Prepare your assholes
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh look, another faggot reporter who can tell the difference between real life and fantasy!
What does titan fall have to do with gays getting killed by a Muslim?
Not everything revolves around gaming and entertainment.
Maybe it's time we remove level ups guys. Level ups can be dangerous even with a level cap. If we don't enact laws against lobbiers trying to remove level caps in games, all we'll have in complete anarchy. The Purge won't just be fiction, it will be real as video games are harming real life as real life journalist perceive them to be.
Should of stopped reading at
should of burnt it to the ground at
He's right everyone should drop everything for at least three months to mourn 50 dead faggots. Fucking faggot journalists I bet he won't say fucking anything about deporting mudslimes though.
Look at how they pozzed video games with feminism, every major company has injected their games with it and it grows worse every month. The same way they made "sexism in video games" a thing with all their media collusion and lies, they'll make "violence in video games" a thing.
I pray for the day that somebody finally shoots these fucks
what, why is it showing tyrone in the thumbnail but the image I uploaded when you click on it?
I just don't understand what they want vidya to be about, if they don't want fun in their games, what do they want? Safe space simulators?
Because 8ch is dying out the ass right now.
oh yeah. i keep forgetting cripplekike stopped caring about his site.
Where have you been user? Our lord and glorious savior codemonkey is the one killing the site now!
Pretty much. They've declared themselves the arbiters of entertainment and therefore, in their minds, games have got to be boring, safe, pretentious drivel about a transgender otherkin exploring xir's sexuality or some shit.
It's ironic that they're calling for games to be more 'mature' whilst simultaneously calling for the removal of all mature themes.
things seem to be slowly improving, the thumbnail shit has been happening for a long-ass time and it's extremely rare
on that note, where the fuck are my MP3 uploads, it should be easy as all hell to implement with no safety risks
You haven't been getting the 502 errors every minute then I take?
Because those cost money, it's easier to just sell your text to the date companies. I guess Jim found a way to make money off us after all.
Also this . I love clicking on a thread and never knowing if I'll actually get to read it before seeing the cloudflare screen.
Like I said. Lies and especially collusion.
not at all, what the fuck
I know 502's can be caused by outdated files retained files, and maybe Codemonkey changed some shit, try clearing your cache if you don't do so regularly
otherwise I'm hard pressed to think of reasons some would get errors and some would not
Whose crosshairs, exactly?
Isn't that the faggot that kicked off the shirtgate incident?
He's not only objectively wrong. He's a pussy too.
It's all over >>>/sudo/ at the moment.
Isn't this push a good thing?
It just pisses off more young white men and drives them into our hands.
Then we can have the day of the rope and finally have good video games again.
Don't ever say that again if you don't want to be considered a fucking idiot. It's should've or should have.
They are literally just Jack Thompson 2.0 now. We've come full circle.
I hope this world burns.
Fuck it all.
When did this become PC again?
Thems some pretty good myspace angles though. Fucking trannies.
Nobody does that though. Pointing video games out is like pointing out fucking spreadsheet programs. They exist and Excel 95 had a shooting minigame or some shit.
Server crapped itself.
Nothing wrong with using dead faggots to push an agenda. The problem is that they're pushing a faggy agenda.
You don't have to feel bad because nobody worthwhile died.
are anyone calling these fucking assholes out on twitter or in the comments?
These people are fucking insane, they're literally ignoring the fact that this faggot was a muslim, killed queers, and did it all while the feds had him on a list (he also had a national carry license, something the feds didn't think to look in on, especially with all the links he had to these groups)
and now people are still trying to blame this on white men?
Fuck it, fuck these delusional pieces of shit, they deserve to fucking hang from the highest branch of the highest tree.
they cannot be reasoned with, and this shit shows it.
Muslim kills men at gay bar….
Time to blame gun control and video game. I swear, liberals will use anything to ruin the fun and well being of others.
Im more annoyed they go for Vidya when there is a much more obvious reason then them the guy with a religion that kills gays went and killed gays.
And denying THAT is doing far more to shit on the dead fags then a fucking Vidya conference with nothing of substance does.
I want to choke these people to death with my dick.
B-but anons, Islam is a religion of peace!
