Post yfw President Trump just confirmed what us genuine Holla Forumslacks believed when we were suspicious this was part of the plan.
Post yfw President Trump just confirmed what us genuine Holla Forumslacks believed when we were suspicious this was part of the plan.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking forgot the link, but it's fucking real.
I'm even more confused now than ever.
Jesus fucking christ, it's all being spelled out for you.
Unless you're a confused concern shill?
He's making an excuse for not damaging the runway.
It's over nigger, you people lost.
nothing is spelled out but a bunch of baseless speculation, we still know absolutely nothing and Kushner is still a cuck with too much power.
What meaning are you taking from it? Do you think he's saying he hit the runways (he didn't) was because they would be easy for Assad to fix and 88D chess?
Do you even know what the word means?
The other was undamaged, it wasn't a strike on the runways, at least not a successful one, that's what he's making excuses for.
Oh someone's making excuses alright, but it's not my President.
he is a traitor
Ah, okay. You're parroting the Kushner narrative from your worthless broken commie brain. Thanks for confirming that you're a leftist shill.
Commies are shilling against Kushner? WTF! I'm a kike lover now!
are you saying you're NOT concerned with his undue influence in everything from solving the middle east crisis to the opiod problem and veterans affair? all while being surrounded by liberals and jews and bankers?
wewlad, rabbi forget to pay you?
Heh. Now the libs are pissed hes bombing Assad.
The worst part is that Trump isn't some idiot. If he does something, he knows what'll happen.
I have yet to see any confirmed numbers. All I've seen is the MSM being unable to decide what the number is.
its not on any of the charts
Pretty sure trump reads Holla Forums and is a master troll at this point
Thanks for delivering OP, here's a version of your second pic with all the text visible.
If you niggers want to chimp out over Kushner do it in one of the half-dozen threads that actually have to do with him instead of derailing this one.
So did the Syrian government even release a response, yet, of are they still in the dark?
I haven't heard shit from the Syrian government. So far all we've heard is from Russia and Trump, which lines up with the idea that they've told Assad to keep his mouth shut for now so this all works out.
Tire of winning yet?
ᴍ ᴀ ᴅ ᴍ ᴀ ɴ
ID+ filtered. Into the oven kike.
almasdar news is the Syrian Government's primary news network.
When this is fully confirmed, and we find out this was once again another ruse to further destroy the left, I will never stop being smug.
It's noffin goyim! America First! haha 22D chess! Just blindly trust trump! Everyone is a shill. Tired of Winning XD?!
Nice try, but it's already been confirmed we're not pursuing a campaign to topple Assad. You're too late.
One sand nigger dead and six wounded.
Filtered. In the oven with you shareblue.
this could be simply more sanctions, but keep an eye for that.
I'm gonna be like Trump
I'm gonna punch the special needs kid working as a greeter at Wallmart
I'm a STRONG person
Willing to bet it is sanctions. I do remember reading something this morning about more sanctions.
This is why i have said all along we stick to our guns, trump can use our outrage to push back against (((war interests))) fucking hell the absolute mad bastard
wtf i hate assad now
OP, you could have just have easily made the argument that DJT is on damage control because the missile strike is threatening to make him a one-term president.
If he forced an independent investigation of the attack (he had that power), he would have found justification to imprison or discredit deep-state agents in the IC and MSM (maybe learn a few things about our great ally). Nope. He blew a few million dollars to appease his Zionist son-in-law and make John McCain happy. And for what? Popularity? That's the gist of your screencapped argument.
A century of appeasement and compromise with the Red Sea Pedestrians and their leftist golems is what has made America as fucked up as it is today. Chuck Schumer's praise gets us nowhere. Exposing and imprisoning criminals in government and media does.
He could have expressed concern and done nothing like politicians do whenever crime stats in America's many niggerlands are released.
You are the special needs kid. filtered.
Yeah give ammo to the Left, that's it!
Exactly what he was elected to do.
Its just funny because last week they were parroting Hillary after the gassing, demanding Trump take action against ebil nazi Assad think of the chillin. Now hes done it hes a WAR MONGER!
Those shareblue discord faggots are spamming us with Kushner because I guess we don't like him? Its pretty weak.
Wew, you're a special kind of stupid.
filter me all you like others will see my comments and see how hollow your non argument is. Trump fucked up, the emperor has no clothes. he'll see it reflected in his followers. I dare him to hold an Easter Rally now. He won't.
Basically this. The hero-worship and anime-plot rationalization is getting unproductive.
Obeezy put on a dog and pony show with the Russians after the gas attack in 2013.
It would be way less obvious without 5 threads created in the last hour. (offtopic sage)
What part of "you lost" are you not understanding?
that's still a dick move though.
regardless, it's far better than outright regime change.
but he needs to stop supporting the commie k*rds though.
This, I'm already feeling my smug come on.
Shh user, it's okay. We've seen this every day for the past three months. Libshits only know how to double down on the tactics that already didn't work.
Cool dude, Are you sure that you're not the shill?
8/pol/ really is a shithole these days.
Holy shit at least try to pretend you've posted on a chan for more than a year, no one even talks like this, not even on 4cuck. In fact if you had a story about punching a retarded kid you'd be well received on 4cuck.
One sand bag obstructing the yinon plan destroyed. How much more will satisfy you? The head of the lion?
Well yeah, but again, he was between a rock and a hard place, and decided fuck it, I'll make my own path. I'm not worried one bit, this tells me the door's been kicked wide open for Trump, Russia, and Assad to sit down and talk.
go masturbate
This whole "break Holla Forums with our mad shillz" thing has been a special kind of weak. Maybe they've finally realized that no actual anons care what they spew and are getting desperate. Kicking him out of the white house and into an oven would be great of course, but it's like they've never used threads for specific topics before.
6 years and counting
What's unfortunate is by using Kushner to shill the thread into oblivion, it's hindering the ability to even discuss the situation with him properly because everyone immediately flips out. This is why we need to practice simply filtering out shills, so we can continue having conversations like adults.
Okay and?
You sound tired user. Why dont you get some sleep?
There;s only one lion and it isn't Assad, although I support Assad.
do i get to post dead jihadi rebels now?
filter and ignore. some of the threads have too many shills to salvage, but most can be cleaned up without too much effort filtering.
In response to shills I don't see why not, as long as it doesn't derail the thread than it doesn't defeat it's original purpose, that is to allow discussion without pants on head retards.
compare the narrative and overall mood of the media today vs what it was a week ago. this is not because of the "gas attacks" or anything. it's all because of trumps little firework show. trump is dominating the narrative and forcing other people to act in his favor like always, this time on the world stage. ask yourself, do you feel in charge?
do you honestly not realize how people are interpreting you? what could you possibly think you're accomplishing other than brief distraction? is this what the shills have been forced to resort to?
No shit, user. It's what their "voice" is paid to do. If they just suddenly started praising Trump, there'd be chaos.
Agreed. As for the genuine idiots who thought we'd be shutting down the ovens three months into Trump's presidency, they deserve their self-inflicted disappointment. There is decades of kikery to undo, it's gonna take time.
What exactly is there to discuss? He's a scumbag. His dad is a scumbag. I really don't give a fuck that he ran the astroturfing campaign for Trump.
Why the fuck is this even a thread? It doesn't say anything. All he's giving is a counter-argument to people saying the attack was a weak one - "No, we were very precise in our attack, as demonstrated by not hitting the runway; they're much easier to rebuild rather than buildings." Which is just true…
You must be new here. Remain quiet until you lurk long enough.
more like bumping into his spare vest that he isn't using.
