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bump because shit like this terrifies me
Don't hold anynuke back this time
This sounds like a fucking football game pep talk.
when they play your favorite song
I'm not even a fan of Trump but this sort of shit makes me want to vote for him out of spite.
Americans care about domestic issues, international/foreign policy has gotten so fucked Americans mostly have stopped except for China. If Obama wants to try and "burn" Russia (and Trump) in the run up to the election he can, but it's not going to change the outcome because most Americans don't care.
Why have I been placed in this dilemma? I think it's gonna have to be Hillary after all, bros.
fuck this shit makes my asshole clench, and not in a good way
i'm scared
lmfao spot on
Don't worry. Mother Russia can easily defeat Amerisharts.
US is like the modern Nazi Germany.
We need a united front against them composed of Russia, China and Iran. It worked against Hitler, it will work against America.
We need the good ol' soviet union back
Take your red flag and fuck off.
Don't you worry family.
You should be relieved not terrified.
Soon the pain of being alive will come to an end either by war or by the effects of climate change whichever comes first.
Feels good mah comrade
You're right, he would, but I think that precluding the possibility of war with Russia might cut into their bottom line, so the pragmatic choice for them would be Hildawg even if they don't really lose either way.
I'm not actually a trumpfag.
Am I the only one who would rather have one imperialist country in power that's at least pseudo democratic than multiple anti-democratic imperialist powers vying for power?
Don't worry, once China becomes world hegemon, supporting America will be anti-imperialist
I want the US and Israel to be wiped out from the fucking planet.
You don't know what you have until it's gone.
webm doesn't contain any context by infowars, that's just the source of the video of a crazy old man yelling damned ruskies. OP is highlighting how rightwing faggotry is ridiculous.
Nuke-war when?
Can't you people admit you were never against the system.
Because all the massive anti-Trump rallying by the media and old time pro-war politicians is totally not proof he is against them
you are not even trying to meme hard enough to become worth of a serious reply
I suggest you to try again with better memes
What part of my post is a meme you jackass?
All left-wing rhetoric it's about blaming some self idealized concept of right wing and walking together with the very liberal capitalist cabal that do the most shit you morons claim to hate.
all of it is a bad dumb meme
>b-but he is anti-war guise
maybe you could try stop being so fucking retarded
Half of me is fucking horrified, the other half wants to bag itself a ruskie.
But it is a dilemma. If Trump wins the bourgeoisie and the establishment might be a little miffed that their girl didn't make it but they'd still make it through fine and hang on to their power without having to fear anything from the political arm of the economic establishment.
On the other hand, if Hillary wins, we'll get enough salty Trumpfag tears to last through the next two winters. The amount of butthurt caused would be far in excess of any losses to power resulting from the election of what is essentially a moderate Republican. It's like the Hedonist's Trolley Problem.
Always defending them, you people are beyond stupid
lol are you an anti-imperialist? TRUMP IS RULING CLASS HILLARY IS RULING CLASS
But Trump's going against the ruling class, whose opinion on the loss of manufacturing to the Third World is pretty much "Lol who cares, we need to focus on Silicon Valley now XD"
It's all talk, m8. He's a born opportunist willing to say anything to get in power. How do you think he's going to stop capital from doing what capital do?
I don't know, the opposition towards his presidential aspirations by the MSM makes me think he might be sincere about most of it
Even Saint Obama happily concluded that there was no use whining about lost manufacturing
The opposition towards his presidential aspirations by his MSM is because the bourgeoisie are so secure in their belief that there is no possibility of challenge to their power through the politicial system that they are willing to drop millions in campaigns over what essentially amount to complete non-issues. Trump is an opportunist and a thief that has absolutely no ideals or principles. If he weren't running against a crooked war criminal, he would have been left in the dust aeons ago. This election has been altogether pretty amazing.
the ruling class is not a hivemind, in fact they have even less solidarity than the feudal lords of old. the ruling class is always fighting against itself for the biggest piece of the pie
It seems to me that at least the "talking classes" or what have you are uniformly arrayed against Trump.
top kek, fucking dumb americlap
Not surprising.
Friend worked as an advisor for Joints Chief of Staff under the Bush administration.
He say the top of the military are filled with absolute psychopaths and the US would have no qualms using Nuclear weapons if it felt seriously in warfare.
Loudmouths. I was conscripted in a European country and we did lots of military exercises with our American "Allies" - US military has great equipment in terms of quantity and quality and better services (understandable since we only spend a fragment on the military compared to what the US spends) but let me let me tell you this: They really fucking sucked at improvising shit. While our training tries to produce well-rounded soldiers, almost every GI was a specialist but absolutely illiterate when put out of the comfort zone. Their military exercises were also 100% scripted.
Really not surprising that irregular, mobile Guerilla forces were inflicting so much damage on them.
Kek, even the UK Royal Marines gave up when faced with light challenges they hadn't planned for. Like cold weather, rain and wind.
the choice is obvious you fuckin tard, its never been more obvious, /pol and le alt right are irrelevant, you need to vote trump, its basically like voting for the class clown and yes he is despicable but its the only fucking choice, you just reasoned that yourelf(typo but im leaving it)
voting anti-war trumps all this idpol bullshit for the time being, and a return to semi-peaceful US russian relations is sorely needed, we need to be pragmatic here
United States Military can fuck up a wet dream, their logistics sure are fuckin impressive though, they build goddamned cities wherever they go. Its sad really, so much wasted energy and potential
What if I told you the MIC in its present form isnt necessarily designed to "win"..
if you are so goddamned certain maybe you should just fucking off yourself and spare us all your whiny bitch ass nigga shit, nihguh
there is a reason why iran calls america "the great satan"
Probably something lost in translation. I'm betting the original meaning is something like "the cool badass".
Trump and anti-war? I'm sorry but he changed his opinion on this multiple times. An anti-war president will have an extremely hard time changing American foreign policy and a potential president like Trump, who doesn't seem to care, won't even bother, it'll be just business as usual. Furthermore, he plans on implementing policies that significantly decrease the effect of the main wealth-redistribution mechanism in the U.S., the tax-system.
The entire Uk is basically a watery island, i doubt it.
I was there. They gave up because they were caught off guard by winds, rain, and 1 degree Celsius.
He IS ruling class, nigger
Why don't you say Jews, Holla Forums? Why try to hide what you are?
He is a bourgeois and he will protect bourgeois interests. He may talk a populist talk but in the end he doesn't have the balls, the inclination or the knowledge to attack the institutions from which the bourgeoisie derive their power and authority over everyone else.
all from the past week. {{{they}}} are tripping over themselves to protect their project. BUt yeah I probably imagined it.
Globalization = development of world capitalism and trade
Globalism = scary brown people immigrating to get out of warzones and seeking economic opportunity
Just shut the fuck up dumb shit
same shite.
Both can get out.
Voting for Hillary would spite humanity with irradiated death. On the upside the neon-nazis would die as well.
Im with her
For the nukes
It's the only way we're going to end private ownership of the MoP and thus achieve communism.