Every liberal deserves to be at the receiving end of islamic 'peace'.
Someone tell this whore that the man who executed the degenerates in Orlando was a Muslim of Afghan descent and a registered Democrat, and that every Player Character shown at the conference was either a woman or a black man.
Completely invalidating every argument these cunts have about "muh white nerdz hobby" is the only good thing to come out of the "representation" craze
Be nice if (((they))) realized that violence in games acts as an outlet for violent instincts
Islam is a fucking heresy.
now you know why the gaming press mocked him. they wanted to be in his position.
They do know, which is why anti-violence-in-vidya initiatives never take off as opposed to anti-(((sexism))).
They are seriously running with this narrative? The gaming press has truly become everything they once hated.
Who is more ghoulish?
Game companies that are showing products that they have been developing over years that happen to occur just at the same time as a tragedy.
Or Game journos trying to use the deaths of more than fifty people to drudge up controversy.
I wish this stupid shitskin just used a bomb instead.
He damn well would have if he wasn't able to obtain a gun.
I like how ONLY games journalism has done this, the MSM is to busy falling over itself to apologize for islam, only these faggots are suddenly demanding games do something about guns.
I can't believe this. If this is successful… I don't even know what I'll do.
Mainstream media.
Mainstream media you absolute retard.
Kill yourself
there's no way a guy fostered by an Islamic community didn't have access to weapons.
These people really are insane aren't they?
There is no logical way to take 50 gays being murdered by a sandnigger security guard and somehow blame video games.
My bad. These are old. But goes to show this is nothing new. It's been planned for a long time among SJWs.
This is a problem that even halfchan had a few years ago and I don't think they ever fixed it either.
It comes from two image uploads really close together by different anons and the back end accidentally assigns the same thumbnail image to the second one.
Oh fuck, I just noticed the date.
but the shooter was a muslim
Anyone from Holla Forums recognize this word?
And this coming from a guy who endlessly bitched about Jack Thompson.
Seems everything's at fault in their eyes, except for Islam.
Presumably it means making trannies, strong women, gays, interracial bullshit, etc normal, portraying it as a normal, positive thing, so that people get desensitized to seeing it and accept it.
It's "put our propaganda in the game"
More people being dumb.
As always.
"Another crazy white christian went shooting"
"We need stricter gun control!"
user, I'm sorry.
back to summoning that meteor, humans were a mistake
The answer should be all of them.>>9668310
It is absolutely pointless to do so unless you are using a bot to do that.
I would suggest bashing rapefugees/muslims instead so normalfags see who's to blame but you'll get dindong bannu by twitter staff.
Why do liberals defend Islam again?
Someone needs to take one for the team and bomb the shit out of E3.
Because it's not white.
Do these low-test beta male know they're low-test? Like are they aware they're the bottom of the barrel, with the emotional aptitude of a hormonal woman?
They know and take pride in it brah.
Because we're at war with them.
And "war is like, fucken mean dude"
No, they're just like those kenyan kids that can't pass the mirror test.
These threads are bad for my blood pressure. Gaming journos are going to be the death of me. Please support my patreon to ban gaming journalism forever
these fucks wouldn't pass a mirror test.
lol what a fag
get off your high horse, you fucking cuckatwats
that's a lot of talking and nothing of telling. Or knowing, for that matter
Bottom line is people died, and that's tragic. Because of a sandnigger too. And these faggots keep on using this shit to push their political bullshit agendas of gun control.
Don't these nutheads know that if someone wants to kill, all the control in the world won't stop him? A gun, a knife, a baseball bat, your bare fists…
I am honestly surprised I didn't see this coming. Maybe because they are still pushing "DEM RIGHT-WINGERS HATE THE VIDEO GAMES!" narrative. However, these people have proven to be effective at getting devs to censor games. Hopefully this is just some passing fad. Like the whole "trans samus" faggotry.
You could die showering for godsakes.
Bunch of virtue signaling faggots.
Its just the games media, the mainstream press hasn't touched it, I'm expecting another slew of articles tomorrow blaming games.
i hope gamejournos show some sort of decency and respect towards the victims families and try not to cash on the sad death of 50 human beings…
oh, too late for that
Even when you explain those fucks that Islam is against gays and have been the main focus of those shootings/terrorist attacks, those brainwashed fucks will try to pin down on Christianism and other unrelated "radical" groups.
