Shills will simply never be able to recover. I've never felt so goddamn smug after being right.
Shills will simply never be able to recover. I've never felt so goddamn smug after being right.
Other urls found in this thread:
This Josh Rogan fella seems to be quite butt flustered about it too.
Anyway, I hope Trump turns this shit around and fast. This Syria shit along side keeping an Obama appointee at the border is pissing a lot of people off, rightfully so.
Of course he does, now it's basically confirmed Trump is a Russian agent after all!
pick one faggit
I'll believe when I see it. Last few days gave me enough reasons to not believe a single word from these cucks mouths.
Same. They can all choke on dicks
Let's see official statements from the State Dept and both Russian/Syrian governments confirming it. Until then it's only more US propaganda. They said the Pentagon still had a direct line (hotline) of communication with the Russian military for Syria. Russians officially denied the information and that's one of many examples.
Give us a real source next time you fucking faggot. Here is the transcript of the ThisWeekABC interview
lol learn how to read
Bump. I was calmly waiting for something like this to happen and stayed neutral the whole time, weighing the pros against the cons in my posts like a true Holla Forumsack should.
Shills with shitty one line D&C posts were successful in swaying the newfags and spineless cucks turning at him like weather vanes, envious because their own countries got fisted hard by ZOG and out of all of them, the US appeared to be fighting back first.
People who were waiting for a mistake by Trump, circling above him and the US like vultures, will learn their lesson.
Now all we need is a confirmation by Trump.
Bump. I was calmly waiting for something like this to happen and stayed neutral the whole time, weighing the pros against the cons in my posts like a true Holla Forumsack should.
Shills with shitty one line D&C posts were successful in swaying the newfags and spineless cucks turning at him like weather vanes, envious because their own countries got fisted hard by ZOG and out of all of them, the US appeared to be fighting back first.
People who were waiting for a mistake by Trump, circling above him and the US like vultures, will learn their lesson.
Now all we need is a confirmation by Trump.
so who wins haley or tillerson?
This is just a cover, you shabbos fool. They said two weeks ago one thing, another the next, and now another still.
If you trust anything coming from a Trump spokesman, you're getting 4D chess'd right proper.
I think you fucked up there, friendo.
You tried.
b-but hes a kike shill! drumpf ziocuck neocohen traitor zogbot redditor!! MUH WW3 OVER AN EMPTY AIRFIELD MUH GREATER ISRAEL
What the fuck is even going on anymore.
Jews are getting outplayed.
The second post isn't from me though. That was someone trying to make my post look like shilling, which is idiotic, because it is 100% reasonable.
Shills are desperate now, if this is their new angle. Sad!
It's a surreal feeling seeing the left being crushed. It didn't have to be this way, they could have retained and grown support, but they made some terrible mistakes even normies wake up to.
Their movements have gone out of control and become so excessive that even the democrats who don't turn republican still want less if anything to do with the party.
Their mainstream and social media abilities are faltering, and more and more the only thing keeping the remaining leftists together is money and zealotry. The insane autists that rant on tumblr and twitter have become a liability, and now they must pay others more than ever to at least appear part of the democratic party.
Unless the democrats fix their shit fast, they are going to lose everything.
The question was always: "Why did Trump make a mistake, or who forced him to make one?" with the latter being more likely. One other option is taking out your opponent by baiting them into attacking you with the right setup planned in advance. Look at how Trump's base has united to speak out against the jews in his cabinet and those close to his family, while rallying behind Assad & Syria to support the end of Isis. This has raised the jewish profile to a high level in the minds of the semi-normalfags who populate most forums and imageboards.
Why is this happening? Jews. Who is finding out? The goyim. Get the semi-normalfags on board, then use them to spread relevant memes to MSM-dependent full-on normalfags.
This is what I'm talking about! How will the shills recover? How will the Jews get their war with Russia? We're reaching dimensions of chess that shouldn't be possible….
This is the post, and the person tweeting it likely has good connections to the white house and to minister Tillerson. Staying skeptic is what being a Holla Forumsack is about and i am all with you on that, which is why i added that what we need to be 100% sure is a confirmation by Trump. But joining the fracture point exploitation by shills by making D&C posts FOR FREE, effectively destroying Holla Forums for no reason, because at the core, we all want international jewry to end, is absolutely cancerous newfaggotry.
entirely possible. However, given current board climate, I would think everyone is on high alert.
Mate, I'm afraid to explain you that dems are cheering for Trump's war, because they know they just won.
The jew is far easier to bait out than to attack head-on, and they're dying for a chance to take back the White House. This has firmly revealed the bloodlust of the american jew as opposed to the interests of the rest of americans.
We need some very subtle but contagious redpills to spread.
'No Blood For Israel' needs to be a thing.
That's not an argument lad.
Take that Jew-cut cock outta your mouth, if you can, and try again.
Just as some here said Flynn's removal was a bait to bring out White House leakers? And nothing happened at all?
The comments section covering just about any angle of this shows how shabbos goyim are convulsing with cognitive dissonance in an attempt to shield themselves from what is happening.
Katie Walsh got the boot, but keep trying.
