We're being raided 2: /n/iggers back at it again

Holla Forums as we might know, we've been hit with a massive influx of shills and glue sniffing retards. We know that one of the sources is indeed plebbit, with /r/march_against_trump.

Now, we've also got another source to look at.

/n/ has decided to join in for a chance to subvert Holla Forumsacks for a chance to divide and conquer.

Show no mercy to cucks that try to divide and conquer.


Other urls found in this thread:



How can we get better mods then?


Don't forget the biggest snake in the grass here

But he's right though.

We can't.

I must be getting old. I can't manage to give a damn about this internet drama anymore. Can someone explain why user are responding to the shills instead of burying them? Is burying the shills and not responding to them that fucking difficult? I get the unmistakable feeling that summer is never going to end here.

Fucking this. The one thread anons decided to ignore and bury shills turned into a decent conversation about what Trump could be doing, and how he could have been saber rattling China, etc.

Pay me and I'll do it.

That's the problem.

one of the biggest sources of all of the incoming raids.
h ttp s:/ /arc hive. is/ 10 Uo U

Oh yeah….

That is the joy of being an oldfag.

Newfags are especially susceptible to the shills tactics, as they do not have the experience to both spot and counter them.

If you see someone engaging w/ an obvious shill, you can pretty much tell they're either sticking to the b8, are acting retarded, or just trolling.

gee, what do you think the agenda is? to keep us from disusing stuff that matters like a senseless war with Assad?

anons are pissed about Trump cucking to Israel by targeting Assad, the agenda is to keep putting this shit in our faces so we perceive any dissenting opinion as a "shill" as opposed to just calling out Trump on his shit.

Go to the catalog and count all the TRUMP SHILLS BTFO threads we have, it's part of a larger damage control.

If you haven't noticed, part of the problem is they're just replying to each other.

Best thread of the day by far.

Ever thought you can discuss a war w/ assad without the goal being to disrupt people? Clearly the /n/iggers don't, hence pic related

Christ that's thing is insufferable to read. All I know is posts calling out the shit Trump pulled with Assad were getting nuked left and right in some mindless trump cheer-leading thread. Mods finally calmed the fuck down before a barrage of ITS 4D CHESS SHILLLLLL started filling up the thread with mindless one-liners again.
It's obvious when there's no discussion, just shitty buzz phrases being pasted.

so far we have fake discord screen caps, a /polk/ thread, this thread, and now we got confirmation that /r/The_Donald is trying to turn this place into a Trump cheer-leading squad


all this shit looks like some desperate damage control to squash anons not wanting WMD 2.0

Look at

See, there they go. No anons required, they do it themselves. If you see a genuine newfag arguing with them, best thing to do is remind them what to do with bait.

While I do admire you pointing out /n/iggers, try to see if you can find anymore regions for concern. We already know that /r/march_against_trump plays a big hand on this divide and conquer attempt, as well as the queers at /n/.

How long do you think till they give up? Or do they have to take the site down again for days to start over?
Their posts are like the comment section of a shitty youtube video. It would be kinda sad if it were an organic movement.

What was there to divide after Trump did it himself? Do you honestly make your mind up based on what others think is going on? I don't give a shit if people on reddit want to gloat, it doesn't make me change my mind, it was made up by Trump and nobody else.
It's seems like a complete straw grasping effort to help people with their cognitive dissonance and feel better about the shit going down, rather than deal with the horrible reality of what Trump has unleashed.


You'd be correct. This is nu/pol/

They supported Trump for the better part of a year and was convinced by memes that he was going to be the next coming of Hitler instead of a forerunner of things to come. It's hard for them to grasp that Trump wasn't going to be either of those and now they'e trying to save face by saying it's a shilling op.

I've been sitting in their discord for days now, it's mostly Sass at MAT running the show. Don't let them forget that he blatantly advertised shareblue in their chat and invited /leftyniggers/ and plebbitors to come shill with them.
also stop replying to bait you silly faggot
evidence thread, with some of the most desperate attempts at shilling once they realized their discord had been outed.

I give it a week. Sorosbux never last long, and they're currently scraping bottom of barrel as is. Last night they told people to get friends from steam to come help, it's not going well i'd gather. The real question is how long until we have one of the upper level shills posting a good old fashioned breakdown when they realize they've been shilling themselves this entire time.

