The_Donald is CIA

I don't think it started out that way, but they definitely infiltrated that sub after Trump won at the very least. I knew they were there and pretending to push the pro-Trump narrative but I could't figure out why. Now I think I do. Let's see how this works:

They are separating people from their figure heads and leaders so they only get their info from a place they compromised - T_D.

Classic divide and conquer, use of propaganda, and controlling both sides of a situation to control the entire situation.

Other urls found in this thread:–American_War

The CIA always steals good things we create and repurposes them.

They stole anonymous from us and used it to push color revolutions.

its a viable theory OP


I think the jews partially run the CIA, but they aren't alone.

And we are big guys


CIAniggers gotta nig.

Could have just called them kikes and saved the keystrokes. Oy vey!

I don't think there's any conspiracy with r/the_donald beyond reddit's moderators banning free thought and making sure they don't step out of line and move beyond kosher civic nationalism and cringeworthy memes

But the problem with T_D is that they are a sycophantic cheerleader squad. They don't think critically. They just praise Trump no matter what his actions are, and will literally change their own principles to fit whatever Trump is doing at the moment. So they were all vehemently against Wars For Israel during the election, but as soon as Trump denounces Assad and open-fires on them, well, know they all agree that Assad must go, and you're just a liberal shill if you disagree!

And god forbid you express any disdain for anything Trump does, no matter what. If you don't approve of literally 100% of Trump's actions, you're just a shill. And the issue isn't that they (knowingly) are controlled oppo or anything like that. It's just that they got so emotionally invested in Trump-as-a-character that they've turned into a personality cult, rather than thinking critically and constructively.

I'm still waiting for a leader is explicitly pro-white and anti-jew or anti-Israel at least.

If there's a full out invasion we're fucked and there's no doubt Trump is a Kike puppet.

Not to mention the jews are very pleased about the air strikes

not so fast op.

the problem with reddit is being reddit.
ALL non-anonymous communities are inevitably cancer

dubs of truth

I remember an user presenting the case that the centipede thing with a big donor behind it should make people think something very fishy was going on, but I don't know what's happening there honestly, I don't do reddit.

Why don't we start attacking CIA co-opted fronts like this? Start spamming redpills there or something

Truthful dubs. The problem is it's on Reddit, owned by the media publishing house Conde Naste. So even if it never got subverted by CIAniggers/JIDF/goons/whatever they would still get marginalized and kept out of the media spotlight. That's not their cannibal-CEO's MO though so the mods got replaced via blackmail or just admin-level removal and replacement. It did it's job as our colony though, and the antisemitism on it is rising. Just keep shilling there like we did during election season to keep it edgy and populist instead of conservatarded.

We aren't hebes trying to sell something. We're public health pharmacies handing out happy pills for free.

It's not much better here, look at the replies to the discord sticky.

Mods, shadowbanning, reddit gold, upboats…


They deserve everything that happens to them tbh.

That's part of the problem. I watched for years as liberal communities slowly radicalized themselves the same way. They were never "great", but now they're nothing more than braindead puppets of the state. The_Donald - being the largest concentration of Trump supporters online - is about to go down that same path. Not a coincidence.

Sick digits my man.

And yeah, that's the problem with the interdimensional chess meme. It can be used to rationalize anything after the fact, so they can always just say Trump is playing chess when really he might just be doing something dumb.

This Syria thing has really alienated a lot of his core supporters, the people who normally don't vote but came out for him. If he continues down this path, he will likely be screwed in 2020 and we will have that black muslim or whoever the democrats choose to run.

I always knew he's a nigger.
CIA niggers confirmed

/r/the_Donald used to be run by Holla Forumsacks when it started, it used be mainly redpilled guys and there was constant anti-jew posting. Then for some reason one of the normie admins thought making a fucking kike a mod was a good idea and I think you can figure out what happened from there.

I don't really disagree. I just hate seeing so many people, really the main ones who are/were the biggest opposition to war, having their consent manufactured to accept it instead.

The media (read: CIA) has the left in check.
The CIA is setting the right up for the same.

I wont let the jews win without a fight.

We can't discount the possibility of it being sabotage. In the beginning, the subreddit was basically a Holla Forums outpost. It was still reddit so still gay, but the banter there was at least cuckchan tier redpilled. After the primary, they put the foot down on that and tried to make everything politically correct and that's when they became more a cult of personality and started with the "based black man in Trump hat" and civic nationalism stuff. It might have been intentional sabotage to bring the level of discourse back to standard cuckservativism from the purple pilled area it originally inhabited.

