Since Holla Forums is under such obvious attack, I figure we might as well turn some of them to our side. Redpill general! Kikes, niggers, faggots, racemixers - let's teach the shills about them all.
Redpill thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Islam is feminist!
This is one weak redpill thread, step it up.
Wanna play 'spot the jew'?
Retarded Alex Jones victim.
here's a good one about going to war over non-existent gas weapons
Sage goes in all fields.
yea, we need at least 5 more "it's ok to fight for Israel under Trump" threads.
wtf is that?
More proof about circumcision creating brainlets like the first image? Those are some scary facts and digits and my own 2D-impregnator is still in one piece.
would shills even open up those files?
why not just trigger the shit out of them? porn, ponies, gore, etc
That's all I have atm. It causes all kinds of learning, emotional, and behaviorial problems which often go undetected and can stay in the brain for life if not treated. Just search "circumcision PTSD" and you should find plenty.
Here is you
The narrative (psyop) they pushed to shut down Redpill threads and related was that there was no place on Holla Forums for Redpill threads because there are already boards created for that like /polpol/, /polarchive/ and /pdfs/, also that no one will spoonfeed newfags and that Redpill threads are a useless random dump of images.
Saved as lemmings.webm
Nope. Redpill threads like this are very important right now.
i hope i dont get banned for dumping the beaver threads because "spam"
and thats all the beaver threads I've got saved
they're worth reading imo
Holy shit lol.
Didn't have any luck last time, but do any of you have that infographic about the 1960s Czech film that was wrongly appropriated as Holocaust footage? Can't find a shred about it anywhere.
These are why I come to Holla Forums. Thank you for collecting these.
Also, you have a duplicate, your "beaver on money" is actually on language.
I wonder how much money the kikes have wasted on all those fucking shills. I laugh and laugh some more.
The thing you're forgetting is that our enemy prints the money. It has no meaning to them. What they want is power.
Their money gives them their power. While decreasing the value by printing more, but only the goyim are affected by devaluing.
This is why you never trust larpers
Also daily reminder to contribute to /polarchive/
Also, I'll be amazed if any of you even know what I'm talking about, but there was a terrorist attack in a Scandinavian country a few years back, and it was discovered that a photo of one of the victims was faked, edited off of someone else's photo. Her surname was something weird and Finnish sounding, like Lipartaliani. Someone made an infographic about it, and I've seen it posted here before.
I believe this is the final evolution of the leftist.
still better than what leftists are now
I was with him up until he just pulled a hegelian dialectic out of his ass at the end there.
Actually that's 1800's US, the most prosperous and free country of human history
Noshit m8
thats what got to me too
Nvm, remembered her forename was "Tamta" and it came up in the initial list of results. Supposed victim of Breivik, although as you can see the photo on the right is a crude edit of the one on the left.
Now all I need is that holocaust fakery I was describing in , I know a lot of you fuckers have it.
To be fair, that is a very specific request
The worst part is, I can't remember any of the exact details that would nail the exact infographic down.
I know the film was slightly edited, and it was definitely shown in a US holocaust museum, might've been Simon Wiesenthal, as actual footage until the (Czech I believe but might've Polish now that I thought about it) director of the original film sued them.
The film I'm referring to shows a scene from inside an ambulance which would be an almost impossible shot in a documentary, and I think it came out in 1955, 1961 or 1962 though once again I can't be totally sure about this.
It is weird how people like him are more aware of shit than people that come from universities and shit like that. Truth to be told I've had more interesting and deep conversations with low educated people than high educated people. Schools really became brainwashing machines and it sickens me.
That first infographic is actually wrong:
(453/14.2e6)/(173/2.2e9) = 405.68
(#Jew_LGBT/#Jew_Total)/(#"Christian"_LGBT/#Christian_Total) = Ratio
To get the % more likely for Jews being LGBT over Christians, you still have to multiply this by 100.
405.68*100 = 40,568%
Ratio*100 = %
Jews are 405.68 times more likely than Christians to be LGBT.
Sure makes the agenda transparent, doesn't it?
And anyway, while we're on the subject of bullshit surrounding the holocaust, there was a filthy kike who died around the same time Eli Wiesel did, who basically admitted that he'd been lying his ass off his whole life but it didn't matter anymore since he was finally dying. If I'm right, this greasy rat looking motherfucker held an AMA the year he died, unless I'm thinking of someone else.
This was really a pain in the ass to find. I gotta organize my redpills.
And we have a winner.
Friendly reminder to post these to the March Against Trump discord.
Does that cost include law enforcement and deportation?
Don't know.
good read i forgot this one
and bump because Syrian 20+ trump hater threads are about to cause 8Pol to FAIL
The beaver threads are fantastic. Thank you, user.
Somehow his kids ended up with even more Asian eyes then their mother. Makes me think she had some plastic surgery.
dumping a few redpill webbums
ali checked my dubs
Jesus. I knew Canada was bad, but I had no idea it was like this. Jesus, I need to get out of this country.
Nigger, did you really not read the first image? Or are you a shill too?
Fuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaark. Feelz.
God that's sad.
Have a whitepill to go with it.>>9682371
I was wondering when JIDF would show up.
who is this dude? what was fucking based holy shit
Polish politician. Don't know his exact position off the top of my head.
Anyone got a webm of this?
The balls on this guy, holy shit.
lol wasnt that the same Fred C. Trump that was arrested during an NYC Ku Klux Klan rally?
Oy vey, stop poking holes in his narrative! Bad goy!
Give a listen, you'll love Mosley if you liked Korwin.
Not exactly.
What would the kikes have to gain by lying about a dead organization like the Klan tolerating them? Especially when that's not even the only source.
I guess I'll contribute some of my disorganized pics.
Too bad he's kike himself.
>KKK's shit tier tbh >>9682485
shite I refreshed my page
Not a shill and not that user either. But a lot of Canadians are quite demoralized.
Shit like this helps though.
It just feels so lonely in Canada surrounded by the entire opposite of what I believe in.
Gotta keep the morale up somehow.
Doing Keks work user. With all the news floating around the wired about the chans and crazy mods combined with overdosing on redpills, we're LOW ENERGY.
These are dark times for Holla Forums indeed. In truth I'd probably fuck off to one of the bunker chans at this hour but my heart bleeds for newfags who've never experienced Holla Forums at it's greatest. May this be a slight taste of what we once were.
2nd pic is from a video of Israelis watching the bombing of Palestine as evening entertainment.
There are no good jews.
There are maybe 3 people on 8/pol/ right now who can name everyone in the last pic.
Then bleed for me, friendo. Yours and many other Anons efforts to provide something worth absorbing into my sphere is greatly appreciated. I worry a day will come where I am surrounded by nothing but AIs or Shills.
NSDAP weren't extreme enough.
like fucking pottery
That's a JIDF "debunking"
We need threads like this more often.
not spam but when there is more wrong then right, they're hardly redpills.
More redpill/info material
By the time the newfag (or the shill) arrives here, after countless of this information. It doesn't matter if he went full Natsoc in one day (In fact, this is not the best of the outcomes, but a toxic one) or still follows the path of bread and circus, the seed of distrust has been planted, he will slowly crave for more and more, information will shine him, just like it did with the rest of us, transforming us into what we are today. One can only hope he develops free thinking after all of this, for this will not be worth it if he was only parroting the points given here, with no idea of what he was saying
Fuck off you hook-nosed cunt.
The ethnicity of the producer behind Blacked came as a great surprise… to no one. (((Lansky)))
The DNA of jews, always good for a redpill thread.
Science nerd here so I can't help myself - It's not comparing Zyklon B to CO2 (carbon dioxide), it's comparing it to CO (carbon monoxide), you've saved the title wrong
Nigger fights niggers: Nigger remains a nigger.
Chink fights chinks: Chink remains a chink.
Beaner fights beaners: Beaner remains a beaner.
