I guess they have rebooted Prey, so what can go right?
I guess they have rebooted Prey, so what can go right?
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It doesn't look like it's going to go with that bounty hunter stuff they showed off ages ago which is a shame.
concept of the old E3 trailer level design of DOOD abilities like in dishonored.
It looks like Bioshock. I'm not happy about this.
and denuvo
It looks like a mix of a lot of different games, its a shame they dropped the original Prey 2 game for a reboot with a weaker idea.
Daily reminder that Prey 2 died (instead of, y'know, just being raped) because Human Head refused to get Jewed by Zenimax: >>9669068
Very little will go right. The first thing that's going to be cut out was all the spatial dimension shit going on, nobody I know that was some assfaggot or casul had a good grasp of even the simplest tricks the game threw at you and acted like their mind was being fucked the whole way through.
No fucking shit.
I just saw Prey murdered on stage. That was disappointing.
You saw Prey murdered years ago, user, did you not?
Looks like they might go for a lot of corridors with light shooting elements and jump scares with this one. So only the most casual will get confused with this.
I don't think anyone does
Nah, it was on life support until recently. We saw it get shot then a call saying it survived on life support.
Then today it got wheeled out in a coma an executed.
Sure. OP. Sure.
Liru made it
Liru was resurrected by mememagic.
Original Prey was mediocre as fuck. It can only go up from here. Why they didn't just make it a new IP, I'll never know. It has no connection to the first game, and since no one gave a fuck about that one, they might as well just call it something else.
Why the fuck do they even call it prey? They showed nothing remotely similar to the previous prey. Are they really just reusing the name and nothing else?
fuck you bethesda marketing faggot
Day of the rope for Bethesda when?
How are they going to fucking ruin it this time?
Well they got Avellone writing for it so at least that part will be good
Man fuck that. I want my Bounty hunter game with cool ass space weapons. Not spooky corridor simulator #721321
Looks like a shitty Groundhog Day adaptation.
Yeah. Well, it has space, there's some warping alien monsters, and there's that aspect of talking to yourself, which I kinda guess could be somewhat similar to Tommy's spirit-journeys in the real Prey.
Fuck Zenimax. The only reason Prey 2 ended up in development hell was because Zenimax was pushing unannounced and preposterous deadlines on Humanhead to box them in a corner so they'd be force to sell the company to Zenimax at a cheap price. When Humanhead wouldn't bend over and suck Zenimax's dick they cancelled the publishing contract. It's the same thing they did when they bought out Arkane.
No. Fuck off.
Not an argument.
Nothing you dumb fucking shill.
Last E3 was a massive consumer goodwill event for companies like Sony going "HERES THE GAME YOU NEVER THOUGHT WE WOULD DELIVER!" and you honestly thought ole' silvertongue Todd wasn't going to shit out some Prey revival this time?
How fucking stupid do you have to be?
They announce it, people literally go "based godd howard" online and preorder millions of dollars worth of revenue.
Then they shit out a bad game two years from now.
Its called 'playing the rubes' and you are either a bad marketer or a complete retard that fell for it.
So what is it, are you a paid marketer or a retarded person?
I think the US marshall guy was too CIS white male,
so they replaced him with a hook nosed muslim that does too much cocaine/weed
For fucks sake the original game isn't even that old but they still feel the need to try and erase it. This shitty naming convention they use to try and erase better older games needs to die already.
Not only did we not get Prey 2 thanks to Zenimax being massive Jews, we also end up with this shitty remake of a 360 game that will probably be nothing like the original anyway. I hate this lazy fucking remake culture where they don't even try to improve older games and instead just use the name because they are lazy shits who don't want to try and make a new IP. The AAA industry needs to die already.
Why would you even need to remake a 7th gen game?
I can understand 5th and such because there were some cool ideas that were fucked by bad hardware, but anything after 2005 had no excuse not to do it right the first time.
Thanks, user.
This is fucking petty. The cancellation of Prey 2 wasn´t enough. They had to erase every trace of it´s existence. Not even Avellone will salvage this shit for me. I haven´t bought a zenimax games in half a decade, but Im not gonna buy anything from them until they crash and burn.
