Why are liberals so retarded?

Why are liberals so retarded?

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Haitians give niggers a bad name, they deserve the fucking racist wind.

I'm pretty sure this is a joke.

Why are stalinists so retarded?

hello my fellow redditor friend


i don't know tbh and i am not craving the answer that hard

He is right tho

Good one
How long did it take to come up with that one?

Are you going to cry?

Eh I think she has a point, there's definitely racial bias in disaster response.

Not only are non-white and non-Western disasters given far less attention than ones at home, but disasters that affect black Americans (Katrina, Flint water crisis) traditionally receive inadequate responses.

you're on the wrong board boyo

You're right, but it still feels really wrong to call it "environmental racism" because it's not like the environment is being racist, powerful white people are.

Agree, a bit like dialectical materialism.


Have an upvote, fellow redditor ;)

hello Holla Forums


zero deaths in cuba

dunno man. That wind went easy on the Dominicans. How many dead there?

It's not really race rather than just economic bias.

That's completely valid, but I hate the fuck they came up with a term as dumb as fucking "environmental racism" for this.

The first thing that crosses your mind when you read it is the idea that the environment is racist, which obviously is fucking ridiculous, but the thing with progressives (in the broadest sense) is that the Right paints us as ridiculous and capable of believing such absurd things.

Just look at the people attacking her here, literally pretending that she said the Hurricane was racist.


Now "lol those leftists think nature is racially biased!" will make the rounds and be diffused in common sense, while the people who came up with it will try to explain in vain what they mean by the term.

You can't make it that fucking easy for them.

And the way she's dealing with this is, predictably, shit

She sounds like someone who has never interacted with anyone but college-educated liberals her entire life. It's almost annoying how clueless she comes off at every step.


this has to be a satire account made my a Holla Forumstard

well fuck off then, along with him.

When even the weather hates niggers, mother earth must be one to something.

No, sadly, that's not the argument being used, it's more like:

For instance:

Now replace white with jew and realise that the guardian is more conspirational than Holla Forums.

It's even funnier if you remember Holla Forums's conspiracy on the subject is almost literally the exact opposite.

You've seen nothing

I love you Winter-chan!

Holla Forums may be cancer but refugees >>>/out/

No it's not.

I'd be surprised if she isn't a paid shill to discredit climate pollution even further.

Non whites are not even human. That is why nobody cares.

But seriously though. God must really hate shitskins. When is the last time Europe had a tsunami/earthquake/natural disaster lol




Just where do you think you are

How do these people open their mouths in public without being told to shut the fuck up?

24 August 2016 at 03:36:32 CEST (01:36 UTC)

Kill yourself

She does have a point, threats of rape and murder are generally seen as very rude and impolite. Even outside of college educated circles.
Quick question, are you consistent in this attitude? How would you react if it was a woman sharing your ideas getting rape threats from, lets say muslims?

the poor should be punished for not having been industrialized? 3rd world carbon emissions are nothing compared to the first world.

replace race with class and it's an accurate and factual description of what's happening.

why are you so retarded?

Even if she was, there's zero reason that complaining about it like that is going to help. Turn off the computer or just close your eyes. It fuels whoever is looking to get a reaction out of her, and a legitimate threat made should not be responded to, as any police officer will tell you once it's been reported. Literally attention-whoring.

Listen' if THAT's what she was trying to communicate then the phrasing was absolutely fucking stupid.

maybe she didn't, but I don't see it as unrealistic that some autistic pol-troll sent her some mean-spirited messages. Would you require evidence before believing a swedish woman who claimed to receive threats from a muslim, or assume it to be true because we know it to be likely?
yes, you where only concerned with her continued wellbeing, how foolish of me.
Seems she deleted her twitter, advanced attention whore tactics.

Hillary calls blacks superpredators

> She's progressing

Hillary's international bloodlust

Steals all of S█████ old talking points

Trump says some sexist shit

^ My facebook for the last year. Though unrelated, but how the fuck do you bankrupt a casino trump - it's a statistical impossibility unless you offer free drinks everynight.

Gee, really? Who'd'a'thunk making politically charged statements on the internet would attract trolls!? Oh, wait, any twelve-year-old knows you do not feed the trolls when attempting a serious discussion.

No, for industrializing in the same outmoded fashion as we did a century ago.

That depends on the country and what you're counting


are you counting CHYNA in the first world, friendo?

That is more effective than praying for them to accept your shitty ideology is.


so you are mad shes feeding the trolls, and has a poor understanding of internet culture? Why would that upset you?
And shes not a twelve year old.

And you have a different solution then? One that does not involve their coal resources but still is realistic?
I think you should look at that link you posted, here are some graphics from it you might find relevant.

no, 2nd world, friendo. certainly not 3rd.

That meme has become the favorite crutch of the intellectually dishonest on the internet.

Intellectually dishonest?

You chose to ignore that she has a real point, there is an element of class and race to environmental disasters.
Instead you pretend she attacked you for being a white CIS-male and that she thinks the wind can be racist.
Also you don't know shit about Co2 emissions or the dynamic of the first and the 3rd world.
To add to this you fore some reason get upset that this woman responds poorly to trolls threatening her.

You are way more retarded than this liberal cunt, and you're to dumb to see it.

I'm mad she and those like her are acting like a preschooler on the internet, and gaining sympathy for it. "I got trolled on the internet after angering people" is about as legitimate a statement as "I stood outside today and got a sunburn".

Yes, the same one we leftists are supposed to be shilling to EVERYONE. Technology has advanced in the last couple centuries, we already made all the wasteful, expensive, sometimes irreparable mistakes, so they don't have to.