US-led coalition killed more Syrian civilians than Isis or Russia in March, figures show
In the same month, number of deaths from US air strikes across region soars as Russia scales back its operation
US-led coalition killed more Syrian civilians than Isis or Russia in March, figures show
In the same month, number of deaths from US air strikes across region soars as Russia scales back its operation
inb4 "midf"
If Ivanka starts crying about this is Trump going to Tomahawk himself?
Let's fucking hope so
Then we'll have a thousand threads with people saying how based it was, that it 'missed' because 88,000DD backgammon, and calling anyone questioning one of the many flavors of shill
well we're fucking known for it
trump pls don't be what shills are fracturing us all for everything was going so well
c o n f u s i o n
How did it all go wrong, lads?
You all memed irresponsibly. A cuckservative, race blind kike lover as Caesar. What can go wrong?
Being blind to happenings around the world, even those you personally do not care about, leads to unpleasant surprises. I am sure the Germans also didn't think Syrian war was relevant, until they got rapefugees shagging their daughters
Trump got in power and realized the country lives off imperialism like a coma-patient lives off the tube. Still hopeful that he'll make the best of it.
Syrians are not brown, they are olive skinned.
No the country doesn't live off imperialism. That's a talking point. Trump is being pressured by the press and by his advisors.
All alawites I'm sure.
If Assad loses, alawites will be wiped out and remnants scattered. These guys are the last remaining of the real ancient Assyrians from before the Arab conquests.
So what? ISIS is losing ground fast, they don't have as much power as they used to.
Sure, the american warfare is messy, but that's modern warfare for you.
Not sure what the point is here. Do you want the burgers to stop fighting ISIS?
Even if they did, then it'd be Russia that kills civilists by bombing ISIS and other rebel groups. This is the nature of anti-insurgent wars.
there's also some christians as well as Druze. Also Assyrians.
I want USA to stop arming commie Kurds on the pretext of fighting ISIS.
Oh and Syrians will probably be whiter than swedes in a a couple hundred years, in fact southern europeans will likely be seen in the way we look at nordics today: as being the whitest. Then the second whitest in the future will be middle easterners, and the third whitest will likely be northern india, and the fourth whitest would probably be northern europe. I am talking a couple hundred years from now
I guess so, but that'd mean either arming someone else or putting more boots on the ground. The kurds have been rather effective in comparison to the iraqi army e.g.
Or just fucking off and letting Russia clean the mess that CIA had started.
Trump promised he'd fight ISIS so that isn't really an option.
Christ, why couldn't Trump use a better excuse to intervene. This argument can easily be used for refugees, despite how much we know it's bullshit
You know the official numbers when you're the official.
because he doesnt have an excuse to intervene.
Where were sobbing Ivanka and Kushner during all of this?
He also called Assad a "bad guy" during the final debates. Don't expect the world from the guy.
No he will miss and hit congress and everyone will agree that it was acceptable collateral damage.
It says causalities within the last month. Trump has been president for more than a month.
He is making the ZOG so obvious I honestly can't say that it is going wrong.
But she was crying. Crying with laughter.
Kushner and his tribe are thinking of children all the time.
Who cares about shitskins
I sincerely doubt those isis numbers are real but the point that the US is in no place to lecture anyone. Has been this way for ages though and wont change anytime soon.
Satan, the great deceiver
Dubs confirm. Kikes love kids and their tasty foreskins
Totally obvious. Just look at all the normies applauding him and jerking it to Israel. I don't think this could be going any better.
Same tired shill rhetoric from the same people that D&C and blame america for everything bad in ww2 while ignoring how britcuckistan started the war and europe was involved in it long before the us was forced into it.
Holla Forums please, use your fucking brains
Surely this will be the scandal that unseats Drumpf
(((human rights organizations)))
So then shitskins
what a sorry state ZOG-America is in.
Whoever thinks WWIII is going to start, just shoot yourself already. You're an idiot.
It's pretty good those rockets then explode in their chambers most of them are probably using parts made in the 90s further all the electronics are the cheapest you can buy from China.
I hope China didn't add backdoors for when the Jews state America has to fight both Russia, China and Iran at the same time. And then Israel proceeds to ally with China and Russia.
the same morons that are in /pol are in /leftypol - for real. fucking sad.
I actually for a second thought I made a mistake and ended up on cuckchan. Holy shit I can't wait for shills to be banned and this board be returned back to normal.
they need to open a chargeback with the Aliexpress seller they bought the missiles from
Has mohammad finished raping your sister yet, goon?
This. America is a cancer on this earth