What kind of images or videos would you show to a normie that nigs are bad news? I'm looking for solid sources and non-anecdotal stuff. Fun Nigger Facts seems to be overused.
Redpill some fags, saves some lives, promote white child birth.
Oppening eyes
Here fam
Much obliged! Any others?
Maybe I should dump what I already have as to avoid dupes
Colin Flaherty YouTube channel has new material almost daily. Also, vdare.com is good for current news articles.
I had no idea such a channel could get through the cracks, thanks user!
no they are not more violent by historical standards actually they are kind of benign why jews thought fit to slave them then later blame it on whites won't say they are violent as much as they are just retarded low iq monkeys you want to call out the most violent That is definitely whites and should embrace their propensity for bloodshed again and put jews and all non whites in their place below us if even alive when we are done with them.
whites functioning as a unit against all non whites is the wrecking ball of humanity only the rat jews know this and scared as fuck hence another Hitler that has no jew ties tbh whites united will destroy all non whites on this planet 10 of us would kill 1000 shitskins if armed properly…to many niggers in our military now don't change the fact no matter how much training from white man a nigger gets he is still inferior on the battle field its just a fact.
anything on worldstar hiphop
get rid of jews period then mass all jew hating shitskins led by whites to crush them out of existence then National Socialism for all after all jews are dead … This is the answer.
user, pls. You would be much clearer with periods and commas and sht. Polite sage for offtopic.
what, you're spouting nonsense
you can't even speak english correctly
notices you shills first attack typos as if you thing your so grammatically correct …um no message sent and clearly conveyed you on the other hand only check grammar errors like a jews or goy secretary faggot kys
Good call OP, nothing like a good ol' dump thread to take a break from the shill smashing.
Kek, asian master race.
Do you think this is normal English? It's not. You're making us look like retarded hillbillies with no education in the eyes of a non initiated lurker. Learn some English, please.
Why would a shill try to make the board look better?
Im sorry if this genuinely how you type, but to me you look like a person who is trying to make the users on this board look bad. Using your messages as an example of the rest.
why would I try to be normal ? you jew rat stfu go shill somewhere else I wasn't writing a theory was stating facts excuse the spelling errors however you latching onto that shows you are a fucking kike seen it all before can't argue get shut down so attack grammar errors you heel nipping bitch
you don't argue civilly with retards
What? You're genuinely being a shill that is trying to make us look bad.
But in the off case that you're not, please be fucking coherent. Actual shills can use your bad grammer and not being 1 bit coherent along with the hole "Holla Forumsyps so dumb" meme.
asshole jew rat you where the one calling bad grammar as if that matters you fucking rat you just using it to nit pick like the heel nipper you are .Talk about look bad um no you look bad enough attacking grammar instead of a WN Natsoc msg so fuck off.
Threw some slavery facts in there too, since normalfags rarely know anything about that either.
Pretty nice little webm showing the brutality of the nigger in its natural habitat, made in response to claims of Taylor Swift's "idyllic whitewashing of Africa's history of colonialism" in her original video.
I feel genuinely sad for these people.
Thank the commies for decolonisation.
This needs to stop, right now.
There's no reason why Africa shouldn't just be wholly colonized by whites. White Africa. And I'm not talking about the niggers sticking around after said colonization either.
last photo:
when you realise that at some point africans were drawing swastikas in the mud while crying because their woman were race mixing with monkeys.
does anyone have the "with open gates" webm to post?