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Original: foxnews.com
Didn't see a thread for this
Archive: archive.is
Original: foxnews.com
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I hope he succeeds and take out some of these infiltrated israelis.
What the fuck are you burgers doing? Grab your guns and join him!
How about no.
He also looks dangerously subhuman.
Whether he knows it or not he's talking about jews.
His name was Joseph.
We commend him for his sacrifice.
He's obviously trash for robbing a gun store depends on owners I guess but I want to read his manifesto before I condemn him. Looks pretty retarded, but mugshots tend to do that
but they are the agents of ZOG, he's not wrong
He was near madison, very lefty and only 78% white
I'm aware of Madison, but he was 40 miles south of it in Janesville and looks about 78% white himself. I'm not going to cheerlead what might turn out to be a leftycuck on a rampage through white children.
Why didn't they say what he drives?
You have to let it happen first to find out.
so less than an hours drive from politicians
well put
The conditioning is real.
Is it a real thing from the ADL or am I getting rusemastered ?
I'm pretty sure that's real.
Paul Ryan's house is in Janesville
Yes goy, it's like messianic judaism, totally legitimate. :^)
I just want to know if it's 3d anti semitism or if it is jews being half retarded again.
The jew can do nothing but shoot himself in the foot. No matter what their plan they always fuck it up. Followed by whites fucking up by not promptly exterminating the parasites.
"Semi-automatic" is proper terminology. Calling them "assault rifles" isn't.
For what purpose? Why would a man need multiple handguns and multiple rifles for a crime spree? One of each would do just fine. This dumbass is probably just a regular criminal who likes to rant about shit. Probably looking to sell all the guns.
Welp as long as he doesn't bother Trump, then he can go full Dorner and I still think he's a stand up guy. Would not convict even if the glove fit.
post the manifesto
has nigger and mud friends.
I'm betting he is not one of us.
"In communications prior to his disappearance, Jakubowski also allegedly made reference to his dying by the hand of Trump and expressed a desire to save everyone by taking out one politician at a time."
"Police said he was known to officers and had previously been imprisoned for trying to disarm a police officer."
Of course he isn't one of us. He's bitching about "muh 1%" and targeting cops instead of the near endless supply of more deserving targets.
Yea, I was emphasizing this point. They are conditioning people to refer to any semi-auto rifles to be the same as assault rifles.
Good luck spic-kun!
The 1% is overwhelmingly jewish, overwhelmingly hyper liberal, and overwhelmingly sworn to our racial destruction. That's the definition of a deserving target and the police will protect them. No police, no protection. That's what happens when things start to go sideways and I'm not really going to lose much sleep over potential threats to ZOGbots or whether those threats are coming from somehow who has different ideas on marginal tax rates.
The big splash against ZOG from the "right" just lit up a Syrian airbase so ISIS could move in. I don't think some dirtbag communist could do much worse.
Dorner 2.0?
I love this one
saved for meta-redpill
he seems to be working with an underground militia - be on the lookout for anyone wearing a Guy Fawkes mask
I don't think the manifesto has been published yet, but I'm keeping an eye out for it
what a dummy this guy is, a pdf file is super easy to post anywhere. instead he mails a single copy to Trump's SS troops.
I actually live in Janesville and I didn't hear about the robbery until Thursday (it happened on Tuesday) and I drive past that gun store everyday.
I just find it weird that no one can find the guy and that he torched his own car after the robbery. So he had to have someone else to pick him up unless he's just hiding out in the woods.
Shit you're right, I didn't hear anything until Thursday when the schools started talking about going on lockdown
incoming false flag
keep a look out at the canadian border where he might "drop" his wallet
he may be running with this north korean agent
Oh shit he's basically a walking Holocaust.
Can't slow the Joe
He also intends to go after politicians, and given the number of kike puppets, kikes, and satanists in our government there is a ~70 percent chance that he ends up benefiting us just with random targeting.
What if he cleanses the Ryan family from Cheeseland?
This is all they've been talking about for the last few days on the local Madison TV stations.
Hello CIA
If you want me to join one of your cointelpro agents you could at least ask me in person
t. /k/ommando
Is this fucking real? Are kikes so bold they admitting in goyim face that they own this tax cattle farm?
that man is a hero you fat greasy black neckbeard
he looks like he knows what he wants to become.
godspeed sacrosanct justice delivery machine
cops are the inforcers of zog ocupied government which misuse your taxes into cultural marixst and the engines of mass controling zionist horrible machine
THE FUCK are you defending them for? they are all blue pilled anyway and never do justice on their own hands.
