Can Holla Forums ever recover?
ITT: yfw ywn be as eternally asshurt as Holla Forums
Through cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics, yeah they'll recover just fine. They're really good at denying history and pretending their ideology works, shouldn't be much different with their board.
To this day I still don't get how do they blame "porky" for every evil in the word, but refuse to name the jew when literally every porky of theirs is a nasal tribeman.
It's like they can't acknowledge things without disguising them as childish cartoons first
They may be cockroaches but remember, cockroaches are hard to eliminate. Most commercial bug sprays don't phase them. They are nothing more than resilient pests.
It's like they know the truth but don't want to admit what it is.
It's like they're mentally 14. :^)
Of course. How could it be otherwise?
It's sad when the far right is 100x more anticapitalist than the far left is antijew.
The part where they convinced them selves they were influencing Holla Forums by replying to their own concern shills is probably the saddest part about it.
Top Kek.
The left are the most materialistic people in the world.
Can I get source on proof that their board ranking was achieved by bots?
one good thing happened this week then
What they don't know though is that they have no connection at all to dialectics.
Same "person"?
Are the lefties done for?
to be fair, they may be physically 14 as well
What you're calling Holla Forums is actually /corporatemediapol/. Holla Forums has never been tried.
That was fucking good lad well done
Feels good not being them.
holy shit what were they thinking.
to any leftyfags reading this thread, you can right now capitalize on this and create a second board calling the ineffectual modding that your headadmin has.
cause it's obvious they are not mentally in the right after their little shitshow with codemonkey.
also it did mention how it want's to forcefully move you to a different chan so you best make a new board and hoard all your faggots into that one if you want a fighting chance in this losing battle for top 1 board.
That explains why /a/ is so trash.
I'm surprised freech isn't trying to get them. A board having rules triggers them to the high heavens, so you'd think the goons would've sniffed out this opportunity.
Of course Holla Forums can recover. Real Holla Forums has never been tried.
lad smdh tbqh
I can totally see them trying to pull that shit and blaming us for their failure.
Check'd & Kek'd
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My god user, its beautiful
It's just because half of them are actually Jews. The other half are black/Arab/spic/mysterymeat.
Haha, oh wow. Like fucking pottery
Top kek
wow you sure showed him kek
Still a bunch of disgusting deviants though, that includes (((((you)))))
I chuckled a bit.
Post your face when you are not Holla Forums.
Going to run with this forever tbqh
That's a nice smug pikachu.
Here, have a smug scuttlebug. If you get enough, you may be able to make a scuttlebug jamboree.
People still believe this meme?
They are the lackey of a cartoonishly retarded satanist.
Let me repeat it:
They are the cartoon villains' lackeys.
One of the mods also confirmed for dating nigress banker, kek.
anyone got the freech cap about botting leftypol up the board list?
Reminder this tranny piggy is their BO
That's why you should use Zyklon B on them instead.