Kike fights kike: Kike becomes gentile European spiritual figure despite being born a kike and coming from a kike god.
Only in Christianity.
oi mate, we are not that few
Nice try.
Only the thumbnail is broken.
Jesus wasn't Jewish. The Kikes don't believe he was either.
This. I'm no shill, but people don't know what it's like here. This though… this definitely helps. Anything to keep us going.
In the Middle Ages, every time the mob got pissed off and started purging the Kikes, it was the Church who gave the Kikes shelter. The Church believes that Jews can be saved if they convert to Christianity, and the Church even believes that its argument is strong enough to convert the Jews. We saw how well that worked in Spain.
The Jews killed Jesus because he claimed to be the spiritual messiah that they needed, but didn't want. Rather, they needed a military commander who could rescue them from the ass-kickings they were routinely receiving from the Romans and others. Adopting some Semitic cult leader as your saviour is retarded.
Man, that one really riled the shills.
Open borders, of course.
If you wanna get ahead here just blame Blair.
That Steinlight Plan is some great redpilling material.
0.01$ has been deployed into your account.
You tried.
This is a two-parter. Here are both pieces.
Infographics and flowcharts.
Early KKK did nothing wrong
Threads like this make me wonder how many people are red pilled and how many people are trying to work on clearing it up to people that their future generations are in danger. Stuff like this makes it hard for me to fight off the black pill.
I've got 10GB of hard information on the Jews. I've got documentaries, videos and short clips and 300+ infographs on anything and everything they get up to, from blood libel to the "holocaust" to white genocide and the greater Israel project.
I also have pdf's of all the important books (Protocols, International Jew, Jews in America etc) all together and neatley organised and labelled - I'm very proud of it.
I want to do nothing more than distribute this to normies EVERYWHERE. I've thought about buying memory sticks, filling them with everything and leaving them in libraries etc, however this will be extremely expensive (about $150 for 35) so this is not really economical until another 10-20 years when it will be dirt cheap for memory sticks of those size, however time is running out.
How the fuck do I get this info out to normies?
If any normie found a memory stick with that much revolving around the Jew, they're not going to examine the evidence objectively or logically, they're going to assume whoever put it together was a schizophrenic and either contact police or laugh it off. Your best bet would be to condense some of the more relevant info into easily understood images you can spread across goybook, twatter, etc.
The thing is it took me (and i'm sure most of the people who are Jew-wise) lots of info to actually realise it was true, I don't think one or two infographs are going to make them think as they'll most likely just think they were made by a "conspiracory theorist" and not even check the source.
I'm sure SOME of the normies will look at it all, especially if it's labelled as something secret etc. I've been very careful to not include anything which is a direct incitement to violence etc.
I mean this is basically saving them as much time as possible and putting everything they could want to know or find out in one place saving them the time to find it themselves.
He's right. I recommend putting it out slowly on them. Start by pointing out current schemes the Jews have been putting on people, especially if it involves different races. Point out the unclear number in how many Jews died in the holocaust and use that as a means of slowly showing them some of the facts you've gathered up around it. For quicker results I recommend you and some other friends you may have who've been red pilled to talk about this in groups with those who don't know yet.
Just like the other user said, social media is your friend.
They will only try to argue against you.
It's about sprinklings of it, mate. Let it become something they casually see throughout their day, and the brain will begin to categorize it as "normal". If you try to force too much at once, you get the opposite of the desired effect.
No, they claim he was the bastard son of a cuck whose wife fucked a Roman.
Is that what you claim too? Your savior is literally a my wife's son?
I don't think you even tried.
A good start would be to backup and share your collection with others who will disperse the information.
1. Create a Torrent of it so it gets propagated and will not be lost.
2. Upload it somewhere and provide a link for others to download.
Please explain
The above is a video. Click on it
Upload and give us the link
Checked for agreement.
These redpill threads have some really good and vital info, but fuck do they ever make my blood boil. They never fail to make me raw fucking mad. So here's something soothing.
I know how you feel.
Just remember why you're here.
Exactly my Lord Kek, exactly.
2/4 is 10/10
I get the same feelings. At the same time, though, I really want to do all I can to make this right. My only hope is that one day we get to live in a world where individualism and diversity are no longer the priorities of our people, and my race doesn't have to feel obligated to satisfy people off of stories that doesn't even involve them. I'd die to make this happen.
Enough young men feeling this way is all that it will take to make it happen.
Don't let your dreams be memes, brothers.
you must be one crazy asshat
fuck you, your morals don't mean shit on here
Wow, you're openly supporting pedophilia.
You won't get the rope. That's too good for you.
Would love to stick a white hot rod up your ass and cook you from the inside out
oh look it's the actual pedos
It's threads like these where the evil of our enemies is presented in such nakedness and clarity that it makes me want enlist in some organization, any organization dedicated to fighting against it. But then I realize that there is no such organization except for us. We're the only ones we can trust and there will be no way for us to organize together lest we become infiltrated and lose the one ace up our sleeve - our anonymity.
What can men do against such reckless kikery?
You can't beat em', go down fighting anyways
Go away, demoralization shill.
Basic Red-Pill 101
Watch out for their judeofreemasonic gang symbols
Whites & Blacks: 100 Facts
6,000,000 LIES! Working Videos on YouTube:
Sorry reddit, but unlike you faggots, we are racist.
Start by uploading copies, that's the most important thing. Make infographics that are provocative and humorous, something normies will bite onto.
Watching it right now. I am not sure how to feel. Only 45 minutes into it as we speak….
I've never actually watched that one, believe it or not.
Fuuuuck. Trump is a pacifier.
K-PhD is Prussian mind control to turn people into infantilized serfs. It's a modern form of human slavery. Prussia instituted it in order to pump out more obedient serfs, after getting wrecked by Napoleon. It was later pushed on the whole western world and is now the dominant education style in most countries. Normies are human tax cattle. Dumbed down and groomed into a monoculture, so they're easy to manage.
some related Webms,
Implementation of the Prussian System Implementation of the Prussian system was to become the goal of Edward Everett, America’s first Ph.D. As Governor of Massachusetts, Everett had to deal with the problem of the influx of poor Irish Catholics into his state. In 1852, with the support of Horace Mann, another strong advocate of the Prussian model, Everett made the decision to adopt the Prussian system of education in Massachusetts. Unfortunately for the children and poor Irish Catholics of Massachusetts and elsewhere, the system produced a willing, cheap labor force with minimal reading and numbers skills. The Everetts of the world understood that people who could read and understand are dangerous because they are intellectually equipped to find out things for themselves, thus becoming a threat to already established power elites.
Shortly after Everett and Mann collaborated to adopt the Prussian system, the Governor of New York set up the same method in 12 different New York schools on a trial basis. Incredibly, within two weeks he declared the system a total success and took control of the entire education system in the State of New York. In a "blitzkreig" action with no debate, public hearing, or citizen involvement, government forced schooling was on its way in America.
The history of American education since the acceptance of the Prussian system is checkered with failure and elitism. From the time of John Dewey, who felt people should be defined by groups and associations and who believed that people who were well read were dangerous, to our own era, U.S. education has suffered. We have in this day and age the disheartening statistics showing 33 percent or our nation’s college graduates can’t read or calculate well enough to perform the jobs they seek.
Working against the concepts and principles the Founding Fathers provided in the Constitution, the Prussian system has produced a gradual but statistically provable decline in literacy and intellectual capability of typical Americans. We can track the five different stages that American education has gone through: 1750-1852—The idea of government controlled schools was conceived; 1852-1900—It was politically debated in state legislatures; 1900-1920—We had government controlled industrialized factory modeled schooling; 1920-1960—Schools changed from being academically focused to becoming socialized; and 1960 to the Present—Schools became psychological experimental labs.
This webm exposes the "arabic numeral" meme as a lie. They're Indian numerals.
I love you, but I can't use these. Whenever I try to download from online storage sites the download just times out. Torrents would be much appreciated.