Minus the concern trolls, most knew there was a bigger play but couldn't see exactly what it was likely because a lot of peoples minds are fried at this point.
Attacking the Syrian regime for the first time ever, even if it was a premeditated fake, and risking an elevated conflict is a ballsy move. I like the leadership idea of putting all the marbles on the table, I just don't feel comfy being the pawn.
I'm sure glad he had a good reason to blow his opportunity to expose the White Helmets and Mossad . . .
sanctions could be more empty attacks, further getting trump involved in the situation without having to do anything significant. he's been in business for a long time; he knows how to get his name out there and get people paying attention to him. he wont be able to have a "tough talk" with putin and assad if he isnt even a factor in the equation
One man hired to protect not him, but what he believes in being killed is a tragedy in itself. The less and less of his men surrounding him will only lead to the satisfaction of the Jews, like what you'll see being expressed on any yid's socmed account, in response to Trump's actions.
Fucking this. It's just like finances, you gotta spend money to earn money, and it's always a risk unless you know exactly what you're doing.
So his excuse for targeting planes and civilians is that hitting the airfield infrastructure wouldn't cause enough damage? What a fucking joke.
see and discuss in
Word is that Trump wants to do some major reconstructing of his cabinet, especially after what just happened. It's time to give him every reason to kick out the kike closest to him.
Fuck off.
That sounds way too good to be true user, but I wanna believe. You have any sources for this?
You're burgerposting. Don't do that. It's what leads to another middle-eastern quagmire.
Huh? This tweet changes absolutely nothing and clears nothing up.
Wasted trips.
▲ ▲
oh look, another one for the oven. btw, no civilians hit, work on your script. filtered.
Except this time, Trump did it for the right reasons. Now, all the warmongers and people who were in on the WWIII plan are exposed. And we don't have to nuke each other.
war is war, people die and Assad knows this.
He has. Flynn got the axe; Bannon is being neutered.
Please give your reasoning in how this tweet in anyway makes a case for the attack making sense.
Can you faggots stop acting like Holla Forums only has one opinion? It doesnt make you "genuine" if you blindly follow everything trump does and defend any downfalls with muh 1488d chess.
Since russia and syria are flying planes from that base and there were never chemical weapons there to begin with then what he has achieved by this? He doesnt look strong…
lest we forget
Still it was nothing. Four dead heroic sandnigger pawns were necessary loss for the greater 1488D chess.
This thread is 3/4s actual shills right now. Just read all the posts. There is no reasoning whatsoever in how this tweet means anything other than saying, "We didn't bomb the runway because that would have been a waste of resources."
what fucking pointless war.
That's really too bad, I'm going to lose a lot of sleep over that. I hate Trump now.
WTF are you talking about? What exposure? Is there an investigation right now? Who's going to prison? Oh, nobody?
Because you could not lutk for a day before you shilled plus your IQ is of only two digits.
On Bush' defense at least many kebabs died.
We already know this tactic you leftist scum. filtered.
Checked. This could have been a genius move by Trump, but it could also have been a mistake. Its hard to know right now. Shills are gaslighting and trying to make everything worse. If Trump somehow stabilizes the Middle East he will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents of all time. This might be a step towards that goal or a step for (((them))). Time will tell.
How does bombing a military air base kill civilians?
See, this is where you lay out your reasoning and explain why im wrong if i am. Crying leftist shill is childish as fuck, grow up faggot.
So essentially some of the tomahawk missiles lauched uninteltionally hit a village that was already controlled by ISIL, killing up to 15 civilians?
Good ol Muamid Ali, the news reporter, said we also did an air strike on some ISIS village and that some poor innocent ISIS bitches and their sandnigger kids got caught up in the fireworks. So sad.
Less than half the missiles hit their mark.
was getting cucked part of your plan?
I'm betting on Trump on this one. There's no way that tweet isn't going to co-inside with Kushner getting demoted, or Bannon coming back into play. Maybe even Flynn in an ambassadorial role once the region is stable.
I don't know which shilling is worse . . . shareblue or this shit.
My sodium intake is sustained for a long time with this presidency.
There was nothing genius about this, he's made nothing better and all things worse. You hard are you rationalizing.
"it's hard to know, but I think it could be good". No, there's NOTHING good to come of this.
Aren't tomahawks like super advanced or something. I have a hard time believing you miss that bad with that stuff
Kill yourself.
Sure makes me want to abandon all principals and praise the fact that Trump can be manipulated by Ivanka's kike husband and the kike ex-president of Goldman sachs and also relish the fact that Bannon has been removed from the NSC.
It doesn't matter who got cucked. What matters is our Plan.
There was no good reason.
"I did exactly what these pieces of shit are actively yelling about for years now, we sure exposed them!"
Who knows, really. My guess could be something like anti-missile technology the Syrians could have used pushed that missile off its mark and it went 30km wide and hit those people.
Depends on if we needed to recycle and decom them and Trump didn't want to spend the 50k per missile to do it. Or the S300 system is bretty good.
Either way, #RuseMissiles.
The weapon system is about 35 years old . . . So, yeah, late-Cold War advanced.
wtf I love killing brigadier generals of foreign countries now.
I'm retarded and don't get it. Spoonfeed my dumb ass pls
But we did it with Russia's foreknowledge, And probably Assad's.
I'll bet it would be real natural for you to do that. Almost like you were just a liberal pretending to be a Trump supporter all this time.
Lurk moar. There's a thread about it where the pictures of the runways are.
They perhaps got shot down by some missile defense system.
Except alerting the Russians who were okay with it?
All the tweet is saying is that Trump didn't target the runway because runways are easily rebuilt, this countering people saying to him he didn't do much damage to the base. He's implying he was being frugal with his resources.
This is a worthless shill thread, by the way, that has no purpose. OP doesn't even argue what the tweet is about.
well, it seems that nothing changed for Assad.
jihadists getting
in Idlib.
Trump tweets are open to interpretation. Just think of whatever would make you feel better in this situation, then imagine that's what he tweeted.
Kek. I couldn't be further from a liberal. Back to The_Doland with you.
You real tight with Akmid Abudl Jabar, are you? That's weird for Holla Forumsack to be so concerned about a non-Amarican, Muslim soldier. Almost like how a bleeding heart libshit would be.
So it was a pointless exercise which still resulted in Russia being pissed as fuck about it and now they're teaming up to tank the USD.
Autism struck me down.
Sometimes I wish the funding for the mods and bots would kick back in, so we could get better astroturfing. We could even go back to being a Drudge Report tabloid with smuggies.
Probably (you)r's since its based on pretending being retarded yet being natural at it.
Did you even read your own link?
Wew, points for effort at least.
All according to keikaku…
TN: Keikaku means plan.
There is literally nothing that you people won't rationalize after the fact. Stop being Trump's cheerleader squad and start holding his feet to the fire when he starts reversing course on America First.
nice ascended hitler digits. as far as i can tell, the only thing that makes sense is the OP. if you assume trump is an idiot, you're a fool. if trump is working for israel, his actions dont add up and we likely would have been on to him much sooner. the only thing that makes any sense is that trump is a genius. it is the only stance that holds up to scrutiny.
do you even bother to read anything other than your shill strategy guide? into the filter
i dont think it really matters much. the bottom line is trump launched 50 missiles at a syrian military target and nobody did shit about. trump has seamlessly put himself in a much more powerful position. look at where the pieces are now compared to where they were before the "gas attack". look at how their desperate false flag backfired on them and laugh
Actually instead I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing and filter you.
