Why does Bioware hate attractive characters?

Why do they insist on making characters in each game uglier and uglier? First Sera, then this abomination.


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Because mostly women work there.

Because Biocuck staff is a bunch of fat, ugly womyn and trannies who can't stand seeing a fictional character looking better than they do.



Ah, that's what I was reminded of when I first saw her face.

They don't. People like that are supposed to take a look at the skills of a woman. Seeing that picture and immediately scrambling to say "sh-she's beautiful" is a sign they damn well know she's fucking not, but they have to defend it because of virtue signalling, so they grit their teeth and praise nothing but the ugly mug.

I honestly rather fuck a shrek Ogor than a current Bioware girl.

because the developers look like this



Wait… That is supposed to be a chick?


Being attractive is unrealistic, check your privilege, shitlord!

Gender is a social construct, you bigot.


Gotta pander to ugly feminists somehow.

Wait, are you saying this is a woman ?

There's something extremely unrealistic about a 10/10 woman who works with her hands.
Engineer/scientist ladies who are average-looking are more attractive, in my opinion.

You put a suit on that and clean up the hair and it'd look like your average japanese businessman

Thing is, Asari are supposed to look really attractive because of some psycho-biotic effect to be more attractive to mind-meld mates or whatnot. What we see of asari is what they're supposed to look like to humans, each race presumably sees something else that is comparably attractive.

So not only is this asari ugly, she also contradicts previously established fluff.

Or maybe we're seeing the asari race through some nu-male betalord. In which case, you should be grateful for being able to see the world as it should be; free from sexist standards of exclusive beauty.

that doesn't mean they need to look like men jesus

It's an asari, in mass effect asari are only female and have female human look.

Compare the general look in the existing games, to this new one.

That's an incredibly bad render, she looks better in-game. Still got a man-jaw, but it's not that bad.

I see no issues with that Asari. Pull a wide smile in front of a mirror, anons and come tell me your cheeks didn't bloat up like that.


Yeah, but I'm not attractive

They don't. They just can't make them

She looks and is 40, she acts like she's 20.

She looks so ugly and I don't even know why.

Looked at their team lately?
'Artists' department consists of nothing but stronk independent wymen, aka buttugly catladies in training.
Imaginary women that are more attractive than them are considered a threat and must be avoided.

Even attractive women IRL have that "issue".
I actually like characters that look average. It breaks my immersion if every character around me looks like an idealized doll.

You want genuinely off-putting ugly, go look at Ashley in 3. Which is kinda strange since they did nail her a good look in 1.

but this character is idealized

the tumblr ideal of "beauty"

user that thing in the picture lacks female features, at least any that would be deemed attractive.

They are probably introducing male asari or whatever it is asari look like to women.

idealised if you're a fucking garden gnome maybe

or a militant dyke with penis envy

W-w-w-ait this is supposed to be a fucking woman ? And we would have to create smth similar to this shitty blue shrek like race if we choose character creation ?

ugh, as a gnomekin I can't even. my pronouns are hiney/hidey/travelosity

Oh Jesus the resemblance is uncanny.

HOLY FUCK I thought the asari we so pose to be beautiful. Not hit with the tumbler stick and ran over by shrek in a club shooting


Mediocrity and the general lowering of standards. Beautiful women with perky oppai is sexist, but gross grease elementals like Bioware regularly does these days is more "realistic."

Not nearly as bad as biocuck characters. While biocuck might cite "realism" as the reason for making pig disgusting bitches, this one looks someone you might actually see in real life.

Forcibly making characters ugly is gay either way, but maybe that wasn't forced.

Oppai tits are gross anyway

they have had hideous manjaws since the first game, none of the mass effect games are good

Get a load of this faggot everybody

Fuck off cow fucker


fuck off pedophile

This. They're SJWs, and they have no talent. Instead of trying to get better, they instead try to justify their incompetence.

finally someone that agrees.
Also miranda had the manliest manjaw of them all

I thought the whole thing with Asaris was that they were all female and had to breed with other species, so they evolved some wierd pheremone/psychic thing where they appeared as an attrative member of whatever species looked at them?

It's been a while since I played those "games" but I remember a conversation in a strip club where different races are arguing over why the asari stripper is attractive and realising none of them are looking at the same thing.

Why would an asari make itself look like a particularly ugly downs syndrome thing?

Because the people who play Bioware games are particularly ugly downs syndrome things, obviously.


Whats in the links?