Listen to your dubs. You know them to be true.
I can't speak for how it rates amongst all the historical documentaries, and literature out there, but it's got me feeling tremendous outrage over what is never discussed about WW2. Clearly we've been fed a lopsided narrative.
Pisses me right the fuck off every time. Those niggers should be ground up and turned into rocket fuel–fucking worthless monkeys. Nice redpill thread, by the way. The shills will fall fast to this!
It doesn't matter what kikes believe, you absolute retards. The very existence of a name like THOR invalidates everything you could ever say. Denying reality in this place is shameful.
Heiled. May all these kikes get nailed to a fucking cross…where they belong.
Those disgusting fucking shitskin savages deserve the same. They have no honor.
Shill detected.
Who's shills are they this time?
Polite sage for off-topic.
This is so obviously scripted, it's cringy.
hi MAT
fuck off back to TRS faggot.
this thread has some major redpills on the globalist agenda if anyone has the time to make an image from it. it pretty much blackpilled me when i read it. might be a good thing to post on t_d as well to redpill normies on why miscegenation is being pushed so hard as well and redpill some of the civic nationalist faggots
T_D has been sliding further right lately, but they'll still ban you for telling the truth like that, so make sure you do it from behind a VPN/sockpuppet account.
thank you anons who post this
Jesus fucking christ, the holocaust isn't even a good lie. It's totally absurd and easily debunked. How did we all fall for this?
Because kikes prey on children. We were all indoctrinated as kids to never forget the 6 gorillion because it was so "horrible". Everyone in the west knows who Hitler is and what the nazis supposedly did to the Jews, but ask most people what a central bank does and they'll just look at you blankly.
I was allowed to stop going to school after 6th grade, and every year since I've uncovered more and more betrayal, as I realize how much I was lied to and brainwashed. I'm 28, and only just coming around to the realization that Hitler and crew were literally the good guys. Every time I think the red pills will stop coming another one gets shoved up my ass.
This might sound kind of gay, but I hope it never stops.
Watch "The Greatest Story Never Told" if you haven't seen it yet. It's quite a long film, but it gives the best redpills about WWII I can think of.
I'm not willing to start a qtddtot-thread (can't think straight right now), is my ctrl f and eyeballs not working? Where did the federal reserve protest thread go? It didn't slide. Where did the qtddtot thread go?
wew lad
other good resources:
Shit, what proper video of his is that from? It’s not cited in that ✡Tyrant Fashister✡ link.
For fucks sake. what can I do?
What can I do!?
If I speak out I lose my job, my friends, everything. I lose any chance at finding a woman and having children, I lose any chance I have at being able to build something worth keeping.
How can I ensure a safe future for my children?
What can I do to stop my country turning into as Islamic state?
I see what the problem is. I understand that the realm and the people need defending from subversion and invasion, but where in these images are solutions? Where in these images are plans of attack to deprogram the people of Britain (or USA, wherever you live) and pride and a sense of duty to one's nation?
Yeah, I watched it. It paints a terrifying picture of the world we live in, but it's since going around verifying things in that film (because it comes across as a propaganda piece with all the musical embellishment, and depiction of Hitler as a hero) that I've really had my worldview dashed. Almost done reading 'Mein Kampf"; I find myself in agreement, and in awe of how on point Hitler was.
That's not true. You currently have nothing worth keeping if keeping it is preventing you from being truthful. If the people you know don't respect you enough listen to and inspect for themselves your new point of view, they were never your allies, so you never really had them.
There's more people out there to ally with, and - unless you can accomplish something undercover - they need you to stand for truth, not just know it while you proliferate lies.
Just ask questions. You know which ones to ask to make people think. If they refuse to think, then move onto the next person. You can make and identify allies this way.
For some good news, I refer to this picture.
Good Redpill picture - look at the slogans on the left hand side.
I thought it was "Diversity is Strength"?
This is one of my favorite videos of all time.
Whats a Jew's favorite number ?
The movies, the sotry never told, and some books like the protocols are a good pack,
Focus on the movies, but no memes, those are for the net, even infografic with a good research are too hard to swallow, they won't fucking read the manual remember. The videos and some audio books, but the most important are big videos, even name one underestimated_porn.avi inside a hidden folder so they check it by curiosity
and yes, don't listen to defeatist trans-kikes
"Only the goyim die young" is a pretty accurate phrase these days, what with the riches kikes seemingly living longer.
Holla Forums is under attack from threads like ops where jewish tricks are spread and anons fail to see the truth. ZION IS OUR FRIEND
That "Modern English" version of The Protocols is shit. This one's better.
Wasn't there a beaver on multiculturalism
9/11 happened and Jews banked on it. Planes flew into the buildings as they were hijacked by coordinated mudslimes, and nobody really knew about it. If anyone did, than there is not sufficient evidence to back it up.
That is just idiotic, ISIS are just proper muslims tired of getting shit on by the US military and kikes. They are explicitly anti-jew and anti-american, how on earth are they controlled?
for fuck sake being this new
Nice trips. Feel free to spoon feed.
i will continue my dump, if you want to go further feel free to do your own research
Those photos of the Mossad vans are fake, though there are credible reports of vans painted up like that. The one in the image I attached is real.
I saw a "You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about" meme with Richard Spencer vs a based guy from 1970's Oregon.
There's a video of him giving a speech about white heritage and the evil Jew and what not.
Can anyone help me find his name or that video? I've had no luck.
These two and the above post are crucial for Europeans and European americans to understand themselfs and how we all got here today, also the relation with the jews and why the conflict exists.
Screenshot this;
i appreciate the thread, but when you make the op post about turning people 'to our side' this actually makes them conscientious of what they are absorbing.
Instead just start a webm thread and you'll get the same intended result, just more of it. This is because when they in the back of their brain, they consider joining, instead of thinking, "this is just what they want" they will think its their own idea.
read how to win friends and influence people, very good book.
Btw, the only way to escape the federal reserve is to collapse america, the leftist surge is created by secret right wing groups just so you know. You all want the same thing, but because it is not acceptable to talk about it, you have these power pushes, the group think lemmings just go with whatever their social group is doing.
Yes you do. You just don't believe he was the messiah. You suck at this Schlomo.
great webm
I haven't seen such a blatantly sophist infograph as this in a long time. This is on par with that several part infographic meant to debunk holocaust denial. Whoever created this is a desperate and delusional mess that cannot make an honest attempt at explaining what christianity is, and to that end is simply dishonest.
There's so many things wrong with this that it's laughable. Bluepills are always on decline because they are the status quo and they are always susceptible to the redpill. A lie once exposed ceases to be. Even the maker of this infographic unconsciously admits christianity follows the same fate of bluepilled thinking in a failed attempt to cover for the jew religion's decline.
If I have to explain what's wrong with this, you whoever is reading this needs to get your head checked. Spoilers for the brain-damaged: Whoever made this cannot admit the simple fact that Israelites have always been and still are jewish. This is the equivalent of jews saying they are and always have been white and then fall back on the anti-semitism card, but from a christian defending his jew religion.
It wasn't always submissive but it has always been subversive. The hallmark of jewish tricks is to play the role of the victim and exploit white altruism and meanwhile carry out underhanded tricks. For christianity, the best way to use it as a tool of subversion is to exploit the altruistic and inclusionist nature of the religion, which is why a religion created by jews that a large portion of whites follow is being used against them - and has always been used against them. It's not even about turn the other cheek when you have things like Matthew 5:5 blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Be gentle and you will be given lots and lots of stuff goyim. As opposed to being pro-active and bold. Lastly, even the maker of the infographic does not make an attempt to explain its current use as a tool for keeping whites pathologically altruistic in the name of (((christ))).