How many jews did Hitler gas?
How much more clearly do you need him to say "we bombed them because we knew no harm would be caused"?
Exactly. No idea what the retards ITT think this is accomplishing. It's like they only care about winning some irrelevant argument with liberals on social media. They got all kinds of batshit insane theories to justify the strike but can't prove a single one.
Meanwhile the war is still taking place in Syria, ISIS & AQ are making multiples moves. You got Israel acting as if they aren't heavily involved already, desperately trying to force the US to take further actions (seems to be working if the latest info coming out is credible). Also the Saudis seem to be stepping up their support to various groups as well.
You're basically repeating bullshit from US MSM. How patriotic of you user.
here are 2 fun pics.
remains of the tomahawks that struck the airbase.
not extremely important, but it's a thing.
You don't seriously believe that's going to happen?
Holy fuck I didn't realize you wanted me to cough up a lung user. That's fucking rich.
Cn anyone make out what that date code would mean?
It can. We just have to build lots and lots of ovens first.
Not enough he obviously missed you.
Doubledubs confirm.
some more
more like more missles at assad
you can derogatorily say "muh inter dimensional chess" all you want but it doesnt change the fact that trump has excellent foresight. do you think that the knowledgeable people in the world will suddenly go from thinking multiple steps ahead to thinking only one step ahead or merely of the current position, all because a shill made fun of a meme?
into the filter
Go back faggotttttt
Either Raytheon can't spell correctly or some Russian/Syrian bydlo made this up.
Keep fucking pretending that this is just underwater backgammon. This is how this shit always starts. Whether it's gulf war, or bosnia, or kosovo, or iraq 2.0, or libya, or syria. The 88D chess theory is fucking retarded because it requires too many leaps of logic and is so obtuse and roundabout. There would have been a billion better ways to accomplishment what you guys are saying this did. No, the reason it's so nonsensical is because you're grasping for straws and trying to come up with some sort of confabulated scheme that exonerates Trump from any/all wrongdoing.
Stop being so fucking emotionally invested in Trump as a person that you act like a personality cult, rather than just accepting that he isn't perfect even if he is the best we have right now.
Happens more often than you might think. Misprints and such. We need someone to confirm what the numbers mean, and see if these missiles were slated for decommission or not.
Are you calling him a terrorist, Mister Bush?
Even if the kikes are gone, there is still the conflict between shias and sunnis, the kurds wanting their own state(much to the dismay of Iran and Turkey), Lebanon being fucking unstable, Pakistan and India fighting over Kashmir…
I don't see it happening anytime soon, certainly not in our lifetime.
You forgot the most important pat though.
All these were started by establishment whores the kike media loved in the first place. Even if the Don got genuinely stumped for the first time it's merely a slip up under pressure with no harm caused.
Told you cunts to invest in Raytheon, they make all sorts of military stuff for the US government.
To be fair it might also have the meaning of a direction as in "this direction goes to the relief valve" or "this is where the relief valve goes" but still.
I'm not sure of what exactly is happening behind closed doors. I'm not sure if Trump was always a shill, or if he's being tricked by the neocons, or if he's being tricked by his jew son-in-law, or if he's being actively blackmailed.
Regardless, even if he was tricked into doing this, that still bodes ill. Oh great, we have someone who can so easily be manipulated into wars for ZOG.
It leads to the relief valve you absolute nigger
59 satellite guided missiles all missing their imaginary chem-trailer target could not be considered "war" by any but the most lax definitions.
I would've added sauce if I had something concrete. However there's an odd amount of reports claiming infighting revolving around the amount of influence Kushner wields. It's less that there's knowledge that it's happening and its more working with the possibility to try and get something done. The fact that there might be something up is enough to rile up the normalfags, which means there's a chance to focus it and apply some real pressure. i.e. Kushner should be removed regardless, and right now there's a chance that Trump could go for it with the right pressure.
Not going to call this shit "sources", but things like this is acting like lighter fluid on the normalfag fire currently. I'll post again if I find some actual sauce.
http:/ /
http:/ /
The voters should demand a zero-hebrew policy for Trump's cabinet.
He doesn't even have a zero-hebrew policy for his family.
I'm pretty sure launching missiles at a sovereign nation is considered an act of war.
Is breaking and entering someone's home okay so long as I don't kill anyone and only eat their potato chips?
Pic related doesn't deserve it's own thread, but does Jr. mean anything with this retweet?
That Bill Mitchell is such a fucking retard holy shit. Has absolutely ZERO knowledge on anything except polls.
It looks like Spencer and TRS are holding an anti-war rally in D.C.
Good. I'd go if I was even remotely close.
He's a boomer cuck. Can't expect much. The day after Trump got elected, actually the night of, he and others of the same ilk were immediately denouncing those they allied with on the far-right as being insignificant to the election and going straight r/the_donald to the world.
These people need to die or at the very least need their neighborhoods flooded with thousands of niggers.
wow look! he got an award to cockblock and proxy kikes so they won't go after him, he must be fully jewish for using this to his own advantage!
Useful Idiots.
This makes the Antifa the pro-war kill islam party. They meme'd irresponsibly. But, this also makes it to where the anti-war, peace talk remove kebab plan might have more than just us supporting it.
Don't interact. Watch and report.
You are now entering the Twilight Zone
Well, it's just going to be hilarious to see the jews claim the Nazis are the anti-war party.
This shit really rustles my jimjams.
We're not in election season. I don't give a FUCK how popular this move makes him with ZOG powerplayers. I don't care if Trump looks good or not. I care about RESULTS. I care about him doing the things that we fucking elected him to do. Not wars for ZOG. He'd also get universal praise across the board for coming up with a mass amnesty plan for beaners. Is he going to do that as well now? After all, more praise from shills is ALWAYS a good thing, right?
pls no bully, i just found this.
I know. It might make people say:
wtf i love Hitler now!
pro-war and anti-war are meaningless terms. Not all wars are good. Not all wars are bad. What matters is if a war is in OUR INTERESTS.
We need to break the boomer cuckservative conditioning of "hurr american fuck yeah if you don't want to join this war for israel that doesn't benefit us at all, you're an unamerican pussy!"
Has antifa sent any warning? I may piss myself laughing if they do.
You wouldn't decomission 2015 missile.
meant for
June 2011?
you're right we do have the tech. we had it in 63
Shouldn't you niggers learn grammar before coming to shill in these threads? You guys misspell principles every time you make this argument.
I answered my own question kek works in mysterious ways.
Is this the shabbos goyim general?
On the other hand
Really fires the neurons
But were they current year missiles or not? What do the date codes mean?
Can we find lot numbers?
Good guess. Maybe?
I wish they'd stop calling the faggot a natsoc.
Well no duh. Even if they did get it do you really think they're going to publicly support it and say "Boy it was a good thing Trump did that posturing to change the political climate, now people will realize how close we are to WW3 and realize the motives behind the (((media)))".
Don't you get it? Based Trump is going to make Israel so pleased with him that he gets a private meeting with Netanyahu. Once they're all alone, he'll do the unthinkable and suck Bibi's cock. 4D chess.
oh, i will, most certainly.
Yes if it's
Encouraging to see.
