O kurwa cyka blyat

Guess what just got announced. And by whom.


that's polish you fucking idiot


It's all the same sub-human speak.

I thought he was presenting the Scorpio. It had the same exact things he would say if he were promoting it as a game since he didn't show up at the bethesda conference.

dale reminder slavs invented fusion reactor while europeans invented atheism and communism

jews aren't european, m8

Not even Todd can make that piece of shit game worse than it already is.

You're kidding right?


Tell me this is bait…

I can't find anything, OP is full of shit

Fucking rude, it was just on E3.

is there a recording of that ?


Probably will be up in some time.

What does that mean?

So applying logical thinking and the scientific method to religion is a bad thing? Do you even know what atheism is aside from pictures of fat people wearing fedoras posted on reddit?

Oh shit, here it comes


Maybe it won't be as bad as we expect, r-right guys..?

ты чо волчара

Yeah it's pretentious gobbeldygook that makes you self-centered because it's a form of nihilism and doesn't have you devoted to a higher cause.

Calm down Op is a faggot rusing us, I've seen no other proof aside from this thread that stalker 2 will be amde by bethesda.

Do you not trust everything you read on Holla Forums?


Он говорит правду ватник, пиздуй на двач если его еще росском не закрыл.

You guys shouldn't be shit talking slavs. Slavs and magyars soon will be the only white people left.


Maybe Ukrainians, Russians, and Serbs but the rest of the Slavs are the best Europeans, they don't have superiority complexes and autistic egos.

Лучше быть ватником, чем матрасокаколдом.


Хера логика.

это дерьмо в офф списке сми и под колпаком очень давно, не, я лучше на заграничных интернетах погуляю, анон.

I can't take those people seriously all of them who spout this shit are so weak.

żryj buraki chujcu


А ты думал что хипстота исключительно западная болезнь?

I don't mean this rudely, but are you a weeb? A weeaboo slav? That's a site to see.

Greekfags pls go.

I'm pretty sure it's a hat.

You'd be fucking surprised about how degenerate russians can get. It can get pretty lonely and boring in the winter. Back when the MLP craze was in full force, russian imageboards were infected completely with it. Watching anime is nothing special compared to that. It's only furries that we have a zero tolerance policy against of.

Fedora responses are the exact same as calling someone a conspiracy nut.

Meanwhile the thread…

Actually it wouldnt surprise me if Bethesda stole all the ideas of STALKER and made another shitty gamebryo IP

I mean, even a trained monkey can make a game on that engine nowadays

When i was kid my father got us cable for television all and there were kind of foreign programs. There on one german station was running Aika,Trigun and Dragonball late night. My mind literally exploded Japan is the greatest country.

And yet bethesda can't :)


double what.

le fedora meme :^)

God Bless RTL2. Shame Germany is cucked now.


As far as I know it's the complete opposite

Did i say gamebryo games were any good? You must be one the asspussibois that thinks those shitty games would be good with only better writting

No, bethesda games were never good

Fuck off retard.

Browsing the web and still 0 info after more than one hour, i guess it's fake…

I am a weeb Slav as well.
But i hide my power level pretty good.

It's true.

You are alright, you have the right idea

No trailer
No website article
No mention


After 1 hour.

Russian 2ch has a furry board dude…

it's been fake since we've been trolling you slavaboos since 2012 with these images

Same here. But I spend 90% of my time alone. Anime and vidya help with coping.

It means there's 40 or 50 guys and in the morning we'll only find one or two condoms.

What about this thread?

But user, that theory is ripped right off of Aristotle. The first motor I think it was called, the explanation of change through potential and actuality, that's Aristotle's. That guy barely added a few details. In fact, Christianity is based on a lot of Plato's ideas.


how dare you

Russian 2ch is also full exclusively of degenerates and liberals, it doesn't speak for whole population.

Who said it did? It's just not any less tolerant of furries than pony shit


Apparently, neither do you.

To give the simplest statement on the most common misunderstanding of thermodynamics and the universe: an infinite universe is infinitely dead.

Like my sex life.

Worst case scenario: it's fallout 4 with russians.

Oh god no.

