What do they have on him /pol?
Former Bush & Obama officials support Trump's pick to lead Border Security
rumor has it Trump sold out. I'm not sure but there's allegations he changed on his stance on unnecessary war with Syria as well.
Nice dubs, do you have archive?
Looks like the DNC spiked Trumps water fountain with KoolAid.
I think Holla Forums underestimated how much of the government bureaucracy is still pozzed.
It's probably too tiring to continually fight against.
Trump is high-energy, but not infinite energy.
Impeachment was ready, he was given the choice to toe the line or be jailed.
Oh so its going to be ever day with you stupid faggots now?
More: I wish he had counted more on the people. He should have sent a distress called and said: the deep state is after me, I need your help to ensure things get done. But he tried appeasing the beast.
What would they impeach him for? Genuine question
muh Russia obviously. :')
Shill kun was trying to imply they actually had a legal leg to stand on.
Not being a good goy i guess, but most likely Russian allegations.
This is just six-gorillion dimension chess, right?
fuck off to plebbit or 4cuck
Can't you see this is chess to make the jews think they're winning by giving them everything they want? You aren't a real centipede if you jump ship now. I'm glad more fencejumpers are coming, it will only make Obamacare collapse faster and Paul Ryan is going to look SO SILLY.
What's Holla Forums's favorite mein kampf quote? I'll believe everything you say if you or any other shill faggot can answer it.
When we give jews Greater Israel, they will suddenly stop being nation-destroying parasites. Genius!
I'm starting to believe that Trump was always an unhinged moron and the chess meme was created to justify "muh god emperor" types' confirmation bias when he did something right.
To be fair, he probably was playing the media since they are just that retarded.
kick yourself kike
In a way we deserve everything.
You do realize that genuine Trump supporters are upset with his recent actions, right? You're not doing any favors by automatically calling anyone who disagrees a shill. This isn't T_D.
Do you really think the russian allegations are just for show, to simply slow him down? They're going for the throat, or at least they were, assuming anything changed after Syria. If they can shit all over the law like they did with the ban and obamacare, they can also do the same with impeachment.
Back to reddit.
He's saying the opposite, plebbitors are the ones who support it.
T_D will justify anything Trump does. They were a bit upset after Syria but quickly rationalized it away as 88D chess. It's pathetic. Look, I was a Trump supporter too but I have critical thinking skills which made me realize he's been co-opted by kikes.
Tsk tsk, cmon boys you're all still in middle school, dont you know to do your homework first?
Nice try.
Shit, ignoring
I went on 4chan, they seem more pro Trump than the other chans right now.
Including Holla Forums.
That just proves that 4chan is indeed compromised by shills for organizations like shareblue - only they just flipped the agenda after this syria situation.
Don't you get it? It's fucking compromised. Just as it was before, only now the gears went into reverse.
No argument, huh? Chesscucks are no different from buzzword leftists. All they have to do is scream "muh 88D chess" instead of trying to defend Trump's actions.
"Anyone can deal with victory, but only the strongest can deal with defeat."
What's the quote faggot? It gets posted 10 times a day, and its easy and very very relevant right now.
"Gradually, I began to hate them".
And gradually I did my friend.
I don't know what you mean honestly, taking my guess.
I know it is. It makes sense for SB to take advantage of the fact that Trump supporters are pissed and turn them against each other. The difference is, this time I don't care since I don't support Trump anymore.
Please post more, I hate the website but love a good laugh.
Wow, you sure showed me. Got that argument coming soon?
Yeah but it would be sure as shit a lot easier to if he had filled his white house with good goys. Where the fuck is Kobach, why isn't he there?
No one gives a fuck about showing off their arguments here, cuck. Go back posturing to your hugbox on T_D
But other than the kikes, he has?
"good goy" isn't a compliment
No what I'm saying is that SB is literally changing their agenda.
They always tried to divide them from us. But now that Trump is good to go, and we are protesting, they now have to push pro trump memes.
Does China want Syrian intervention from US?
I don't think Trump ever intended that.
He never intended to drain the swamp.
You don't follow very well. I spent this entire thread shitting on T_D, why would I defend them? Sounds like you need to go back, we actually try to defend arguments here instead of riding Don's cock 24/7.
No, I get it. That's why I'm calling out faggots like 0a349f for blatantly shilling pro-Trump nonsense. The shills want this war and are trying to get Trump supporters on board.
The way you type is like an accent, and you faggots all sound like you just hopped off the boat from the steam forums. Which makes sense, SB targets vista kids because they're gullible as fuck and have lots of bored friends who can join in. I know a faggot who shilled for them during the campaign BTW and if you're one of the ones who's getting paid, get ready to get stiffed on your DD when the sorosbux runs out.
I've been a Trump supporter since he made his first anti-immigration speech. Got anything besides ad hominems?
I'm watching the discord faggot, nice try though.
I take that as a no.
Checked for Trump having always been a kosher puppet.
You faggots really should read mein Kampf, you'll be shocked by how relevant it is.
Huh? I would have noticed it if it was true. WTF is that question? As if the whole userbase had decided by telepathy there was one quote from that book that was their favorite. You smell like you're full of shit.
I have read it. Ironic that you set it forth as explanation for Trump being co-opted by kikes.
Or it may be harder than he thought. There's a difference between standing in front of 50K people chanting drain the swamp and actually working every day to try to drain it. When the government doesn't even control some branches of the government like the CIA it tends to complicate things.
(I think the article would have been worth a thread before the Syrian false flag attack and the attack on the air base but now it's just an opportunity for anti-Trump libtards to jump in and bash Trump. We'll see what happens with the border later. )
People using discord for raids are brave after that last dox from a discord chat.
Why people would use it baffles me.
Well has he cracked down on the alphabet agencies?
Is there a list of people he wants to rid?
How can we tell that he is doing the right thing and not just filling it with Israelis?
Trump was never going to drain the swamp. His cabinet IS the swamp. Where are the arrests for Hillary, podesta, obama, rice, and hundreds of others? Simple, they will never happen. We've been had.
kill yourself
Switch off the video jew, m8. You've developed an autoimmune reaction to fucking English.
I believe he meant to, originally, but along the way he got compromised.
The presidency can still be saved, but the kikes need to go first.
>Where are the arrests for Hillary, podesta, obama, rice, and hundreds of others?
For real? Go back to reading Harry Potter books you dumbass. It's a three months old presidency and he has enemies everywhere. You obviously don't have a clue how complicated things can be if he really wants to try and not be assassinated. I can't read his mind, I don't if he's for real or not but if you think everything can be fixed in less than 3 months you're a fucking idiot.
So we criticize him.
No biggy.
Let our think-tank influence him more and more.
Seeing as how Epstein had multiple numbers that all led to Trump on file, Trump was a documented passenger on Epstein's pedo plane, and Trump nominated the prosecutor who gave Epstein that slap on the wrist sentence of house arrest, as his choice for labor secretary, it's pretty easy for me to draw conclusions on what it is.
This seems most likely to me. They don't want impeachment because it would cause a loss of face for the USA, so they prefer if Trump goes along with it.