America is a state capitalist society.
America is a state capitalist society
Asuka is a shit.
No. Only soviet Russia was state capitalist. USA has free market capitalism, which isn't perfect but much better than state capitalism. The state under free market capitalism is totally different than the state under state capitalism.
Pls stop memeing so hard under the mutualist flag you will make it look bad
you never go full retard man.
Dont eat the propaganda
I'm not saying it couldn't be freer.
no its not
China is state-capitalism, or Japan, Russia, Germany
Amerikwa is still ol' market fundamentalism
Soviet Union was not state capitalism, it was a full blown closed economy. State capitalism is a blend of open and closed.
Also, not only USSR was State Capitalist (during NEP period). For example, China was and currently still is State Capitalist.
Dude, you really got to stop it with all that racism already.
It's embarrassing.
Took me some time to get what you mean. Stalin mustache poster is a well known nigger person of color so he can say and write the n word. Are you black too? If not, please ask for xir's forgiveness, since you tried to whitesplain him.
yeah you're right
sorry xir, I forgot to remembered to put myself on other people's shoes. This whiteness a my fucking bane.
Give me your girlfriend's number and we're even.
What is this circus about?
i feel like this is a false flag, Mutualist's arnt' usually this stupid
Ah. Hello, Holla Forums.
What happened here
The USSR was a degenerated workers state you mongs
You are also wrong kiddo
Are you from the Balkans?
Bronx. Born and raised.
this is a particularly pathetic form of false flagging
OP is being ironic, but is probably correct.
Found out recently that the state capitalist meme isn't true and refers only to the NEP. Lenin called the vanguard period state-socialism =(. He may or may not have called Stalin's "reign" socialist. Which means Lenin is just as big a faggot as Stalin probably going to show just how right Rosa was
leave dumb reiposter, Asuka is most kierkegaardian.
asuka is best girl but how's she kiekegaardian?
She has a childhood trauma and begins as someone with unconscious despair, she has to "protect" her made up persona of being independent and prideful. This is step 1 of despair.
Asuka has to learn that she'll never synchronise with the Eva because the Eva is an individual, and she is her own individual. Therefore they can never truly know one another. Asuka becomes depressed, and inevitably conscious of her despair. This is stage 2 of despair. Her despair is made worse by her knowledge of it. But she still does not know what to do to overcome her despair, why it truly is she is despairing.
She finally enters the despair of wanting to be herself during her last fight where she fights the angels. The last scene is when she is finally authentically herself.
it's the knowledge of the eva being the soul of her mother that sends her into the state of wanting to be herself in the first place btw
How can one communist have such perfect taste?
Read some Marx you social democrat
Show us how you came to this conclusion.
Private property does is not exclusive to individual property.
Property = "means of production monopolized by a distinct part of society"
"Let us consider the total capital, that is, the totality of buyers of labor power on one side and the totality of sellers of labor power, that is, the total labor on the other. The laborer is constrained to sell, instead of a commodity, his own labor power as a commodity. . . because all the objective wealth as the property of the possessor of commodities stands against him. . . . The laborer labors as non-proprietor and the conditions of his labor stand against him as alien property"
"by subordinating agriculture to itself capital creates the
form corresponding to it… however diverse are its juridical forms"
Marx even speaks explicitly of the "state itself as capitalist producer with its product as a commodity" "to the extent that it employs wage labor".
He even speaks of centralization to its ultimate conclusion:
"centralization of capital would reach its last limit . . . where the total national capital would constitute only a single capital in the hands of a single capitalist"
All great taste. My comrades/10. Rei is a doll!
None of what you just said backs up your point.
Only in the form of Amtrak.
Further evidence that 'state capitalism' is a meaningless term.
Do you English?
My nigga
Eva is shit.
That is the extent that the state can be considered a private capitalist.
Nothing else you say addresses the point. All you really had was " Marx says so" rather than explaining why I out thought so, anyway.
leftcom anti trot memes always kill me
Because I thought he got the point across of why. I wasn't trying to do an essay. I thought Marx explained why pretty well.
stupid satan poster.