8===D chess
He's probably going to hold it in his mouth just long enough to spit into Melania's pussy, thus creating a Bibi babby, giving him control over the entire world all the while not cucking out.
pic related, imagine the salt
I have dislexia you quadnigger and I'm not a shill.
kikner is about as leftist and jewy as you can get. Think the democrats and libs would say nothing if a bannon like figure was in obama's close circle?
He a soros kike and needs to GO!.
Wow, TRSodomites doing something useful.
That Gondola hit me in the feels
The missiles killed nine civilians, according to Syrian Arab News:
People are engaging in mental gymnastics incredibly hard so as to justify Trumps actions here.
What does kushner have to do with this thread, moishe?
Funny way to spell "wahhabi breeders".
Or is that okay only when Assad does that?
Shills and commies blown the fuck out
Don't need shareblue when trump is fucking his own base. Back to the_donald to talk about israels new found balls.
end this ride.
Holy shit nothing survives the centipede! Let's all find our nearest rabbis and blow them so we can imitate based G-D Emprah.
Shills and snowflake millennials who are new to geopolitical dynamics don't get this tweet.
Trump's not an idiot. He knew it was false flag, and just gave a fake retaliation for the fake news and cucked allies. Nobody gives a shit about a few holes to patch up in the runway and hangars. It's a non-issue. Suggesting that this will lead to WW3 or Trump's downfall is laughable libtard shit.
low IQ detected. The base was supposed to be upset. Farrage was supposed to come out against it. The globalists were supposed to support it and praise Trump. I always though I was non-livestock on Holla Forums, but I'm being proven wrong over and over again lately. I know these are not just shills, but literal morons.
Not enough
I'm still unsure what to think to be honest. Anything can happen at this point. Has anyone asked if the false flag itself was a setup by Trump, Putin and Assad?
This artist does great work.
Btfo shill
100X this
It takes all of ten seconds to google "ISIS chemical weapons" and put a massive crack in the Assad gas attack narrative. Imagine if instead of wasting millions of dollars on Israel's behalf over a false flag, Trump said "we're sending someone over or you're sending someone over, but if you don't give me proof you weren't behind the gas attack, it's curtains for you". He gets proof they aren't behind it, makes a firm but neutral statement, hypes up a big bombing raid on ISIS a few days later. That way, Trump still looks tough, it allows him to BTFO the Lugenpresse and shit on the narrative again, and "trump's a russian puppet" people can cry their bitch tears to worldwide indifference. This is just a rough draft, but there's a million ways Trump could have easily handled this without legitimizing the narrative and looking like another neocon faggot.
Good to see Zone-tan still being posted on the chans. Even if pretty much everything out of Zone is degenerate smut, it's our degenerate smut.
And what would stop the media from saying he's full of shit and the kikes in government from cock blocking him on this at every turn? They'd just fabricate "proof" that the attack was ordered by Assad and blast it on the news for weeks all while keeping the Russian puppet narrative strong.
Notice how shills ITT seem like they've never understood the concept of 42D chess. These people were never Trump supporters. These are shills. Think about it; can you see the over the top detractors having ever said "Ahh I see the chess move Trump is playing" over the past two years of being saturated in it and winning? Of course not, they're shills. Other people are genuinely upset about this move; as they should be. The face value of it is horrid. What they should be thinking about is how this move would play into what we already know about how Trump operates. And I'm enjoying those dialogues. But understand how to detect a shill:
People are convincing themselves that 2+2=5 because they don't want to face the reality that Trump let us down bigly.
Isn't that trap shit?
This is the logical fallacy you're exploiting:
We don't have the final result of the equation because we don't have all the variables yet.
Trump tweeted about war tactics and how bombing the runway is useless.I don't see any 42D chess plays here.
When Trump plays 4D chess, he does so for his own benefit. Which obviously, during the election, meant gaining support and winning the election.
So tell me, who does this 4D chess benefit this time? Tell me how any of this is in OUR interests. I don't give a shit if he 4D chess'd his way into making the neocons love him. That means jack shit to me.
A lot of new voters were really attracted to the whole non-PC open politic implied by Trump, compared to the underhanded realpolitik advertised by other candidates.
And yet anyone who voices condemnation for attacking Syria is automatically a shill, right? Fuck off.
You cucks sounds like you frequent these thoughts plenty of times. Do you have anything to confess shareblue?
He's making the debate about bombing the runway or not. He's signalling to people he actually didn't bomb it so it could be used by Syrian forces or our forces immediately to ensure ISIS is fought back.
You didn't read what I wrote. The action should be condemned. However, it's not proof that Trump betrayed his platform or his base because of how he generally operates. If anyone thought beating back the jews and establishment wouldn't involve complex double agent type maneuvering, you were not aware of how this all works.
>Holla Forums is this bad at blending in
no, sorry, even if he didn't make his decision based on kushner, he need to kick that kike out.
No just the faggots who don't know how to be subtle enough with their demoralizing. Try again.
ok I'll spell it out more: The media will not discredit Trump – saying:
So what's the argument? We shouldn't voice condemnation about attacking Syria on the off chance that maybe people aren't deluding themselves with mental gymnastics and maybe he actually is still /ourguy/?
If I'm wrong, then I'll be pleasantly surprised. No harm, no foul.
If you're wrong, then you stood by silently while the neocon kikes continued to sing praises to Trump and convinced him to further escalate this little bout into a full blown ZOG war.
now*… motherfuck
Just sharing this from halfchan, found it hilarious. Spencer makes millions from his family's cotton farm in Louisiana.
Also, you faggots should go there and record it.
Looking at your previous post, you seem to have no problem to present the final result, even if you don't really know what's going on.
I wouldn't have so much of a problem with people arguing that we should wait a bit longer before condemning Trump, but what you guys are doing is ridiculous.
You just make up the most elaborate twists to justify Trumps behaviour despite knowing how bad this whole shit looks like.
Is this the new shill tactic? In every one of my posts I've explained how this strike in Syria should be condemned. It would obviously be expected and part of whatever plan Trump is implementing. Of course it should be condemned. But condemning the action does not equate to saying Trump is a betrayer. Shill faggots (and I know you're not one of them) exploit this and equalize as the same notion. It's not.
Why do normalfags seek the comfort of the consensus? Is their ego barrier so thin, they seek completeness in an amorphous social blob?
He hit the runway.
Nothing stopped the media from saying that you can't build a wall and make mexico pay for it and from the kikes in the RNC from cock blocking him at every turn. You fight, you build up your power base, you don't compromise, you certainly don't compromise to fuck over your base and your image, and you keep winning. Even if he had buffered in half a week of "deliberation and decision making" or voiced any "we don't know, we're looking into it" in between action and reaction it would have been far better, instead of looking like some leftist parody of a trigger happy neocon. I'm not saying my plans are perfect either, but there was a thousand ways he could have handled the situation, and what happened was not far from the worst.
Here is the crux of the issue. Condemning the action he made is different than condemning Trump. Condemning Trump over the action implies you know exactly why the action was taken. That is the logical problem here.
Or am I completely wrong?
How not? As far as we can tell, Trump did the precise thing he built his campaign against. That sounds like a fucking betrayal to me. I'm livid at trump, and I'm going to keep raising hell over this. Hopefully he sees the massive backlash from his internet people, and rethinks what he's doing and stop listening to the kike shills he surrounds himself with.