I'm not fucking opening those

That's the point

Looks like a spammer. Several tv threads just got that spam.

Never open links from a 000000 ID.

Is anyone stupid enough to click these links? Why do they post that shit here when surely nobody will click them.

It says "lolis". How can I resist?

Why don't they just make non-human characters if they want to make as gross as possible?



Well of course the aliens look different, user.

The Asari are supposed to be beautiful as hell and it is once implied that they subconciously manipulate the other species into percieving them as attractive and sharign their features.

This character has a fat guy face and shares an uncanny resemblance to Jim Sterling, which disturbs but doesn't surprise me. Bioware faggots forgot how to make pretty women long ago, same goes for men really. It started with that one reporter in ME3 and went to shit after that.


I'm pretty sure we're moving backwards, in terms of American culture.

But you'll always have those SJW cucks that run around screaming that we're "PROGRESSING AS A SOCIETY"

If this is the face of progression, I want out.

I like pretty characters as much as any man, but does every single man/woman in games have to be a supermodel?
ESPECIALLY in a RPG (that are prime vessels for immersion).

That said, she does look like Shrek. Yeesh.

literally nobody is asking for every person in a game to look like supermodels
people are just asking for characters that LOOK AT LEAST PLEASENT

They aren't.
Plenty of unattractive females in games
plenty of unattractive males.
Maybe you just have low standards for 2D?


Death is the ultimate evolution goy.

They aren't and they never were. Just like men have different taste ranging from petite grills to THICC and it's reflected by vidya character desing.

There's this one thing: Asari have no males in their species and need other races to breed therefore making them like this abomination we have witnessed is against their nature.

They have to look attractive to other races in order to breed. Considering the Asari race is older than human they should have no ugly specimen due to evolution.

That's not a word chubby chaser.

You don't have to be beautiful, but you have to be something. Krogans are ugly motherfuckers but there's more to them than that.
The Asari ogre doesn't have anything going on other than "plain" and "funny lookin'".

This. Additionally most of the races in Mass Effect are humanoid and are at a roughly similar height with humans. Volus, Hanar, etc. are to be considered as minor races, and the Krogans have no interest in Asari as sexual partners, especially not with the genophage and the fact that Asari only give birth to more Asari.

It would not be unreasonable for a large-breasted, wide-hipped, or big bootied Asari to be around, same goes for petite and slender ones. The only way that the Asari could have any traits that are to be considered as universally ugly is if they were born with physical defects. By all means they should be a race of women with only "porn-star" bodies. That's how they get influence, after all.




Wasn't Asari outright stated to been uplifted to be sextoys in ME3? So the "perfect" body makes doubly sense in that manner.

I never played ME3 so it is all hearsay to me.

Just play nip games and learn moonrunes


As an attractive man, why the fuck would i want to look at ugly people? If i want to do that all i have to do is look outside

Back when i was fugly childlet, i looked at Arnold and thought "I wanna be ripped like that", so i fucking ate my veggies and got /fit/.

I like beautiful things. Sorry you're such trash you can't enjoy a fucking game without the characters looking as ugly as you.


nope, the only trait those damn blue women have are:
you know why? becuase other aliens dont have the same sense of pretty and shit. There isnt a universal standard of beauty.

Yeah, Javik says that their kind used to shag Asari, which was considered akin to bestiality.

of the catoon kid show?


It doesn't really matter if it was made official, the asari are pretty much the sex toys of advanced civilization. Hell, Liara's tits got bigger in 3, and in ME2 one of the recruitable Asari is a milf with visible cleavage, and you have the option to have mindsex with her daughter. If anything, the Asari would get into a conflict about gynoids due to the fact that the Asari got their influence being space sluts.

/cuteboys/ pls go

There actually is. When it comes to faces, most men can agree on what is and isn't attractive. Even on things such as breast size, fitness, and thickness do we still agree to some level. Just because I like tittyfucking huge tits and Joe Over There prefers flat chests doesn't mean there is no universal standard of beauty. It just means there's a bell curve for tastes.

Who wouldn't want to have a football-shaped head?

U mirin, pencil-neck?
I'm still not as ripped as Arnold, but still pretty hot. I'd fuck myself, no homo


In ME2 there is a wedding party scene where you can overhear a turian, a human and a salarian arguing over which race the asari resemble the most, where each believes them to be similar to themselves. After a while human suggests that asari might be using mind control to change the way other species percieve them, but it is more likely that asari just evolved to share common traits with most races known to them and combine them to be sexually attractive to all of them. Krogans on the other hand don't really want to shag asari and call them squishy.

