Where were you when Notch stopped giving a fuck?
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Notch has enough Fuck You money to last several lifetimes.
Notch stopped giving a fuck ages ago. Where have you been?
Notch has always been a pandering faggot.
He can be really witty, I'll give him that.
I remember when most of Holla Forums was sperging about about the man selling out to M$
autist be jelly of cash money
His entire twitter is like this. He's made so much money he no longer has to suck anyone's dick. He can say whatever he wants. This is what happens when you know nothing can harm you. He makes SJWs so butthurt
In the land of the hipster indie devs, the one-hit wonder is king.
I kinda feel if you earn over a billion you're allowed to brag about being a one hit wonder. Sure, it was one hit but it was a hell of a hit.
Highest selling game of all times.
He's allowed to brag over a faggot who spends his time moaning about guns 24/7 just because he made Braid.
This always amuses me:
A guy who has made it, is free, can say anything he wants, shitting all over the people who are posing and posturing and trying to make it themselves. Like does anyone honestly believe that Blow-hard would be half as vehemently SJW if he was already on Notch's financial level? He wouldn't give a shit about that anymore and would also spend his days just fucking around.
He's earned the right to do it, I believe.
Didn't he got screwed over by a golddigger?
But he's free now. Did she get any of his mineycraft money?
Very likely, yes.
I used to frown upon this guy after the post-biomes minecraft update, where he'd seemingly get lazier and lazier and care less and less about his game.
But around 2012~ish onward he has been acting like a true shitlord on twitter. based as fuck.
You'd think with over a billion dollars he'd have better things to do than argue on twitter all day with absolute nobodies in gaming press world.
If I were him the Rape Camp in Cambodia would be back up and running.
Which dev is he shit taking in that first pic? I want to know because that is a pretty sick burn.
Jonathan Blow.
The piss bottle game man? Christ.
The Braid "soulja boy ruined my game" hipster
Yeah, I only remember him for the shit games he's developed though, but thanks for reminding me of the faggotry he's capable of.
Karen is pretty hot.Post more
Isn't Jonathan Blow the same one of that puzzle game for Ps4 W-something?
He sperged out because there was a video of Soulja boy playing his game and he sperged out because it ruined his "too deep4you" pretentious artsy shit he was going for.
have a wallpaper
sometimes i love black people
You have to go back
It's only okay to love black women :^)
Glad to see Notch hasn't lost his mind like the rest of the hipster filth
He looked like he was having fun. Isn't that the only thing that matters?
When you're such a faggot that you can't enjoy people playing your game the way they want to. At least Notch doesn't give a fuck.
I especially like how sjws love niggers until they get uppity.
I was right here. This nigga made money off that minecraft autism trap, hell he's probably still making money off of it if he was smart enough to hammer out the details in his favor. Regardless of that whole situation I want to befriend he, he seems super lonely and has some pretty cool opinions of things.
In most circumstance yes. People like Vince McMahon and Walt Disney believe that. Taste is subjective. Enjoyment is universal. But for the pretentious hipster, nope. You have to see their vision.
He got uncucked by the ALIMONY
That one.I thought it was another fail,piss easy puzzle and didn't sell enough.
Thank you user
>you will never have two loving imouto who love you deeply and want to practice safe handholding
he has more money than all the other indies combined and multiplied by 100
Being rich didn't stop people like Soros or Omidyar from becoming giga-SJWs.
I've never been happier that Minecraft is so successful. That's how much I dislike that Blow faggot.
pretty sure he sold minecraft after he was fucked over, so she got rich of him, but nowhere near as rich as she could have gotten if she had waited.
Don't overdose on anime kids.
does notch have his own compilation?
Sure, he's a one hit wonder.
But fuck it if I wouldn't do what he did. If I had a cash cow like that, I'd fucking milk it all the way to the god damn milk bank.
He's loaded.
Notch has his moments. As much as Holla Forums shits on him deservedly he's been slowly crawling out of the hold of cuckoldry. He might actually fo so enough to redeem himself one of these days.
He just need to make a game for an autistic userbase like us. Then I guess we would be in good terms with the faggot.
Top lel.
I'd be down if he made a short but intense RPG or something. That space game that went nowhere would be perfect as a SS13 clone. After all Minecraft was just heavily based on Infiniminer.
I really want to play as a necromancer
Reminder his dad committed soduku because his son wanted to be a game developer.
I think I could be wrong on that
On my computer weeks ago. Which is when he stopped giving a fuck.
Man, brown is the worst skin color. There are so many better "blacks" that brown just pisses me off.
Yeah I wish that fuck would invest in games or something, fuck I wish he'd give Human Head the dosh to make not Prey 2
gotta love the guy
oh fuck
You would gamergays would spread his word more but this is the first I've heard of it
You mean kind of like the Zoe post which had a ton of evidence?
That fucking finisher by Milo.
I hate the cunt but holy shit.
I don't think they're really trying to make it, more like they're just trying to keep everyone else down.
Only if they're Stacey Dash-like, in appearance and views.
for some reason tv was talking about it
>>>Holla Forums365326
A one-hit wonder is someone that had a huge hit, but then failed to capitalize on it with further attempts. Notch only made the barest of efforts to do so, so I'm not convinced he qualifies.
