I pointed out "we have a democracy to elect government officials. What's wrong with having democracy in the workplace? Fascism is not ok in government but it's fine in the workplace?"
"Most people are too low IQ to run a business"
"So then most people are too low IQ to vote on government policy too right?"
Libertarians don't realize how fascist their ideology is. And the funny thing is, they defend their ideology on the basis of "freedom."
I talked to one petit-bourgeois colleague (I'm not petit-bourgeois, I am a NEET/way underemployed freeter (I have my own little local side business but I don't have many customers). She has 5 employees. She tells me, "why should I give 83.33% of my capital that I worked so hard for my entire life to my 5 employees when they don't have the intelligence and know-how to run a successful business like I have."
It's like they think that entrepreneurship is something that only a select few people in society are blessed with. Most people are too low IQ to run a business. They pretend like entrepreneurship isn't really just about having access to capital and using your capital to provide you with leverage in negotiations in business deals. Yes some entrepreneurs manage money better than others. But ultimately you need capital to make capital.
My side business involves selling bitcoin locally for cash (due to fraud risks, I stopped selling bitcoin over the internet. I got banned from one email money transfer service and it was only a matter of time before I would get banned from PayPal as well). I tried negotiating with a cash e-voucher company (kind of like paysafecard) so that I can start accepting cash e-vouchers from customers online and expand my business. Instead of just doing local sales. And the company told me that they don't work with individuals. Only corporations.
The rep said that my idea was interesting and he would check with the executives. And then when I followed up with him, he was stalling. And then I never heard from him again. Porkies don't want small-time business. Unless you show porky the money, they don't want to work with you.
And it's amusing how these libertarian colleagues are not even rich. Even the petit bourgeoisie girl probably doesn't make all that much money. They are all working class. I even called the girl a "petit bourgeois" and she said "no, I'm working class!" LOL. And yet these working class people feel no sense of unity with other working class people.
I point out to them, "if you work for a wage right now, you would make more money under socialism than capitalism. Because you would keep the full value of your labour instead of giving a large percentage to your boss." But instead on reflecting on this, they say that the unproductive lazy workers would just mooch off the productive hard-working workers. They don't see themselves collectively as working class. They see themselves as productive hard-working workers vs. the lazy unproductive workers.
In their mind, they think that they need the porkies to keep the unproductive workers in line. Because they think that the unproductive workers are going to bring everyone down.
I then tell them "in a co-op, the majority would vote to kick out the lazy, uncooperative workers or reduce their pay."
Then the petit-bourgeois girl shoots back "even if you did kick them out, who is to stop this band of misfits from deciding that it's just easier to pull a gun/knife on us and steal from us?"
I then tell her, "well that's the thing. In order for society to function, compromise is necessary. If you want people to behave, they need to feel like they have something to lose. If you take away everything from a so-called lazy, unproductive worker and he feels like he has nothing to lose, what's stopping him from shooting you? You libertarians have to learn how to cooperate with people and realize that the world doesn't revolve around you. If you want people to cooperate, you need to give them a seat at the table.
Libertarians want their cake and to eat it too. They talk about freedom and non-coercion. But yet they don't understand that coercion is necessary to enforce their private property laws. Individuals are not in a vacuum. Your actions impact other people. If you want to be greedy, there are consequences related to that. You could get mugged. You could get killed. You have to learn how to cooperate with other people and give them a seat at the table because there's nothing more dangerous than a man who has nothing to lose."
Libertarians like to talk about socialists feeling entitled. But they feel entitled to extract the vast majority of our labour value without risk of retaliation.