It's possible that this is all some elaborate ruse. But it's unlikely. I'll see it when I believe it. I'll operate on what I can see and hear, not on wild speculation.
user, the problem with being a non-anonymous troll is that you can't run away from the shit you throw. Sooner or later, it comes right back at ya. In this case, if Trump trolls a nuke happy country, do you think that they will just get butthurt, like on the internet?
You know maybe killing Syrian soldiers destroying weapons caches,equipments and fighter jets isn't the best idea to support the fight against ISIS?Maybe trump was wrong?
So… what? This is a 1488D chess move to get people freaked out about potential war, oust the (((special interest))) groups and (((hawks))) in DC to expose them later on?
Ok, so granted that I haven't read the thread what happens when the "I bleed red, white, and blue" types are excited for the war? What is Trump exposing that isn't already out in the open?
Its almost like he lurks here, the updates are always in a timely manner
Alternative: People have had shill screamed at them every time something gets fucky due the retarded notion that it's all or nothing brought about by reddit faggots who are worse than Bernie bros and morons who are still in muh PR mode.
Couple of things
This is in no way evidence that Trump is actually playing a ruse and Puting/Assad are "in on it". The neocon strategy is the Yinon plan; to get rid of middle eastern powers to help establish greater israel. They don't want a literal nuclear war against Russia. They just want to get russia to fuck off and stop meddling in their scheme. The reason they told Russia ahead of time was to prevent Russian casualties that would escalate this into WW3, which is actually NOT what the neocons want, I repeat.
I hope so, but we have no real proof that this will be the case. The official stance is back to regime change. So far, the script is following the same beats we've seen over and over again in Iraq, Libya, etc.
He campaigned on safe zones. And now the MSM and mossad can't question why he'd have to now come to the table with Putin and Assad. Now they HAVE to come to the table, and anyone who has a problem with it is insane. This advances his promise of safezone. Unless he actually has bought into the neocon dream – a distinct possibility. But we don't have enough variables yet to justify BELIEVING that. All I'm saying is the action should be condemned on face value, but Trump's motive should not. Thus Trump should not as a whole. YELL about it. BE PISSED ABOUT IT. But don't pretend you know the endgame yet. No one does. And I see no reason to give the man the benefit of the doubt at this point based on what we know about how he operates and how that operation would manifest in a geopolitical chess match against the kikes. Double agenting shit is far from being a discarded potential here.
They are suggesting the runways were the targets and we what was destroyed and that Trump is stating that this was done because they can easily be prepared.
They really think Holla Forumsacks are so misinformed that we don't know that the runways weren't the targets and that Trump is explaining in the Tweet why they weren't.
It's pretty fucking sad tbqh.
What if Trump has been on 4chan since 2003 and Holla Forums since 2013?
Where have you been!? Yes, you are wrong, but not entirely.
Sorry m8, it must be hard to realize everyone was joking and you were the only dullard actually believing it.
Chesscucks were ok when they were still harmless fun. But if it actually makes you support israeli politics, then it's time to leave the toys still and start being serious.
Sometimes I think Holla Forums has autocorrect or something because my spelling gets mangled to hell.
Also this, unverifiable at the moment, but the neo-kikes are certainly pushing for more involvement. Whether Trump bends the knee or not remains to be seen.
What about the threat by Assad to Scud Israel if the US fires any more missiles?
I've been in that boat, and am in it now. I've shit on stuff Trump has done many times and been called a shill. Because of the nature of crew type efforts and being anonymous, no one can really tell, besides easy calls like
There are concerned people here I'm trying to reach out to because the psyop levels here are over the top.
At least try to blend in, Shlomo
Wait, you mean everyone was joking and I was taking the 44D chess meme seriously? Oh no that sucks.
They still think social shaming works on men who masturbate to anime and post on hindu basket weaving forums.
Jesus Christ, what are you? Women?
He postured himself to avert both the warhawks and any further foreign intervention. If this is only reason your upset from all this you're essentially crying over spilled milk.
That's fake news, the original threat was because Israel kept sending jets to bomb SAA targets a little while ago. Putrid kikes. I wish it was a genuine threat to scud them if US attacked Syria.
None of that makes any sense. USA has no reason to go into Syria, safe zones or not. In fact, the war is (well, WAS) just about over, with Assad having taking all strategic locations, and only some clean-up left to do. The war was effectively over. You want a safe zone? Quickest way to turn all of syria into a safe zone is to stay out and let Assad do his fucking job. The war was weeks from reaching the conclusion.
And yet Trump happens to start signaling for war against Assad right when it seems Assad's victory is at hand. Huh, imagine that.
There is no "logical problem" here. If we don't know why he did it, why are you claiming 4d chess?
I'll remain sceptic until we figure this out completely, but I'm pretty sure there won't be a moment, where we realise this was all just a grand plan to achieve a certain goal.
Pretty certain he either made a mistake, got pressured into something or actually believes interventionism is justified.
Yes, Trump winning the election without spending essentially anything compared to the other candidate, yet garnering most media attention was all just a mistake.
This is a shill, people. Know the difference. Condemn the action, and suspend disbelief of Trump until we have more variable. Chess is likely being played here. If we do go to war with Syria, then I'm BTFO. But at least wait. I don't believe that's happening based on what we already know about how Trump operates.
citation fucking needed. We have no guarantee on this. Only the precedent that Trump will apparently launch missiles at any nation where POOR CHILLUNS get killed.
you do actually hit runways if you want to slow them down, at least for a while, but it wouldn't make sense to waste a tomahawk on it. Then again, it doesn't make sense to use 59 of them either
look at me!
▲ ▲
Were they successful, or were the Israelis being shot down?
It's a distinct possibility, and I don't think you're a dumbass for thinking that. But you don't have enough variables to conclude it yet. No one does. Think it all you want, but arguing for it being a set reality and provable is logically unsound.
Considering the absolute possibility that both sides were at one point played and that we're still feeling the effects of that did wonders for my sanity.
Fact: chesscucks never got any prediction right. All they do is to believe in a future miracle that never comes true.
If anything, shooting shills in a barrel,like this and other threats, is kind of fun. These idiots don't what the fuck they're doing.
I hear ya…
You don't belong here fucktard.
Do you like my word? I'm the one who started the meme, and it seems to have taken roots.
He's not trying to shame, just pointing out that you're a dullard if you think everything Trump does that we don't like is some master chess move.
We all know he has held some very blue pilled opinions in the past and may very well still hold many.
The JIDF were never this bad. But I guess it's because we got the NSAnigger hacker tools and #SethRich is trending on twitter.
I believe some were successful, some were reported shot down.
So… I'm not a master geologist but I thought Syria had no oil, it was mostly natural gas and even then the tactical reason for this war was that it was the lynchpin of a russian pipeline
And what the fuck does he think we're gonna do? Spaceballs this shit with a Mega Maid?
Fuck your consensus, redditor. This is not a safespace where you can also say nigger.
When people are constantly rationalizing bullshit and trying to stifle outrage with the claim "It's just #D chess", don't be surprised that a word like that is the end result.
You're terrible at this.
Except Trump spoken before on the topic about warning your enemies ahead of time as a terrible war strategy.
So don't attack their allies. Russia isn't going to back off because they were told nicely. What idiot thinks this way other than yourself?
And why would they listen to him? He has no political maneuver over Putin to change his stance to Syria.
Jesus man, I don't believe you're from here.
Mods should sticky this thread.
