For the normalfags, I feel a timeline is needed to help people know how the American Nazi Party came to be and what it turned into
The Youth for Wallace erupts in the south and boasts its support for Gov. George Wallace's candidacy to the Presidency. Wallace was famous for his segregationist views and his pro-Constitution exact-ism. His famous Stand in the Schoolhouse Door speech (while mocked by the media) was entirely an explanation on how the President abused his power to enforce what he viewed as "Right".
George Lincoln Rockwell joins the Youth for Wallace movement. In it he discovers other Nazis and begins to read Nazi literature. He learns of Benjamin H. Freedman, Apposite Jew (dubbed the "Zionist Wistleblower) and slowly forms his own sect within the Youth for Wallace movement.
After the Youth for Wallace movement fails (but still was giant, Wallace winning several states in the Union) members decide to instead form The American Nazi Party. George Lincoln Rockwell founds the group. The group (in the Pre-internet) attempts to let people know they exist with giant public stunts. They dress as Nazis, call themselves Storm Troopers, proudly carry "Hate Facts", and cause civil disobedience much like the followers of Abbie Hoffman and his radical leftist followers would later do. His most infamous stint was traveling the same path as the "Freedom Riders" in a "Hate Bus". These stunts were necessary at the time because their goal was to become a vocal minority. He met with Black Nationalist groups who were also Pro-Segregationist.
Rockwell would stage rallies that were essentially white versions of Black Power rallies.
Rockwell believed that by 1972 the nation's economy would collapse (it did) and Americans would be desperate to elect a strongman. He did not get to see his goal as he was shot by a Jewish ex-member after leaving a Laundromat in 1967.
After Rockwell was shot, the party sadly disbanded. There were three primary splinter groups, the most important of which was The National Youth Alliance founded by College Physics Prof. Dr. William Luther Pierce and colleague Reviolo P. Oliver.
The National Youth Alliance's tactic was to (again) cause Civil Disobedience to get their message about. Their first publication, "Attack!", would hold information on areas they were protesting in
nationwide. It was required to be under 30 to join.
After a few years, the National Youth Alliance morphed into the National Alliance. All ages were now allowed to enter, and the organization turned from one that involves acts of protest to one that attempts to spread knowledge, information, and propaganda. "Attack!" is renamed to "National Vanguard". American Dissident Voices, a weekly radio program, is broadcast for the first time. It is broadcast over shortwave and syndicated to AM/FM stations around the nation.
The National Alliance reaches its height around 1980. Their membership is in the hundreds of thousands. During this time, the SPLC and ADLBB consider them Public Enemy #1. Dr. Pierce develops a plan to create a commune-like residence in West Virginia called "The Land". The Land takes half a decade to setup. During this time, Pierce serializes what would become "The Turner Diaries" in his "National Vanguard" and sets up his hermetic-based Cosmotheist Community Church on "The Land". The Church is also used to stage meetings, speeches, and planning events.