So this is bound to start some kind of war on here, so what did they this guy get right?
So this is bound to start some kind of war on here, so what did they this guy get right?
I hate discussing what ifs, you can never get a correct answer
But If stalin never came to power someone else like him would
Personally i would prefer threads like "what if Hitler never came to power", or alternatively, "what if Hitler waited 10 years"
The guy who cam before Stalin was incompetent and left far to many holes
Agriculture would have never been collectivized and the party would have lost power from starvation and outside invasion
Communism wouldn't be blamed for muh gorrilians
Well they didnt loose power when the Holodomor happened
This thread has reminded me of how much i miss Prussia
If Prussia still existed, Communism wouldn't have gone rampant and become stigmatized, World War 2 wouldn't have happened, the Holocaust would have never happened as all the jews would have been sent to israel, The Cold War wouldn't have happened and Neo-Nazis would never have existed
You don't have to go back so far, if Gavrilo didn't shoot the archduke there would have been no world war 1, no world war 2, no Sykes–Picot agreement, no holocaust, no cold war, no etc.
Also the British Empire and Japanese empire wouldn't have ended so it's not all good stuff but still
WW1 would've started without Ferdinand.
And I don't.
t. Pole
How so? Not contesting I'd like to know more about what happened
There would have been just as much trouble. Lenin's idea of a dictatorial vanguard party was never compatible with socialism to begin with.
And we see from another example that China too was unable to transition to actual socialism after industrializing through state capitalism.
a shitpost like this doesn't deserve such ebin digits
speculative history i for pseudo-intellectual twats tbqh my dude
One thing I never got about neo Nazis and Holla Forums is the worship of Hitler. He was a disaster for Germany and the "white race" as a whole. At least Stalin put Russia in a better position than he found it even if he was a facist in red and doomed 20th century socialism
The cold war PROBABLY wouldn't have happened, as well as the holodomor, it would still be easy to speak about socialism, and the USSR might still exist.
wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong
What are you, a fucking kulak?
Trotsky was likely just as bad. Vanguard + perma revolution = MLs for people who want to pretend Trotsky was somehow a nicer person.
subtitles please