Things she was right about:
Things she was wrong about:
Things she was right about:
Things she was wrong about:
I'm not saying she's right, but it's probably a good idea to avoid the edge of the earth, you know, just in case.
Fuck off with that mentally ill attention whore.
Everyone ignore.
Name one thing she's been wrong about.
What she say about my boi Vargy V?
Go away, Sinead.
So what? All you faggots shill Alex Jonestein after he's done shit like this.
she was wrong about flat earth
but if she was right about trumo the jew, she finally attracted my interest.
YET but she is retarded if she thinks trumo wasn't the smallest of evils between berncuck and shillary.
Called him out for being an anti-white retard.
What are you talking about?
also it doesn't matter, she's a feminist
No she's not, moron. She just believes that MGTOW and the like are retards, and they are.
Sinead is /ourgirl/ and by "our" I mean Holla Forums not /trump/
How many fucking Ls is Porject Alamo going to take?
Maybe, yet to be seen.
Sage for kike sinead thread.
t. TRSodomite
That was hilarious.
Stay cucked.
She knows Varg can't name the Jew right? He has gone far into the every one must die but me and my family zone.
Varg was deliberately saying that whites deserve to be eradicated and that toilets and electricity are evil. He's gone nuts.
Not even slightly surprising since she used to work in New York as a musician. Only an autist thinks that being in a photo with someone means that you've fucked them.
The bitch is insane. The funny thing is she of all people whines about people worship while expecting and getting people to worship and defend her. Enjoy your flat earther cult leader, cuck.
Top kek.
How was she right about Varg? Varg is awesome.
It's funny really, the alt-kike hates Sinead for those photos yet worships literal "ex" coalburning pornstars.
Liberal whites do deserve to be eradicated
I didn't say she fucked them. That's too close to a nigger for any self respecting white woman - even if they aren't cozying up like they are in the first two pics.
I have never had any relationship with any kind of nigger where being that close was acceptable.
Who does Holla Forums endorse that's an ex porn star?
She is insane
She thinks the world is flat you nigger. Of course, she doesn't really think that, she's a Jew whose job is to discredit nationalists.
Literally who?
So Varg is your new target then, imkikefy?
You've obviously never lived in California or New York then. You end up having nigger friends, some of them are normal people.
She doesn't think the world is flat. Try actually watching her videos.
Sure thing.
What are you even doing on "TR8OR" Holla Forums, TRS?
She's a feminist.
Didn't say they were good, said some of them are normal and you can go out and have lunch with them or play some tennis. That doesn't mean you can't also realize they shouldn't be in the country.
She's been right all along.
Anyone who calls her a jew or posts pictures of her sitting next to a (gasp) black man is a shill(or a mgtow virgin).
That audio clip actually makes her look good now, listen to it, moron. She was right.
You shills are getting so sad at this point…
I'll bite. Even if she was right, that'd mean nothing. Do you understand the modus operandi of muddying the waters?
She says all that stuff about X, while being a flat-earther? A fucking flat-earther? Those people are retarded. Surely she must be right about X.
And that is how you keep the average Joe from thinking about whatever. One of the many methods anyway.
in any case, sage for shit thread
Feels good, man.
You need to up your e-celeb standard. She's a rambling feminist who hopped on the white nationalist dick for purely personal gain.
Agreeing to be in a picture with a nigger = anti-white
kill yourself
Detroit niggers are a different breed than LA or New York niggers.
So you're saying that there are good niggers?
You've never been in a picture with a nigger before?
No, I'm not a race traitor.
You shills are getting so sad at this point
No. I've never seized an opportunity for a photo op with a random nigger.
No, it would be mean she was right.
Aaaaaaand I fucked that up in the italics. Anyway, the point is to associate some grains of truth with some blatant untruth. That's what she does. I don't know what truths though because who the fuck even cares about this bitch, really.
So why should I listen to the Coal-burning Kikess?
You really think anyone is falling for your lies? Every nationalists on the planet laughs at the Jewess Sinead and her pathetically bad subversion attempts on us
She's a catty nut who attacks any female e-celeb who espouses far-right political views. She's unhinged and emotional. Does anyone have the soundcloud? You know the one I'm talking about.
Dona search for "alcoholocaust." You'll probably find it.
thinking it's good to be an e-celeb
Oh no, what will I do if based "nationalists" like Dicky think I'm being a bad 1488er? Won't someone think of the poor based nationalist jews like Reactionary Jew?
consequences will never be the same
You shouldn't. Sinead is neither of those things.
Sinead is the same as Dicky "Phalanx" Spencer. She shrieks and causes drama everywhere, then acts like she's an elite upper-class nationalist because of it.
She has no sense of humor and makes white nationalists look like old crazy drama teachers. If she wants to do her little podcast that's fine but she should stop trying to put her face out there.
You can't seriously be this fucking mentally retarded. The same people who oppose Sinead are the people who oppose Spencer, because both are 100% obvious cases of controlled opposition and subversive shills.
Do you seriously think you can trick nationalists into believing Sineads kike lies? Every single one of us knows she is a Jew and an enemy.
We all hate the alt-right and Implicit Dick here. Where do you think you are?
In the sense that they're both "catchers" sure.
Proof, give some proof. I see you kikes post this shit everytime she's mentioned, yet you have no evidence.
Flat earth lunacy.
This is actually much funnier.
Thank you for admitting you're a butthurt sodomite.
The funniest part is that Jesse co-hosts a podcast with a "kyak".
What did she say about Varg? Also, the Earth is flat isn't it?
Speaking without being spoken to
I actually made much of the OC when TRS got doxed. But Sven's songs are actually much funnier than "Shiksa Goddess Who Cuddles With Negroes."
Oh I agree. I hate TRS but the songs are funny. I don't believe there's harm in admitting that.
Okay, any anons wanna stick their neck out for the alt-right? Come one, come all!
Her lies. She lies, lies and lies some more. If you actually are not a shill and legitimately believe Sinead is one of us, the nigger lover Jewess who claims the world is flat, then holy shit please kill yourself and make the world a better place. Are you really so unintelligent you don't see her entire goal is to make nationalists look crazy by making people think Jew-wise people believe in flat Earth and other stupid garbage she vomits out?
Seriously, tie a noose and hang yourself. Do it. You are such a worthless subhuman rat. Do it for the sake of the white races, take your pathetic life right now.
Post proof. Cite her lies, show me the videos.