It's confirming that he launched a fake strike over a false flag, making the shills out themselves and the loyal supporters stay true. He gets true feedback on Kushner and co, and has all weekend to go over it with Bannon and Kelly.
You're the one who doesn't belong
So how is removing Bannon from the NSC part of his 1488D chess plan?
You mean shills. Holla Forums will discuss what happened, not blindly jump to identity politics and claim Trump can do no wrong.
Inevitably you'll fight me on this, but you'll only out yourself doing so.
I can't sincerely believe any were shot down without AIPAC shills screaming about how they were the victims of aggression for having their jets shot down.
He's innocent of any of this airstrike nonsense when it gets confirmed that it was bad intel and Assad didn't gas anyone.
Literally none of that benefits us, you faggot.
whatever you say fucktard
Yeah, I definitely agree with you, but if so we've been having quite the shill problem these last few days.
You know a better way of making sure people knew Bannon was innocent of this airstrike nonsense
Then why posture in the first place, why not attack seriously if the intent was further intervention. The (((globalist))) wants WW3 between US and Russia, and the middle east further destabilized. Trump's actions fails their expectations entirely.
Absolutely this.
We have, ever since the site came back online. It's Holla Forums fucking with us combined with extreme shilling and consensus cracking/D&C attempts.
Actual Holla Forums lurkers will see them straight away, every time though, making their efforts hilariously inept. Remember this when you see two people arguing with nothing but "Trump is a traitor" and "1488D CHESS"
The strikes were basically air support for ISIS. If they admitted that their aircraft were shot down that would also be an admission that they were meddling in Syrian affairs, completely unprovoked, and also supporting ISIS.
The rationalizations never end.
Did you mean to reply to me? That has nothing to do with why Bannon was removed from the NSC. Plus, whether or not Trump knows that the gassing was a false flag or not is just speculation. We need facts. What we know for sure is that Trump fell hook-line and sinker for the false flag.
He seemed to me like the spook-type. Too clean cut, and such, to be your regular ubermensch.
Holla Forums isn't one person. There are people who desperately want this to be an affirmation of their world view, whether it'd be pro- or anti-trump.
Both Russian and Syrian govt condemned the attack, blaming it for the casualties and assist to ISIS. You're in utter denial if you see them playing along.
Yeah one jewjet was shot down. It didn't get much coverage in America but the Israelis were definitely screaming about it.
Ask yourself what damage has provably been done. I can prove that Trump's candidacy just by itself has set back globalism by at least a decade. I can't prove that the strike in syria and "words" will result in ousting Assad or benefit kikes/ISIS in any way. I could if I knew US airforce wasn't currently protecting the region that base was previously protecting. But I don't. Nor does anyone here. All we have in a gambit that is so blatant it makes the Chinese and Israel question exactly what is going on here. If WE could figure it out for sure, then they could. That's why we are unable. Saying you know why Trump did this is equal to saying "i'm a fucking moron". That's all I know.
Checked and sieg heil'd. Hitler dubs confirm.
Then why did we drop #RuseMissiles?
Half correct. The globalists actually don't want full-blown WW3 with russia. They want more arab destabilization, and russia is preventing that, so they just want Russia out of there. The goal is NOT to directly attack Russian forces.
Heh. He's making them fight their own war.
No shit, but that doesn't make what I said false. This is a board of discussion and arguments, not blindly following one line of thought.
Are you moving the goalpost already leftist shill? None of your hypothesizing considering the information we know now is intelligent. Your logistics about their political motivation here is shit. It has nothing to do about what is beneficial or not.
15 dead and some military equipment, ISIS and 'moderate' rebel attacks simultaneously in the east and north.
what you need to do is find a new script. we've seen the same line 100 times already.
Maybe I should learn hebrew so I can watch Israeli feeds.
Gotta hand it to you Levi, this is some high-energy shilling. Pic related adds a good touch. Tell me, 'soldier'… what was your Division, rank, and commander during the Great Meme War of 2016? Because I don't remember you there. I was in all the digging threads, and for some reason I don't remember ever running into you.
No, silly goy, your only options are
Into the waiting arms of Spetznas and the SAA.
I'll wait for your citation on how they gained any ground. Otherwise you don't have a point.
Fuck off, kike. If I'm wrong about what's going on, then I'll be pleasantly surprised. If you're wrong, then you'll forever be the piece of shit who told everyone to shut up when we should've been making our outrage vocal so that trump would know that his fanbase doesn't like wars for ZOG
How is that in any way what my post implied? Oh right, I didn't imply that at all. The exact opposite, actually.
Which they can still do through proxy war, we've seen this during the cold wars.
I'm saying Trump fell for the ruse. That's why he dropped the tomahawks. I think he was given false info by Kushner, but that's just my speculation.
I'm not disagreeing with you really, but I think we have become less sceptical for a while now. That's why you see people ITT chosing sides already without knowing very much at all about this whole affair.
Yes, that's what I'm saying. ZOG likes to work by causing us to fight in proxy wars and fighting on the blatantly wrong side of local skuffles just because it's on the opposite side of muh russia. But they do NOT want a literal WW3.
Not really. Both of us are condemning the action. Only one of us is condemning the motivation without invalid premise. If Trump's motivation is how you feel, then we will both know at the same time. Meanwhile both of us will be fighting and vocalizing condemnation for the action.
It only happened yesterday and the day before. Don't know yet if they gained any territory or not, but the governor of Homs said the strike made supporting SAA ground troops more difficult.
The point is attacking a country we're not at war with shouldn't be brushed off so easily.
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Is this what 4d chess for the mentally retarded looks like? By saying his hand was forced he looks weak and he's now managed to piss of both sides.
Usually bullying cunts don't admit to being inadequate faggots so maybe it is brave of him.
Also calling people neocons for pointing out neocon behaviour is the height of cognitive dissonance.
It's part of a last ditch effort to save their brand, they're bringing FTN back too.
Maybe. Sure seems that way.
But understand this ends with speculation. Also understand that if we were either to prove otherwise, so could China, and Israel.
None of us know the motivation. All we can deal with is facts, evidence, and what we're told. And so far, we know that Trump has decided to intervene in Syria against Assad. Which is bad.
t. kike
Why would it be bad if it results in a mandate to all meet at the table and "find peace" via safezones – a campaign promise?
Is that what they told you to say in your discord chat when you went back to report that you were not being taken seriously on Holla Forums.
He may not be privy to US intervention plans to assert protection. It may already be happening and have happened.
Heh. The shills keep using the ##D chess meme ironically even though its been pointed out 100 times that it gives them away. You got another reply from another shill telling you to go back to reddit which was proven in the discord screenshot to be one of their tactics. At least these faggots keep it interesting.
It wouldn't hurt to get rid of Kushner, though. He's a globalist zionist kike.
No one is going to be able to concern troll shill about meeting at the table now. McCain is fucked. McMuffin is fucked. Mossad is fucked. MSM is FUCKED. Every establishment fucktard is FUCKED and can't say anything against it now because we're "on the verse of WW3 – we need to find a way to peace and OMG PUTIN IS NOW OPEN TO A MEETING!"
Of course, fuck that kike.
What are you talking about?
No, don't punch yourself.
They come here and use the words "hugbox" and "safespace" a-and t-talk like this and think they are fooling someone. Just imagine being this much of a fuckin loser at life that you are volunteering or getting minimum wage to post here. In the end most of em get redpilled, just helping our cause. :^)
No one here uses the phrase identity politics. Its cute that you are getting another faggot or 2 to back up your shilling. It isn't working.