The reason I made this thread is to resurrect the search for more faggots. As you can tell, the other thread got derailed to hell. This thread is to, hopefully, stick around a bit longer.

been filtering proxy jumping faggots all day

You sad fuck, the shills are trolls, they have one goal, make Holla Forums moderators take a side and end Holla Forums as a force. You are fucking retarded to be even on that discord, use your fucking brain, are Bill Kristol and the rest of the kikes now good guy's too?

Look at this →
Every time someone question's Trump's kikery with Assad you just get loaded with no-content shitposts like this.

And every time someone post anything that's not "DRUMPF LE KIKE XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD WAIT FOR HORTLOR LO XD", they get spammed with "TRUMO IS KIKE, TOLD YOU SO, XDDDDDD"


the mental gymnastics I've been seeing here is fucking amazing.

Fair enough, good man then. I just prefer not to even respond, just to keep the thread less shitty.

Seems I'm a bit too late when I say

You didn't, by any chance, have someone follow you to this thread have you?

Cause now the shills are here.

you really see that as a majority of people questioning Trump's actions? show me how many posts in the thread are like that, or any other god damn thread right now.
Everytime someone says attacking Assad is stupid we get flooded with the same inane shit responses with no content.


It's a bit early to say the threads not going to go to shit, we've already got 2 shills in the thread, probably gonna lurk for newfags.

Don't respond as that just gives them reason to derail the thread.

As a matter of fact a shill thread was just deleted.

mods are niggers for killing the books threads, but watching them in real time lately, they've got their shit together somewhat. If you faggots are reading this, please god when the shilling's over let us get some natsoc lit threads going too many newfags and they still haven't gotten the reading list

Don't count on it, they'll just redirect you to >>>/pdfs/ even though most newfags aren't going to go there because it's so out of the way. We can't even have improvement threads anymore.

the thread is about shills and raids. which is exactly what the fuck I am talking about.

Why would you want to spread Natsoc lit to a bunch of tards that believe this is chess? They are beyond fucking redemption if they are that clueless. If they agree with every kike Holla Forums despises, and everyone Holla Forums even remotely respects has rejected this move, what fucking side do you think these people are coming from? They are either young and deluded, or kikes. Get some fucking perspective here and stop tieing yourself in knots.


these idiots are trying to turn Holla Forums into their personal fucking echo chamber.

jesus fucking christ, kill yourself.

You mean the chess crowd?

pic related

Wise decision. As you can see by the first reply to your post, they're getting edgy.

To anyone just tuning into the thread now, do understand that this raid isn't going to end just quite yet, as they'll keep trying to stir up the nest for as long as it takes.

See pic 3 for evidence.

yee, idiots like this

Hold up. Just one more.

4u my man
Anyways, my dude, you're so shit at blending in because of the incessant "i told you so" smug aura you project. You're basically not doing anything but yelling one line responses at anyone who disagrees with you, and you're stroking the balls and shaft of the only other guy who agrees with you. Whenever people say anything, you just talk to the other shill, because having people agree with you, makes you feel good. You're a classic faggot, or a woman.filtered tbh smh fam

to anyone tuning in right now, this fucking retard is spamming the cancerous "question Trump you're a shill" bullshit.

the fuck am I reading

They may have a point tho

Hah, holy shit, somethings fucked up and filtered posts don't show up at all for me. Kek

Look at them panic, the best part is, most of them don't even realize how transparent it all is. They think they've cracked the consensus and split us 50/50, but in reality they're a crowd of retards being watched by a disgusted crowd of autists.

Ok top Kek, I want want to preserve this shit. They're so butt flustered all they can do is copy other anons, ala Reminder we're dealing with literal children.

Look, he's actually relishing the idea of putting himself into an echo chamber after ranting some inane thing at me about conversations.

this shit really turned into GamerGate 2.0

Sam Hyde's reaction was maybe White Nationalist street fighting is the only answer and he was serious lel. That's how dejected this has got people. Maybe it's accelerationism but Trump actually could have done things to fight these cunts, unlike any other, it was the last shot.

That's like the final level of Trump's Xanatos Gambit.
What if shit's fucked so badly he had to activate it ?

We can't see your posts at all, 40bee1

tbh, haven't we been dealing with children the entire time? w/ CTR, ShareBlue, JIDF, etc?

offtopic, but I do miss how we can't make fun of jeb anymore, pic related.

hey user, i can see you've been posting quite a lot in this thread, quick question, do you have a waifu? what's her name? do you love her?

Newfag here. It's like they're not even trying.