He is correct though.
It's not like all vidya characters are "muh supermodel".
Instead they're simply not fucking ugly.
Also, why'd you want to look at an ugly character in a videogame?

Who else?

The option to have mindsex with her daughter leads to shepard's brain frying.

/leftycuck/ please

Guess the sex blew his mind.

Christ, these people are worst than Holla Forumsacks.

Thus the true reason for Tali being maximum waifu bait: Since you can't see her face, you imagine her looking how you'd prefer.

i only played ME1, just one small question do the blue whores fuck non-human-like species? or do they only fuck the ones that look human?

well yeah, humans, but what about nonhuman aliens? those that look like worns and flying blobs of white transparent liquid

we are talking about aliens you fucking faggot.

That is what happened.


yeah, until you pull off the mask

They definitely can have children with humans, salarians, turians and krogan. Probably quarians too. Not sure about the others.

Dammit user.

No I remember that scene, I thought it was implied that they use semi mind control to determine what the person talking or seeing them would find attractive

Let me guess she is supposed to be the strong black wymyn of the game, that broad nose just screams nigger.


I never understood the fascination with gypsy bucketface.
I mean, she has a nice ass but not much beside it.

Now pic related is the one I fap to.

I'd rather the one on the right

Or left rather


I dunno, when i saw her i thought she looked like an asari verson of Sera from Dildo Age; cisqisition.

Looks like an old man lmao

The bigger question is: do you think she has a dick?

I bet her dick is ugly too

Well, usually those games would only show tits, but since it's a feminine dick they could show it, right?


hipster names. Either plants or bad people.

user, I like SFM but these are the most appallingly lazy animations you could've posted.

If you've got more lol asari, I'll accept that as an apology.

Holy shit nigger just stop

can't it be both?

Also, that.

because to disrupt gender structures and be conformingly gender non-conformist non-binary by making the females increasingly androgynous.

can anyone post Morrigan from DA:I where it was revealed Bioware retards actually designed her around their tranny twitter community manager that looks ugly as shit (they even added tranny face mole to Morrigan in game)

Actually these are some of the better ones. The actually lazy ones can be barely called animations.

Best ending in ME2 by far

Actually these are some of the better ones. The actually lazy ones can be barely called animations.

I hate male characters that look like models and oversexualized female characters. This is why Strelok is my favorite video game character. He isn't a bodybuilder he doesn't have a pretty face either. What's important is his role in the Zone.

Do they remember why people want attractive characters in their comics? These are the same faces we will be looking at for 40 to 70 hours. I might be able to tolerate a fugo for a few minutes, but a vomit inducing face is not something I would want to make a party with. Even the replay value is harmed by inclusively modeling ugly people into your game, EA and Bioware have learned nothing at all from DA:I, because they know normalfags listen to IGN and Fat Jim to tell them what to buy, instead of reading reviews of people who actually finish the game before writing the article. Casuals are the cancer ruining vidya.

Kill yourself, you worthless sack of leftist trash.

Look, I ain't even gay and I can tell he's a guy my sister would fall for, if we're purely talkin about looks.

That character was made by devs who put love into their work and it shows. Bioware has a fucked up sense of aesthetic beauty because they have been fucked in the head.

They can't even get expressions right anymore, for fuck's sake.

All of the original devs for mass effect are gone, replaced with new ones who fucking suck at modeling and lacking the ability to make a normal human face.

Everything they make lately looks like garbage.



He's much less pretty in the in-game model.

Miss potato?

Strelok's not a prettyboy, but he does look presentable enough for a guy who's clearly spent a long time in a radioactive wasteland. There's a difference ugly characters who look good, and ugly characters who just look ugly.

My point is I don't like main characters that look like supermodels for no reason. Overly ugly characters should be a background character too.

i'd fuck her

Why would it be wrong to include ugly characters in a game? I understand hating bioware and the circlejerking at neogaf, but I don't think you can extrapolate out to a theory of "Ugly Character = Bad Game". That said we all know ME4 will be abyssmal, but for a whole host of other reasons.

It's just an indication of a severe lack of talent.

I don't think that's true. At most it shows that what little talent they have is severely misdirected.