Christianity is a jewish invention adopted by european after centuries of subversion, pillaging, and various jewish tricks. This infographic does not attempt to show how europe was (((converted))) and instead shows the current percentages aka the status quo as if that changes the fact that christianity is jewish and the conversion was a drawn out and revealing campaign of what christianity truly is.
The second image is more christian tricks but designed to be aimed at pagans, catholics, and athiests. It's obviously propping up any other christian sect that's not catholic. The less said the better. These images do not belong in a redpill thread. These images are shabbos goyim (christian) tricks.
the last image doesn't really get its point across.
Can anybody tell me what the fuck /polk/'s problem is? I went there and lurked/asked, couldn't figure it out for the life of me. Closest I could come to is that they like low post numbers.
Its a D&C operation to diminish the number of posters on Holla Forums.
Holla Forums’s BO has admitted to being a jew and the mods are proven nonwhites and are paid shills. It’s hardly D&C to get a white non-jew in charge of a board for once, is it?
Note that I have no idea if polk has one of those.
Global report, then.
Thats a Chad-killer right there, son.
Bump because the shills are still here just more subtle. And nothing rages them harder than a good redpill.
You guys have any x/pol/-related stuff?
Biggest /xpol/ video right here. Can you handle it?
I was expecting still images like .
A nigger being honest? Damn.
too long to webm, like most of his vids, but nicely centrist, and rational
there are outliers in all groups I'm pretty sure there are tolerable jews too
The Classical Christian thought laid out by influential church figures is a direct continuation of Greek thought which is why it spread through the Greco-Roman world so rapidly and eventually won out against the various cults and mystery religions which were similar in form and answered many of the same metaphysical questions that had bothered the Greeks since Plato. The major philosophical efforts from early Christians were focused on refuting and invalidating rabbinic thought which is why Christianity is so reviling to Jews. It is utterly irreconcilable with rabbinic thought and the majority of Jewish subversion in the Church is traced to 19th century inventions like dispensationalism and liberation theology(marxism for low iq third world catholic peasants). In fact I'd say most of the problems decaying the west trace to the 19th century, Prussian education is another major one.
Christianity is not a Jewish invention but it has become a Jewish tool through subversion of doctrine and removal of philosophy.
The amount of shills in this thread seem rather low kek
Could anyone post reccomended books of the following themes:
Evolution (Biology)
And any other you think it is worth being here.
The Theory of Relativity is a Jewish sham.
All is jewish scam until we know that they are selling from something they bought before at a bargaining price.
A little known book called A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men by Jakob Von Uexkull.
Fuck of faggot shill.
on and off long time lurker here.
I qualify as a newfag.
never stop hosting redpill threads
Just started reading that - very cool.
This post contains some of my best redpills on Bolshevik Gommunism and Jewry.
Why is this entire thread made up one one ID, sometimes arguing with itself, up until a certain point?
Either ID glitch happening again or a turbo autistic samefag
Not the guy you replied to, but let's find out
new Mathis paper on richard spencer's jewish blood:
I don't know what crazier; the fact that he actually said this, or that I understood every word he said.
Needs moar holohoax. Never enough holohoax.
MUH 60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
I'm just dumping btw. I know there will be some reposts. Deal with it.
On this subject, does anyone have this paper?
Never mind; got it.
Where is the "ISIS is good for Israel" article from one of the jewish publications?
Anyone got that infograph that talks about how Black fathers are absent in 98% of relationships with White Women?
thirty hours later
Do u have YouTube link for that webm I've been meaning to download it on my computer for some time but forgot the name of it
I've never seen a Redpilling go down so fast & so hard before in my life.
Don't swallow the black pill. Better dead than red. As long as you live, you have not lost.
checked dubd
wow the cuck interviewer's voice…
I heard it said at one point that the porn red pill is the hardest to swallow, and it is. I know the truth, but that doesn't change that I have an addiction. I've been watching this shit since I was 8, if not earlier. Quitting smoking was easy for me, but I started that as an adult.
I don't remember a life before porn, it's fucked up.
Fuck I know they're mud babies, but I couldn't finish watching that. I have 4 kids. I'm not edgy enough for that shit.
Grow some fucking balls and lurk moar
I always thought this. Women have more minor accidents. They're prone to panic, react poorly under pressure or make bad snap decisions. For example slamming on brakes and trying to swerve hard out of a slide. Men have fewer accidents. But they're worse. Usually from over confidence or showing off, with younger men.
What about per capita?
Despair Code:
Humans accessed eternal life technology thousands of years earlier than now.
Humans are getting instant regrowth of their missing body parts. They are getting their old brains placed into the heads of young cloned bodies. Some of the clone bodies are only aged seven years; old humans looking like children.
Ancient humans, breakaway civilizations of humans are, "mind controlling" millions of humans by a muscle flexing technology. The machines are as close as at you. The machines are as far as miles. The mind control happens by electricity caused at your muscles or your brain.
Aliens (science freak experiments) are pets, slaves, workers, acquaintances, friends, "family", or comrades of the most ancient humans and breakaway civilization humans…and like how the richest surface humans of United States of America pamper their pet dogs with food which is better quality than most humans at the surface of Earth eat…some aliens have better quality technology than United States Armed Forces. Many of the humans, among the groups of humans who are dominating all the aliens, use the aliens as, "portable storage containers" which are, "smart", "interesting", "interactive" and, "self securing".
Humans can travel from Earth to Marse during only a few hours time. Humans are living at the moons of every planet gravitied of Sol. They have robots to make all their food, and their governments are comprised of all citizens representing at the legislature, courts, and harming operations (executive work; non-words work).
I've seen nothing on the global elite pedos. Let's show the normies some shocking realities straight from the horses' mouths.
Can i post?
In the catalog, it shows this page having 866 images.
R: 447 / I: 866 / P: 5
As I type this, there's 294 images (denoted on the bottom right of the screen). Is this what is referred to as shadow-banning? Is h8chan filtering or hiding images?
Lurk for 2 years before posting, idiot.
Easy way to counter this low energy retardation, and it even fits in a tweet:
Is it control Opposition or actual self-hating jews?
I made it just for you user
inb4 this thread is turned into a sacrifice and used in "Mods are compromised" bait threads.
so simple, so brilliant
A honest question; what he thinks about holohoax?
I doubt he believes in the holohoax but the Overton window hasn't shifted to the right yet for the open discussion
Has anyone tried redpilling Laci Green? I sent her a message about now there are more than one redpill truths, on IQ and race, IQ and sex, how transgederism is actually a psychiatric illness, how being gay is actually a choice made by pedophilic degenerates, on how the holohoax never happened, on how muslims have always been violent conquering barbarian hordes, how both jews and muslims are compulsive liars, corrupters, and killers for the causes of global zionism and jihad, respectively, how whites are going extinct, and jews are to blame, etc.
has anyone else sent any messages to Laci, or left any comments on her discussion page?
Hi, subhuman.
Go back.
Do you have autism
Hawking's teeth
Trump posted that meme about himself.
We need more of this, catchy tunes and truth bombs from the mouths of Jews. Short, clean, shareable
these threads make me lose sleep every time, and yes it feels like having an existential crisis of some sort realizing WE ARE that group fighting the kikes and brown hordes while your fellow whites seem to not care and trying to repair the shattered remains of european culture and civilization. Its such a terrifying and heavy burden, it feels like NO ONE will help you and youre trying to constantly figure out a way in your everyday life to do good, but it feels like trying to stop a stampede. Even your friends and family say things that engrage you now that youre awake. its so hard trying to keep my spirits up. Im forced to be the only one to dicipline myself to not let myself go or get lazy.
this would be so much easier if I had a nice white wife, but our degenerate society makes that part really hard too. The only thing we can keep doing is pushing back and never giving up or slacking because the only other option is death.
Thats the only drive I have every day. I silently say to myself "if I give up, im going to die."
Goddamn…..I almost shed some tears after listening to that
Kek I didn't know harold was a zionist
I'm looking for some material on guns/second amendment, trying to convince one of my friends on the subject. Anything would be appreciated.