You don't understand it. You're saying "We don't know what started the universe so it was god"

It's literally the laziest explanation you could come up with.

weabo slavs are just non-pussy weabos

am slav
majoring japanese history language and culture
most of the people on my major are weebs

funny joke, faggot

Weebslavs sounds like a cute race

Good luck finding a job with that degree, faggot.

Who she's so pretty…

Nah, It only appears lazy because of its simplicity, doesn't mean that there isn't a lot of thought in the statement to back it up.

When you analyze the universe as a system, it is either an infinite system that has reached the asymptote of equilibrium: the cold death of the universe, or an finite universe that has not reached equilibrium: what we obviously currently observe. The same occurs whether you extrapolate it to a multiverse or not. Infinity is simply not a rational supposition based on observation.

"We can't explain it so it's God, do we have evidence? Nope"

You don't have any proof that a god exists, saying "God exists" isn't proof of it.


How did this thread turn from STALKER 2 trolling to /r/atheism

Funny how that theory ignores the possibility of two or more entities forming a loop of actualizing eachother's potentials, sort of like a literal circlejerk. You might claim it to be impossible, but you can't say for sure, can you?

Yeah good luck presenting real-world evidence that either the truth of your assertion or that this universe is, indeed, infinite.

Currently observed physical laws directly correlate to something existing outside of the system of the universe as a requirement for the current observable arrangement of the universe. That's strictly from a scientific basis, I'm not making the claim yet that it is a god or gods. Also as a fundamental premise on scientific design: a tool cannot measure outside of its parameters. meaning, for example, that for an instrument that measures dimensions of space to be able to measure, say, 4th dimensional space (which has been posited to exist), then it would have to exist in that 4th dimensional space to begin with.

The only test men have ever developed plausibly to discover whether something exists outside of this universe is to die. Perhaps one day we will find a method that allows us to inform the living.

Prove it.

We actually have never confirmed a perfect actualization chain, however. Everything occurs with loss.

Funnily enough, thermodynamics is exactly what we're talking about.

Сука Блять


I already have a degree in marketing, user, this is a bonus

Athiesm vs Christianity is the single most retarded debate.


Neither of you have a leg to stand on. You can't use science to prove or disprove supernatural claims, which are by definition outside of the natural realm I.E. the realm of science.

Christians need to admit they're making a claim that couldn't possibly have any evidence to support it. They usually do. The thing is, atheists are guilty of the exact same thing and they NEVER EVER ADMIT IT. Just because their assumption is a negative doesn't make it any more substantiated.

TL;DR you're both retards for trying to convince the other one

Мочепарашный подтирач? Двач отдал концы ещё в 2009. Пиздуй нахер.

Complete horseshit. In an infinite universe, all probabilities are expressed ad infinitum.

Eh, I'm actually comfortable in admitting what i don't know, though it won't stop me from research in justifying my belief. It is entirely possible that I'm wrong and we're all just dead, hell, it's entirely possible I'm right and we're all just dead anyways. It's not a simple issue.


Correct. So we're not in an infinite universe based on the current body of all knowledge.

I guess no one can say "Sasquach and invisible giganiggers don't exist" because we don't have proof they don't.

Santa Claus? No proof that he does or doesn't exist. Vampires? Werewolves? Only a complete shitlord would just assume they don't exist since there isn't any proof they don't

Do you see how retarded that is? Christians are making a claim that god exists while atheists are calling them out. One group has the burden of poof.

Fair enough

Nope, i'm christian, i'm just no so delusional that i think science can prove or disprove the existence of any gods. Agnostics are shit. You might as well pick a deity and enjoy the ride. Bonus points if you're not diluting your nation's culture by picking an outsider religion.

When christians say "god is real", the burden of proof falls on christians. When athiests say "god isn't real" the burden of proof falls on athiests. Neither side is capable of presenting any evidence whatsoever to prove their claims. You guys are just having a retarded faggot slapfight on the internet that accomplishes nothing.

There is an invisible 7foot tall nigger that rapes you every night in your sleep. Prove me wrong. Show me proof that my claim is false.

Let me just spend an hour trying to disprove your claim. Oh wait, i can't, all i can do is make snarky remarks in an attempt to make you look dumb because that's what passes for debate on my favorite board, r/athiesm.