With bioware, you already know it is simply for SJW brownie points or some other shit, and to call them beautiful rather than to develop the character.
If they made someone ugly, but made that ugliness affect the character, such as them becoming envious or petty, or perhaps focus on some talent or skill to prove they are worth more than just their appearance, then that would be acceptable.
I assume most are angry because of the reasoning behind putting blue shrek in the game, rather than it happening in the first place.

It all makes sense now. To Bioware, this is the height of sexy.

That's true, but I think we should be transparent with our reasoning here. It's not ugly people in games so much as ugly companies like bioware that deserve the hatred.

Post 5 supermodel male characters and i'll show you what actual supermodels look like.

Mass effect doesn't count because they actually used a supermodel for the default male model.

Oh god, here we go again, it's the lowering of standards being pushed down our throats by the feminist jew, nothing else, we could show them that we won't stand up to this shit and not buy or pirate the damn thing

Yeah, you're right, but its still fun to laugh at blue shrek

they used supermodel for Miranda aswell

That particular type of ugly character is a symptom of a larger problem. If you want to make a Cyrano de Bergerac archetype, that's not necessarily bad. If you want to make a Plain Jane, that's not bad, either. It's when you specifically start making uncanny valley potato platters like MEC Faith, Sera, and Lily Shen (and this is pronounced when "realistic" women are showcased side-by-side with male designs using the industry standard steroid physique) that you show that you're directing your resources towards political pandering instead of making the best product that you can to bring to market. And, bluntly, the closest thing to a studio that could put out solid products while steeped in socjus was Obsidian, and even they broke their streak with Pillars of Equality.

I'm not going anywhere near that thing's swamp.

Shephard truly is a pretty-boy piece of shit

Virtual beauties triggered them,

What the fuck…this is shit writing.

Is the propaganda really obvious in-game?

Shephard is only a pretty boy piece of shit if you choose. You can make him a fucking abomination in drag like I did.

blame Avelone for that, atleast they fired his stupid ass

Yes and no. A fair amount of the backer self-insert text is fucking awful (the lesbian mages eating apples is the easiest example of this), whereas the one limerick that could potentially be considered offensive if you willfully misinterpreted it was censored within 48 hours of Twitter complaining. As far as the Obsidian-generated content, there's now purple prose everywhere, Eder's once-removed from your stereotypical virtuous gay, and Pallegina's a walking nightmare of gender politics and bad attitude.

Worse than the propaganda, however, is the fact that the underlying crunch and systems holding the game up are fucking awful, and the project lead responded to criticism of it (remember, the whole selling point of PoE was in making an old-school CRPG for fans of the old Infinity Engine games) with "you don't actually like what you thought you liked." The socjus mindset cannot accept criticism, and a creator who cannot accept criticism has to hope that they'll get lucky, since they'll never be able to actually improve.

Bullshit. Sawyer was the one who talked about getting into shouting matches with people over boobplate and immediately announced that he'd censor backer content if random Twitter crazies found it offensive. Avellone's contributions were butchered, and even in their chopped-down state, he STILL wrote the two best companions in the game. If anything, dropping Avellone tanked what little hope I still had for Obsidian.


Don't ask why I'm coming into this thread just to post male models, nor why I have this on my computer.

They do that to push an agenda, user. They don't do it for the bigger audience, or for "artistic integrity" or some kind of realism. They do it because they push the fem agenda.

They should have used Gandy or Golovkin.

Sounds a lot like "you think you do but you don't". Here's hoping they make a better system in Tyranny and VtM, assuming Obisidian can still hold my interest.


Marxists recoil from beautiful things, like Jews from the light.

She's not wrong. But if someone told me that this is what a half elf, half dwarf looked like in a given universe, I wouldn't really question it too hard.

both Avelone and Sawyer were bad but Avelone had power for decisions

oh shit that demented Avelone fanboy from cuckchan is here

The only reason anyone gave a flying fuck about Obsidian packed up and left when they shat on all his work.

Obsidian were stupid enough to chase what is probably the best cRPG writer in the industry out because he kept triggering their feefees. They're now a BioWare tier company in terms of writing, and right up there with Bethesda in terms of QA and broken gameplay.

Basically, they're shit and nothing worthwhile should be expected from them, and since they, like BioWare, view tumblr as their primary audience, they can choke on that shit and enjoy it, I'm done with them and their censoring.

That's the beauty of it. BioWare knows their target audience well since they're staffed with them to being with, and it is perfectly reflected in their game making.

BioWare is what happens when you have tumblr make games for tumblr on a multi million budget.


