Hey Holla Forums, I realize that there’s a million fucking things going on right now but I figured that I might try and get some input on something I've been thinking of for a while. (if no one replies I'll try again when things calm down a bit).
I want to petition the federal Canadian and BC provincial governments regarding fentanyl. Taken from Wikipedia….
Since our government is a fucking joke when it comes to drugs (someone I went to highschool with got busted with coke, ketamine, and a scale and all he got was weekend jail for six months) I’m hoping that if the people speak out enough they will be forced to do something. What I want to see is that if someone is busted with drugs and has the intent to sell, and the drugs test positive for fentanyl, they should charge with manslaughter or murder. The shit is so dangerous it can kill someone just by touching their skin. I’m sick of my friends dying (I know drugs are degenerate, but they’re my friends and don’t drugs when I’m around) every other week and I don’t want to sit around and lose any more of my friends.
Anyway, I’m still in the early phases of all this. Since you fuckers are pretty smart I figured I’d get some input, hopefully from someone more knowledgeable about law than me. Although this mostly related to Canada I’m open to input from anywhere. Sorry, I know I'm not a very good writer.
Fentanyl Overdoses in Canada
Other urls found in this thread:
I gotta go shopping right now, if anyone responds I'll check it out when I get home.
Willing to bet most of the overdoses are fentanyl derivatives
You mean in BC and Alberta…that shit don't happen in Québec, James Wong
Drugs are degenerate and all pushers should be sent to the camps.
why would drug dealers kill their own customers? it makes no sense
The drugs are smuggled from China, which could have several motivations in doing so.
Canadian government propaganda, everyone.
These fuckin druggies in the West are dropping left and right, good thing….'bisou du Québec'
OP here, believe it or not some of these comments have actually helped point me in the right direction. If anyone else wants to say anything I'll check it out when I get home from work.
Big suprise there
No, they're from Mexico. They travel straight up I-5 along the west coast to Seattle, and ferried into Edmonton Canada. They started cutting the heroine with Fentanyl en masse early last year or late the year before. This is the reason for the sudden spike in heroine overdoses, and the primary victims are people who relapsed after years of not doing it. I know this from first hand experience, and I will kill to see the wall built to stop this. I've seen the damage first hand, I've known people who died from this, and I've met the fucking smugglers. I used to be a criminal, a street doctor, even a smuggler way back. I swear to you, this is a war, and the Mexican cartels are working with the Mexican government to destroy our people with these drugs.
Doesn't change the facts that people who take heroin are fuckin retarded, low IQ and are gonna die in 2 years max anyway…
Actually in Canada the fentynal is coming from China there is documented proof of this.
I admit, I just know the USA market and the routes. It's logical that it would be cut after delivery to Canada, as it's a smaller package of heroin to smuggle in. Product being distributed in the USA is usually cut with Fentanyl before it leaves California.
If you're right though about the cut happening in Canada, there should be statistically higher overdose rates in Seattle, and there are. Can anyone feed me more info on the Canadian side of things? I know this game first hand, and I'm sick of the death in the streets. I've watched people go from dumb college kid to dead in the street. The problem was so bad in some of the towns that I lived in, that I created an herbal cocktail to wake addicts up from the verge of death so that they wouldn't die on my fucking front lawn. heheh, also made it impossible for them to get high for a few days. Clogged those receptors like a public toilet.
I will help however I can with analysis and I still have a few connections in low places who owe me favors. I'll burn them all if it kills the enemy.
I’m sorry you are losing friends user. I’m a bong and my town (once a very pleasant and quant place) is crippled with heroin. We don’t have fentanyl but we have plenty of dirt cheap smack, if I were to open my blinds now I could stare right into a little campsite of addicts, they live on a tiny patch hidden by trees (I live in what is considered a desirable property/ street).