No, he only needs proof if he's the one trying to say there is no nigger raping him, el oh el rules of D-bait xd

The burden of proof falls on you to disprove my absurb claim that I made with zero evidence. There is absolutely no difference between my claim of invisible niggers and the christian concept of an afterlife and god.

So what would be minimum burden of proof required for Christians? I have provided evidence, though not proof, via the logic inherent in current natural laws that indicates that force must exist from outside the system of our universe. All of my observations are grounded in science up to this point. Nothing i have seen is a rebuttal using dialectic over rhetoric.

Actually in classical debate, the requirement is for both sides to provide evidence, and that can be from anything in spectrum of evidence, but it is necessary in the process of justification.

To give an example: try proving the existence of Mohammed. Its messier than you might think.

I really don't know what you're argument is…

heat energy is unaffected by gravity.

Heat energy = electromagnetic energy, which is separate from and mostly incompatible with general relativity.

gotta drive back home, but what I'm saying is we have not observed infinite possibilities, in fact, there is very much a constrained set of possibilities availabe, take Einsteins equation, for example.

That's not evidence god exists.
No it's not. You're just claiming god exists because we can't explain everything.
Which christians haven't done, since they don't have anything.
Mohammed isn't an omnipotent god that made the universe, the existence of a crazy arab warlord is slightly more believable than a single omnipotent being making the entire universe.

I agree with you, but it's important to acknowledge that there is EXACTLY as much evidence that invisible closet niggers do exist as there is that they don't exist: None, nada, zip, zilch, zero. A positive claim is just as useless as a negative claim when neither of them have anything at all to support them. The part that you leave out or simply don't know about is that negative claims require proof just the same as positive claims.

If four years ago i said the higgs boson doesn't exist and you said it did we would still be just a couple of unqualified idiots making unsubstantiated claims.

What are you hoping to accomplish with all of this? You're not going to convince anyone, and this entire discussion is completely divorced from any kind of meaningful or scientific discussion.

Literally the only thing that you can do is bring up absurd examples like santa clause and bigfoot. You're not making any actual argument, simply attempting to make your opponent's claims seem silly in comparison to your equally baseless claims.

All the christians can do is proclaim that god certainly does exist for equally flimsy reasons. They have no argument either. This discussion is going nowhere.

You're no better than the religious people you so ardently hate. The only difference is that your religion is athiesm. And don't misunderstand me, i have no problem whatsoever with athiests, it's the ones like you who feel they need to proselytize their athiesm. Militant reddit pseudo-intellectual cringe machines.

Any other permutations that you might have on the "flying spaghetti monster argument" are just as useless as if you had actually used that cringey reddit atheist meme.

Agnostics are the only ones who can claim to be following the scientific route. But fuck those guys. Pick a side, but don't turn it into two football teams flinging shit on the other one. It goes nowhere but in circles.

Don't bother being a centrist on here, people are just gonna respond with bullshit. Just accept everyone's beliefs as long as they aren't violently acting on them. When we die, we'll find out who's right but at that point it wouldn't matter. Not trying to be a nihilist asshat, just being realistic here.

I'm not actually an atheist.

You're saying that any absurd claim should be taken at face value if you don't have proof that it's false. Which is pretty fucking retarded.

oh ffs, I get what you're saying and it's supremely stupid.

You don't need to have energy from outside the universe to drive earth's ecosystem. We know where the energy comes from; it's irradiated by the sun. We know that will one day grow cold. Furthermore; there has been absolutely no evidence of extra-natural power driving any of the processes listed in the the image posted. All of these processes are now well understood, as, surprise surprise, modern scientists know far more about the world than people that lived in a period where, if you told a surgeon to wash his fucking hands, he'd get offended by the implications.

The problem here is non-belief is the default position. The burden of proof lies on the positive claimant.

TL;DR, If you said "i have no reason to believe god exists" you would be 100% right and there is no valid response that he can have to that.

But when you say "god for sure doesn't exist" you're doing the same thing us retarded christfags do at the worst of times.

I wouldn't say i'm being centrist. Hell, i'm a fascist. I'm as far right as you can get. But both sides need to pull their shit together and either start being scientific which is impossible in this case or just admit they have nothing to back them up which seems equally impossible given the posts made by each side

Good advice though. I shouldn't have gotten involved in this at all beyond MAYBE my first post.

