What is Aleppo?

You know what this bombing of Syria reminds me of? The incident that cost the libertarian party the election.
In Sep 8, 2016 Presidential candidate Garry Johnson got invited to MSNBC morning show "Morning Joe" for a casual conversation.Little did he know that the mainstream media was bent on ruining his chances of winning.
Mike Barnicle ,who was a guest host at the time, asks him "What do you do if you are elected about Allepo?".He responds "and what is Aleppo?".The evil corporate news channel spun the statement as ignorance of a very crucial topic and sure It might come out as ignorant in the first time but then it hits you.He doesn't know Aleppo.There are many unknown details concerning Aleppo therefore he's asking for information and truth backed with hard evidence before casting his judgment .Or maybe he doesn't want to know.Ignorance is a bliss after all.Why should i care about the state of affairs of a country half way around the world.People are starving and dying you may ask but same thing happening over here with my people.43.1 million are in poverty 13 percent of households are food insecure 1 million 750 thousand are homeless.So why should he care about foreigners.In conclusion Aleppo is a forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge.If Trump didn't know about Aleppo he wouldn't have to bomb the air base.
Anyway i thought that we should revisit this misunderstood gem of logic that the average american voter wouldn't get and learn from it to avoid more useless wars like the Iraq invasion.

Gary Johnson was obviously in Trump's pocket. Basically, he made himself out to be such an irresponsible goofy stoner that no right-leaning American could vote for him. Thus, he absorbed some Boinie Sanduhs votes from the Hilldabest, as did Jill "I might be a Jew, but I like Hitler too!" Stein.

Gary Johnson ran in order to steal libertarian votes from Trump, not vice versa.
And Gilf Stein was in it for the money.

Wait a second, are you trying to unironically defend Gary Lolberg?

Saw that too, lel. The question is not "if" he defends him…but "why". Don't you think it's too late, OP? We have more pressing matters than a story of a stoner not knowing about a city in Syria some months ago.

Gary Johnson trusted the media.

Your party's dead, get over it.

I assumed Hillary's goons told him to hang it up since polls repeatedly kept showing him taking votes from her. The tongue thing was his way of staying alive.

honestly looking back I agree with that assessment

It was more than just that. Johnson seems like a nice enough guy, but not really president material.

Being in the libertarian party cost him the election

Now that mods made a chesscuck thread sticky can we Feel the Johnson fans have one too?
Because lets be honest Gary is the intellectual choice here.

The Libertarians were to lose badly with or without Gary Johnson. Just watch their convention.

Whatever happened to Gill "thanks for the 5mil" Stein's recount, and the money?

She laughed her ass off of the stupidity of delusional dem voters. Her actions also fizzled out the legitimacy of demcrat demands of recounts. I say she's (((/ourgal/)))

Honestly though can we have a discussion about ironic memes? They are a legitimate threat to any sort of movement.

nigger you really think lolbergs actually stood a chance smh

nah my ni99a he's just mocking the 1488D jump rope narrative

As I recall, at least one of the recounts did happen.

Trump actually picked up a few votes.

What ya sliding chaim?


You're too stupid to understand his master plan. By hypnotizing the liberals with drugs he can install a fascist regime and rule white nations to victory without any opposition.

Remember that time the runner-up in the libertarian primaries gave Gary an antique family heirloom, a flintlock pistol, as a sign of good will, and Gary trashed it right there at the convention immediately afterwards?

Implying they had a snowball's chance in hell in the first place.

we're going to need more than a lepo where we're going.

color me surprised

How could it be construed any other way than "what the fuck is an Aleppo?"

If he wanted to know specifics about the situation there he would've specified about them. It's clear he didn't know what Aleppo was. You could only be ignorant of it if you ignored the Middle East situation for the past 10 to 1,500 years.