Our governments truly do not care, I have tried and more far more focused (on the issue) individuals than I have dedicated their lives to trying to get acknowledgment of the issue. Nothing. You are a good man for caring but the answer is a New Machine. Living in a decaying town has taught me how truly evil Government are, how passive the masses have become.
I can offer nothing but warm wishes to you.
Thanks. I'm from a really small town (about 8000 people) so the people I can ask are pretty limited. My boss is on the city council so I'm going to talk to him and get his input. I realize theres a good chance that this isn't going to go anywhere but I want to at least try.
In terms of actual information all I can tell is that local news reports that the government has identified it as being smuggled from China, I might do some digging.
Can you find out the specific variants of fentanyl? If you find the specific chemical, I can find the vendors that are likely supplying and maybe dig a bit. So I'm looking for the chemical names, like hcl bitartrate that sort of thing, most labs only produce one variant due to the manufacture process being similar to other products.
If you or others have friends trying to get off of opiates, there is a plant called Akuamma. It's cheap, the seeds will prevent withdrawl completely, it cannot be overdosed on in any practical manner, and is non-addictive. Pic related. It also blocks other opiates as an added bonus.
Lots of shit is being smuggled in from China, in particular guns.
I think Duterte has the right idea on how to deal with drug dealers.
I admire your concern OP. I live in BC and hear stories every month of someone dying to fentanyl. The truth is the vast majority of these people are the bottom of society and don't add anything to the community. I know I am an asshole for saying this but I much rather spend resources on much larger issues like Islam rather than someone who thought s/he was taking heroin but took fentanyl instead
What do you fromages use in order to make ends meet ? meth ? weed ? benzos ?
Funny you mention Duterte in a fentanyl thread.
Part of his opposition's narrative is to concern troll about his health. They say he uses fentanyl among other meds to keep himself alive, and point out how he's also a drug user.
The more dead leafs the better, you're as bad as Swedes.
OP here posting from my phone
All I'm going to say is that I'm from the Kootenays
I don't do any drugs, I had a bit of "fun" when I was younger but not for years. But my friends like to do coke and MDMA, as far as I know none of my friends do heroine. People have been lacing other drugs with fentanyl and thats what killing the people I know. One of my biggest fears is that my little brother, who is at the same age I was when I tried experimenting, is going to buy something thats laced with it
I know user but theyre my friends and I love them ;_;
OP again, I forgot to mention this in my OP but the reason I think they should have stiffer fines is because it keeps them in prison longer and away from law abiding citizens. Also the harsher crimes may persuade the dealers to give up their bosses.
Mind sharing some stories? Things that will help Holla Forums understand the drug trade/lifestyle/problems you saw day to day with it, or anything else, maybe stuff we can use against normies in debates. I'm sure you've seen some shit.
1000 people died in my state alone from heroin last year, why should I give a fuck about some petty 100?
It killed 914 people in my province last year.
Or at the very least, I'd love to know how you ended up a Holla Forumsack.
the chart is cooked, the numbers are 10x higher
Fentanyl is a conspiracy by the Chinese government to do a commonwealth nation what Britain did to China a couple of hundred years ago. They want all of the white people on drugs so they can then pillage the country even more.
Prohibition is degenerate. In eastern provinces there isn't this problem because codeine pills are OTC.
Street drugs are an intelligence test /eugenics program. If you're going to take Chinese elephant tranquilIzer you're just as likely to drink Liquid Plumr.
t. Alcoholic (sober now)
I want to add that the correlation between the highest rate of fentanyl overdoses comes from B.C which also has the highest population of Chinese in Canada, a coincidence I'm sure…
Care to be a bit more specific? As you suggested, I've seen a lot more than I ever expected to at this point. Here's some backstory on the drug trade for cities that might add perspective.