In brazil cops are known to shoot niggers by their own volition in the US the just put them on a safe jail house where they can rape your local white petty thief until is time to get out and rape and pillage again.
t.o pussy riot pro
Instead of bitching about the 1%, he should be bitching about the jews. How many kike journalists are in the "1%"? And those are the ones who are truly protecting ZOG by controlling what people think. Cops are inconsequential, thought leaders are who have the actual power.
meant to reply to you as well
reminder about (((political figures))) are the jews.
I don't think I have anything powerful enough to stop that. What is anyway?
Do we know anything about which "political figures" he's actually targeting?
even so, I like dis
Honorary user
Godspeed brother
Show the uncertain how it's done
You can be a shining example to us all
Are you fucking retarded? It's a clear case of some Holla Forums cuck having severe autism
What did they mean by this?
It's a contradiction in terms you fag
he didn't even start yet.
he is just hunted for acting like a bad goy. feels like that movie/book "minority report".
"the precogs recognized him as a future assassin of politicians and cops, so he will be terminated with utmost prejudice"
meanwhile in white homelands: thelocal.de
Its lefty/pol/. lefty/pol/ are not your friends. He wants to kill white people (and powerful Jews almost as collateral damage), because they are rich. Its almost equally dangerous to us as it is to Jews, us being white people. When Bob Mathews was on the run, after robbing armored trucks for millions of dollars and starting an actual resistance group created off the ideas in the Turner Diaries, he aimed his weapon down, at a police officer who was in pursuit - in order to merely injure him and not kill him - after seeing he was a handsome white man.
If someone decided to actually go down the rambo route, even one innocent white person would be unacceptable, to a large number of people. In a "hearts and minds" doctrine conflict, which is what your opposition would be using - killing the people who you need for support is the absolute last thing you want to do.
Actually, chances are he goes after white cops too, no Jews.
I dunno, he wrote a manifesto and stole an arsenal of guns. Thats what you do before you make a large scale attack, with a group. Id expect guaranteed followup stories, and people will almost certainly end up dying, if he plans to use those guns.
AKA a kike
I know manifestos are frowned upon by authorities big boss, it would be easier for people if you just made a list of allowed and forbidden things to be written.
that way we could be sure when we are thinking wrong think and deserve immediate termination.
Not all Polish people are Jews.. look at the bridge of his nose, straight as fuck. I think hes just a confused accidental traitor, might have even never heard about white genocide. Pretty much just speculation at this point, is the manifesto out? doubt it.
Dorner was always a nigger.
it's a fucking crypto-kike giving the media ammunition against whites.
he burnt his vehicle so there is no physical evidence associated with that. His kikebook profile is linked to other "anonymous" guy fawkes followers. he is not on foot and has to be working with others. he self identifies as an avenging angel.
Am I to understand your implication is that its perfectly normal behavior to mail your angry political manifesto with vague threats towards the 1% and law enforcement, to the President himself, directly before stealing over 12 guns and disappearing off the radar?
This is a cuckchan tier argument, if so.
People in this thread are actually downplaying this as if its nothing.
local guy was surrounded near a school in a family home, report of a gun, school on lockdown, not him, everyone is shitting bricks
he is above media you scatter brain, maybe one day you will be too.
read 1984. I don't even think you are a halfie, I think you are straight up /r_the_donald.
They've got a 43% chance of holocausting a kike, and a 48% chance of holocausting a kike enabler. Regardless of their personal reasons I like the odds.
the only real crime was stealing guns
a manifesto is just the same as another article Salon posts could be considered criminal manifestos if only wasn't the hook nosed who decided what is a manifesto and what isn't AND getting off the radar is COMMENDABLE you horny little zog slut.
Report this kike, this is the shill method described in the discord.This guy is defending an obvious communist who is about to go kill white police officers, and is accusing someone who has just demonstrated a knowledge of the history of Bob Mathews and the Order, but apparently Im from Reddit. Get this fucking kike shill out of here.
Since "semi-automatic" was the last thing he "implied" and on a line by itself:
I took it to mean he was skeptical of that term, rather than the "semi-automatic assault rifle" combination.
I disagree. An arsenal of guns is obviously not much use to a single man. However if he has a group with him, then he could have gotten them to all obtain rifles though legitimate channels. This is America after all, unless you're a felon there is no reason to steal rifles.
Or he stole another car.
The guy fawkes bullshit leads me to believe he's a lefty. That shit hasn't been associated with the chans for nearly a decade now. And it was never associated with Holla Forums.