Kek almighty, no. Communism sure is a religion one which, unfortunately, many atheists espouse, but atheism isn't.

Just like when I say "Invisible raping niggers exist" you can't just say "You're fucking retarded, they don't exist"

There isn't any proof that god exists, it's up to you to provide it. This isn't just for christians but for all religions.

Every single problem you have in life is directly connected to the loss of the christian religion in the west.

It was the only glue to keep it together, without it you are just slowly rotting consumers.

We use to say how in naziland or commieland, betas and such would have it bad against the ubermensch and party's lapdogs. Well guess what, it's already happening here. Without the fear of God, everyone is food to the elites.

I'd love to see you prove that.

Sorry I didn't mean centrist in the political sense I mean in the general sense, the world just isn't a place where you just say "I'm neither." People get pissed easily and just dismiss you so it's just really pointless engaging in a debate like that.

Hell, debates in general are just bad ideas since something like only ~10% end in a consensus.

I've seen that post before.


I only tried to play stalker once, but with no mods, ended up giving up for whatever reason but I want to play it again now.

From where should I start? Which mods should I install?

Really? Pretty sure Jews invented atheism and Marxism.

SoC. Just pick up a mod that fixes game-breaking bugs for a first play.

atheism sprang up naturally as scientific advancement provided systems that allowed us to exist without divine intervention, and the best part is that over times the systems continue to become more and more sound with data generally backing up the claims made or the science changing to fit the data, unlike other belief systems.

And that's how we went to the moon and got the telephone.

Religion isn't just a set of rules, like taboos. It's motivation and meaning.

But don't believe in the wizard in the sky. Return to your broken home and live alone, there is no way to prove that losing the foundation of the west cause it to fall.

You can find both of those elsewhere.

You don't have any proof, no one has any proof or evidence that god exists or there would only be one religion.

If the christian religion was the key to success then why were the mongols, chinese, romans, ottomans, and aztec so successful? You're just arbitrarily picking christianity because you want to give your religion more validity without having to prove anything.

prove that the rise of christianity was the root cause for the rise of the european powers. I'll wait.

You're thinking too small, this isn't about the sun, this is about all suns and all worlds, and fits soundly though the hypotheses of either the infinitely expanding universe or the expansion/contraction theory of the universe. This is about the death of the universe as a result of all available energy following pressures to a steady state. Enthalpy and entropy.

I have actually never once claimed God exists, why do you keep reading that into the argument?

What i have provided is a counterargument backed by evidence of the most common tenant of atheist belief: the persistence of the universe. What we choose to do from there is a far different conversation. But i have yet to see a counterargument to entropy extrapolated on an infinite scale.

The reason I bring up mohammed is because it is actually a hotly contested debate as to whether he actually existed, since unlike many historical figures, there exists very little historical evidence that verifies his presence on the earth. Even Jesus has secular documentation that he existed. And yet, mohammed is a far newer historical figure that ought to have supplementary documentation.

Codified science is actually a result of western religion, mainly Greco-Roman paganism and Christianity moving forward after it's collapse. Athiesm isn't really a new kid on the block, either, but it has had a resurgence in the modern age. The Enlightenment is not really as enlightening as we give its historical significance when looking at the record.

I'm aware, but its how its loss impacts the system that's important. What you've said was a significant statement to me as a starting point.

I was just pointing out one way in which Atheism is not some jewish construct to control the goyim, obviously it's far older, early hominids would have been atheist.

Empirical evidence and observation suggest that there is no god. Therefore, the burden of proof falls on the religious to prove that there is a god.
Empirical evidence and observation suggest that there is no invisible nigger. Therefore, the burden of proof falls on you to prove that there is an invisible nigger.

It's an unwinnable debate, though, so I'm not sure why it's being argued in the first place.

Ashkenazis have European blood more than mideast gene. Just take a look at their white skin, long nose, and red hair. They're the descendants of Neanderthals that lived in Europe thousands of years ago.

Are you of saying bad things about Srpska?

you will be removed like "invisible" plane of Imperialists

most ukrops are fucking retard I give you that

You mean the guy who thought the human brain was just an air conditioner for the heart?

You're a good graduate

It'll just be Fallout 4 HD remastered with an enforced russian mod

That shit isn't funny OP.