Yeah, that's definitely a major issue. Literally everything gets rationalized as being nth dimensional chess. And then they make this leap of logic where, since there's a possibility of it being 4D chess, this means you need to cease and desist any/all opposition to whatever is happening. As if making your opposition to wars for Israel publicly known will somehow make Trump wither and die.

Now ask yourself, who benefits from this? Who has the experience and means to make this level of manipulation possible? It's only the tip of the ice berg too.

I remember when the_donald had only a couple hundred subs and it was an anti-trump sub.

The analogy I like to make for T_D is the British Raj. The brits went in and formed a colony in Pooinlooland, and it served their interests well for a time. But unfortunately, fast forward some time, and now the colonies have gained independence, and suddenly there is a mass influx of pooinloos in reverse, flooding into Britain. The former colonizers started getting colonized by their former colony.

And that's precisely what happened with T_D. Started off as a group of Holla Forumsacks setting up shop on reddit to drum up support and attempt to redpill redditfags. It was successful for a time, but eventually morphed into cucky civic nationalist controlled opposition bullshit, and then the T_Dcucks ended up flooding over into Holla Forums. The colonized became the colonizers.

dubble dubs checked and keked

Fuck off.



Right on the money. Any movement that turns into a cult of personality and abandons its principles is destined to fail. Leaders are merely conduits for ideas.

jew mods banned me over there for asking about kushner.

Not just fail, but in some cases like this get co-opted. If there's a large group of cult-like people opposing something you want to do, what better way to end their opposition than to covertly take over their cult and slowly redirect it?

Guess who has experience in doing exactly this AND that wants war?

Exactly, and we're seeing that happen before our eyes, with all these trump-worshipers who now unironically want another war for israel. Just because it was Trump who wanted it.

This is the exact same shit that caused us to get into Iraq. "you're just a liberal faggot if you don't want to invade Iraq! Remember 9/11!?!"

Holy shit.


I stopped using /r/The_Donald once Trump was elected but in the weeks that followed I did notice several strange occurrences. The user base was purged and then the message was refined to conform to a Tony Robbins'ish ZOG ideology that applies to the under 35 crowd. I revisited a couple months after Trump took office and was promptly banned by moderators. I have now been banned from some of my favorite groups on reddit like News, Politics, World News, The_Donald and have effectively abandoned reddit permanently.
My neighborhood erupted in gunfire yesterday afternoon and evening. A few of the neighbors must have got together and expended 300-400 rounds. I live in an area where property lots are 10 acres and in an unincorporated area of the county. Rural America is just waiting for the "Happening™" to begin. Remember boys and girls as the Atlanta I-85 bridge fire has shown us and elevated section of prefabricated concrete roadway can be dropped by intense heat.

When I caught on I made an account to combat it for fun. Made some comments attacking CIA shills, calling for unity instead of the consistent attacks on each other, and saying we need to radicalize the sub. Banned.

Asked the mods what the problem was with my message and they muted me from messaging them for 72 hours.

Double lol.


Brings back some memories.

Would raiding The_Donald be a waste of time? Not sure if want to just keep it as a containment zone or actually fuck their shit up. Revenge would be nice though.

De-radicalize even.

say what you will but I do like History and Archeology also. Oh I'm so evil I even have an interest in AbandonedPorn. Grow the fuck up, I'm 53

Raiding them probably wouldn't do much. Too many mods and too many brainwashed fools to report us to the mods. A better plan of attack would to get their alt-media heroes to address how they're likely compromised to start waking them the fuck up.

Every couple of months a few people come over from reddit and post shit like this about reddit. Nobody cares, quit being a fag, reddit has, is and always will be for plebs.

Not just memories. It's straight up deja-vu. It's the exact same kike neocons who are pushing for war. It's the same intelligence community shills asserting that the middle eastern country totally has WMDs. Hell, they're even running with the exact same narrative of "evil dictator using gas on civvies" meme that they've bee using since the fucking gulf war.

Also, raiding T_D wouldn't do shit. You can't redpill people in a place that's heavily moderated like that. Your accounts and posts would instantly be deleted and banned. It'd be pointless.

Just what Holla Forums needs right now, a thread about reddit.

Jesuits are kikes, freemasons are kikes, the pope is obviusly a kike…. I don't understand the angle this meme is taking and what it's implying.