Man, Zoe and Anita crashing his housewarming party and putting their feet on the coffee table really pissed him off for that 180 to happen.
Soros is an SJW because he is a KIKE.
He would still be SJW even if he didn't own a single shekel.
The difference is that he has enough shekels to push SJW propaganda aggressively. Like Femen. Funny enough, he stopped funding them once they wanted to promote their ideology in Israel. That ought to wake those dykes up but it didn't.
Every KIKE is an SJW. But a rich KIKE has the resources to propagate on a whole other level than some nolife JIDF faggot who shitposts from Tel Aviv for a shekel a day.
It's more of he discovered what it's like to be rich and lonely, that certain phase of having parties constantly then slowly slipping into depression when you realize how hollow everything has became. Now he gives literally no shits.
Was it worth it, fat jew?
In what world would that not be worth it?
And people say money doesn't bring you happiness.
At least it brings you total freedom!
What's the point in being a billionare if you're not having fun with the money?
French maids servicing your dick 24/7, fast cars and guns bring you happiness. Money brings you those.
Notch is just a big fat assburger too socially inept to leave his house.
At least if he used that 2.4 billion to do something useful. Save an industry: animation, video games, music, website coding, Holla Forums, etc.
Or play Holla Forums and give 5k euros to a poor, but smart third world family of intellectuals which can help him in the future if he helps them get off the ground.
But no, because he's a fat autistic loser just like his unfinished game, he will never have the intelligence and imagination to use his power for good without sinking himself worse than the S.S. Titanic.
That bitch did it the second she had the required amount of time put into the marriage, she deserved worse but I just know she will kick herself for missing out on a slice of that billion dollar pie for the rest of her pathetic existence
Notch already had his fun with the money, partying early on and buying houses.
Now he's just shitposting and shit
I wish I was billonarie to fund genetically modified cat girls for domestic, maybe with catboy flavour or futa flavour.
There's a reason why rich people don't just give their money to the poor.
People who simply get money don't really appreciate it and simply waste it and tend to wait for even more handouts.
It's his money anyway, no point arguing on what he should and shouldn't be doing with it
I don't want to offend you, but you are talking like a comunist faggot.
Should we call Liberty Prime in this thread?
Oh that Empty Hero character got some good ones in.
Pretty much. A good analogy I read somewhere is: Equality is about seeing stairs and putting in a ramp so disabled people in wheelchairs can get through the door too. SJWs are about removing the stairs so nobody gets triggered.
Anyone got pics of Notch's ex? I'm curious as to what she looks like. I'm assuming fat and blonde but I don't know why.
It was a crap thread anyway.
Might be blonde naturally but she has pink hair
Don't pretend you wouldn't do the same
you act like he didn't have a shit ton of money before selling Autcraft. Notch has been loaded for years
I think I'll do the same, but also I would pick up fujoshis and make a little asian nerdy harem to impregnate.
Just a little dream of mine.
and there goes all your money
You should be glad you aren't a millionaire, you're an idiot
You have to go back.
Wew lad
I'm surprised there are still people here who don't grasp this after all the kickstarter failures we have seen.
Is he selling/marketing something though?
Does he EVER again need to?
Yeah, I'm sure he's getting tons of twitter bucks.
Silly neo/pol/ Asian are honorably white
And what exactly is he selling?
Exactly, honorary white.
It' still racemixing, homo.
For comparison:
Lucas Arts sold to Disney for 4.05billion
This not only includes a studio that has made movies and games, but technology that has improved audio experience in movies as well as visual effects studio.
Now there is Notch, he made a fucking single game, and a small studio, and made quite a few million off that game alone, then sold it for little over HALF of what an entire fucking IP spanning 30 years sold for.
Ey, fuck you. I want to be the new Gengis Khan and have everyone wonder if they have my DNA.
Game dev Notch was a lazy cunt who fucked over old Holla Forums when he started ignoring us and turned to reddit.
Twitter shitlord Notch is a based as fuck SJW destroyer.
The only whores you'll get are ugly prostitutes
it's not ok braid is a serious artistic interactive experience about a man jumping from platform to platform
nigger what the fuck are you doing
Oh god, Braid. One of the laziest games ever fucking made. It seriously has a single gameplay mechanic and they tried to cover that up with MUH ARTISTRY as if video games can or ever will be art.
Homosexuals and hipsters need to stop thinking they can make games with their feeble damaged brains.
Business as usual, op is a fag.
And then he went on to make the witness which took 7 years and millions of dollars, at the end of the game you get this nice cutscene of him walking around his house while dragging along a piss bottle.
I might be confusing two different pretentious pieces of shit
Where do these animations like the one on the left come from? Are these like commission jobs, or is this some kind of SDT sequel? Super Paizuri or some shit?
I keep wanting to see him use a little of his vast pile of money to fund the production of other games. You know, the stuff that needs more than a two-guys-in-a-basement budget, but actual companies wouldn't touch, or would make but screw up with the usual garbage. If they're successful and make money, great. If they fail, what's losing a few hundred thousand to him at this point?