Looked it up, according to news, Omar was US-born from Afgan immigrants. He was also deemed unstable and angry and making off comments about queers and other races along with beating his wife and kids years BEFORE joining ISIS.
So my assumption was correct that the shooter was crazy. A crazed muslim, yes, but emphasis on the crazy part. No reason to halt a conference on the other side of the country that's mostly showcasing movie trailers for shitty games just because some have guns in it.
I hope this assclown gets kicked out.
I want these people dead, holy shit, I want these people dead.
The bodies aren't even fucking cold yet, and niggas is already ready to exploit them politically.
Did this nigga just say science is problematic?
Another problem with the "non-violent" games he listed (and everytime they get brought up when compared to violent games) is that all those games are short, not really replayable AND most importantly DON"T HAVE MULTIPLAYER so people can play against each other. Which for some is the reason for buying it/where the replay value is.
Why do these retards not get it?
A CoD/Battlefield player ain't gonna play Gone Home, and if they do it will only be for maximum of 2 hours, than back to CoD/BF.
First off, the shooter was muslim, the good brown person these faggots seem to love
secondly, most of the FPSes presented at E3 had niggers shoting at thite people, so, unless these PC retards are so color blind that they cannot distinguish black from white anymore, I don't know what the fuck they're rambling about.
Boy you havent seen the rest of it
Also finacially, on a global "charity" level and making bogus crowdfunding for the victims' families. GoFundMes were popping up before there were even public releases of the ones killed, since how many are going to mention they're at a gay club that night?
welcome to gamejournalism, being an e-parasite was never easier, now donate to my patreon and check your privilege
Never negotiate with terrorists, you will only encourage more acts of terror.
Daily reminder that Islam is a Christian heresy like Arianism.
But E3 doesn't revolve around worshipping the murder/k/ube
Stop shooping Jack Thompson quotes into people's tweets.
they're already bitching about tweets that Trump made. fucker has them by the balls and they don't even realize because they didn't even know they had any.
Are you joking or retarded?
Yea I saw, the worst was probably George Takei, an actual faggot attacking him.
People like that should be tried for treason.
Was joking, forgot to add the :^)
What tweets?
He's clearly making a joke about how these people sound exactly like Jack Thompson.
Young and foolish. I really hope God exists and that he is just like in the Bible. All game journalists and whiny bitches like these are begging to become salt pillars.
I feel sorry for all the Burguers that like games.
All the people that like violent games should go with a T-shirt with this message:
If many people do that maybe E3 will be cancelled
I can imagine the responses to that one.
I'll never know joy like that of being a Muslim in this day and age.
It almost makes you want to convert just so you can get away with being a shit.
The worse people did was make whores wear scarlet letters and burn witches and even then that was what? 400+ years ago?
Muslims have been doing shit that makes the Salem witch trials look like a slap on the wrist for even longer than that AND are still doing it.
Fucking christ.
FUCKING CHRIST. THESE PEOPLE. I hope the mudslimes force their ivory towers down with them in it.
That's one mess I'm more than happy to clean up.
Fucking degenerates, fucking ignorant fools.
Delusional pieces of shit.
I don't wish death on a lot of people, but these fucks deserve to die, they deserve to lay in the bed that they made for everybody else. Holy shit, I understand that people can change their views but these people, they don't want it, they've had every opportunity.
They're blatantly ignoring the facts that fucking ISIS claimed responsibility for the shooting, the guy even called 911 spewing bullshit about how it's for ISIS etc. and went through all of the legal bullshit to obtain a gun license for his job as a security guard. And let's not even mention the other guy arrested in California on his way to a gay pride parade with guns and explosives in the car, and the fact that ISIS actually said they'd planning attacks this week.
Video games don't even factor into it
God fucking damn I'm sick of these faggots being so goddamned wrong every second of every day. How do they even function? If there's any one good thing that came out of all of this, it's that this shit guarantees that Trump will win the election and then they'll really have something to bitch about.
don't forget the thousands of tweets written in Arabic that are celebrating this. many of which are coming from inside the nation and the FBI is doing nothing about it.
looks like instant-ip.