I'm done here. Enjoy your day, Ropekid.

Make it "one of the best" not "the best"

calling shit writter one of the best is hilarious and delusional

(pic related) need someone to rewrite shaelmaar with she-male cause i cant PS

now nigger dont make things up, Avellone had power for decisions and Obsidian got rid of him by tricking him with a "promotion" position where he thought he could overrule any other writer there, truth was he was promoted to something like "senior writer" but the job description basicly said he can only give proposals and hints and cannot overrule or influence other writers.

When he found out about that he literally threw a hissy fit in one of the meetings and rage quit the company claiming they didnt "respect him enough".

Basicly he was the Obsidian version of Chris Metzen only Obsidian was smart enough to get rid of him before he ruined even stuff with his shit writting.

Also i like it how you try to divert attention to Sawyer when i even said both Sawyer and Avellone are bad, maybe you should spam more reaction images to calm down your butthurt ;)

Women are so petty, they can't resist getting jealous of their OWN creations and sabtoage their looks instead.

oh great, she's stuck in an infinite loop and tumblr are morons

In what part of the staff, though?

Liara was a total cutie except with a benis

Now we get this shit

She's not that bad but those fucking hands man….

Its called escapism

Is the same reason why actors are mostly 8/10 at the lowest

People don't want to pay to look at fugly shits

We already have to look at fugly assholes IRL, why put them in a movie/game that is supposed to take me away from IRL?


Good tastes.

Pretty much, though on the upside there are exceptions like that chick who designed Bayonetta. They're few and far between though.

Hehehe… asari trannies.


You mean the terrible writer who had his "one hit wonder" moment with nwn2: motb?

IIRC, that alien species, the Asari is genderless.


I can't wait for bioware to die.
DICE seems harder only because of BFfags from bad company2 more or less buy all of the BF games no matter what.

Some of he normalfag friends are hyped on BF1 for some reason.

They're monogendered, and that gender is feminine

Why do you want BioWare to die? They serve their purpose in keeping the tumblrtards contained.

And their sex is female.

what in the fuck is that gender?

Also tumblrware really believes its going to sell, because I only could think that hardcore old bioware shills would buy this without knowing its tumblrware now.

They encourage more devs to be SJW, and so corrupt the industry. Bioware should die and EA along with them.

Nope dude.
They are poison so they are going after all vidya m8. Just fuckin wait m8, this small thing from EA is only the beginning.

I'm alright with Dishonored 2 it sounds fun because you can play it without any powers n shit, they are gameplay first it looks like.
I'm not even sure, whom is going to get the cancer Nintendo got it and its kill, so for now I am waiting for Sony.

Ubicuck always had that cancer and was kill long ago.

By having abysmal sales and being the laughingstock of the industry?

Sure they should, they are cancer, but once you pop the zit BioWare represents all the tumblrtard pus is gonna spread around.

That's what Marxists usually do, yes.

EA has been pushing this shit for years now. Nothing new here.

I am not. Fuck strong womyn.


But he is right. I don't want star citizen empty promises shit about thousands procedurally generated empty planets with fucking nothing to do on them.
I want quality over quantity.


Do you also want the need to explore for those planets removed?

How about side planets with their own sidequests? Want those gone?

How much fucking streamlining can we apply to a series that started with a bigass galaxy to explore, especially in a sequel THAT IS OSTENSIBLY ABOUT EXPLORING A BRAND NEW FUCKING GALAXY

You can still play that dude also the whole first game was to get that one bitch so you could save that empire.

Yes, EA has been pozed and shit for years but this year you really felt the dildo in the bunghole.

DICE which is Swedish so it makes sense they would go to the revisionist history crap.

I can't put my finger on what made EA different this year. Maybe because tumblrware minor focus made even the codeine that I'm taking not work.

I keep seeing that shit and it is just not true
Mass effect 2 had more content than Mass effect 1
You couls still fly around and see planets, it's just you didn't need to roll around a fucking wasteland before you get to the place you actually need. They even added a vehicle in firesomething.
Mass Effect 3 was bullshit since it barely had sidequests that weren't a collect x and bring it back to these people, and it was annoying.

They are promising shit like mako and exploration for andromeda but if that made you want to buy it you are a fag

I can't imagine how you reconciled that but just the sidequest where you liberate the 4 geth controlled planets brings the amount of content amount up to par

and fucking Firewalker shows that they could have had better Mako exploration to begin with but fuck having anything improved in a sequel, the solution is clearly to cut it out

Don't forget the planet surfaces of sidequest planets were about all the same with different textures.

