Finally, I have become Blade Runner


he really needed to become blade runner the final cut

Daily reminder that Ridley Cuck wanted to remove this scene from the Director's Circumcision editions, but once again the producers did the right thing.

Damn Ridley was ahead of his time

bullshit, it's the best scene in the film and there's nothing to replace it with





I always thought this came off as dorky.




How was Blade Runner 2049?
Is it worth a watch?

Are you seriously asking?


Vidya is also fucked, doesn't mean a gem happens here and there.

How the fuck did I miss that?



He does good work though and we're not having a thread dedicated to him or ecelebs.
Until you posted of course

Fuck right off

Way to miss the point, dumbass.
"e-celeb" is a Holla Forums meme.

Did your mother drink alchool while you were still in the womb?

that's what Holla Forums says about all their failed memes



Its pure certified kino


Pretty shot scenes dont make kino fool

Come on fams these posts are retarded even by this board's standards.

Kino. It was spectacular to watch on the big screen.

he was a good friend



At least he went on to do bigger and better things.


Current year was two years ago. This is current year plus two.

Remember how dark the future seemed just two years ago?

He's not an e-celeb

wow such a deep line

I watched c-beams glitter off your momma's bedazzled snatch on Wetback Wednesday's at Tannhauser's Snatch

What did he mean by this?


Nigger the title is actually said in the movie.



I'm Batman (1989)


We're all in a story guys. A Toy Story.

"After much killing, I have become the Braveheart."
