? Notice how once Qaddafi was killed they just stopped covering the country ?

Do a quick search on what's happening in Libya these days, and how it relates to the migrant crisis.

"If" viewed through the lense of your special interpretation of things, yes. Nah, I'll stay sceptic for now.


reminder; take a look at the timeline of the regime change operation in Lybia:


McMaster's rides the Bomb

possibly relevant blogpost

The US deep state really is retarded when they remove Flynn for this brainwashed cuck.

The US government don't have a media monopoly any longer, so backlash will be the same as in Maidan, but this time it is the Trump movement they will lose control over, rather than the few nazis on cuckpol.

That he is too cucked to understand that the USA us unable to win new cold wars, if the soldiers are to fight for their children's right to be a hated minority in their own country.

The cuck is probably so cucked that he can't even admit that the USA have a problem when you lose your job like Flynn or Bannon, if you even admit that the West have a problem.

Libya is from where the rapefugees depart to Europe as far as I know. Is that what you're alluding to?

How can that be trusted? How can any of this horseshit be trusted? The media is jew orchestrated theater for the "goyim".

He also says Murica unironically.

It can't, but that is peanuts compared how cucked McMaster is.

i think trump is a grown man and capable of making his own decisions

Trump could have stood firm. It was the first domino.


That's because the political game is a game of lies and subterfuge.

Do you honestly believe everything a politician sez?