Isn’t this mondo embarrassing for marvel comics?
Even watchmojo is making fun of SJW marvel
Seriously user, consider killing yourself
The movies and merchandise make enough for them not to care.
But Marvel did fire him, dumbass.
It'd make normy news if some redneck was sneaking "1488", Pepe and Moonman into art somewhere.
He was fired back in April of last year, which was the same month the comic came out.
Actually marvel only planned to disciplined him. He was only fried after Breitbart reported the news story.
At this rate they could hang G. Willow Wilson at Times Square and I still woudn't buy their comics anymore.
Isn’t doctor doom a Christian white supremacist now? Not even joking.
What a great top 10.
Kill yourself, OP.
Seriously? When did they do this?
I thought he was Iron Man. Last I recall Doom was getting offended on behalf of muslims when Dracula insulted them in Captain Britain and MI13.
Isn't he some kind of Romani shaman?
I know his mother is Romani and he comes from a Romani tribe. Regarding magic I thought he used whatever he could get his hands on so when he first started out it was Romani magic and later on in his life he got more stuff for more magic. That and since he's met the Devil (Mephisto) and other mythologicial beings I wonder what his views on them are. Does he hate deities in general?
Christians been marvel go to villains for years now
Yeah but those were more like Evangelical mega church preacher types from the Bible Belt. Not Christianity as a whole.
SJW Marvel overthrow when?
When you stop replying to your own shitty thread OP.
Hooktube ya cuckchan faggot.
That is fake news and you know it.
Also if you think WatchMojo is even slightly turning anti-SJW you are for a rude awakening because they still defend Feigbusters and Wolfenstein the New Colossus. And they also defend Heather Antos and the Milkshake brigade on the fucking video too…
The old Marvel tabletop RPG used to describe his magical ability as having a great deal of hereditary potential ability, reinforced by his intellect and iron willpower, but limited by refusing to adopt any patron entities such as Agamotto or Dormammu.
That never happened in the story and it was just a VARIANT cover. Meanwhile, nobody gave a shit when Wanda (the Jewish Gypsy) joined HYDRA either.
Bullshit. Bleeding Cool first broke the story on April 8th, 2017, after reading the comments on the original pencils the artist posted on facebook. Three days later, April 11th, it was announced that the artist was fired. Britbart wasn't on the story until the 12th, but by then it was over.
So fuck you.
t. fake comic fan
You're replying to faggot that used Watchmojo as a source.
I once worked in a company which decided "Hey, we need views, so we make Top 10 lists" and gathered information on Wikipedia.
That's what Watchmojo fucking is.
Random idiots with a decent voice but no clue read random information gathered from Wikipedia or other videos from a script, but because they are completely lazy they let their fans vote for what belongs on the Top 10 list.
And since Youtube consists of autists, those lists are mostly put together with generic shit you find on ALL lists, or just proving bad taste in media.
Oh and finally, they take their material from other channels, so basically they put zero efford in it at all.
Consuming Watchmojo is like stuffing fast food in your face. It's only one step above watching shit like Pewdiepie.
This isn't a blog user. Reported for off topic bullshit.
The thread started with Watchmojo. So it's on-topic.
Said Holla Forums.
Am I the only one who thinks Syaf did nothing wrong?
t. a gay comic nerd
I actually think slipping references like that into your work is kinda cool, too.
especially if they're antisemitic
Didn't they have Magneto palling around with neo-Nazis, too? The same Magneto who is a holocaust survivor.
I know it didn't happen, I'm Holla Forums too, but that's not the topic of the thread
At this point I'm guessing Cebulski is Marvel's Trump. Everybody's excited for his rise to power and then he just carries on bombing Syrians and giving Israel free money.