Do you guys realize that just 4 or 5 active shitposters making 4 or 5 threads a day could drastically alter the discussion of halfchan Holla Forums?
It could be really worthwhile to try this out for a couple days
Do you guys realize that just 4 or 5 active shitposters making 4 or 5 threads a day could drastically alter the discussion of halfchan Holla Forums?
It could be really worthwhile to try this out for a couple days
Try it kid.
Holla Forums makes a dozen threads here every day and they havnt changed much
this, just give it a try
psssh nothin personell kid
Do you guys realize that just 4 or 5 active shitposters making 4 or 5 threads a day could drastically alter the discussion of Holla Forums?
Oh wait, it somehow isn't happening
This can work.
Proof? Look at this fucking board, it's just endless shitposting from Holla Forumsacks invading
halfchan is a lost cause. Holla Forums is by far the biggest board next to Holla Forums and mods let it run wild all over the place. I mean, look at Holla Forums, if a cast member is a woman or black, the thread will almost devolve instantly into stormfront/MRA shit.
I've always liked the idea of taking over /qa/ and turning it into Holla Forums just to send a message to the admin/mod team, but halfchan in general is pretty much fucked unless they actually delete Holla Forums, which should have been done years ago by moot when it reverted into Stormfront 2.0 after a few weeks.
You would get banned after two. It won't work bro.
Is one of the flags supposed to be Stras.serism? Fuck off liberal.
Ignoring Holla Forums, I've actually been shilling a fair bit on other 4chan and 8ch boards, and I've noticed other lefties doing it as well. OP is right, it only takes a few people to subvert the discussion, particularly because leftyposting triggers the Holla Forumstards so hard and guarantees you get >100 replies.
Holla Forums and a few other cancerous boards that bring in outside traffic (Holla Forums, /mu/, etc.) are getting shut down soon anyway.
i got banned
it is actally.
many Holla Forumstards making anti-muslims threads (not anti islam) and are actively promoting for their holly "race war".
obviously, they're too stupid to be subtile about it, so they turn out to be troll threads than anything else
It was around 2009 when retards began thinking that they could change the world with memes. This idea needs to die.
Funny thing, the reason I came here at all was because I couldn't even browse 4/v/ anymore without getting dragged into a political argument with several white supremacists every other thread. I only came here to find out what it's like to have someone agree with you on a political issue, so I guess it ironically played a part in my becoming woke since I was pretty apathetic beforehand.
Goodluck trying to outperform CTR.
More like boards should be deleted because they're cancerous dens of stormfags who won't stay in containment and keep dragging the overall quality of the board down.
nice idea
t. normal/pol/
Nazbol's got BTFO so hard!
Comrade Pajeet!
I know a guy on an IRC channel I frequent, actually, he owns the channel, his nick is installgen2 and he's a niche-famous shitposter / developer. Anyways, he was talking about how he slid Holla Forums for a few hours by himself. He maintained control of the front page by himself alone for something like two hours.
He's on #pasta @
Tell him comfy sent you.
triggered fascist
Love ya fam