I am so glad you go to discord and that feds will one day cavity search you to death.
No kike, youre a shill, we see through you. "muh 1% occupy wallstreet" are communists, and we will hang them on the day of the rope.
The discord caps showing your shill group for march on donald, that everyone has seen now, including you, you fucking kike shill.
Which is why he is probably the leader of a group.
Steel pots were to protect the head from shrapnel, not Warsaw Pact rifle bullets.
so your arguments went poof and instead you started ruining the therm shill posting every post with fake implications.
I will post the therm only once: you are a shill. this is final. you are one and here is why, you don't know basic pol library as "1984" and you don't have any arguments and you just ruin our lingo, and you go to discord and still push israely trump.
and I can even tell what kind of shill you are: JIDF.
I never said I dont know what 1984 is, your argument style is pure garbage and youl get tossed out of here quick. You dont know who Bob Mathews is, youve never read Mein Kampf. Youre shilling for a fucking communist. You will be banned.
remember to always post you manifesto publicly before the Happening™ as a pdf otherwise it will never see the light of day in it's true form. An early stage Happening™ such as this does need to be surgical.
he is. prior conviction was attempting to disarm a cop
No, I think it's more likely he's a dumbass who stole a lot of guns because he has a standard criminal mindset. You did not address my point that the leader of a group wouldn't need to steal an arsenal in America. In America you can have your group obtain rifles legally.
This guy is just acting out his Hollywood induced fantasies (embed related) and acting on his general criminal mindset (steal as much shit as you can, even though you don't need it all)
HE is, that's why he stole rifles.
My contention is that he doesn't have a group of followers. If he did, then he wouldn't have to steal rifles because he could have others buy them legally.
Now, youre calling me /r/the_donald, as in the discord caps.. after I called you out on that and you for being an obvious shill for a communist, you accuse me of what you are guilty of, and call me jidf. This man is a communist, hes about to kill police officers, you want to downplay it.
Reported. This isnt a game, and Id put money on you being hanged before the next 10 years are up.
Arguments are here:
Shill are raiding this thread.
doubtful he is intelligent enough to be leader of a group. a provider for a group… more believable. frankly a dupe like him, recruited online, provides the weapons, is then killed, disposed of, and the stolen guns are then sourced out. he may be the leader of a cell but not the leader of the group. kikebook reflects a network, not johnny lonewolf
Not once did I do that. Learn how to read IDs you massive flaming faggot.
There is no reason for "militias" or other sort of anti-government groups in America to steal rifles. They can be obtained legally and anonymously. Obtaining them legally is FAR STEALTHIER than stealing them. You run less risk of exposing your organization by committing pointless crimes that will get the attention of authorities.
But I agree with your take that he's not intelligent enough to lead a group.
Furthermore, I agree with that assessment. So again: LEARN HOW TO READ IDS.
are you paid by post or what?????? you are derailing the thread with shit that is not interesting or informative and you are as hysterical as ignorant with your claims making "shill" appear like a joke word. I don't want to read the low power shit you are spouting.
take. a. hike. kike.
zionism is not a alternative for communism.
and federal government IS zionism incarnated.
you are just a JIDF role playing a hypocrite
If you really believe a manifesto is ground for arrest
than post your address on your next post and let the feds judge your posts to see if they are manifestos[=and you would deserve jailtime according to yourself] or not.
Think he's a useful idiot for some gang or is this another weather underground in the making?
get out red
They're trying to arrest him because he stole guns, and presumably I have not read his "manifesto" because his manifesto includes death threats. Believe it or not, death threats actually are a crime. So yes, a "manifesto" that includes death threats can justify arrest. But that's irrelevant because he stole a bunch of guns which is a crime on every fucking corner of the planet.
Neither, I think he's acting alone. He's probably a communist who fantasizes about being some sort of Weather Underground, but I don't think he's working with anybody.
another detrimental post to the thread.
so JIDF is paying by post again. at least I got to learn that.
With all the antifa drug addicts idiots running around I honestly thought lefties would try something by now. I mean even WU was LSD'd and hemped up before going to bomb shit. Any word yet on his manifesto?
Obviously a jew.
Probably Schitzophrenic jew…
TIM 2.0?
There are two possibilities here. The guy is either a member of group getting weapons for the group, or a lone criminal who just has outspoken political views.
In the first case, if he's a member of a group and this was a supply run, why did he even have to steal guns? Unless they are all felons and everyone they know are felons, there's no reason to steal guns. The only reasons he might have taken this route is so he can LARP as a revolutionary stealing guns.