Mudslimes hate the U.S. Libcucks hate the U.S. also. Goes together like peanut butter and chocolate. Or in this case, AIDS and newborns.
Are these people out of their fucking mind?
Never let a tragedy go to waste.
It was a particular nutjob Muslim killing gays - emphasis on nutjob. Besides, religion doesn't make you kill people - it just gives you a moral imperative (if you want it to).
May Kek Bless You, user
Fucking hell, did I just get sent back in time ten years, but with game journalists swapped with Jack Thompson's clones? I thought we were fucking past this shit.
This is why BBT and Portal ruined everything. This massive influx of faggots that don't even like video games while claiming it as their hobby.
Yeah, is him
Because most Muslims are non-white and today's liberalism is solely based on hating white people.
Sorry didn't see this.
Yeah what said.
This is why I don't get it when the LGBT brigade keep trying to defend mudslimes. Islam itself has an intense hatred for gays and other degenerate types.
What the fuck was it about Portal that attracted these people anyway?
BBT I can understand because faggots love "LOOKATME I'MSOQUIRKY BLESZORPA!!!" shit, but Portal was just some mediocre game with a few sprinkles of dry humor thrown in there.
By that I mean even moderate mudslimes almost unanimously think gays should be wiped off the face of the Earth. Seriously, go ask any mudlime co-workers about it.
Pretty damn livid to be honest. We see this time and time again that the blame falls on the fucked up individual and the people who build him/ her up like they are the Punisher, but the wool is being pulled over the common man's eyes, just so we can't look what is behind the curtain. Even though I don't like total cancer that much, but embebded deals with the Sandy Hook shooting, and is pretty spot on. Though if someone would be kind to provide a webm, that would be most appreciated.
there was an aggressive viral campaign when Portal came out to shove companion cubes and THIS IS A TRIUMPH into every nook and cranny of the in the internet so it's no surprise that tons of airheaded dipshits found it and latched on to it for attention points.
Does gamergate have a rising phoenix opportunity?
The first widely recognizable vidya maymay about untruthful baked goods. Funniest joke in the world to these "geeks"
WebM unrelated, but very related to the thread
I don't know how I forgot about all of "da caeg is a ruse XDDD" shit.
Guess I blocked those memories out.
Accessibility and aesthetic - it was a major release that distinguished itself from the general FPS crowd, kind of the same way Bioshock did. Plus what said.
I know these are old but what a fucking hypocrite.
Does he have the coincidence detector on or is this kikes outing themselves from last week?
I shouldn't have laughed. I did it anyways.
Tell that to the victims of 1X00 years of muslim raids.
kikes took the "echos" and started putting it on themselves as a way of "claiming it" or "owning up to it"
it's like making them proud that they're wearing a yellow star.
no, the Jihads were literally taking people and forcing them to raid villages or else be killed themselves.
It's not polygoy it is the verge.
You mean tell that to the Crusaders, everyone fighting in the Reformation era, every single Byzantine politician, and so on?
Here's an example for you
1st and 2nd crusades were justified military campaigns, the rest. Well.
Mohammed can you get off the welfare internet?
Go back to your mosque.
And the 3rd one wiped out the vestiges of one of the greatest empires on earth.
Yeah, bite down on the one wiki link and ignore the rest, why don't you? Besides, the Reformation lasted for 150 years and was full of a continuous series of wars, that CULMINATED in the Thirty Years' War.
*4th, not third. Numpad hiccup.
MIDF go home.
Press "F" to pay respects to Constantinople.
The Byzantines couldn't really catch a break.
That's a really cool art piece
Why do threads always boil down to this faggotry whenever Islam is brought up?
Hey, they lasted a thousand years longer than they were supposed to. In my eyes, that's a victory.
Eh, I'm not making excuses for the jihadis. They did what they did, and they can and should face consequences. But to pretend that it's religion and not man is intellectual dishonesty e.g compare the Abbasids to the shithole the Middle East is today.
Because the sins of the past apparently trump the sins of today.
But the religion justifies it to them so it's ok to them. Thus the religion's fault.