Why is this a problem? Maybe they'll learn to think for themselves.

Listen to Dan Carlins Hardcore History 49 – The American Peril it's free. It's pretty deep, it gets into how the USS maine was blown up in Havana harbor and was used by the US for the outbreak of the Spanish American war.–American_War
U.S. public opinion was agitated by anti-Spanish propaganda led by newspaper publishers such as Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst which used yellow journalism to call for war.
The President William McKinley Assassination. Who Teddy Roosevelt really was, and for and by whom.

Basically it's the same MO used for 9/11… it's startling the comparisons to be made, then and now, and todays NWO and the ZOG families who make up the modern world we live in if looked at from a historical context.

Since the beginning Americans always needed false flag actions to start always, and hero worship is inherent in that country. Washington was a complete idiot who was elevated to the position of hero after several major fuckups, and it was only for propaganda.

I mean "to start wars".

If you think this post is about reddit you're blinded by hate and willfully ignorant.

Normally I'd agree but you should really read the rest of that sentence as context in this case is important. I'll break it down:

The largest group of anti-war Trump supporters online are being separated from their leaders who are displeased and suspicious of Trump bombing Syria. Instead of siding with them and questioning Trump they're being manipulated into hating them. Without them most will ONLY get their info from t_d which has long sense been compromised and will soon become pro-war.

Do I really need to explain this to you?

Excellent analogy.

The take-away lesson is that shitskin subhumans cannot be turned into white men, and redditors cannot be turned into Holla Forumsacks. Even if you get them on board with the right political candidate, they'll still keep fucking shit up in their typical redditor ways.

The last good and only good subreddit was /r/niggers. Even /r/CoonTown wasn't as good.

News, politics, worldnews, etc are all pozzed. Everything on reddit is pozzed. I think less of people when they tell me they visit that site.

We need to meme Steve "we WUZ" King to run for president.

Same thing happened with the tea party. It started out opposed to the establishment, but then they got infiltrated by cucks like Paul Ryan and completely neutralized. It happened faster for them because they were mostly old and didn't know what the hell was going on.

Steve King is a great guy but he's as pro-jew as you can get. I really don't think there's a single American politician who is anti-israel.

Think Trump struck a deal with deepstate and involved elites to push a war agenda in Middle East, maintain an adversarial relationship with Russia (for time being)and sideline Bannon in exchange for Trump Russia disappearing from the "news" , further investigation into his administration and pushing some of his agenda forward
If Trump Russia disappears to the back pages in a few weeks I'll think I'm at least very close if not entirely correct


I don't think it'd be as simple as that. He doesn't seem to be afraid of the media so they can talk about Russia all they want. I'd be more likely to believe he struck a deal with them after something like receiving pictures of his youngest son sleeping in bed with a gun to his head ("We own everyone including your SS detail. Play ball or we get serious. Your time fucking around is over."). I don't put anything past the CIA.

ohh I like those, you dig cyclopean architecture ? check this so-far unknown use bprehistoric stone building in central greece

but if i can one day i want to go to Malta see those 5000 year old lemurian buildings !

True, but if we normalize Steve King style pro-white politics, I assert that makes use one step closer to the mainstream. Once people begin to perceive white interests, they become more likely to perceive the (((group))) that pretends to be white but consistently acts against white interests.

How much autonomy do you think Trump has left or do you think that's it he's owned?

Do you really want Steve "Democrats are antisemitic for ignoring Netanyahu's speech to congress" King as our next president?

I wish I knew. Something is going on though. The media and other CIA operatives are banging the war drums extra hard, Trump is not seeing eye-to-eye with Bannon, Trump supporters are turning on each other and the alt-media "celebs" that have stood by them through think and thin for being anti-war.

I hate to say it but Cernovich might be right. He made a tweet saying Trump may have flipped and things were going to get weird. Well things are definitely getting weird.

no that's too fag to say

You think?

According to this, one of the people who kicked off the 7 years' war in 1754 was none other than George Washington.
"British colonial militia from Virginia were then sent to drive them out. Led by George Washington, they ambushed a small French force at Jumonville Glen on 28 May 1754 killing ten, including commander Jumonville. The French retaliated by attacking Washington's army at Fort Necessity on 3 July 1754 and forced Washington to surrender. These were the first engagements of what would become the worldwide Seven Years' War."