The amount of guns he stole would indicate he isn't the primary user. If he's part of a group, expect attacks in the coming days. If he's not, he's most likely a criminal looking to sell the guns. If there is an attack by obviously left-wing militants, that's good for us, so long as they don't touch anyone of actual importance. Commies killing people is a perfect reason to use harsher measures on them.
If you think I'm wrong, then tell me how I'm wrong. Asserting that my post is somehow "detrimental" without any attempt at explaining why or how does not make you look reasonable. It makes it appear you are commenting in bad faith.
Antifa seem to be unable to coordinate anything beyond a riot. I think actual insurgency is beyond their capabilities, they just like to LARP about it. On occasion one of them decides to go beyond LARPing, but I've yet to see an instance where they convinced others to go along with them. They act alone because they don't have what it takes to lead men.
Agreed on all counts. I'm leaning strongly towards "LARPing lone-wolf".
illegally obtained guns/stolen guns are more valuable for committing crimes than a gun registered to a person committing a crime.
most poles with ski are catholic
I'm still waiting, you are just a exposed kike role playing a hypocrite.
If you really believe a manifesto is ground for arrest
than post your address on your next post and let the feds judge your posts to see if they are manifestos[=and you would deserve jailtime according to yourself] or not.
don't forget to post a ID with photo so the feds can REALLY pin you.
This is America. You can very easily legally obtain guns that are not registered in any way.
I never said that. I said that he stole a bunch of guns, which is absolutely grounds for arrest. Furthermore if his manifesto includes death threats, the simple legal fact of the matter is that you can be arrested for that, whether or not you agree with those laws. But that's irrelevant because he stole a bunch of guns which is a felony everywhere in the country.
are you stuck on a loop
this guy aquired 16 brand new hand gun and 2 rifles in a single night, he is a felon, he can provide these guns at will, now, to anyone he likes, they can then shoot someone in the head, drop the gun at the murder scene, walk away, and not even be in possession of the murder weapon. That is pretty damn easy, considering it's been done.
Obvious shill is obvious. Hes not being arrested for his manifesto you retard, hes being arrested and hunted because he stole 12 guns and made implications he would use them on police. Youre shilling for communists because you are a communist, and you know that if this communist, who is using rhetoric saying cops should die because they are tools of the 1% - who in his words, enslave everyone else - starts actually killing police, that we are going to point out that its communists killing police, and direct the publics anger towards both communists, and Jews. You.
Get gassed.
The very closest I've seen from them to actually do anything were the arizona and texas open-carry protests. They are very slowly and haphazardly pushing the line.
The fact that he had to steal guns because he's a felon supports the assertion that he's now working with other people. If he were working with other people, it would be smarter for them to legally and anonymously obtain guns for him, instead of having him steal guns.
Furthermore leaving your gun behind at the scene of the crime is typically a stupid idea, since it's leaving behind more evidence than is necessary. The authorities will likely know which guns were stolen (assuming the gun shop was keeping their paperwork up to date…), so when they find those guns left behind at crimescenes they'll know he's the one who did it. And in that way they'll be able to roughly track his movements throughout the country.
Fleeing with the gun does indeed have associated risks. As you say, being caught with the gun can incriminate you. However they already have this guy's identity. If they catch him, it's game over. If the stolen guns were for other people, then that won't be a concern…. However the serials of those guns are still known. If they catch anybody with one of those guns, they'll know they got it from him.
Why would a militia sort of group want guns which are known to be stolen, rather than completely anonymous unregistered guns that are not associated with any crimes in any way? Again, this supports the assertion that he's working alone.
Agreed. But that "armed protest" was still little more than a small step up from a typical antifa riot. All they needed to do was agree on a time and place to meet up in public. Fundamentally the same as a riot, except this time they agreed to bring rifles or airsoft in many cases, from what I understand.
We can't rule out the possibility that they'll continue to organize, it's dangerous to underestimate the enemy, but so far we haven't seen it.
This isn't a formidable arsenal. The handguns can be "used" like you describe, but the serials will still come back to him, as he's the one that stole them. This is why once a gun goes "hot", it can't be brought back to the legal market without giving away the guy who sold them. This is why smart arms dealers make their guns out of 80% lowers, so there is no serial in the system. This is especially true with rifles like ARs.
Handguns can also be made from 80% lowers, and if you wanted a handgun just to murder people, use a standard glock and just change the barrel when you're done (and pickup the brass ofc). There is no good reason for why he stole the guns unless he was LARPing or wanting particular models, in which cases he is most likely a criminal looking to resell.