Yes. They want everything to be reduced to a level that their hipster friends can actually compete in, even if its competition for an industry less than a hundredth its current size.
christianity used to do bad shit, so it's only fair that islam now gets to do that shit in modern times
I think that this is the perfect moment for companies to push porn games.
Just imagine…
You have triggered my autism, if it was simply a numpad hiccup you would have typed "3th", which means at some point you really intended to type 3rd or you somehow made a mistake and thought fast enough to change the suffix but not fast enough to realize you fucked up the number itself but that would be pretty retarded.
sae because autism
It is, Mehmet.
But islam has been doing bad shit since it's inception. For fucks sake their prophet rapes children.
Because the crusading spirit didn't just disappear - it manifested itself as a major factor in Europe colonizing 3/4ths of the world. Besides, I was talking about the reformation.
Fuck that line of reasoning - A man is responsible for his own actions - if he wants to go on wanton killing for some nebulous 'Islam is threatened' as a stand-in for his political beliefs, the blame is on his head.
Telling a man that he will go to paradise if he murders faggots kind of clouds his judgement no?
If you must know, i broke a nail, and I've been trying to not use it. Thus, when I put my little finger on 3, I stopped myself at the last second and hit 4 instead, and didn't think to check until I hit post.
So when are we going to see GTA VI or Manhunt 3 get blamed for a shooting? Hell, when are we going to get another RapeLay scenario? Those fuckers really have some spaghetti thin skin over games.
fucking mudslim
yeah, let the publicly funded institutions that foster and weaponize those radicals get away scott free.
Don't pretend that Islam wasn't doing the same bullshit during that timeframe. Christianity grew out of it, Islam remains barbaric. I mean I'm not fond of Abrahamic religions regardless but they clearly aren't equally bad.
That would imply the mistake was putting 4 instead of 3 but as your two previous message state you intended to put 4 instead of 3, and that doesn't explain the suffix either.
ISIS is publicly funded? Privately, sure.
You jest, but it's precisely that. 6th century guidelines have little relevance in the modern world - unless you've been chucked back to the stone age.
A lot of Muslim countries seem to be stone age tier though.
Because muslims are stone age savages
Yes. See Turkey and Saudi Arabia. See US supplying both with weapons that later find their way to ISIS.
Mental hiccup, man. You've never had it? I keep making these errors all the time, and it's one of the reasons I keep fucking up simple calculus like integration - even in the middle of exams. I read it as 3rd, and wrote it as third, and thought that was fine until I hit post.
The worst part is that all the developers who fought against this faggotry last time have either left the industry in disgust years ago or retired, and their replacements are all spineless nu-males who went to "game design school" and are just bending over and taking this shit right up the ass.
the quran isn't part of popular western culture, so clearly everything in it and everything the religion did in the past didn't happen
religion is taught to kids, so from as young as these people can remember they have been told by their religion of peace that gays should be killed, women are inferior to men in every way, that raping children is fine, and that everyone nonmuslim is inferior and should be subjugated or killed. but yes, let us blame the one individual for being crazy
Let's drop a long term plan for potential investors that would give us millions just because of Islamic terrorism that leftists dismiss.
It's definitely entertainment that causes violence, not a book that repeatedly tells people to kill non-muslims.
I can't get mad at Muslims though, because they aren't naive suicidal people like westerners. It says a lot about a society when they aggressively target bakeries for not serving at gay weddings, but not towards a religion that kills them.
Some people never learn. Look at these tweets ( ) for crying out loud. How many terrorist attacks will it take for them to get the point?
Christianity advanced because it had a bunch of unifying doctrines like Catholicism, and a central figure whose word was law i.e the Pope. Islam… fragmented across cultures, with the MIddle East being the most degenerate like what says. Civilization also plays a big role in the process, with practices such as chopping off a hand for thievery going out the door the more advanced an economy gets. An exception to that rule is Saudi Arabia, but they've adopted Wahhabism.
I said, hold people and cultures accountable. Religion is a factor, not the cause. Secondly, there's a language barrier outside of the middle east, so most Muslims wind up not understanding the Koran and ignoring large parts of it as soon as it clashes with the 'religion of peace' image.
This actually reads remarkably similar to the Holla Forums thread, just with more allah praising
Glad we agree that Islam is worse.
