We all know superheroes are a criminal's worst nightmare. They have the skills of veteran police officers or armymen and the incorruptible passion for justice of hardened vigilantes, the worst of both worlds. They can't be intimidated or bought, and most of the time they can't even be murdered due to their anonymity, and that's before accounting for their superhuman prowess. In this situation, even the most powerful Mafia dons would fold like cardboard, try to fade into the background and hope for the best. Some others, though, will fight tooth and nail to hold onto their criminal empires. Some not only manage to hold their own but even thrive in a cityscape dominated by super-powered freaks with nothing but their wits, armies of disposable goons and goold old human viciousness.
This thread is for them.
Isaiah Phillips
I know this one is cliche but Kingpin. I like the guy.
Ryder Stewart
Yeah, the fact that Fisk looked non-threatening…until he breaks down a table with one punch or basically managed to control New York when the city itself is crawling with heroes, villains and nutcases and still survives to this day makes Kingpin a badass crime lord. Better than Silvermane, the Rose or the Maggia.
Tyler Edwards
Back when Sinister Dexter was goo- ,oka- at least entertaining it had some pretty cool and funny ideas for mobsters. They didn't tend to live very long though.
Henry Ortiz
Is there any comic book crimelord who can rival the Kingpin?
Henry White
In cape, not so much. Maybe one of Batman's rouges.
Jayden Rivera
Yes, but not in Western comics.
Camden Thompson
Sin City?
Grayson Bailey
That's mostly due to contrivances and bad coordination between writers. If all the Marvel superheroes in NY were working together against organized crime, in an organized manner, Kingpin wouldn't stand a realistic chance.
Caleb Green
Ain't that a thing about Marvel Heroes? The fact that they are really disorganized as hell? I mean, we got 14 different Super Teams running around NY..yet they usually fight each other more often than not?
Eli Gutierrez
You can say the same thing about Gotham. I mean:
Ethan Smith
Liam Young
Roark wouldn't last the week in Gotham, Metropolis or Marvel New York. Boss Wallenquist might be a bit smarter, but we saw no evidence that he was a physical match for Fisk. Kingpin only survives because he fights normal humans, or supers with a code against killing. If The Punisher ever got serious with him he'd be dead. The one time he sent an assassin after Nick Fury, Fury just hovered outside his window in one of his flying cars, took out his office with a rocket launcher, and told him if he picked a fight with SHIELD they'd just kill him.
Henry Adams
Gotham's villains only exist because Batman chases all the other superheroes out of Gotham.
Ethan Gutierrez
As shown by Aaron's run in Punisher MAX. Granted, the execution left a lot to be desired but it's there.
Gavin Adams
616 Frank's problem with Kingpin is that, the few times he's targeted Fisk, he decided to start at the bottom and kill his way through his organisation, working his way to the top until one of them is dead. Then, you know Frank gets distracted by a squirrel or something.
Henry Jones
I guess there's Hunter Rose, but he's pretty much a cape villain. Hanayama Kaoru is really the best match. Although he's closer to being a 19 year old Japanese version of Walter from The Mask.
Jeremiah Green
That's called bad writing.
Connor Peterson
Thomas Parker
Or he'd send Nuke or Bullseye or some superpowered hitman after him and The Punisher might end up dead
Nolan Cox
fucking classy, but was there ever Holla Forums related material for it?
Thomas Powell
As a human mob boss starts accumulating and relying on superhuman enforcers, he steadily loses relevance as the boss. He would end up being the one working for the superhumans, merely managing the criminal syndicate that enriches the superhumans protecting it.
Joshua Ramirez
user your shiftkey is broke.
Jayden Taylor
Frank's taken on The Reavers, I don't think Retarded Rambo is going to be a problem. His plastic subdermal chicken plates are good for tanking punches, but against a real soldier who knows how to aim and use cover he'd come up short. And Bullseye? He throws stuff real good, I get it. But he's a martial arts badguy, hw might give Matt a hard time, but Matt uses sticks. Frank uses rifles and grenades, which trumps a deck of cards, I don't care how hard you fucking throw it. Remember the Scourge Of The Underworld? Yeah, 90% of the "costumed acrobat" supervillains die when you shoot them in the head. Anything tougher and Frank tends to just level the playing field with explosives and cut out.
I actually have a Streets of Rage comic. Also a Shinobi comic by the same people.
Does Bane count as a cape? I guess he does when he's on Venom. But yeah, his strength and intellect would make him a match. Their organisations would make for an interesting conflict, Fisk rules a large empire by fear and likes to have one dragon, whether it's Elektra, Bullseye, Typhoid Mary or the hitman from Man Without Fear. Bane has a smaller group but they're more fanatical in their loyalty. Different strategic styles, Kingpin likes to be the chess master ruining lives and sending enforcers from his tower, Bane likes to just show up and break you after doing his research. The real question here is whether Bane can break Fisk over his knee?
Carson Davis
To be fair, shooting someone in the head when they're doing tripple 720 degree backflips is pretty hard even for the best baseline marksmen. Although someone like Bullseye could be expected to hit, because that's his thing. You mean whether he can lift him in the first place.