They remade Skyrim. They don't follow logic, only shekels.
A game that had a section where two children horrifically die in front of you is now in the hands of a company that makes games where children are invincible to all damage. There is no hope.
They did the same with Fallout, user. That is not new to them.
I honestly don't understand. Why Prey? It was a weird, well written little sci fi shooter that people mostly forgot about. Then I hear it's being rebooted into a space bounty hunter game, that falls though, and now it's a horror game?
But why Prey, out of all of them? Why have they been trying to reboot a pretty small title like that for years straight, without actually wanting it to have anything in common besides space?
Literally why?
Zenimax execs wants revenge on Humanhead.
Is there other explanation?
name recognition. unestablished ip is too risky and hard to sell evolve, hawken and titanfall basically proved this in publisher's minds
it doesn't matter if prey* has absolutely fuck all to do with the original game, the brand is what they're selling.
But no one that loved the original campy and body horror game is going to like and buy this notgroundhog day reboot.
Who is the target audience for this game?
Faggots that want a horror game and are Bethesda fans, I suppose.
It's actually a sequel.
Is it really going to be a System Shock esque game?
We listen to wrong arguments and come to wrong conclusions; those games didn't sell because of shitty marketing policy and being incredibly fucking mediocre.
It's going to be a shit "game".
Hmmm, i actually liked it.
I liked that it's going a bit X files in it's design, also don't mind the whole "abducted by aliens" shtick.
At it's best, it makes it'self out to be F.E.A.R/Bioshock hybrid, which might have real creepy factor if it doesn't suck.
The other hand is really, there's nothing else to really hype about, i'm not playing Overwatch/COD/B1.
Will actually just chill with these details. Stoked to see something back after so much time.
So you can smack on some mod ENBs on, rake in the shekels and call it a day. Thanks, consolefags.
Oh boy I can already smell the "no john, you are the demons" twist.
All shills like you getting better at managing to fit in does is piss me off.
now its just some random white guy
uhh, ok? I thought you were all about muh diversity now?
Maybe its for the best, they probably would have fumbled that shit hard this time around, massively overplaying it and turning it into some preachey bullshit
NOTHING WHATSOEVER. This thing is fucked, completely fucked. They even scrapped the parkour stuff, it seems, and are instead going in some Bioshock-like direction - when even Bioshock has platforming elements now, and all shooters in general have parkour stuff so parkour stuff would have been a safe bet. Jesus, who greenlit this shit? What's Zenimax's angle here, what are they copying? Amnesia?
We're talking about the company that greenlit scrollocaust. I don't think anyone there is sane.
All I wanted was just more portal and gravity walkway shootan.
What could pawwsibly go wrong?
He's some kind of mongrel fuck dude, rewatch the trailer and look at his facial structure.
All the good ips are gone so now they're scraping the bottom of the barrel for anything with any semblance of recognition. Plus they couldn't do a hostile takeover of Prey's devs so they bury their shit in the dirt out of petty spite like New Vegas being better then Fallout 3.
Why is this person head exploding?
Why does Holla Forums keep spreading this lie when beth actually literally makes a profit on every new vegas copy sold and they've pubicly stated that they don't give a shit and they're absolutely open to more fallout games made by obsidian using their engine?
Seriously Holla Forums is the only place where i keep seing this made up rivalry that doesn't exist anymore, it's entirely in your insane shitposting mind.
So… what makes Prey so unique you guys like it so much?
I just don't know a thing and would like to be informed.
How about you actually play the game yourself and find out you lobotomized baboon piece of shit.
Not a fan of shooters to begin with. Besides, isn't it an xbox game?
Gravity fuckery and lots of body horror
God crawl back to whatever shithole you came from, you literally don't know shit about video games.
Oh, I get those two. Also, weren't there some native american powers involved?
Damn, user. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? Wanna talk about it? ;3
there's a link to some stuff on prey. it's a good read. It will show you why people might have been excited for a sequel
When I got the titanfall mega deluxe whatever edition last christmas for $20 I thought it was fucking amazing
But I can see how nobody would want to buy a game when it has zero content on release
Why is overwatch getting a pass again?
I'd have much rather had the badass bounty hunter game.