Well timed and revealing. Spread this so kikes can't hide anymore.
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After seeing *Alex Jones* saying "CNN = ISIS", I realized something. They are both related to Israel Secret Intelligence Services - Hasbara, Mossad. One creates the disruptions and the other pushes it to promote the globalist agenda. These fake organizations are very much related, and have (((one things))) in common.
"All jews should be ruthlessly and mercilessly slaughtered for the good of us all." - Ben Garrison.
Nice ones
Can you guys post more screencaps?
Worth bumping until post limit
2007, before attempting to establish an independent currency
2011, after attempting to go against the world bank
Stop fucking calling it that, it's not libel.
Either worst bait ever or worst bait ever
Stop running. Stand and fight, Leaf.
National Cyber Security Center Employee Suspended After ‘Revealing’ that “ISIS Is A Zionist Plot”
The Silence of the Israelis on ISIS
Israel and the Origins of the Islamic State
Fighting ‘Islamic State’ is Not the Israeli Priority
Why Does ISIS only Fight Israel's Enemies? And why do they have so much in Common?
UN reveals Israeli Links with Syrian Rebels
UN reports Israeli Support for Syria Rebels
IDF Medics seen Treating Syrian Rebels in New Video
Syrian Rebels thank Netanyahu for Israel's Compassion
Exclusive: Israel is Tending to Wounded Syrian Rebels
Moderate Syrian Rebels say they Protect Israeli Border
New UN Report reveals Collaboration between Israel and Syrian Rebels
Israeli Analyst confirms Link between Israel, “Moderate” Syrian Rebels
Israeli DM: We’re aiding Syrian Rebels to keep Al-Qaeda away from Border
Revealed: How Syrian Rebels seek Medical help from an Unlikely Source in Israel
Syrian General accuses Israel of Collaborating with ISIS, Al Qaeda-Linked Rebels
Israel is Cautiously Arming Syria's Rebels — and has a Fragile Unspoken Truce with an Al Qaeda Affiliate
Proof of US training ISIS -
fucking basssed hollly shit
Holy shit Jesus dies to stop usury as well and the fucking jews hate him for it. Thank you pol. It felt so good to be a bluepill for so long but it feels even better knowing what kind of evil is out there for us to eradicate.
You're not alone, if trump has taught us anything it's that we just need a person to stand up in the media and take the flak so that people feel comfortable sharing their beliefs once more.
Lauren Southern, Stefan Molyjew(hate his longwinded videos but he's right at least) and Jordan Peterson are the start for Canada.
We never had a GLR or a moseby, but we'll have our crack at NatSoc sometime soon, I can feel the discontent stirring. It's inevitable, don't let the CBC blackpill you.
You aren't alone in this fucked up country.
Obligatory redpilling images for newfags to swallow.
Remember gents, we get 5 images for a reason, you may as well use them any time you reply. First objective to being here is to learn, second to communicate and third to laugh.
Don't let yourselves get blackpilled too…
i modified that image a bit
Memes are an increasingly popular source of information for millennial's and can be used as a tool to wake people up. In this thread we should find the best redpilling info-graphics to post.
We have the power Holla Forums, let's fix this fucked up world.
The list of 359 Jewish expulsions over 2,700 years
Also a great youtube channel & the creator of the list:
If Hitler gassed 1000 Jews every day it would taken 16 years to gas 6 gorillion.
Let that sink in.
Can I get a source on that? I would prefer the timeframes of when each camp "started" and ended and the exact numbers of each camp.
The source is math.
Looking for numbers so I can do the math myself, and when people ask me for my reasoning I dont have to say it's from some smug guy on 4x2chan
Jesus Christ are you actually retarded?
6,000,000 / 1,000 = 6,000
6,000 (days) / 365.25 (days in a year) = 16.43 (years)
All missing the point. First off, with that many camps 1000 a day doesnt seem that bad.
Second, to achieve 6mil jews alone, just for the sake of argument say the camps started on Sep 1, 1939 and ended on Sep 2, 1945. That's 6 years, or 2190days. 6000000/2190 = 2739 people burned a day. Not that unreasonable.
Now obviously the less days of operation you have the more you have to burn per day to achieve the same 6 mil total. At some point the number of burned per day should get so unreasonable that the average person has to say it doesnt add up.
What im looking for is any additional data, because I totaled the numbers on , even rounding and using the largest estimates gives a total of 3624753.
Just ballparking the dates, since i havent run the numbers yet and most seem to go from '41 to '44, that's ~3 years of runtime, or 1095 days. That's 3310 killed per day in camps going off of my total from that chart.
More accurately what im looking for is what happened to the other claimed 2.5 million jews? And with sites like giving estimates of around 18.6 million there's no fucking way.
Fucking newfag :^)
Dark night of the soul - john of the cross
inner mansions - threasa d'avila
One dilemma, there's no bodies. It's impossible to gas and burn that many people within the time frame available. Any purportedly mass graves are not allowed to be studied or researched because they know it's fake.
Can any Russian /polacks find the original of this?
This is an edited version which was shown to possibly millions of Russians.
The bit about the Bolshevik Revolution has been edited out (which I'm interested in seeing).
There's a bit of collusion among the media.
That girl is … intrigued.
Ok, I know I'm replying to a an almost 4 months-old post, but "redpills" like Monster Energy's logo are fucking stupid.
Congratulations, you discovered that the logo of an energy drink brand owned by jews, called MONSTER energy, which slogan reads "Unleash the beast!" is connected to the number of the beast via Hebrew alphabet.
What does it prove, really?
That it's used as a surrogate of "Devil Water" in black masses?
That the people drinking Monster Energy are all secretly satanists?
Please, they're not even aware of the existence of the Hebrew alphabet, let alone buying ME because they're satanists.
If anything, it's a neat logo design.
/x/-tier "redpills" only serve to fuel the "satanist conspiracy lunatic" narrative.
I am a 6', 200lb, 33-year-old Torontonian W.A.S.P. from a conservative family who's been lurking since Trump won. . . . I am in utter disbelief. Everything is different now.
I was raised by a single-mother to think I didn't even need a father. I witnessed my own genetic group be replaced before my very eyes and was taught that it was good. I've never met a single good nigger in my entire life.
I was forced to make friends with immigrants because my elementary school was filled to the brim with shit-coloured gums, thick accents and racial cliques. When my mother attended that same school just 16 years prior it was all white.
My brother's white friend was stabbed to death by an Afghan sand-nigger outside of his high school when he tried to defend one of his loudmouth, nigger-loving whore girlfriends. The mudslime slithered away back to his shit-hole of an excuse for a country and my brother continued his degeneration into nigger culture.
We have been invaded anons. They are all going BACK. On my soul, by the end of my life I will see the rise of Fascism again.
Mark these words. . . . I shall return to glorious lurking now. See you again in two years.
Faggots like you are the reason this board has slowly gone to shit.
god fucking dammit..
Do anyone have redpills about how the civil war was not about slavery?
What is the best beginner video for my 19 year old brother?
This is a very good anti-(((alt-lite))) redpill
Probably one of the best redpills i've seen in years.
Good explanation on why their intelligence agency is way more powerful than any other countries
I recently saw a meme about a pre-WW2 jewish poem encouraging German women to race mix with Africans, but I didn't save it.
Any anons know anything about this? Name of the poet/poem?
Don't ever come back
These always get posted and are remarkably cringey.
I have seen this pic many times and just skimmed over it, but actually reading through it completely, I just realized something.
>Among those who received the STRONG magnetic dose i.e. the disabling one, 32.8% FEWER had decreased beliefs in God, angels and heaven, compared to the control group who recieved no dose.
The group with a disabled threat perception center therefore has INCREASED beliefs in christianity, contrary to what the highlighted section reads.
For some reason I kek'd especially hard at that one.
Requesting Dyke focused info.