Agreed. I want to see where this red goes before making any further assumptions. Depending on the severity of his attack we'll know if he had help
They only organize when they are told to by their masters.
Is Jakubowski /ourguy/?
No, he's a communist.
Isn't 1% just the PC way of talking about the jews?
I resent that
The "1%" are indeed almost exclusivley jews. However who is it that uses that meme? 9 times out of 10, it's communists.
When "alt-right" talk about the same people, they call them "globalists".
When Holla Forums talks about the same people, we call them jews.
Try being German and named for living near a hill
Go and try to take out a thought leader or two and see how inconsequential the police are. Fact is, the security apparatus has to be degraded and destroyed to effectively eliminate the power base it is providing security for. Police and military personnel have had more than enough chances to take it upon themselves to course correct from the inside and they haven't done so. They are legitimate targets, whether that offends your sensibilities or not.
True, true. Although I'll use terms like "muh 1%" IRL when talking to normalfag liberals
Go on and take out a few cops. Do you think that will get us closer to a solution? You're an idiot if so. There is an endless supply of police, attacking them will never accomplish anything except unifying the general American public against you and anything you happen to stand for.
When BLM shot up those cops in Dallas, do you think that helped their cause? Do you think it got them closer to their desired nigger dystopia? Of course it fucking didn't. Use your head.
I've done that before as well, but if my plan were to steal a bunch of guns and start assassinating people, what would be the point of such "polite" masking of language? Once you start such extreme acts, you may as well speak honestly because at that point you have little else to lose.
I'm sure that's what the King of France and the Russian Tsar, thought, too.
Quit LARPing. You know damn well this man isn't going to threaten ZOG control of America by executing a dozen or so random police officers.
Perhaps he was still using more PC language so that his words wouldn't be instantly dismissed? IDK. You're probably right and he's just a dirty gommunist, but I somewhat find it hard to believe that a leftypol communist faggot would actually have the balls to send that letter and go on a mission with a sack full of guns. Doesn't strike me as a particularly left wing attitude to have.
By the end of the race wars the only being living will have the last name Smith.
you are repeating this post [ ]
while having originally opposed here [ ]
you are paid by posts I assume is very clear now.
use the useful idiots and NEVER fight to defend israel.
his kikebook network
Nice work user, is it archived?
If he wants to kill the one percent or politicians there's a good chance they're kikes at least.
Maybe he stole a bunch of deagle brand deagles. :^)
his former ride
….I assume that car wasn't burnt there, right? They took a picture after moving it?
purported sighting of the Jak u Bow gunman in Sun Prairie, groundhogs in hiding.
The man was described as white and in his late 20s or early 30s with brown hair and a scruffy goatee. He was wearing a green baseball hat and a dark green jacket and smelled of cigarettes. He left in a silver sedan with rust around the wheel wells and a missing hubcap on the front driver side tire. The vehicle may be a Buick.
that's a strange statement. they probably found a copy of Anarchist's Cookbook or some basic field manuals.
Congress's approval rating is like 20%, clearly having beef with the gov't isn't uncommon or alarming. I mean, lock the guy up for being a shithead thief buy don't try to sell me that he's the next Uni-bomber.
You sound retarded enough you may well even be this retard yourself.
Is he on his way to occupy zucati park?
Guilty until proven innocent.
The number of not-evil non-jewish politicians is also very low, got my fingers crossed
Any link to his manifesto?
His nickname shall be Pollock Cheesehead. You know, since he's Polish and lives in cheesehead land.
That Faceberg profile pic looks like a Polish Hussar to me.
Apparently he was too retarded to at least post the actual contents online.
He thinks he is the good guy, that's the saddest part.
could it be him?
I hope he got an enhanced prison style groping for his cuckery.
He didn't fly so good.
I bet they threatened to confiscate his guns and take him in for questioning if he didn't comply. Even when they're forced to release you an hour or two later, they still fucked up your day.
Impressive bounce.
Forgot to say, the neighbor who called the cops on him because he was putting guns in his trunk is a dick, and will hopefully be identified and socially ostracized.
Couldnt tell, but it looks like a white guy. Just makes me sad, probably another cultural marxism related death.I keep hearing about the white suicide rates going up, such wasted potential. Anyone who feels like they have nothing to live for, simply needs to be shown there is plenty to be willing to die for.
remember that dylan roof's friend/betrayer is going to prison for not telling the cops ahead of time, still doesn't excuse this shit though
Nice digits. But from what I gather this guy had nothing to do with Jakubowski. The Dylann guy went to prison because he was friends with Dylann and knew about the plan. You can't actually go to prison for refusing a search request when you have no actual relationship with the guy they're looking for.