Jackson Powell
What time is it? It's storytime. Please.
Jonathan Jackson
That's not necessarily true. If the world worked like that, there would be no elderly or physically weak leaders in anything Superhuman enforcers would still work under a normal boss if the boss was doing a good job getting them their paycheck every week. Fireman might be able to shoot fire out of his hands but if he's a shitty accountant or makes bad decisions, everyone is gonna want the old boss back
Dylan Jackson
Yes, but they would hold the long end of the stick, at any time able to not only leave, but to kill their boss at anything approaching the same risk as a mafia coup, and then simply replace the old boss with a new accountant. And there's nothing preventing a superhuman from being a decent leader.
Isaac Gonzalez
*kill their boss at anytime, without approaching the same risk as a mafia
Blake Rivera
They're both packed away in a box somewhere. I don't think I've seen them for two house moves.
Joseph Taylor
Read Batman: Venom. On Venom, Batman was able to lift 630 pounds right over his head. Bane's Venom is a refined formula and it's being constantly pumped into his bloodstream so, assuming he's on it, Bane should have no trouble lifting Kingpin who weighs about 450 pounds at most
Mason Bennett
The point is that anything Bullseye throws is equivalent to a bullet
Xavier Butler
Point, but dropping all that weight on his knee strikes me as an unwise course of action.
Charles Jenkins
If he could lift a 450 pound man over his head without fucking his knees up I doubt dropping him onto the point of his knee and breaking his spine would hurt him
Ethan Brooks
Eli Carter
I'm gonna do a brief storytime of one of my favorite stories with Penguin as a crimeboss
Tyler Lopez
Jaxon Bailey
Brody Clark
Adam Myers
Kayden Scott
Did they ever have a crossover where Penguin and Kingpin butt heads?
Michael Cooper
Not that I know of. And even though Penguin is my favorite DC villain, he would probably lose to Kingpin if they ever fought. Fisk is just a much bigger class of villain all together and Oswald not only has to constantly fight with or share territory with other crime bosses, he doesn't have any particular interest outside of ruling Gotham (and even when he does expand he always comes back either by choice or due to Batman). Fisk might not be able to kill or permanently depose Oswald (he's consistently Batman's most successful villain despite his losses and has always bounced back from usurpers), but it would be otherwise a really one-sided match up towards Fisk.
Thomas Garcia
Grendel would be an interesting match-up. Hunter Rose is almost Daredevil using Kingpin's methods, in the same way Millar's Nemesis is Batman as the Joker. But Rose is much more hands-on. He's more like an evil Shadow, with a network of operatives, but he prefers to TCB himself. Physically, he's another acrobat, but prefers an electrified double bladed naginata to a billy club. It would make for an interesting bull/matador fight, Rose and his devil's fork against Fisk's body armour and laser cane. I guess he'd have to dance with whatever dragon Fisk was using that week, I'm sure he could eliminate Bullseye, Elektra, Typhoid or Larks. He might even have to fight Daredevil if goody two-shoes Matt felt he had to stop him killing the fat man. He'd beat them of course, it's just a matter of if they softened him up enough for Fisk to catch up with him. But the guy who fought Batman to a standstill and consistently made Argent look like an assclown could probably dance rings around lardass, even if he demolishes a whole floor of his skyscraper trying to kill him.
Outside of comics, Geese Howard? This is a man who will snap his own stepdaughter's neck and jump off a skyscraper just to piss you off.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
You know, his friend could have offer Oswald a deal, just for the sake of old friendships.
Get your business clean, don't make people disappear nor kill them on the streets, become an actual business man, at least on the surface, and let me make your shithole into a tourist spot.
He would probably end the same, but maybe the penguin wouldn't drug him with venom so he wouldn't end eating his lover's head.
Mason Clark
Shinobi and Streets of Rage were both serials in Britain's Sonic the Comic when it first began (before it became all about Sonic's world). Streets of Rage got away with some shit, considering it was in a 90's British comic for kids (by "got away with some shit" I mean "mentioned the existence of drugs and had guns that don't shoot stun lasers")
Jaxon Wilson
I think that's what I had, collections of those. Picked them up at a remainder book sale in the 90's in Penrith, Australia. I remember Shinobi was fighting his way up a pagoda and had to fight a guy on stilts…
Oliver Kelly
If Carter had just negotiated for less carnage on the streets instead of marching right up to him and pressing his buttons, he probably might have ended up fine. Oswald didn't want to ruin his life. But he had to tell him he was going to shut him down, turn the Lounge into a skating ring, and told him Gotham was his city and he was going to take it back. He made it personal for The Penguin. Apart from mockery of his appearence, nothing gets Penguin more riled up than someone trying to take Gotham from him.
Cooper Davis
Nice storytime.
Noah King
This one is always good
John Clark
The problem with The Penguin as a "crime boss" is that he's one of Batman's most dangerous villains. Allowing him even a small amount of leeway puts law and order in Gotham City in sever jeopardy. The Penguin is too smart for the police to handle, and if given just a little power, he would become insurmountable force of crime. He could corrupt the police force, get Gordon fired, buy elected officials or fund their rivals. It would be the nightmare Batman fights against every night.