The majority of hard drugs start with the cartels who traffick them into the USA (and up I-5 to Seattle and then to Canada through various routes) from the south, this is the heroin, methamphetamines, and a portion of the coke market. The next largest chunks come from Florida (cocaine and the oddball shipment of MDM*/ecstasy) and then the strange nexus of NYC which is really just an aggregator of degeneracy that sucks in random supplies while being boosted/protected by the (((mafia))) and the rest is mostly small packages and simple smuggling. Yes, there are domestic producers for everything, but face it, they're competing against mexican slave labor in an unprotected market ran by thugs and murderers, how well do you think they do?
Back to domestic production, there is another reason we don't make heroin in the USA other than opium being better and that's because some kikes pushing synthetic opiates, which are what every heroin addict started with, which got them addicted. Prescriptions for pain killers are easy to get, and poor people get them when injured at work, but refuse to take thr poison and sell them off for whatever to help pay the bills. They then get to the college kids, and when they run out of pills and money, they get heroin dirt cheap and snort it. A month later, they're shooting up in a gutter somewhere. I'm drifting here, back to the point, the market is engineered in a way to send all of an addicts (many are addicted due to prescriptions for injuries as first exposure to drugs) money to the (((Pharmacutical Companies))) and then dissapear onto the streets as a heroin addict and then die in obscurity.
Now on the topic of economics of the drug trade. The market has an ABSURD price difference between wholesale and retail, which is further expanded by the difference in the value of the mexican peso and the american dollar. The problem here though is that the retailers can't go directly to the wholesaler because they get ripped off by a middleman and are poor addicts themselves. Very few dealers will ever make more than a hundred dollars profit in a night, and long before they reach that point, they consumed all of it. EVERY ONE OF THEM in this position, NEEDS to be locked up in a rehab program for six months, with job training. They hate what they do, they just want out, and use hard drugs to kill their emotions. Half of these ones might just need put down though, but realize that the small dealer is trying to work for his fix, instead of beg and steal. It's an odd position.
I drifted off topic again, the point I am attempting to reach is that the middlemen see cheaply ordered drugs from the darknet as a means to escape the racket and double their money. Of course, anyone who would use fentanyl as a cut is not someone to be pittied, these ones are doing it out of pure greed and still screw the people under them. Though, I suspect there is another angle on this. I'm hesitant to state it though, because I can't decipher if the cause is foreign or domestic. The CIA might actually be behind some of this, using tainted batches to trace the market. Alternatively, I heard crazy fucking rumors from people with enough reputation to trust, but crazy enough to doubt, for instance John Kerry (as of 2007) allegedly orchestrates smuggling of confiscated weed in canada across the boarder to the USA to be sold in New York. This world's fucking weird enough for me to believe it.
I nedd more specific questions…
I might have the 'tism? I wound up in isolation and came home, then moved up a digit to find my old friends. I grew up on the chans, always considered halfchan cancerous though.
Elites like Obama know what's better for you than you do. That's why he released those assholes by the hundreds before he left. With Trump going full cuck, unless you live in Israel, forget about your government enacting any sane laws to protect your standard of living or environment.
Is this a problem? Let them die, and then poison the drugs some more. Drugs will cease to be a problem when all the users are dead or when the drugs become associated with guaranteed suicide.
Canada! Well, this answers everything. I knew your import laws were lax because the 2C-anything comes south from canada, but fuck all those opiates? You guys do this to yourself. These are kids who got kicked out of college who are cutting shit with random opioids to quadruple their money, who have no concept of dosages and who are selling to their old peers.
Your universities are responsible for this Canada.
We see it a lot here in the Northern states too.
how about you fuck off
is what I meant to say
If they were poisoning the meth supply, I would agree with you. The opiate supply is a different story since the majority of opiate addicts were tricked into it by doctors handing them addictive drugs like candy. I was physically addicted to vicodin after only four days. Of course, my response was to throw them away for being poison, while most people are so fucking unaware of themselves that they don't realize they're addicted til theyre shooting up heroin.
admittedly, it seems a lot of tweakers started out as adderall/ritalin fiends
Yes, making laws that protect a way of life desired by its citizens is what governments are supposed to do. Chopping off the hands of drug dealers like in Sharia Law would get the job done. It would be nice if Trump at the very minimum censored Hollywood movies portraying drug use as the funnest thing in the world. Unfortunately, kids living on top of a lot of oil get priority.