The Police rolled up a military squad sized platoon on this poor fellow and he is probably a Trump supporter/NRA member on his way to the range on his only day off for the week. Poor guy must have shit his pants loading a couple legally owned rifles into the trunk of his car. It gives credence to the very reason Joseph Jakubowski is threatening to go on a rampage.
Jewish Surname
Really makes you think
Exactly. Poor dude probably holds no ill-will towards anybody and just wanted to help.
where does it say it is a jewish name? these surname sites list almost every name whether they have an entry or not
I wouldn't count on anything not sending you to prison these days. Any news on the racist couple who cussed at the niggers in the park?
the "Jakub" made me suspicious, but neither this nor the other main spellings show anyone for israel.
The name pops up on all sorts of Jew related sites. On the first one posted it says the name is ashkenazic Jew from the shtetels of Poland
I believe this fugitive is a Jew
In isolation, I can see "Jakubowski" being either Polish or Jewish.
But with first name Joseph? That's a jew, there is no question.
The name is ashkenazic Jew. The family origin is Poland.
In looking up other people with that surname on kikebook, there is a large concentration of them in the Chicago area and the surrounding suburbs. Janesville WI is 1-2 hours away, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're all related. The Chicago Jakubowskis are definitely Zionist jews.
This. The right needs to uncuck their stance towards the worst zogbots.
I'll give the guy an E for effort on shitting out 161 pages of ranting and making a Faceberg vid of himself mailing it to the White House, successfully burglarizing a gun store and eluding the cops - but he couldn't be bothered to post his manifesto online somewhere? The guy is pants on head retarded.
what do shtetls have to do with jakubowski? The argentine link you have is just using it generically, not for that name in particular. Not saying you're wrong but there are also sources saying it is just polish, I'm finding it hard to believe that the name is so common but there are none listed for israel if it's commonly jewish.
The guy is a pollack. There are a ton of poles in that part of the country. He does even look like aa polish jew
school that has a high density of whites are often cuck apologist faggots kissing nigger ass because they are all special snowflakes, its more likely to have non-cuckold whites when they are in a school full of niggers, that way they can experience the harsh "diversity" in realtime.
That sure sounds like us, but he's out in the fresh air and sunshine now so I have my doubts. I forget – are Polish people white?
Not particularly true in the case of Janesville. Seems most whites either try the hick/cowboy spiel or cave in and try to be accepted as wiggers, the latter more often than not
It wasn't unis or something, he was threatening white children for no fucking reason. You can take your 'Muh cucks' shit and fuck right off with it.
That's really the only point of consequence. When white people flip out for freedom they hit the appropriate targets - it's why white societies tend toward liberty and what separates whites who are pissed off from things like BLM where other races are pissed off. When whites lash out they hit their targets, when others do they hit pretty much everything but their targets. It's why they want to destroy whites and also why they can't. If this faggot is targeting schools he is by definition a worthless cuck and/or definitively not white.
Read the fucking article, you kike.
160 pages and that's the best they could come up with?
who video recorded him?
Whoever it was, those are some dirty farmer clothes.
Joseph, not Joe. Either of those names in isolation might not be a jew, but both together? There is no doubt. Get real.
Poles are white. Jewish "Poles" are not white. This guy is a jewish communist, not one of us.
In the coming days I am sure we will find out more as to who he is, your assertions seem to be shilling at this point. 33 posts in a single thread? How are you connected to this guy?
The vast majority of my comments in this thread are not pertaining to the matter of whether or not he's a jew. Why are you so invested in the idea that he isn't?
If you ctrl f his ID certain formatting idiosyncrasies will jump out at you, I just recognised him as a shill in a more important thread.
not to mean he might not just be a massive sperg, it's hard to tell sometimes
>filtered for calling a communist named Joseph Jakubowski a jew
Congratulations on being a massive fucking idiot.
Maybe this guy is insurance. He disappears now, and if Trump does something they don't like, suddenly the spree starts and Trump catches one of the first shots.
They are going to use this guy for more gun grabbing propaganda. Now that Trump has publicly gotten a sandy vagina over muh dead kids it sends the message to (((them))) that he is easily controlled by false flags. Watch out for another Sandy Vagina or Sandy Vagina type incident in the near future and predictable kike gun grab talking points. The typical Journokike wording of "Semi-auto assault rifle" is the gun grabbers tipping their hand.
This guy is a zogbot, no manifesto online;
Reeks of patsy.