Anyway, I'm going to dump Penguin Triumphant now. It's a story that demonstrates that The Penguin is too smart to take lightly.
Samuel Torres
Ian Lee
Lincoln Jones
Daniel Brown
Hudson Long
Kevin Wright
Landon Torres
Ayden Stewart
Leo Torres
Aaron Phillips
Nicely done
Benjamin Nelson
Thank you. I firmly believe this to be one of the (if not the) greatest stories with The Penguin ever written but I was never able to obtain a digital scan of it ever since I lost my physical copy years ago. It's a story I think showcases the character at his finest without relying on edgy garbage like to showcase why he's a great villain.
Jaxon Perry
Yeah, but then you eventually get back down to the sad fact that there are no Good Men, only cowards trying to look nice. Because otherwise, the good men would engage in some ruthless violence themselves.
Tyler Davis
See this? This is Batman level crime here.
Carson Ross
He's really underutilized nowadays.
Thomas Taylor
Sometimes I wish the Joker had never been created.
Andrew Torres
He made a pretty good appearence on the last issue of Harley Quinn and apparently he (as well as other rogues) are going to be the villains for a brief arc. I loathe Harley Quinn, but I'm so starving to see Oswald and the other non-Joker rogues do something that I'm going to start reading it just for them and I'll drop it the moment they get out of Coney Island.
Oliver Cook
That bothers me more than I care to admit.
Ian Perez
My pick for one of the best Penguin stories is "A White Feather for Batman" from World's Finest #49, simply because of how diabolically simple the plot is.
Like everything else Batman, The Penguin has suffered from the decline in quality brought on by shit writers.
Grayson Mitchell
Leo Perez
Really, The Penguin was slowly killing Batman the entire time with the white feathers he left on his calling card. White feathers laced with bird flu.
Elijah Cooper
That's because nobody knows what to do with him. Batman, like most capes, has shifted from actual plots to melodramatic garbage. It's hard to have a clever criminal mastermind in that kind of status quo.
And this goes for many of Batman's villains. Like, when was the last time you read Two-Face actually committing "2" crimes instead of playing up the Harvey drama? Maybe 10 years?
Landon Cox
Penguin appreciation thread
Ethan Reed
Eh, "The Temporary Murders" is better.
Matthew Clark
Evan Reyes
The End.
Noah Gutierrez
The part I feel is criminally wasted is the "world's greatest detective" part. Batman isn't detecting shit, in his movies and in his games, and truth be told I haven't read many modern batman comics.
Charles White
So that's where the underground ice palace comes from. Neat. I do kind of miss when Penguin had more hide-outs other than the Iceberg Lounge. Writers don't seem to care anymore about giving the villains cool lairs.
Logan Hernandez
That's really a shame, because The Penguin had a really strong first appearence. He not only immediately takes over Gotham's criminal underworld in a single blow, but gets Batman framed for a crime, then breaks him out so that the Gotham police would have a "Shoot to Kill" order out on Batman. Then to top it all off, The Penguin gets away in the end.
That's how he became an incredibly popular Batman villain.
These DC "remastered" comics feel like a fucking punch to the face. They're fucking terrible.
Caleb Martin
Kayden Anderson
The End.
Brody Fisher
Would Shiwan Khan count as a crime lord or something greater?
Austin Butler
More of a world conqueror.
Luis Ross
He is a step above since he rules over actual crimelords and his aspirations are for global conquest. The final novel he appeared in, Masters of Death, had him uniting most of New York's gangs under his rule. Typical gangsters and crimelords are usually the kind of enemies The Shadow eats for breakfest while he deals with another threat. But some, like The Prince of Evil, and The Cobra, manage to give him a challenge.
Sebastian Mitchell
Thanks OP.
Chase Price
Thanks. Very good, great art.
Matthew Smith
Delayed gratification for the supreme ruining of their perceived enemies. A crimeboss highlight.
Connor Mitchell
Cape crimelords are pretty cool if you write them properly.
Lincoln Brown
Oh, fuck off. Worm is shit.
Jonathan Parker
Oh, I'd love to see you do better in the same amount of time.
Leo Jones
You could say that for everything.
Xavier Walker
Ayden Perry
Then post one then.
Chase Baker
I think he's asking you to post a better example.
Easton Campbell
I kinda like Worm, but it's massively overrated.
Camden Mitchell
Thanks man
Jace Lopez
I know this isn't a qtddtot but I couldn't find one in the catalog so I guess I'll just ask here. Why does Norman Osborn's hair look so curly like that. I've never seen a white person have that hair style yet for some reason he does. It just looks weird.
Actually now that I think about it that never occured to me. I just assumed he was white.
Carson Lewis
Is it curly? That's news to me, I always unironically saw it as stripey as it looks in the comics. Might be the autism though.
Bentley Roberts
I guess I should elaborate. I wouldn't say curly so much as having these curled stripes. It reminds me of a black guy's hair. I'd expect it on a black guy but never on a white guy.