I can't even think of any old guards anymore who are still here and have never let that faggotry get the best of them.
Fuck, what is it with that faggotry that attracts so many people to it and essentially brainwashes them to 'think differently'. Like fuck, Warren Spectator thinking Lollipop Chainsaw shouldn't exist, Cliff Bitchleszinski having a self-enflated ego and 'holier than thou' attitude, and David whatshisname that made Twisted Metal losing his shit over a superhero prom picture that he thinks is 'sexist'.
At this point, I'm expecting Rockstar to apologize for making GTA:SA wrong or anything they've made in the past
That's because Holla Forums has devolved to the point that they're just as zealous as radical muslims except without the balls.
I blame mods there for banning wrongthink.
I have never heard anyone call it MSM.
That was never in doubt. But it took a lot of religious upheavals (Byzantine civil 'wars', formation of Protestantism in the Reformation, global colonization of 3/4th of the world etc) to get that far. I wouldn't expect another Abrahamic religion in the same mien to be any less of a clusterfuck (look at what the Jews wound up being).
California and concentration of studios there was a mistake.
So stop trying to excuse Islam when you know its shit.
You forgot about Moscow.
Doesn't Islam ban video game play in general? Cause it leads to evil? Do these people not know how stupid they sound?
Russian Orthodoxy, you mean? Whole another can of worms.
It's not excuses, it's understanding how shit came about to be. It is what it is, and I'm not about to assign moral superiority or inferiority when my own understanding of events is so meager.
It also bans drawings of humans and non-Islamic music, and everyone outside of the Middle East and a handy portion of the upper class in the oil-rich countries just ignore it.
I dont understand this guy's logic…
Ok, there was a shooting at a nightclub, what did he want EA to do? Just say "we have all these product we have to advertise and sell but there was a shooting so we'll just pack up and leave" ? They are a company with games they need to promote, is this guy a retard?
Collect your thoughts before posting.
That claim seems dubious at best.
It is unless you count actual battles.
There's such a thing called objectivity, mate. The two statements don't conflict, simply because I won't take personal morality into account since that is my own goddamn business.
Before the fags got dropped the Virginia Tech shooting was the worst with Cho having 32 kills under his belt.
Pretty sure that's exactly what he wants, he wants them to throw aways millions of dollars spent on advertising their new shit and instead spend all that on a memorial
It is though. Highest kill count to date.
If EA forces DICE to do something to fuck up BF1 because of this I'll fucking kill myself. This is the first game I've actually been hyped for since Half Life 2 was announced.
Honestly I expect the big business like EA and Ubisoft to help neutering vidya forever. I honestly thought this would turn things around with Islam but it's getting worse.
He had help from some faggots that got in to the alley and baracaded the door. "We heard banging on the doors and the gunfire was getting closer. I hope it was not people trying to get out" DERP
I find it hilarious that if this gun culture these fuckers are talking about was so prevalent, there would only be one guy dead with 50 bullets in him.
Islam is objectively worse though.
You know i find funny they quickly gathered the muslim commanders in the USA to express their solitude with the victims. When it's clear knowledge that the religion of peace's traditional punishment for being gay is death.
Still counts.
I think he still would have killed people but you are correct that if anyone had been armed there the body count might have been lower.
And yea, I think 92% of mass shootings take place in gun free zones, almost as if criminals or crazy people don't give a shit.
don't go without taking a few of these sjw's
Geared towards different purposes, I should say. Do a bit more research ( e.g vid related), and you'll see it got radicalized not long after its inception.
I not normally a fan of USPs? but holy fucking shit if that dude didn't just make it look like the hottest piece of ass I've ever seen.
Because maybe, just maybe some devs aren't trying to needlessly inject themselves into political conflicts. Heaven fucking forbid devs separate the products they create with their personal politics.
He's talking mad shit against this.
Its inception was with a pedophilic war mongeret
Fucking watch the video, man, instead of jumping at words.
Dead is dead, user.
Well they have to push the fear narrative to push gun control, otherwise they wouldn't be in those positions.
Higher quality version.
Why would I watch some video of a fucktard spinning the historical facts to suit his agenda centuries later? Read a fucking history book.