How? If this were part of some conspiracy, the manifesto would have been written by the jews to say exactly what they want and it would be everywhere now.
Sheriff says level of law enforcement is unprecedented for Rock County
stating the obvious
anyone got his phone number?
(I can't promise anything I have overused this service, but I got some friends)
not to be mean, but I think you are a nigger or nigger spic
you don't make your patsy national news and send hundreds of cops and feebs against him before he acts
that's what happens when you threaten cops and politicians
slow down, champ, you misread
what the hell are you talking about officer? we have been living in a fear induced world ever since 9/11. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor Americans have never had to live like this, for so long. This is what zionism is all about. Constant fear.
That is alleged, I am not even certain he robbed a gun store or burnt his own vehicle at this point.
We have zero idea what his "manifesto" said, contained, or implied.
I don't disagree that there is fear-mongering, but if it's a setup you have him do whatever he is meant to do first, then use it to crackdown or have a manhunt. There's a decent chance he's just someone who snapped and they really think he might get some of their own killed, and are using every vague thing to get people scared for their kids to get more informants.
I don't trust these people at all, but it looks more likely than some of the other mealie-mouthed shit they've said, since there is evidence to be analysed one way or the other- cameras and vehicle. Doesn't matter though, we'll find out eventually. Or we won't. Stupid faggot didn't put his manifesto or whatever on the internet.
I'm doing it too, but at the moment all we have is speculation.
Huh, well, what do you know? A school shooting in San Bernadino today, complete with videos of tearful kids walking out of the school holding hands. Not saying this is a false flag, just a coincidence. Talking points activated.
I'm calling nog just based on that picture
I really hate that there is so much wrong information here. The links from the poster do not support the statements and the example with the 20 Jews also makes no sense.
In reality.
That would mean that 90% of the top 1% is Jewish.
All Americans are black people because the American TV is mostly blacks
t. Kraut Pro
Also, with the nigger out of the white house, gun sales have slowed bigly, that is not Trumps fault necessarily but they are going to go for more gun control while sales are low so that as many future purchases have those restrictions as possible. Trump is not a reason to stop stockpiling weapons and prepping, if anything you should be doing it more than ever.
Sending the manifesto directly to Trump might be more effective, if there is a memetic link in Trump's mind between guns and muh evil gommie anti trump baby killer it could provoke him to act as the kikes want, also MK Ultra slaves and assets are not totally stable, sometimes they might not follow instructions.
Trump ain't gonna read 161 handwritten pages from some random guy.
exactly, and this video implies that if a person does express themselves and writes out their lengthly grievances to their elected leaders they are not going to receive any help, they are going to receive military justice by law enforcement. This guy will not be shaking Trump's hand like "based florida guy".
I can't remember, but I think he was questioned by the police already. My mom thinks he killed Jakubowski and burned his car
Name comes from Jakub, it's a polish jew.
the guy who robbed the gun store had the same boots on as the guy who filmed Jakubowski although I didn't see the shoes Jakubowski was wearing nor know if the guy recording the video had similar facial hair as depicted in the gun store robbery video.
OMFG, you again, while I do not know if Joseph is a Jew, the likelihood is extremely small. Poland is by and large a Catholic country. Call up his sister Nicole in Janesville and ask if she is a Jew. I doubt it.
So this is how they are going to do it.
First they alienate Trump off his base through falseflags and then, when apathy and the sense of betrayal sets in, so there is not much outrage, a "crazy lone gunman" finishes the job.
I wonder if now this thread will suddenly stop getting bumps.
where in the world is this pol/ack?
That's one of the few instances it makes sense, also followed the jumper all the way down. A+
This is good for those of us with less money, right? Less sales means lowered prices I assume.
I'm sure it will be published at some point, if it's the real one or not it's something else.
The FBI is offering an increased reward of $20,000 for information leading to the successful location of 32-year-old Joseph Jakubowski of Janesville, Wisconsin.
Is Joseph Jakubowski linked to other recent gun store robberies nationwide?
this just seems like the latest way for niggers with no pride or anything else to lose to make some quick cash
maybe yakob learned this trick from them
Here's hoping he breaks 100,000 FRNs before they can catch him
a video and manifesto to torch your car and rob a gunstore so that there is no way in hell you could ever unload them
makes perfect sense
nice dubs homie
felons need guns too or do they not have the right to defend themselves
anyone who wants a gun but is dangerous to those around them has to have a community/family to restrain them tards or shouldn't be allowed in our society
has anyone looked to see what this guys criminal record was for?