Trump probably could be a better accelerationist option than Hillary in all honesty. No one was going to expect anything different from Hillary, but Trump made them think their vote mattered in regards to going on a different path than what we were going. They're going to get pissed except for the neocons that think the base attack was totally for freedom and liberty™

You guys raiding do realize that it was a binary choice we were handed on election day, right? Besides abstaining of course, and political ignorance is no excuse for the consequences of an election.

But seriously, what do you hope to gain? Shill someone into going anti-Trump? Throw so much disinfo into the situation that no one can tell what's going on?

No "raid" is going to accomplish that - least of all here. 4pol maybe, or other normie places. But most people here are skeptical to begin with - that's why they're here. They fucking got here by questioning the Jew-approved curriculum. They got here because Holla Forums kept turning up right time after time when they named the Jew or pointed out blatant cognitive dissonance.

Let me reiterate: you're not going to get people to flip on Trump with a "raid." Not one that lasts a few days. Not one that lasts a few weeks. You'd need a siege that would take years, and even then Holla Forums is well accustomed to swimming in shills. This place is effectively inoculated because it refutes the Cultural Marxism from which all modern SocJus and misguided egalitarianism is derived.

You can't destroy this. Even if 4pol and 8pol were both destroyed. It's a product of the information age, and you can no more destroy it than you can destroy the internet.

Good luck trying though. Consider if you stay here long enough, some of the truth may rub off on you. I wonder how well your self-righteous conviction will hold up then?


Hahahah what the fuck are you doing nigger?

post em if you got em
CTR is a whole different level of shit. They were truly twatter tier

Why did you leave your Spicer thread containment zone?

What universe are these niggers living in? We were flooded for two days straight with people screaming that screenshots of tweets from random no-names were proof that World War 3 had already broken out and we needed to start rioting. They pushed "chesscucks" exactly the way their predecessors pushed "cumskins". Most of them used the exact same Simpsons memes. It absolutely was an invasion.

I tell you, every single time the topic of Holla Forums's moderation comes up somewhere - and it comes up without fail, regularly, on every single board on Holla Forums I've ever been on - I come away from it convinced that the mods here are in the right and only banning retards and shills. People on a completely unrelated thread will suddenly out of the blue start screeching about how much they hate imkampfy. It's surreal.

Here's a plush Jeb I keep on my table to commemorate the Guacman's sacrifice. And, of course, the premier in Jeb webms.

Have some OC.

Actually you can, people who soley use imageboards are creatures of habit, and destroying Holla Forums is a major victory. Another one won't just pop up, fracturing again is the end, that's why mods are so important, and they need to not fuck up here and just let it play out, not blindly defend Trump because some discord
thinks it's being clever.

More iJeb! and Bernie OC.

Slow and steady my friend.




I'm sure 95% of the faggots invoking that turbo autists name don't even know who the fuck he is.
I haven't seen him in the modqueue, did he die?

10/10 would save again

(checked again)
I gotchu fam.
sage for offtopic.

Also checking these dubs

I would agree that incidental users would be gone - some of them forever. And yes it would be a setback for 8pol to get nuked.

The core userbase though is always going to congeal even if scattered though because they're tied together through multiple channels online. Word spreads and a new home gets built and it starts all over.

Moreover the ideas that this place represents don't go away.


Don't you understand user? Normalfag shills don't have waifus, they're SRS BSNS at all times. This is how we seperate the wheat from the chaff

They were using smugs in an earlier thread, but you can tell there was no soul behind it.

the Major, I want a women I can turn off.

It's a little suspicious when EVERY one of their posts had a generic smug attached.

I should add… But only ONE. Don't want to run through all 10 of their generic smugs too quickly and have to run to Jewgle to find more.

Those generic smugs are imkampfy, he names them all exactly the same.

You wanna prove that somehow?


It's fucking always soulless which is why you kinds of lemmings are cancer and ruined the whole thing for the rest of us who actually have souls. Fuck you.

I figured as much. As someone pointed out, the wording of his posts are too similar to his /polmeta/ posts.

See, nothing to this. You gotta even compensate by using more than one. Goddamn newfag shitters.

Are you serious user?

i didn't know you were into fat nazis but i'll support your decision even if it's a little degenerate.

that's why i like to make my own custom smug crops.

Our smug has soul because we can name the characters. We know their smug stories.

This thread has already gone dangerously offtopic, but does anyone have any good LOTGH smug? I can never get enough.

Didn't mean to reply to

I'd hold hands with Ford.

I'd cleanse Detroit of niggers with Ford.