Except Russia has nothing to gain through a proxy war. US would still participate because of Israel, but Russia has more invested interest in the pipe line, and not the geopolitical climate.
If US engage full intervention there, Russia is going to be directly involved. Again, only Israel will benefit afterwards when they pick up the pieces later. (((Globalist))) will have their criteria fulfilled in why Nationalism is ebil. This is all our enemies care for in the end, which is why the (((media))) and the deep-state have so much incentives for WW3.
Sorry for the slow response, but trying to multitask here.
Yeah the extreme right and left are in complete agreement that war with Assad is retard. Just keep shilling your boogeyman for greater Israel. After all you have CNN on your side now;'^)
Hmm, I don't really want to see TRSodomite crashed with no survivors. I have numerous friends who started on TRS and are now full natsoc. They're far better entry-level than fuking Milo Kikeanopolis. My only qualm with them was the constant deriding of Holla Forums, shilling and crying about "muh purity spiral".
Because the war was practically over already, you fucking moron.
This is like saying you want to rip open the scab so that you can help apply a bandaid to stop the bleeding. Are you this dumb?
All leftwing papers I've seen so far today support the airstrikes?
But that's what it is when people blindly follow a leader. Sorry if my choice of words triggers you.
Even though I more or less agree with the no war thing, I can't support that much faggotry.
So your argument is now that I'm wrong because the agrees with the airstrikes?
Really makes me think. Try to keep on message T_D.
*The left
Hi there
we don't call them that here, "Genuine Holla Forumsack"
Ask your manager what you did wrong
I've been here longer than you cunt. Has kushner decided on a new name for the normie propaganda wing?
You're really bad at this
Reread your manual
Totally believable.
You can't come up with anything new? We can spot your script easily.
t. shill
So what's name? Did you once see a screenshot of a thread discussing T_D while browsing reddit?
And today the SAF launched planes from that very airstrip that Trump didn't bomb, and BTFO'd the area where the "chemical" attack supposedly occurred. I'm sorry if this is too hard for your tiny commie brain to process.
Yeah, but Kushner is King Kike. If you had to focus on one person, he's a good pick.
It's somewhere between a jewish honeypot and a kosher lolberg LARP. Them crashing and burning is good for everybody, except the jews of course.
I think you were the worse one yet.
I wouldn't say that.
Way to get my hopes up that he changed his mind about starting WWIII because of sad pictures
Bannon is Goldman Sachs too.
IIRC, Kushner was responsible for so much of GS getting into the White House to begin with.
Reminder, this shill is attacking Miller.
When you ask the landlord in advance and confirm that it's okay? Yes, it is. In fact at that point it's not breaking and entering at all. Eating their chips can be considered a dick move, but that wouldn't be a crime either. As far as why it happened no one's gotten an answer from Trump personally, but there's quite a few pieces that suggest >9665788 is the sort of thing going down. It's theory at this point but it's more thought out than just going "wtf i hate drumpf now" like all the shills are desperately trying to get people to say. Besides anyone who was paying any attention already knew that he isn't literally Hitler. Unless this proves to be detrimental in the near & late future the responses being made are rebuttal enough.
This is because they were all lolbergs up until recently afaik. Ancaps are just fascists who haven't realised how ingrained the kike is and how autistically unimeplementable their ideology is when there are niggers etc running rampant in a nation.
Can't comment on the honeypot aspect, I don't know anything about that really.
90% of the time this is said, its wrong. Wanna try again?
Sandniggers did 9/11. Stop defending sandniggers, Abdhul.
> Goys guys ignore this kike and look at these ones. He's on our side.
Really proved me wrong. Not replying to your brain dead co-workers.
Very good explanation until almost the end. What you need to know is that Holla Forums knows nothing that the Jews doesn't. We might know something before than them, but still, this website is a public place. And we all know they are watching us, even here. Other than that, you don't have to be too deep to know that the gas attacks were falseflags and that Trump knows that they were falseflags. We got deep but the next step will show us way more than previously known about the Strike.
Assad had the war won with Russia and USA on his side. Every non retarded politician knew at the very first second is that even if the attack really happened, it was a falseflag. The problem is if this certain politician is going to have an advantage if the attack is accepted as truth.
He was just an investor, no?
Interesting, got sauce?
kikes did 9/11 you fucking retarded faggot
no, both of them did together, both of them get in the fucking oven
No, AnCaps are lolbergs with terminal autism who are impossible to convert.
Watch that "(((Jewish))) Question" video that some AnCap faggot made, and was universally praised on the Aut-Right. That alone is proof that they're hopeless.
I think you've underestimated the autism.
That's the best example, but every time an AnCap masquerades as pro-White or a fascist, it's a disaster. See: Chris Cantwell, Kike Peinovich, etc.
I don't think kebabs have the IQ required to orchestrate such an event. Do you believe the sandnigger with boxcutter shit pushed by all of the MSM? I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a single kebab involved in the actual attack and it was all conducted with CIA / Mossad remote controlled aircraft. Don't get me wrong, I think these tusken raiders have no place in western civilisation, I just don't believe they have the capacity to carry out such an attack; and the fact that they have been blamed for it directly benefits the kikes and has lead to the initiation of the conflicts which benefit the Yinon Plan.
OK, gg.
no, they were just the delivery device
B-but don't call out newfags.
Pretty sure you're the literal moron.
This keeps showing up.
Low energy AF
So you believe the kebab with boxcutter meme that pretty much every MSM outlet peddled?
It's mostly hearsay. If I can find something, I'll try posting it later.
Further proof if i needed it.
o boy time for nazi punch III
What a good voice for the movement™ dicky spencer makes
You should probably make a separate thread for this
uh oh, it's getting rough
ebin you really showed me tbh
Sure you're not the shill? You have a lot invested in this. TIDF paying well now that is has access to federal funds?
They're not too smart.
Calling people cucks instead of refuting it makes you a cuck.
You cuckcuck.
the specerdicks are telling the commies to get in the showers. he's a cuck, but i like that chant.
b-but he's a good jew!
stop playing the #notallmuslims or that they were innocent. I dont' care if they didn't hijack a plane with a boxcutter, but they had their own role to play as well. Sandkikes are no better then regular kikes, they are all just that, kikes.
If theres anything good to come from this its exposure of Kushner. It seems this event has push his influence in the white house to the forefront of the discussion and thus gives us a platform to bring him down. The dust is settling now, so ride the tiger lads. Use the events for our gain and let the normies know kushners has to go
Kike Eunuch is on now
Nothing is as bad as a kike.
have you seen a nigger? they aren't much better, and thats the same for all shitskins
Nope. Kikes are the ultimate evil, nothing even comes close.
Nice false dichotomy, stop acting like a kike and have some rationality. I didn't say they were innocent, I don't believe the MSM peddled narrative that a bunch of sandniggers hijaked 3 planes using boxcutters.
Sand people hate kikes. Nothing is worse than kikes. Nothing.
Granted, there's a saying of not interrupting your enemies when they are making a mistake, but kikes absolutely refuse to adjust their hand booklets and stick to their "tactics" that they've been using for thousands of years that it's just way too obvious. How nice we have 119 UIDs
Mistakes into miracles. Those 5 dead niggers in Syria did us a great service, helping us set apart Trump supporters from the retarded chesscucks we've been importing from T_D.
Leagues apart, a nigger is a monkey, you don't want to live around that. A jew is a facehugger vampire.