Turns out he isn't a commie
It happens sometimes. I remember the former french PM Manuel Valls he's spanish but married to a jew saying that anti-zionism was a synonym of anti-semitism. Which was nice, since it basically allowed you to say "I'm not an antisemite, I'm an anti-zionist!".
But that pic was made by someone from our side imo.
Did they remove most of the pages from that PDF? Looks like it starts on page 93 and skips over a handful of them going from there.
Somebody did, no idea if it was them or their source. The article says the full manifesto is 161 pages.
I only "looked" at 4 or 5 pages! My mind can't "take" more than that!
I assume anything useful was left out, and no one has transcribed it for search reasons yet either.
My prediction: He will be linked to the "sovereign citizens" after he's snubbed by a drone.
Doubtful it's accurate in any way, shape or form.
that was fucking oldschool
havent seen footage like that since the 1990s
just hear on the radio, jabu jabu has been arested camping on farmer joes property
Dudes like this never think it through. What did he expect to happen once he got violent? Is the revolution just going to kick off magically?
Yes. Somehow, at some point, some of these LARPers probably realize they've wasted a shitload of time, money, and relationships over playing pretend too hard and they can't take it, so they force a confrontation to feel justified. I back this assertion up with absolutely nothing.
A soft kevlar vest will be rated anywhere from Level IIa to Level IIIa. If it has rifle plates, it will be Level III or Level IV.
Here's how the ratings for "bulletproof" armor work:
Level I: Capable of stopping shrapnel and .22LR rounds only; not produced since the early 80's.
Level IIa: Capable of stopping most handgun calibers and some shotgun rounds; all centerfire rifle calibers will penetrate.
Level II: Capable of stopping nearly all handgun calibers and nearly all shotgun rounds; all centerfire rifle calibers will penetrate.
Level IIIa: Highest rating you can get with kevlar alone. Will stop all handgun calibers, all shotgun rounds, and most centerfire rifle calibers at a distance of 1,000 yards or greater. At closer ranges (including several hundred yards away), all centerfire rifle calibers will penetrate, and pistol calibers designed to penetrate soft armor (5.7mm, 4.6mm, 7.62mm Tokarev) will penetrate.
Level III: Requires a steel or ceramic plate. Will stop all handgun calibers, all shotgun rounds, and most non-AP centerfire rifle calibers.
Level IV: Requires a steel, titanium, or ceramic plate. Will stop all handgun calibers, all shotgun rounds, and most AP centerfire rifle calibers. Most Level IV armor is rated to stop multiple hits from .30-06 AP rounds.
As for helmets:
Steel helmet: Only designed to protect against shrapnel, not stop bullets. Capable of stopping low-power handgun bullets at a distance, but it's not a sure thing.
Kevlar helmet: American-manufactured helmets are rated Level IIIa, so they'll stop just about all handgun and shotgun rounds, but rifle rounds will zip right through. Note that even if a round doesn't penetrate the helmet, it's still going to dent the shit out of it and probably give the guy a concussion.
Good post user.
Joseph Jakubowski, wanted in weapons thefts, threatening manifesto, is arrested
He was waiting for others to start the 'Revolution it seems
I bet he'll do more time in prison that the guy that shot and killed that Korean business owner in the other thread.
Great another gun-grabbing false flag is imminent.
Looks like he gave up pretty easily and didn't have much of a plan overall.
Apparently he drafted a letter to the gun store apologizing for the theft and thanking them for helping protect the right to bear arms, and he was cordial with the man who found him on his property, who says they spoke for about an hour.
When I first saw this, my suspicious were immediately raised that this was a false flag by the Government to paint anti-Government people (such as us) as terrorists. Its something Obama would have done, but it happened under Trump. Notice the timing of it, happening just when Trump is losing all of his support from…wait for it….anti-Government people. Its too over the top and suspicious not to be a false flag.
Can you not recognize a false flag when you see one? Every false flag has an agenda and a scapegoat. In this case, it is to paint anti-government/alt-right people as terrorists. We are the scapegoats of this false flag. The timing of this is very suspicious, just as much of the alt-right is losing faith in Trump over Syria. Now we are the enemy.
What happens if Holla Forums progresses further than thought, and has to be "cashed out"? Rope Day?
Yeah, a crazy guy who wrote a manifesto, stole some guns, and then surrendered without incident is clearly a false flag.
the way thing are going is the alt=right, turner diaries fans, white people are going to be the ones hung on the DOTR
thank you officer
Another clue to not being a false flag was the cops ready to go Dorner on this guy right off.