At this public lecture, Dr...

Is she right?

>>>Holla Forums

Why can't we ever get a mass shooter who does something good like take out a room full of these cunts?

you called?


Sink all boatsluts

I giggled when I read this

Can't get more wrong than that.

Wrong board
>>>Holla Forums

mobage goes on the jp shithole

Holla Forums doesn't want that cuckime trash

Never happy.

I hope she mentions the boat lolis as well.

is it sexism if its shimakaze (m)

Didn't read


Isn't this racist of her to impose her culture onto another?

lol wut? Holla Forums is infested with original definition weebs

They need to go back and take cancerkolle, goonblew, and idi@tasses with them. Then purge the tohou threads of all the circlejerking non-players(Hint: All of them) and we will have a huge start on cleaning up the dregs.

Can you imagine if Holla Forums was actually good? Imagine Holla Forums with no weebcucks. No one spamming shitty jpg drawing of downies smiling. No obnoxious cuckime jokes that a dozen retards derail the thread to jerk off over. No discussion interrupted because some drooling spastic got offended it wasn't about his waifu and ends up shitting up the thread to explain why some generic trash chink paytowin "game" is superior.

Imagine a world without weebs.

Can someone invent a new kind of AIDS that just kills feminists?

Imagine setting up your own board or subreddit or forum where "weeb" things are forbidden. Or just get psychiatric treatment.

lol lmao@u umadweebcuck?

And look I was able to make a post without using clip art anime faces from cp.

Which one of us is obsessively scanning for anime related threads and posts so he can chime in with how much he is triggered by it?

Is this supposed to mean something?