You candy-ass Canucks need to quit worrying
about a few druggies and start purging your
country of "the traditional enemy". That's what
really has your nation in a death grip.
>>>/suicide/ can actually give you guys good information about it. It is used to commit suicide.
Theres a cure for heroin addiction, an opiate called Akuammine, only downside is it renders all opiates except itself useless. Five drops under the tongue reverses overdoses and locks addicts out of the fix for life. A herbalanon assosciated with the Hippie Mafia explained how to extract it by grinding up p. Nitida seeds and soaking them in everclear for a month.
By the way, if your from Seattle, you should tell the anons about the (((poverty pimps))) that make fat stacks of cash from Poverty as an industry via Federal Grants.
Hello again HerbalAnon. DRanon here. The opiate crisis here is so bad the Govt is handing out naloxone kits like condoms at a bathhouse, taking out bus stop ads on the hallmarks of overdose and advertising on normie TV. But there is a much darker set of forces at work; CUPE & NDP, the Poverty Pimps. They like this crisis as they get more shekels than usual from govt grants due to it. The CEO of CUPE makes six figures and the employees of both are union with full bennies. They give a pittance to the poor they say they help and pocket the rest and pay Antifa with it, hell the VANDU (Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, a dealer's union) are their paid protestors.
Here, read this and flame into a rage, kikery and rope bait inside: genuinewitty.com
This one is a massive eyeopener into the Fentanyl issue and how it pays for the Anti-Trump protesters and other wastes of Govt Funding: genuinewitty.com
Oh no, my cover is blown! rofl good to post besides you again, shadilay, may the digits guide your path brother user. Praise Kek!
I try to avoid the place, been a few years since I've washed up there, but I'm not surprised. There was a dark cloud creeping over that place and it's settled there now, it would seem. My first impression of the city was it was an easy place to dissapear in, and too fucking dirty. The kind of filth I'd expect in a pizzagate thread. I keep my distance from that cesspool, but good luck to anyone who's willing. I'll see what I can do though, I know a lot of people out that way, should check on them anyhow.
Now you're calling out the roots of the problem. All the money that goes to "fixing the homeless problem" goes towards keeping it there, but slightly less visible. The Union Gospel Mission is the same exact kind of racket. If they gave a fucking ONE TIME ONLY payout to the homeless, in equivalence with what they pay these scum, every decent person on the streets would have a home and start dealing with their problems, and the rest would fuck off and die because nobody would give them scraps.
I got a massive revelation via Triple Dubs that all the shilling is to push the New Tribe.net digging thread off the board:
Other than the shill swarm and quitting tobacco and booze via the 3 days in bed ritual, not much happening with me other than making a big batch of druid's cold brew coffee. (Irish Club Moss and rosemary grounds soaked in cold brewed coffee for a month.)
Fentanyl is easy to use for suicides. I reckon the poor Leafistanis are offing themselves on purpose.
Kill your friends dealer or shut the fuck up about it cunt. If you can't use violence yourself then you're a cuck for asking others to do it for you. Seriously kill their dealer. The girls will wet themselves and the guys will worship you. Be smart about it. Sage for blog post.
And here I was wasting my time with ricin. :^)
The thing I know about Fentanyl is it's possibly a tactic to drum up fear to increase rhetoric about a tough on crime narrative. It is our Federal elections this year after all.
In my area, this is a pretty bad problem. And yes it's been going on for a while and is widespread.