You really are just like battered wives, huh?
I hate them all equally, I've lived around niggers and spics my whole life. And I hate kikes for putting them there in the first place.
Or battered cucks.
I'm partisan for my chesscuck invention.
Perhaps if you could see past your enlarged hook nose you wouldn't be so short sighted. Also if you were trying to fit in for a while, you're doing a terrible job at it. Shareblue/CTR at least had a more entertaining time back during the primaries
'HURR DURR CHESSCUCKS' shills btfo'd
Bloody hell the irony.
Yeah, no, I've been tricked for the last fucking time. If Trump wants me to believe him again, then he should stop giving these retarded nods to us and instead DO shit he promised he'd do. So far, none of the shit he promised regarding international politics had been positive! He didn't fix relations with Russia, he didn't BTFO China, he increased military spending, and he sent yet more soldiers into Syria. And now this fucking bullshit – nobody cares about the fucking runways, but about the fucking Russian planes Assad had there that got destroyed. Air supremacy is what's been giving Assad the edge all this time and practically all of his offensives relied on air support to a large degree. And now, when (((moderates))) started attacking him on multiple fronts, he gets fucking bombed by USA.
Thread for that livestream is up now
The shilling has been off the charts.
It's nice to get some clarification from Tillerson.
There's more where those tomahawks came from.
Sure, Trump can do whatever he wants (or rather, his kikes tell him to), because at the end of all this all of it just furthers some elaborate plan.
Very convenient to explain all of his fuck-ups away, huh?
Pick related, you Trumpcucks are shit like Nadeko
try not to fuck up next time, faggot.
This, as it's been stated before. But talk about it in the Kushner threads as well where more than shills will end up reading it.
Let the shills see how quickly Holla Forums recovers from there manufactured panic and gets back on track doing what it does best
I think its important to talk about in every trump/Syria related thread.
Damn. At least leave him a limp to crawl away with.
FUCK with that shit, he already done a lot of suspicious shit like putting Pence as VP and having that kike loving daughter and husband who he put in his goddamn cabinet. And now did that crap without passing in the congress but couldn't pass the muslim ban and stop the shitskin hordes from coming because "uh uh the congress don't let me do it".
We are not here to suck the balls of that tanning bed bandit, HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE.
Spotted the kike
The audacity of this
I look at someone like cuntwell and wish he had found us instead of trs, then again, he's a fucking retard frequently and maybe trs was his speed all along.
I don't know recall anyone who went full natsoc purity spiralling 1488er from trs though.
no it isn't, the only people here who use the term is Holla Forums but even they aren't this stupid of course they are
some were, but not in any meaningful way. Except for one off the top of my head, they larped as ancaps just like they larped as fashy goys or whatever. Remember kike enoch running around trying to claim to be a libertarian again after getting doxed? It's all just signalling to them.
Which one? There are almost a dozen absolute madmen in the current happening.
How much are they paying you for this shit?
Project Alamo
How does this prove anything? He's explaining why the runway is not destroyed by saying that it's not worth the cost. What has been destroyed are planes.
Are you actually interpreting this as him publicly stating that he actually ordered those strikes because he thinks it won't bother Assad, just as a hint to appease some people already willing to believe in the 4D chess meme?
Tell me how much you hate niggers and kikes and why. Let's hear it you total Nazi racist :^)
Trump hasn't done shit for us yet
He really is the least Jewish Jew I've ever seen, even Brother Nathanael is more Jewy in his mannerisms than Miller.
Okay op…
and something like 20bn was spent on air conditioning to KBR? fucking burgers
Syria has a ton of generals and officers in general for the size of their military.
*face it
not even that
the gas is in the south, but the pipeline project passes through syria, i forgot which one, the russian or the american project
oh right, both
when Assad said no to the american project in 2012, the war started
The aforementioned Oil source lies at the bottom of the Eastern Mediterranean, the part of the ocean that's under the jurisdiction of Damascus, and also another large deposit of Oil on the Syrian Desert, the place of which are also under Damascus control, not in isisland, alqaedaistan, or in yellowcommiestan for that matter.
Hello, fellow Holla Forums user. I too dislike special needs children. I also dislike negros and jews. You are fitting in really well here. Have a gold star.
It's based on a vague-as-fuck half-truth with full on disinfo, so no.
Ahh…but imagine if he tomorrow claims he was getting false data from the alphabet soups, almost causing WW3, giving him ample pretext for a full-on purge AND blowing the narrative away?
This is how much i admire his 88D chess.
Actually though, how does it feel like, appearing like cockroaches to shillspam the fuck out of this board every single time, only to be eternally BTFO again and again? I truly wonder.
It sould be clear by now that
That's a funny way to say dysgenic subhuman retard in need of euthanasia.
Trips checkin' dubs
Shills in this thread can go and fuck off. We are not some faggot average internet users all 'confused' by these moves.
End result of it all is simply ISISrael slowly being boiled.
The war started in 2011 bruh
Pretty much.
This needs to be word filtered
The only enemy America and the West needs to wage war against is the (((Islamic State))).
North Korea
nor any other Nation.
From now on I assume that Trump is a fucking neo-kike, but you're right about that, user.
Normies waking up to the GI question
Anyone want to wake up this Goy?
Go back to your stinkhole kike
Haven't seen anyone talk about this yet. 22 hours ago President Trump on his Facebook re-posted this CNN news-clip of the open border narrative absolutely getting BTFO by one of the left's own pet rapefugees.
"Help us stay in our country. We don't want to become refugees."
Comments are hilarious.
There's some top tier mental self tripping from 'both' sides over this.
Your colleagues were funnier.
That combined with the fact Spicer confirmed we're not sending our military against Syria, and we're even looking still for the teamwork with Russia against ISIS has sent the liberals for a tizzy. They finally thought they fucking won, while I'm sitting here trying to figure out if I'll even survive being this smug for the next eight years.
If he "knows" then he should remove the kikes from the White House and shun his daughter.
He has to play it carefully user. Trump's set a pattern of doing everything by the laws of America so far. Now that Gorsuch is in, I'm eager to see how the next year progresses.
I think the play in North Korea is rekindling my faith. If this strike was that was needed to get China to work with us in dealing with the North Korea problem then I think it's a good play
Whoa now, user. I think your fingers must have slipped.
I can feel the Jewishness radiating off your post.
Your buddies have stopped posting. Spicer destroyed your narrative today. It's cute that you're still trying though.
Yeah, he really told me when he said the goal was to destabilize Syria.
Man I surely got BTFO.
America doesn't need to fight ISIS, Assad and Russia are competent enough to fight them on their own. America just needs to stop fucking supplying ISIS and Al Qaida.
That's a funny way to spell "Israel" user.
Golan heights has petroleum. and Israel wants that shit.
That kind of goes without saying, America has been blindly following Israeli interests for over 40 years now.
I'd say closer to 70 at LEAST, until roughly three months ago, and now they're kvetching on a near daily basis.
Top kek, nice meme user
In case anyone doesn't know what its referencing, video related
Being this naive
Wikileaks: Full CIA doc: Scenarios for ousting Assad – found in recently uploaded CREST database (1986)
Doesn't this call for it's own thread?
What was in the spoiler tags?
Shariablue can't into memes
He just did it because his fake poll numbers were low after stopping TPP and deporting illegals. Now they will go up and there won't be need for more deaths.
You're a special kind of stupid.