It looks like Styx
Explain further.
Nice Mulholland Drive reference.
I've told several people who drank Monster energy drinks regularly about the logo and they've actually stopped. Most of them reacted with disgust, so I don't think sharing it nonchalantly with a friend or close acquaintance would do any more harm than good
Why is codenigger ruining Holla Forums?
This clip never gets old and never will
So woke he didn't fall for the hygienic jew
For shame
JIDF, pls post more jewesses with assault rifles
Any user has that Quote pic of Patton with the words
"Don't reveal your intentions unless you're gonna act upon it"
If the quote is wrong then I apologize for the misquote and if possible the source of the book/interview where he said it
Holy shit he moves like a 90s movie Animatronic.
What happened to that thread about israelis bombing an american vessel? I did not see it on the archive. There was lots of good info there.
Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.
If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth (including weeaboo degeneracy!) as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked!
(Remove the - )
1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!!!!!!
Sieg Heil
Let's keep this up lads. Newfags inbound.
Did you get those from the Aryanism website or save them from another thread here?
This thing about Karl Popper was on my normiebook wall, and I want to ask, has anyone come up with any good arguments against this.
Essentially Popper said that tolerant people shouldn't tolerate intolerant people. The argument is if you tolerate intolerants you get Hitler, and we can't do that. So punch a nazi and un-person the racists.
I know that, I'm here on Holla Forums and I think the only mistake Hitler made was not winning.
I'm asking how one might go about redpilling their friends. How do you debunk this argument. Mention that you're considered a Nazi by some people if you think gender is biological? Mention no one on the left is tolerant of white countries existing?
Last picture, very much saved. Damn, that's are destiny if we don't get our shit together.
please sort out those audio levels.
I haven't heard of this Popper thing but here's what I think: The thing is that they're actually right, the "intolerants" will always win if they don't destroy us. Tolerance in itself is completely illogical, which is why even those brainlets manage to make half-reasoned measures like "no tolerance for our intolerant opposition." No creature can ever be 100% tolerant without being wiped out immediately.
So you shouldn't bother trying with this, the only arguments against their reasoning you can make are incredibly disingenuous, but if that's what you want to try then go ahead I suppose. The only thing you can even debunk is what got them to their leftist beliefs in the first place, since logically no one can be convinced not to defend their beliefs.
can someone post the image detailing how nogs nigging in korea got friendlies killed left and right?
Nigger is you high?
Get (most of) your redpilling reading material here.
Pic related just dropped. I know we don't have a greater selection than other pdf boards but we keep what we have well organized most of the time.
That OSS redpill is a good one.
The OSS was full of Jews (lawyers, movie directors, psychiatrist), a truly Frankenstein division of WW2. It's very unresearched at the moment but I reckon there's a goldmine of redpills in there if you read between the lines.
The OSS were responsible for the "Nazi Death Mills" war propaganda videos as well.
Good post about stopping porn, but give the jew the credit for corrupting us, not the woman.
Anyone want to create an infographic for me out of something I typed up? It's basically about psyops against antifa, and a call to battle for meme war ii.
I would prefer it to look nice. I did a lot of research into this and I think a lot of Holla Forums on 4ch/8ch/etc would jump on board.
Here is the writeup:
pastebin ca 3858255
If the pastebin gets taken down let me know and I will find a better way to post it. Probably in chunks on here.
I have been false flagging as a marxist for A LONG WHILE.
It made quite a few redpills without any real marxist folowers.
My usual tactics include:
trust me, this is fastest and best way to spread redpills
I made a site and few fliers promoting legalising of necrophilia and sharia law
The reviews of my site gives me a smile on my face
Someone please take this up?
I know other people out there do it, but it would be nice if we could be more organized. Imagine the power.
Requesting Anti-Redskin sources.
This sounds like a pre 9/11 post.
Wait a minute. We've got a few problems here.
Let's start with an understanding of the ideas behind Christianity.
1: God made everything including people, whom he gave free will.
2: People took their free will, and fucked up (sin), and continuously fuck up, and so pretty much deserve the hard hand of justice from God.
3: God doesn't want to smack humans with the hard hand of justice, so he supplies them with a way out in Jesus Christ. (the concept of grace)
4: Those who accept Christ are Christians.
Ok, so this stands in stark contrast to Jewish and Muslim traditions, which involve a priesthood that separates the people from God, ritual sacrifices and actions, and a whole caste of people who have made up derivative rules that they claim you need to follow to get into heaven. The idea is that you have to physically atone for your sins and perform rituals to be accepted by God.
Christianity is a complete philosophical rejection of Judaism and Islam, because if man sucks so bad that he's going to sin and be immoral, even if he tries to be good, he's going to fuck up on rituals and sacrifices and all that shit, because it's just another set of rules. Christianity's justification is through faith and grace, whereas Islam and Judaism deal with justification through blood sacrifice, ritual, and priesthood.
Yes, Christianity follows the Abrahamic history and tradition, as do Islam and Judaism. Oddly enough a lot of mythology and other religions also share some of the same history and tradition. It also seems to me that the modern corrupt Jew (from the Rothchilds to the "Merchant of Venice" to the Ashkenazis and the Bolsheviks) rose out of the moneychanger/Pharisaic traditions that started around 500 years before Jesus, in the Babylonian Captivity. That's when the Talmud was written, and when they started to ignore their written history, in the Torah. That's my read on it, anyway.
I'm going to take issue with you saying the Christianity is subversive or submissive. Meekness is the translation from the Greek πρᾶος, which has different connotations than "weak and mild", instead being more along the lines of "calm, gentle, and patient"- hallmarks of a civilized man who recognizes his and other's limits, which is necessary to increase those limits and rise further than he was able to before. Anyway, the only subversive thing about Christianity is the institutionalization of it, with corrupt institutions like the Catholic Church and the mindless drone Evangelicals who couldn't defend their own beliefs any more than they could critically think their way out of a paper bag.
As for pathological altruism, you realize that the New Testament admonishes people to not steal and to get a productive job as well as helping the poor in their communities. I don't really see any pathology in that.
Christianity has been hated by the Jews since its inception. While most of the apostles and Jesus himself were Jewish by blood, it is notable that Luke is, by tradition, a non-Jewish doctor, who wrote in Greek. Most of the first Christian converts were "gentiles" as well, according to the epistles of Paul, which essentially track the spread of the religion throughout the Roman Empire. Calling it a Jewish invention is kind of a stretch (especially when Jews conspired to have Jesus executed), although it was treated as a cult by the Romans until it eventually gained legitimacy, and even an Emperor who at least claimed to be a Christian.
Just remember, there's always an opposing side to your argument.
So you don’t know anything about demographic history. Got it.
Yes, and?
Offensive ≠ subversive.
lol to fight jews; right shlomo
Right. That doesn’t mean niggers. Learn what ‘meek’ means.
lol, walk the extra mile. Get cucked.
You mean its subversion. By jews. Who hate it. And always have. Nice try, kike.
lol zero effort
Drown yourself, intl.
I was typing up some responses in T_D and starting repeating: Fake History and referring it to CNN and fake News.
I think there is Meme potential.
Dutch demolition expert died in a 'carcrash'
That character is from mulholland drive, set in hollywood
One character is telling another character about this creature, and says "he's in back of this place, he's the one doing it" (implying controlling the evil that is taking place in the world)
And then you get to see this monstrous hideous "man" if you can call it that.
And it looks like the soul of the jew given physical form with no filters.
Filthy, dirty/ blackened skin, hook nose, smile that contains no humor, and the clear eyes that let your know that it is entirely conscious of it's own malevolence, and perhaps even proud of it.
Is David Lynch making a comment about the disgusting influence of the jew in the world, specifically via hollywood?
Is David Lynch "our guy"?
Of just a coincidence that the character that is "the one doing it" behind the scenes in hollywood is the filthiest, kikiest pure evil thing you ever saw?