As British military man at that time. While according to this, one of the main financiers of Britain in the 7 years' war was a Jews (coincidentally) named Sampson Gideon.,_Sampson_%28DNB00%29
"and in the great years of the war, 1758-9 (as is shown by letters from the Dukes of Newcastle and Devonshire), he was almost wholly relied on by the government for the raising of loans."

Not only pleased but the ones behind it. Holla Forums was right we should have listen to Ron Paul

Also The_Donald is JDIF funded cancer. Got banned for anti-semitism for asking once why we had the Israeli flag displayed on the banner during AIPAC week

the_cuckold was never good

It seems like the (((mods))) have deleted a whole bunch of posts by what I assume to be a single user who had a lot of positive replies. Based on what replies are saying it's safe to assume that he had an anti-Trump stance.

Last bastion of free speech huh? This place have turned into TRS forums but instead of banning anyone criticizing Kike Eunuch everyone who criticizes Trump and his mindless followers gets the ban hammer.

Sounds a lot like 8/pol since it got hacked and came back. Funny that.

Holla Forums hasn't had free speech for the last year and a half. The mods got real gay, real quick.

Good thing there are still places out there that can uplift and redpill anons rather than reinforce the false notion of leaving everything in the hands of a single man who can do now wrong and will fix everything despite numerous red flags.

Many of examples of the cesspool that place has become or always was. Here's a quote from an actual ((mod there))

what comic is this from?

Judge Dredd user, be warned, their CURRENT YEAR editions are fucking liberal cancer that made fun of Farage among other things. Older stuff was alright though.

The other day their was a post talking about how Trump is the greatest friends to the Jews and Israel. I said, "I hope not". Banned without warning.

I see no problem


I'm not even kidding. I posted two comments all day. The other a response to someone bitching about him losing all his supporters and calling Trump a good leader I said,

">Trump is a good leader

Pick one"

I am usually pretty careful on retarddit political subs. Somehow even posted in r/politics and rthe_donald without getting banned in either all year. Thought my ban was pretty stupid, mods never even said anything to me

What's wrong with Kushner?

I went to TD after Trump revealed foreign policy of muh feels, I expected salt. I did not expect bans for dissent… but it's reddit, I should have.

At least you guys are getting more creative in your shilling. We're not going to war. We never were. Fuck off.

Nice false narrative, but there's a difference between not caring about some bombs hitting some shitty meaningless airfield or having bigger priorities than the Syrian issue, and being pro-war - which you're intentionally pretending is what's going on so as to delegitimize your opposition - when the reality is that this kind of false narrative pushing only reflects poorly on yourself.

Has anyone discussed Trump lifting the federal hiring freeze? Sure does seem like DC returning to business as usual.

Faggots should have used Voat

Anyway this is Classic them isn't it.

Not run by CIA, run by JIDF / Zionists

It's not CIA, it's run by Kushner's goons. Kushner was the one tasked with running Trump's online campaign (i.e. The_Donald, probably a lot of the Trump support on halfchan and here as well).

It's not CIA, it's run by Kushner's goons. Kushner was the one tasked with running Trump's online campaign (i.e. The_Donald, probably a lot of the Trump support on halfchan and here as well).

Probably this. They list in the rules no-antisemitism

Now what would that have to do with anything? Trump doesn't claim to be Jewish?

Huge hint as to who runs the site. Yes it is Kushner's goons, like you said he was also tasked with running the online campaign

Isn't "controlling the argument" just a classic ((())) strategy? You infiltrate the opposition, achieve a position of power, and define their "rules." If anyone here believes this isn't happening in every single community they engage in, you're a fool.

There is no real solution beyond not unironically identifying as a specific set of ideologies. When you start saying, "I'm a republican" you're immediately subjected to the confines of the "republican" ideology.

Go away March Against Trump, we're not going to fight your wars for you. You also need to lose weight. 400 lbs. is unhealthy, you hamplanet.

we need to go on a doxing campaign against The_Donald mods and prominent users.

I was banned shortly after Donald was elected for asking why nonody talks about David Duke embarrassing the fuck out of Jones in their interview together. Mod asked if I disavow david duke and the kkk…I said kkk sure, not Duke though. Ban persisted. Faggots.



This thread is utter dogshit
You should all feel ashamed for not saging it

Nice D&C attempt faggot

All mods are CIA, how much money do you think these neets would take to tweek what's permissibly? I'm frankly shocked we've been allowed vent at the kikery Trump has pulled, but T_D sure isn't happy about that.

Even if it wasn't CIAniggers, it's still plebbit in the end and we all fucking know what that means.