That'd make him redeemed in my eyes. Or making the real game with actual structure and goals I always wished Minecraft itself would have been.
I feel the same way, I'd love to see him make a non shit indie game convention/award show to allow people not in the SJW clique to actually get some attention.
He's just a nodev that made it. He's living the dream.
Just about anyone on aggydaggy would do the same, given the chance - just pump out a minimum effort piece of shit, call it a video game, and exploit your customers so hard they turn autistic and make you rich.
Fuck, that's like the meaning of life right there.
Actually making a superior product is nice, but effort is for when you've already failed doing things the easy way. Trying is Plan B.
Not all of them are like that, a lot of fujos wants to be imprisoned, beaten and raped - an entire sub-section of fujobait is dedicated to that very concept.
It's just people dicking around with Source Film Maker.
So people do commissions, but a lot of it is just stuff people threw together.
It had some good puzzles, I enjoyed it. The artsy angle didn't really have any impact, but the game itself was fine.
I agree.
He deserves all the shit he gets on Holla Forums but his tweets have been gold for a while now.
Is this a redemption, waiting to happen?
Fuck off, you can't forgive him for being the biggest jew just because he agrees with your opinion.
It's sad that the best selling game of all time is one of the worst, unfinished games of all time too.
well, at least he is mining more salt for us.
Back before the bloom started to come off the rose with Kickstarter it wasn't uncommon to see Notch drop some money on game projects. He'd also raise visibility on some of them since if you're going to give money to them anyway, why not tell your billion autistic followers about it so they can join in.
I bet you were right there with the rest of us when he was first shilling his game on cuck/v/ and enjoyed the shit out of it.
I don't understand how people became so jealous just because millions of autists and chillun started buying the game. I never even bought it.
I recall they did for a while, then people sperged out because it was Edmund Mcmillan saying it they decided it was irrelevant.
Kek, it brings me extra joy every time I sleep with a white womenz knowing it triggers your autism
It brings me extra joy when I wake up every morning, knowing that I'm not a nigger
I know its fucking you Notch you faggot.
Stop pretending you sleep with anyone faggot
that went well
those poor people of color forced into this action by the oppressive whites, they had no other option tbh
Nigger or not, kill yourself.
If he's gone from progressive retard to libertarians ancap, it's only a matter of time before he goes full 14/88
Now they are going after Rock, what's going on? I thought these people were "hip and cool" why are they talking like stereotypical grandparents?
Oh wow, I didn't realize sucking fat jew cock is bait. Fuck off faggot and kill yourself.
Even given that SJWs are effectively neo-puritanical fascists, it still feels like a joke.
You should watch Empty Hero's youtube videos.
What's there to brag about?
Because that tweet was obviously a fucking joke, you dense knob.
Being a billionaire who's set for life?
Billions. Seriously, how do some faggots in here overlook that so often?
He's a depressed faggot who has no friends because he fucked the few he had over. He's not set for life, he's sold everything that he cares about and complains about it.
lol but their niggers u reddit cuck
The phrase "set for life" only refers to financial stability. Which he has.
that is what they've been used for since the begining. Mostly to stop middle class from becoming upper class. Businesses don't want people to be independent.(the true meaning, not "indie")
as for notch, a few twitter burns isn't really a great accomplishment. We already have dedicated shitposters who are NEETs. Maybe he can do something good with his money, perhaps influence currents events?
I don't care about niggers as long as they act like human beings. There's trash in every race. The only race which I think is irredeemable is gypsies.
He can brag, faggot.
You mean like killing other players and taking their shit? Thats not called being alpha, thats called being a stupid nigger.
freedom is happiness
It's not. But a lack of freedom is the most common roadblock to happiness, in most cases.
Don't think we're all like you, user.
Yeah, but I think she pulled her little divorce trick quite some time before MS decided to throw money at him.
Hey white boy imma just pirate dis video gam ya white boi
I'm a retarded idealist who genuinely cares for the well being of others, actually.
smh tbh fam
Hes a Marxist using SJWs as a tool. He isn't sat around on tumblr complaining nobody will recognise him as the glorious nubian catwoman he knows he is.
So Holla Forums but with fucking billions
You serial?
Let's face it, 'friends' come and go. Can you imagine the grief you will go through if you have that opportunity and choose being fair to your friends instead? Few years later you won't talk to each other anymore anyway and all you fought for was for "Oh yeah, user? Yeah he's a nice guy".
I know it's old, but it still gets me every time.
I'd rather be a depressed billionaire bitching over twitter than some depressing retard trying to claim how shitty some depressed billionaire's life is on an almost dead imageboard.
Really straining for that one, aren't you?
You're right. Go back to halfchan where you can have a nice full imageboards. Like all the refugees going to Germany. Haha!
get the fuck out
Besides that part he's right though. notch has it 1000x better than the user talking about how bad he has it and how vain he must be to brag.
That pretty much explains why he became so in touch with men's issues.
user, please. Have mercy on the white people. They are too fucking beta. They can't marry for fuck sake, I mean shit, they got their alimony.