He directly denied that in another video.
Whatever it may be, MD is definitely an enigmatic and puzzling movie, with real depth.
Would you be able to upload it? I can help, my email; [email protected]
You gotta give him credit for taking things logically
What's wrong with bacon and eggs??????
I have it every morning??
We have to kill them.
All of them.
Good try goldbergstein
"We're in this together"
I like how fast they memed this into unspecified "bigots." It was a zionist femcuck with a pro-Israel sign who got fucked up by antifa for suspected fascism. Now she's the communist Horst Wessel. Nice.
nothing user, just get it from an organic farmer
also bacon is good jew/mudslime repellant
Goddammit Holla Forumslacks, you keep saying race mixing only happen in white countries, yet there's this Sweden woman who married a shitskin in his own country.
If you want to protect your racial purity, then stop exporting your shitty cumskin women there, lest you don't want to be as hypocritical as Jews.
Even my anti kike ebooks take up more space and that's not including all the other media I've collected. Pretty pathetic tbh.
Quality post, user.
Yes. Adding this verse:
2 Thessalonians 3:10
Yes. The whole bible is arguably one long story about how merciful God is, and how useless and treacherous the jewish people were. When i read through the old testament, by far the largest part of it was about how God punished the jews for disobeying. How good his promises where, but how they loved whoring with other gods.
is taking away from Jerusalem and from Judah
support and supply,[a]
all support of bread,
and all support of water;
the mighty man and the soldier,
the judge and the prophet,
the diviner and the elder,
the captain of fifty
and the man of rank,
the counselor and the skillful magician
and the expert in charms.
And I will make boys their princes,
and infants[b] shall rule over them.
https:// www.biblegateway dot com/passage/?search=Isaiah+3%3A1-26&version=ESV
Maybe this
Dumping crime and demographic map montages. Original content. Great redpills for normies.
Please download and distribute widely.
Buffalo! Goes great with that interview up above!
De troit!
The city of brotherly love. When you show these, remind people that white people were violently ethnically cleansed from these places in 159 anti-white race riots in 1967 due to the (((media))) and (((civil rights))) efforts to sell the victimhood of minorities narrative. This violent ethnic cleansing is now euphemistically referred to as "The Long Hot Summer" like it was some kind of bad weather.
Baltimore! Thank you (((Ricky Lake))) for showing us in "Hairspray" how bigoted Baltimore white people were back in the day.
Oh, wait, you grew up in a place with almost no black people? Talking of "back in the day", I grew up in the 80's, where I was repeatedly assaulted for being white at my school thanks to people like (((you))). Never did I see black people attacked for their race. Never did I see black people do anything but disrupt other students.
Now, (((Fox News))) wants to reinvent the 80's like (((they))) reinvented the 50's.
Jew York City! Dat boi dindu nuffin!
Tampa / St. Petersburg area!
I have more city maps, but it is almost beer thirty here.
I will end with a couple of my favorite global maps.
First, altruism as indicated by blood donations:
Secondly, altruism as indicated by the corruption index:
Can you do one for Atlanta?
My theory on this one is the predominance of black southern baptists.
I also think there is a sort of morality eugenics from having a culture of higher expectations.
Women who expect their men to be upright church-going folk don't put up with ghetto.
The leftist bigotry of low expectations is a sort of genocide.
Hmmmm. I have noticed that not all hispanic communities are equal. Cuba is also pretty high on the blood donation map.
I always kinda liked Chile.
I'd say that's pretty obvious since Hispanics are made up of tons of different ethnic groups and differing racial/national psychologies akin to Europeans. Example: Cubans hate Mexicans. Mexicans hate Guatemalans. Guatemalans hate Nicaraguans, etc
The LA area…
we have IDs here.
this user
is right
maybe name the torrent "The ultimate hidden secret behind why the world is the way it is" or similar.
Put it on!
I don't get it. Please explain.
It all comes down to math on how long it would take to gas and burn a body and how many gas chambers and crematoria there were. Take that math and then apply it to 6 million juden and you'll see it's mathematically impossible. The numbers are available for Auschwitz at least and it's been mathematically disproven multiple times based on the numbers. The hollow-hoax is exactly that.
there's also a beaver on free speech
(sorry, cant upload images because tor)
Disregard this post, I'm a retard and didn't notice it was already there
Archive page all about redpills.
the absolute state of western white "men"
Denying Jesus is a pre-requisit to be jewish
Mother Jones Articles:
An author of the investigation admits to delibeterately excluding GANGS and DRUGS. No doubt lowering the presence of Niggers and Beaners.
Takedowns of them and other hysteria over guns:
truth is underrated
Thanks saved!
More Holocaust redpills please. I need more for my collection.
Remember: kike shilling on 8ch is a crime. Make sure to report all signs of foreigners.
Yeah, muslims don't point with their left hand to god. It's the hand they wash their ass with. You can test this by extending your left hand in greeting the next time you meet a muslim, you will be rewarded with the disdain they usually reserve for pork.
Anyone have the complete beaver set?
The good thing about being attacked by shills, journalist and such is that they might lurk for more than a month and join us eventually. Maybe not all of them but if we make one or two join our ranks it will already be a gain.
Motherfucking bump, just in case.
I am on an android phone how can I download all these?
Huge redpill on nig women right here. It revolves around one of their most disgusting and unhygienic fashion choices, AKA "weave".
Are you a baby? Just search "how to download multiple files from a website on android" or sth similar. If DownThemAll has an Android extension, get that.
I don't think there's anything strange about the 6th sense story. She recognized sounds as gunshots where he thought it was fireworks.
If she knew something was going to happen, she wouldn't have been close to that place in the first place.
18 months of lurking and this is the best thread ive seen (except for the 404’s). Please KEEP IT COMMING.
My version's better.
This is probably one of the best compiled NatSoc Redpills
Obligatory to those who havent seen it: "The Greatest Story Never Told".
What would be a top ten reading list to get redpilled?
This thread is 4th from the end of the catalog and doesn't deserve to die.
Bumping with semi-OC editing gifs together.
A list of two hundred "Six million Jews" holocaust allegations by Zionist Jews from 1900-1945.
See also: "The First Holocaust" by Don Heddesheimer is a critical work documenting the continuous Jewish attempts at floating out Holocaust propaganda before, during and after World War One, often invoking the magical "6,000,000" figure and using the term "Holocaust". PDF:
'Good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created…' - Architectural Revival (Facebook)
these are bias
That second pic, holy shit. TGWTG, not even once.
the reason globalists like that architecture is it gives the appearance of 'transparency'.. it also appears squeaky clean like their reputation is supposed to be.. basically impossibly clean because they shield themselves from all criticism with lies and intimidation
Those names are all a joke played by the members on the media and retards, they didn't have office ranks but rather somebody would be an unnamed president of a chapter and another a treasurer.
This is kike shit, though the southerners didn't hate kikes enough as evidenced by the number of kikes in the CSA government.
"If you're not a christcuck, then you're jewish, because I can literally only use backwards logic!"
Gas all christfags.