I really don't want to end up dead like them though.
Just saying.
Why would you watch one of the most eminent scholars discussing actual historical documents such as the Constitution of Medina? No reason, I suppose.
See you just confirmed what I thought. Let's just ignore the years following that in which the prophet attacked the pagans and pay attention to only the good points.
Which in today's time just means that he's the best at promoting the progressive points.
The overwhelming majority of video game studios are based in southern California near San Francisco, and the ones that aren't are in Austin, Boston, or Toronto.
When you realize that, everything else makes sense.
Pulling shit out of thin air, I see.
Here, the wikipedia page
Then he prosecuted war specifically against the pagans in Mecca and so on, and that's historical fact (and even glorified in the Koran).
Who gives a fuck, the Qu'ran clearly outlines No-Ham-Bads philosophies, actions, and teachings.
posted webm here
why do I think TB would support gun control?
Are you retarded?
Should have specified.
When did I do that?
Learn to read.
Also, you deserve Wikipedia.
You brought up the constitution of Medina in the context of Islam starting as a positive religion that was later radicalized. If he didn't act like it was a positive thing you didn't get that across and I'm not watching a 42 minute video in the middle of a discussion just to find out.
Also noone deserves wikipedia, not even you.
Holy fuck, this thread has finally convinced me of the benefits of a modern day genocide.
Basically. Did you mid that thing about supposed bullying in social VR? They even wasn't to isolate themselves socially in a periodically social thing, ever playing the victim in a thing that hardly even exists yet.
It's like a cross between the Iron Throne and a Borg cube.
Read, what the fuck brain?
Now look what you've made me do.
I hope you're happy with yourself.
Then watch it later, and we can continue this some other time.
The crusades were a RESPONSE to islam doing bad shit.
You are both retarded. That is a problem on any site based on 4chan's code. Are you newfags? Cuckchan had the same problem for its entire lifespan.
There are some people with that lifestyle who are in it for the politics, rather than the flesh.
In fairness it was latino night(week?) there. Where she's wrong is that seemingly all the new protagonists in E3 games are brown or female.
Fuck the Muslims. Fuck Western Europe. And most of all, fuck the assholes that defend the Islam. The Ottoman Empire fucked over my country for 500 years but for the Western European countries it was fine that we were their human shield. Now about 600 years later, those same countries are defending these idiots while they reek havoc on their sad pathetic excuses for nations.
You should've learned from history. The Mudslimes should be shot on sight. The Islam is a religion of war. They don't love people. These fuckers hate everyone. And now they're blaming Mudslime shooting on actual Americans and vidya that had nothing to do with Allah's great and holy AK-47.
Post yfw SJWs are salty about Gawker going bankrupt
Which country?
Should be fairly clear he is from the Balkans
You know, if the goal was to deprive non-insane Westerners of an outlet to vent their stress and make them feel miserable, why wouldn't they want to wreck the gaming industry? That would actually seem logical.
Yes I know that, but is he Bulgarian? Serbian?
Fuck that's rough. Especially since a good chunk of the rapefugees are going through your country.
They're going directly to Germany. Almost no refugee wants to stay in our country. Since the EU happened and we became a part of it, we've gradually been getting poorer and poorer. What it ended up doing instead of funding our country is making the EU "remove competition" and they're gradually draining more of our profits while they give us so called funds. So yeah, refugees don't wanna stay here. And the few young Bulgarians like me that do wanna stay in the country are becoming more and more radical. I'd rather have a Hitler 2 at this point.
Oh and Turkey wants to recreate the Ottoman Empire and try to take over most of Eastern Europe again. And Europe just funds them and claps at them being so diverse and Muslim. Woo!
Isn't Turkey demanding money in return for supposedly stemming the flow of refugees and then demanding more and more as time goes on?
That's your brain on jewish propaganda.
It's to keep the refugees away or so I see it as. But their PM is clearly stating that he wants that shitty empire back. I don't really go over Holla Forums stuff. This is just personal observations. We have a terrible Turkish party that the dumbass communists allowed to form. And surprise surprise, one of their bigger figures decided to say that our country doesn't deserve to exist and should be ruled by Turkey because we're such trash. There's a reason I'm so angry over this right now.