The vehicle segments where you kill and blowup geth where fun.

Shame they cut vehicular combat from me2 and sold it as DLC.

They could deliver the best gameplay there is and I still wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

I want the females in my escapism to be attractive, and for fags not to be the central focus.

same in terms of technology (terrain maps) but not in structure

Okay? I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you. I didn't say anything about their sex.

I don't understand what you're asking. They wear dresses and in general their clothes are tailored to flatter feminine traits.

the normalfags at jewtube live all loves bf1 so yeah, I bet it will sell allot.

Only because like they said its an alternate timeline n shit. Not believing that's what DICE really thinks happen in WW1.

So cuck my shit up fam.

I still can't forgive ME1 for having 1 bunker and 1 mine that is copypasted to every planet. It gets fucking ridiculous, especially on the moon mission where you clear 3 of those in a row.

There are side planets, multiple of them. The sideplanets are also more diverse in gameplay. One requires you to stop the YMYR robots from destroying cargo so you can get more money from selling it. Most are just fighting blue suns, and after multiple beaten bases you can go and beat their main base. One is on cloudy planet where you need to light beacons to navigate and shoot clixens on the way.
You just don't need to sit there with the W key pressed for five minutes until you get to a copypasted bunker with a console node and 2 locked crates with leveled loot.

jewbisoft had a fat bitch dancing wtf man plus praying for the fags at miami.

I don't understand what they are that alienrace so they are female but can still fuck and get pregnant?

Females bear young or produce ovum, user. So they're female. They don't have a dick canonically, if that's what you're getting at.

They don't fuck in the sense that humans do, they merge minds with their partner and get genetic information that way.

The gaming industry will only meltdown when the power grids do. You will never see a better day.

Two asari in ME2, Ereba and Erinya, contradict the Codex, though, saying that asari children don't receive any genetic input from the "father". Liara in ME3 says this too in ME3, when her "father" pokes fun at her distant krogan "heritage" because she's so stubborn.

Because it's not progressive or in line with making beautiful things.
Tearing down ideas of beauty is all the rage, and in that rage ugliness is accepted as beauty.

If I remember right, AsarixAsari breeding has a high chance if defects, to the point where if two Asari DID marry and breed, they would be looked down upon.

There was also that one Krogan and Asari couple in 2, but he wasn't your usual Krogan

They do that with other asari because they have no dicks, but its heavily implied that they get the D when they can

This ain't "average," user. I could take a plain-Jane Asari. This is just ugly.

The worst of Bioware's crimes.

Seems about right.

They did the same shit with Viconia back in BGII.

Not really the same, this used a real person as reference but the artist actually had to draw her and took obvious enough liberties that it looks like it fits in the game's style.

Tali is literally a photoshopped stock photo.

He looks like someone who would realistically be in the scenario he's in, I like the choice for the face here.

The OP character is from a race who's whole thing is their beauty and feminine features, this is actually a very large part of who they are. I really don't like how Bioware is putting their own agendas before taking lore or aesthetic designs into consideration.

This. Exactly this.

SJW faggots can whine that we hate "ugly characters" or "realistic characters", but look at Strelok or Frank West. They're both unattractive, they're both average, but they're still great characters with distinct designs that gamers love.

Frank's ugly because the developers of DR wanted him to be an everyman. They wanted him to be someone the players could all relate to. He's an average dude and nothing special. Strelok's been living and fighting in a radioactive hellhole for years and years. It's taken a toll on him both mentally and physically.

Hell of a lot better way to make characters ugly than some fat mentally ill feminists feeling jealous of virtual characters. It's why they go after oversexualized girls too. It's not that they actually give a shit, it's that they're jealous of a video game character getting more action than they do.

I have no wish for ugly women in my escapism.

Who gives a shit about what you think?

It's okay, I'm sure you'll find a betacuck someday that will want your vagina and say he loves you for the ugly person you are on the inside, as well as on the outside.

Always seemed slightly above average to me if you'd compare him to actual people.

Yeah, Frank is the average middle aged dad.

Why the fuck are her lips uneven? No one has seemed to point this out. Look at her fucking lips. One side of her upper lip just fucking lacks a cupid's bow, but only one side. How the fuck did that happen? How did they fuck up that bad?

Because they're women

next shitpost?