Yeah, and the leaks stopped right after she was fired, right, fella?
Lets be real. A better option would have been to just fire all Obama appointees and democrat bureaucrats in the Executive branch. Letting Flynn get the axe was like trading a rook for a pawn.
Except Russia officially suspended all cooperation with the US. This is bullshit until confirmation from Russia. But let's assume it's real for a moment. How does that prove the bombings were anything but a pathetic attempt at intimidation?
That you monkeys would scream 4D chess at shit this inane only proves how desperate you are.
After they've seen liberals won't stop muh putin narrative, this won't happen again. Case closed.
Can pol focus on LE PEN now?
back to leftypol, retard
I'm genuinely hopeful. Calm down you autistic faggot.
Kill yourself, leftypol.
A shill cannot be beaten in a debate. Like jews, they will change tactics endlessly until their opponent goes quiet. Once their posts have been reduced to gibberish and rage, begin ignoring them. You cannot make them stop, you can only undermine any point they try to make then ignore them to death. Trust in user's ability to see through shills, as they are very obvious to almost all anons anyway.
Nigger the Russian Defense Minister said it on video. Embed related.
And it's ironic that you would accuse me of blindly trusting the MSM media when you're blindly trusting a random twitter post.
Recognize my dubs and shut the fuck up you buttbirth.
Found the leaf
So my guess is that Trump wants to end the war in Syria ASAP and get some credit overseeing that happens in his term ISIS and the rebels are at ethetnally btfo.
What are the chances the Kurds form a state?
Why are you copy and pasting posts in every thread and direct linking you fucking freak. Is this some weird art-nouveau shilling or are you just spamming?
semi-normalfag reporting in, I can chameleon my way into pretty much any social-group there is. Supply me with which demographics are a priority and supply me with my ammo and I'll distribute to full on normalfags.
A token attack that does no long term damage while bringing near universal bipartisan praise. It wasn't a mistake.
What a strange strategy is to help Assad by bombing his airfield. This shit only proves that Trump is a moron and his airstrike was a botch.
Russia and Israel are allies because of all the ex-Soviets that went over there. How jews feel on the matter varies a lot based on what country you're talking about. Not all of the world is like the US.
Unlikely, but the best case scenario for sure. If Trump did this on purpose he's playing a very dangerous game. If this does end up backfiring hard on the zionists and vindicates Trump I could believe it. Why would a forced mistake not be on the table?
Once this happening gets cleared up will be our chance. Right now is a battle to prevent shills from spreading a forced narrative.
Putin has visited the wailing wall many times, has close ties to Irael. It's true that anti semitism is a thing in Russia, even with some of the attempts at cracking down on fascists. but the Russian state and Israel have been linked since at least the 90s.
If you've been reading the New York times and other MSM sources you'll notice a narrative of Trump lacking a doctrine and coming off as impulsive and arbitrary in his decision making. And the "Russia!" nonsense really hasn't stopped.
If trump had done nothing the narrative would have been he is another weak president. The narrative is now the US is back to being the leader of the world. All it took was blowing up 20 planes and killing a few shitskins.
What a surprise. The people that absolutely despise him still hate him.
Wouldn't it have been more in Trump's character to not retaliate but to expose the attack as fraudulent? Though I suppose that message might not have been believable to most, especially when you consider all of the MSM shilling that the gas attack really happened while JIDF/shareblue & friends are suppressing forums and imageboards. I hope you're right.
This idiot is actually watching MSM and believes what they're telling him.
There wasn't any sort of bump at all in the polls either. His numbers are still garbage even looking at the less biased pollsters. No rally around the flag effect at all. At best some of the neocons praising this off-set his losses among his base.
Maybe Fox News or Gateway Pundit are saying that… But it's far from uniform. If you look at NYT, CNN, etc. it's pretty much same as it ever was.
Well, he did say that the first time. Official statements don't really mean much at this point.
Personally, I think Trump doesn't have the intention of invading Syria unless he really has to.
The strikes were strategic and served a lot of purposes, even if some of you can't see it, like:
That being said, I believe regime change is inevitable. The administration seems willing to deal with Assad and Putin for now. But they will both be discarded once they're not needed anymore. I just hope it gets done with precision and caution.
Here's some thoughts. Don't support them directly, but maybe you should try responding, and thumbs down a video if its shit.
Hardly random, you can easily get the interview with Tillerson. ABC. Tillerson is a lot more coherent in what he's saying than Trump anyway.
MSM creates the narrative, retard.
CNN has definitely softened. It is no longer 24/7 anti-trump.
Bump. I was calmly waiting for something like this to happen and stayed neutral the whole time, weighing the pros against the cons in my posts like a true Holla Forumsack should.
Shills with shitty one line D&C posts were successful in swaying the newfags and spineless cucks turning at him like weather vanes, envious because their own countries got fisted hard by ZOG and out of all of them, the US appeared to be fighting back first.
People who were waiting for a mistake by Trump, circling above him and the US like vultures, will learn their lesson.
Now all we need is a confirmation by Trump.
Bump, people need to see this
The Russian people and the jews are historical enemies, and the jews will always try to destroy the Russian people until the jews are finally destroyed for good.