It's actually weaponized pity.
You have the media CNN showing images of inbred paki kids holding english written signs and everyone gladly swallows that shit and asks for more rapefugees.
There's a reason why Trump is the jews' Soros's liberals' most hated man.
In related news:
I just wish these countries could read a history book from Eastern Europe. But I know they'll just say it's propaganda from these countries. However, was it propaganda when they burnt down all the big cities? Was it propaganda where in a whole big region of Bulgaria, they forced people into the Islam and or they would be killed? Or how about now, that same region wanting to be seperated. All the while those so called Muslims drink and break Muslim traditions all the while they fuck their brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers. But they just think every country that's "white" is also rich.
The site's been dead on the inside for ages now. But this is just painful to look at.
What kind of English is this? Did this person grow up in Antarctica speaking Etruscan, only connected to the English speaking world via a wonky Google Translate program? Is this what it takes to be a videogames journalist?
It's truncated to OP's posts
here's the meme edition
What the fuck.
It's shitty writing, but have you really never heard someone use the word "like" in that context before? You know, as a substitute for something in the vein of "as if/though/in"?
In fairness the entire thread is just one guy samefagging.
Didn't 4/k/ have a sticky at one point stating that gun control and self-defence laws are not /k/ and therefore are banworthy?
I don't understand why you would choose to write about games for a living when you hate them so much that you go out of your way to blame every shooting on them. It's sad seeing game journalists throw the medium under the bus to avoid saying the "M' word.
Because they have yet to realize they're lower in the progressive stack than muslims. Let's hope this incident will shake some of them awake.
I'd love to see a chart made of that. As far as I can gather, it's something like this right now
And you basically just pick the highest one that applies to you to determine your position.
So this is how it happens eh? full circle baby. Video games cause violence, then sexism, and right back to violence. Seriously i don't even care anymore, just burn this fuckin industry down.
I could live with that. It's not like I have a shortage of stuff to play until the devs who actually love games come back. Nothing I want is going to get made anyway, all the IPs I loved are dead or turned to shit.
Are you kidding? Porn is getting hit now with all the rape shit going around and it's really easy to apply sexism in video games to pornography. xhamster isn't allowing any rape videos anymore. That includes simulated rape with actors for fantasy roleplay. The world is being censored.
I know I shouldn't be surprised but it's that special level of retarded that doesn't happen every day.
I think they're trying to point us towards the real culprit. They've been blaming white men, and violent video games, and western homophobia. The most prominent place I can think of where those come together is in the intro to Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Rex Power Colt did Orlando.
I'm giving it a year before violent games are banned and millions come to terms with what they could have prevent.
This is the end, folks. There is nowhere else but downhill from here
I think you got pretty close to right. Keep an eye on cultural skirmishes and see if your stack holds true. We might get a good meme out of it.
That's really just from keeping an eye on this sort of thing over the years. I should have added that if you're mixed-race, you pick the lower race if they disagree with you, and the higher one if they like you. ie Obama vs Zimmerman/Elliot Rodgers.
Shit's depressing.
come on algorithm ape fix your shit.
So, won't people tweet the "We are not Jack Thompson" to those faggots?
user… Steve Universe
Anyone else get this feeling that these virtue signaling twats went right back to playing Overwatch after writing these articles and tweets?
I don't think any of them actually play games. I like Overwatch (though I'm replaying Doom 2 right now).
There's violence in overwatch?
communist propaganda.
They don't want vidya to be about vidya. They don't even care about vidya. They want to pretend they care and ramble on about their retarded agenda.
You have the wrong version of that second one.
God dammit cuckchan…
I know this isn't games related, but I'm reposting it just because it summarizes the mentality so well
L I T E R A L L Y W H O ? ? ?
Whatever the Jew cannot control, he destroys.
Stop giving attention to that fucking nobody.
Did your people enjoy the beach day at Normandy?
Maybe they could have had a better strategy than "Charge head first into entrenched machine gun positions."
Lotta smug considering your side freaking LOST that fight despite having all of the advantages.
Liberals are pretty good not-Muslims
That is to say, they can spin and spin and lie even better than any indecent Muslim just to hide the realities of Islam