"but drug users are degenerate". Yes, but taxpayer dollars are now being spent on these fuckers for OD kits and "safe" injection sites and all kinds of retarded jewy shit. Kill yourself, I'm not bothered; but take money from me while failing to kill yourself and now I'm unhappy
that's what most of the "heroin" is and has been for the past couple years. China, and to a lesser extent Mexico, are churning that shit out on an industrial scale. Supposedly, it's easier to create than methamphetamine, on said scale, with the added bonus that it creates a horrible physical dependency, creating a captive market… (whereas meth is more psychological). It's pretty much weaponized cultural marxism created with the intent of permanently undermining Western civilization while vacuuming up unfathomable wealth; figure even the lowliest gutter junkie has a five or six-figure habit… to say nothing of the "social safety-net" costs borne by taxpayers.
My childhood friend just died from it. It's truly the bane of white rust-belt communities.
from your keyboard to KEK's ear holes
It depends on where you are. Southwestern United States has mostly Mexican black-tar heroin which is somehwat crudely made but rarely if ever adulterated with fent. The east coast of the US has what's referred to as "east coast powder" which usually comes from the middle east/Afghanistan and is much more refined than the Mexican shit. It's almost always adulterated with fent and sometimes is just 100% fentanyl.
t. Ex junkie
I think you're correct. It's all bullshit from NY, NJ, and Baltimore in my backwoods town in Appalachia
back in the mid 90's (((someone))) decided that we should host a bunch addicts from large urban areas in new rehab clinics, built with large Federal grants. turns out the cheap living, high profits, and small law enforcement presence made a great petri dish for that social disease.
China? But Zhongguo is (((our greatest ally)))
fentanyl comes from China, same with precursors for meth and ecstasy. Chinese drug traffickers are a dime a dozen here in BC.
Yeah, once user linked the reports and I recalled how easy it is to order shit-drugs from china in Canada, I came to agree. Made me remember some degenerates I destroyed their market without telling them, they were lucky to survive in WA I caught selling nbome as acid. They had it ordered into Canada and brought across to seattle to sell in other towns in Washington state. I'll wager that a disproportionate number of deaths have been amongst college kids over the past few years.
I'm pretty busy right now prepping for a move and an operation in summer so I can't do much legwork at the moment, but I can still influence the rumor mill on the streets. So, what I ask for is digging. Find me cases of other classes of drugs being cut with fentanyl and anything else for that matter. If you give me ammo, I can sow doubt in the drug market and cause street kids and miscreants to react with absolute hostility toward canadian imports, damaging the market and making people more likely to squeel or get out.
You oughta check erowid's Pill testing lists, and I have heard of a drug called Foxy that really fucks folks up that is being cut with Pure MDMA/"Emma" in order to increase profits, I think this is it here: erowid.org
Have some local news reports:
cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/delta-police-nine-overdose-warning-1.3744776 cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/fentanyl-deaths-spark-call-to-test-illegal-drugs-1.3182851
So this is my conclusion. We just have to push a law that states that if you sell one drug as another drug (cut or cut it) and it can be overdosed on, you're charged with attempted murder for each dose sold. Most drug fiends would even support this, and it makes it far easier to bust people. It bypasses entrapment laws by being about consumer protection. The cops can then just buy some heroin or mdma and such, then arrest the seller because "Sorry akbar, this shit ain't pure at all! You're going to prison!"
It should also be easy to round up heroin addicts and bribe them to give a video testimonial in support of this law.
Got a question, how did you destroy the market of those degens? Care to share some pointers?
Not psychedelics.
Same way you ruin any business. Bad rumors from reputable people, based on the truth. I probably made it sound like more than it was, I grew up watching too many 80s action movies possibly. You just have to get people to doubt the market and the suppliers. In an environment of doubt, the corrupt get themselves removed or flee. If you get enough doubt, EVERY bad event (in this case, overdose) becomes the fault of the one who is doubted, until they prove their innocence.
Here's an example of something that could be taken from this. If you scatter dime baggies filled with rock salt in areas with tweakers, they will assume that people are being ripped off left and right, and you will create suspicion and hostility between meth dealers and their clients, who are insane and paranoid. You'll also troll a lot of tweakers.