Zündel's Bunker
PDF files - 2282 Files, 234 Folders, 26.4GB Total Size
Image Files (Collection - Caricatures in Der Stürmer) - 1208 Files, 145 Folders, 313MB Total Size
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rip thread
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Alex Jones Exposed
Alex Jones and Bronfman Family -
Alex Jones and CIA -
Alex Jones and Emmis Communications -
Alex Jones and Jewish Sponsors -
Alex Jones and Jewish Wife -
Alex Jones and Sirius XM Radio -
Alex Jones and Stratfor -
Brother Nathaneal - Why Is The ADL Promoting Alex Jones -
SPLC Damage Control - David Duke Interview on Infowars -
Alex Jones Exposed! InfoWars: A Time Warner Company? -
Alfred Hutton - Old Sword-Play; The System Of Fence
Alfred Hutton - Cold Steel; A Practical Treatise On The Sabre
David M. Cvet - The Art Of Longsword Combat
Hans Talhoffer - Medieval Combat; A Fifteenth-Century Illustrated Manual of Sword Fighting and Close-Quarter Combat
John Clements - Medieval Swordsmanship
John Clements - Renaissance Swordsmanship
Toshishiro Obata - Naked Blade; Manual of Samurai Swordsmanship
Zhang Yun - The Art of Chinese Swordsmanship; A Manual of Taiji Jian
thread: >>>/zundel/529
John Lord Bacon - Forge-Practice and Heat Treatment of Steel
Cameron Knight - The Mechanician; Construction and Manipulation of Tools (niggersmithing & Forging)
Behr & Manning Co. - How To Sharpen; A Book for the Home Craftsman, Farmer, Mechanic, and Others Who Use Edge Tools
J. Marquardt - Smith's Pocket Companion; Useful Information and Tables on Iron and Steel
John D. Verhoeven - Experiments on Knife Sharpening
Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc. - Metal Data Book
thread: >>>/zundel/242
riposte the kikes
In the professional world, this Talmudic family-society model is overhauling the modern understanding of racial capacity and potential with a fantastical ideology based upon 'Anti-Capitalism' (Phony version of anti-Usury or anti-jew). There are two modes of the dialectic model of 'Racial Integration': Theory and Practice (Passive & Active).
Mode 1) You are to (passively) accept the theory that we are all human beans and that the potential in all modes of performance, whether physical or mental, are equal among every race. Yet, within this theory is implied a fundamental dichotomy of superiority/inferiority that must be harmonized with the application of another theory of ignorance.
Mode 2) In the practice of tolerating the ineptitude of a fellow workmate or colleague who is of another (lesser) race, or in the practice of recognizing your inadequacy to a fellow workmate or colleague who is of another (greater) race, the fundamental idea is to (actively) acknowledge that you are different. Just as you are supposed to theoretically harmonize this dichotomy with the application of the theory of ignorance, in practice your behaviour must be adapted to your fellow human beans (the inferior).
Now, we can see where this leads. In any analogy, it is clear that the inferior cannot spontaneously perform at the level of the superior, and that to equalize the performance of inferior/superior means to decrease the performance of the superior. This practice, for the means of enhancing the collective, is a kind of nihilistic relativism that leads not the enhancement of the inferior but to the degradation of the superior at the expense of the collective. In the application of the theory of ignorance, there is a complete annihilation of observation and eventually the very theory of the collective (the subject of this ideology) is abolished and replace with the fixation upon the inferior (Which superiority is being replaced with)'.
The marxist ideology of 'Racial Diversity' condemns racial superiority whilst promoting racial inferiority as a virtue. It cannot function as a practical or theoretical model for human behavior. Why? If it hasn't already clicked in your mind, allow me to condense it for you: Theoretically, the word 'race' implies genetic diversity, therefore Racial Equality (as defined by marxism) = Racism (as defined by marxism). Practically, each individual is identified with a race through the observation of his differences to others and what subcategory within the collective he/she falls into, therefore Recognition of Race (as defined by marxism) = Racism (as defined by marxism). The ultimate goal of this marxist (jewish) ideology is to destroy the very perception of race, and to erect a standard generalization (Human Being) that dehumanizes those who internalize this ideology in the practice of racial identity.
I would argue that marxism is a machination of the jewish social engineers who have simultaneously sown into the minds of the collective that judaism is a mere ideology instead of a gene type. I would argue that this is whole thought system (that marxism is only a component of) is designed to dehumanize the superior humans - whom orientate their culture, economy and continuity around their own racial merits - that the jews (as inferior humans) see as a threat. I would argue that all systems of thought ever created by jews have been based on the orientation of their culture, economy and continuity around the merits of other races, and that marxism (jewish) is a social engineering device injected into the lives of all races (by jews) except jews for the sole purpose of sustaining jewish parasitism of and promoting the racial integration of all other races whilst maintaining jewish isolation.
Unless you are an outright 'Racist', you can be 'pincer-moved' with this dual-mode dialectic - into either obeying this cognitive dissonance or outright rejecting it (which results in you being identified as a bad goy). Don't think that using their own arguments against them will work; they have internalized this thought system, their minds have been disabled with the application of the theory of ignorance and they will just project their insanity onto you. Either way your human rights will be sacrificed upon the altar of equality, and only the flexing of your superiority will save you from such a circumstance.
(((Left-Right-Centrist Identity Politics))) Golem Dialectic and it's Relation to Judaism/Talmudism Explained:
Leftism = Social Marxism = Marxism = Leninism = Communism = Bolshevik Jewish = Talmudist/Zionist
Centrism = Democrat/Republican/Conservative = shabbos goy/cuck/spic/nigger/talmudist/zionist
Right = Socialism without European racial identity (an-cap, libertarian, zionist) = Social Marxism = Marxism = Leninism = Communism = Bolshevik Jewish = Talmudist/Zionist
Here's a recent redpill:
I always hate watching the fucking low brow idiots and their HS education who pop their opinions into this.
Any time a person starts to talk about something above average the crabs in our collective bucket pull everything down to their level.
bump just because
This thread is why
1) 90% of anons are reddit cancer
2) I made /zundel/
What's next, you're gonna start spouting the khazar theory? Uncucking people from this mindfuck is painful.
Reported for admitting to being a jew.
Zündel's Bunker
PDF files - 2282 Files, 234 Folders, 26.4GB Total Size
Image Files (Collection - Caricatures in Der Stürmer) - 1208 Files, 145 Folders, 313MB Total Size
/zundel/ - >>>/zundel/
mega link -!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg
Categories: Holla Forums History, Psychology & Philosophy, Subversive Jewish Books, Historical Texts, Fiction & Novels, Health & Dietary, Physique & Martial Arts, Science & Engineering, Manual Arts & Architecture, Self-Sustainability & Survival, Misc Skills & Masteries, Music & The Arts.
Contents.txt -!pM1CibqT!PaxJ7dRQAxb0QMIPbIPIcBJS3EI4lvVVbrXw8iBL-JE
You're just debris from centuries of misunderstood history.
Reported for admitting to being a jew.
Reminder that the only ideologies which name the jew are Christianity and National Socialism.
Jews, everyone.
Fact is well poisoning to a jew, because jews are the ones who poisoned actual wells (and our current water supply)
Run along, moishe. You want CP more than anything else in the world.
That’s what happens when you are British don’t brush, user.
Try again.
Yes, that’s obvious from your desire for CP.
Yep, why aren’t you?
We’re going to make you pull the rope that hangs your children. It will be better that way, after what you’ve done to them.
wew, yid
he's so intelligent, he doesn't even need to be hygienic
heres a pretty darn good redpill. the sequel has just been released.
He looks like hes wearing makeup.
nice and kosher, thank you chaim
The only true redpill.
The reincarnation of Diogenes
Also, posting the 'cycles of history' concept from Spengler.
Bump for triggered kikes
Oh wow, you kept the original file names I gave these. I remember getting a short ban for saying "denial" when it was perfectly hilarious. Here, have these short vids on why the holocaust is a lie.
good post
That's the point. . . Be filled with righteous anger and disgust, dehumanize yourself and face the bloodshed so your children won't have to. Real warriors hate violence.
saving from the slide
Love that RWE pic. Bumping an old thread.
Operation Mockingbird
Want the biggest redpill? Once all physical forms of media, but in particular newspapers/magazine , are completely dematerialized an online, then learning true history becomes impossible. The news should be printed in physical form. I would say we are 99.9% fucked already. It's a false sense of security thinking the internet saves us.
Freedom of the Printing Press.
Allowing concept of "Journalists" to take hold was the start of faggot city.
God I hope that's not how I end up. I'll definitely be ranting like that. But I hope to have showered more recently.
These are the names of men in Canada who were caught trying to buy sex from children. Very diverse names.