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ME4: Get Jewess to ANDRO[meda]
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Many people on neofag unironically saying that pic related looks cute, great, waifu material etc. What is wrong with them.
is that supposed to be a fucking asari?
Is that a blue nigger?
What will they BLACKED© next!
Man bioware has always been terrible at making attractive female characters but holy shit this is a whole nother level. Let me guess all the men look like built super models right? That happened in DA:I all women were ugly and all the men including the dawrf looked like male models.
Holy shit why does it have eyebrows?!
give this man a cookie
that looks like John C. Reilly.
I'm not even exaggerating, it really fucking does look like John C. Reilly in blue face paint.
Why do all the females in Bioware games look like trannies ?
They all have masculine facial features with Jay Leno chins.
Reminder that if this fails, it might be the last strike for Bioware
Where were you when Bioware turned an "all female" race into a race of trannies?
Hehehe… we found the equivalent of an asari transsexual, an asari tranny "I feel like a man, you should use "he" when you adress me", a He-female.
I can't tell if they're being so quiet about the game because of the ME3 aftermath, or because they're scared about its quality, since quite a few higher-ups have left the ME team recently
Because they can't make females that look more attractive than them.
It actually does. Weren't the asari supposed to be a sexy race of blue ladies
If we can take Catalyst as an example, it's clear wasn't up to par, and they really didn't waste any kind of advertising on it because they knew it and wanted to cut their losses.
If they do the same for this then I'm pretty sure they might not be sure this is a good game.
What is this game even about? The trailer makes it look like when humans first got to space. Didn't they have a war with everyone when humans first got to space? Not working together hand in hand.
Because their staff is made up of tumblr girls and they don't want to design characters that look better then them. Of course they'll make hot guy characters because they wanna be hit on by hot guys.
What the fuck they are doing, thought they couldn't fuck up their character design anymore after that retarded elf shemale.
At least we can all rest knowing the threat of that white devil is extinguished In the future…
they probably use the exact same models and rigging for both sexes.
Models, no, animations yes.
You're a normalfag, though. Everybody on this website is a normalfag because none of you are special snowflakes.
Thanks, for a second there I almost forgot that atrocity.
Weak bait.
Then again I said fuck it, I went with Ashley Graham and said fuck you Xenos while making humanity the prime leaders in 2 of the council.
The xeno fucks were clearly too fucking stupid and self centered with their politics to see a reaper threat was going to go down, so I made humanity in charge and we got shit done until Bioware made it a feature in 3 that if you don't combine all the races together like their shitty cultural marxist ideology tells thems to be that you get the "bad ending" despite the fact that most races offered nothing to the table and EVEN then the final fight took place on humanity's home world earth making all that shit mute because Bioware are liberal fucking shits that can't handle humanity being in the spot light to their gay orgy space opera.
So fuck them and this game I'm sticking to my money this time around.
Wrong series, bruv.
my bad, it's been a few years since I played the game and I know her name was Ashley whatever the fuck.
goes to show how much bioware's grand space opera had it's effect on me right? Forgettable shit stain mess since day 1.
Sorry, but I'm a newtype.
Is that a trans Asari or just an ugly chick? With Bioware i can't be sure.
Why, why do these devs and studios listen to fucking tumblr snowflakes. I'm a potato face in real life. On a good day if I really try, I may have 2 or 3 good angle to my face where a woman can say, well you're not a complete hobo.
I don't want "representation", I don't want my potato face to be reflected back if I play a vidya. I fucking know it's not real, let me have a couple of hours of fun pretending everyone is made of handsome and beautiful in a virtual fictional world, it's fucking ok, I know the difference between fantasy and reality. Why can't the devs and studios understand this?
I remember some designer saying that they made the chicks in cisquisition intentionally ugly because they don't want to propagate unrealistic beauty standards or some horseshit like that.
So now they all look like trannys with fetal alcohol syndrome that were dipped in grease.
they didn't listen to tumblr so much as they are tumblr.
Two words: Miranda's ass
you do realise they used live actor for that, right?
Just her face, the body is quite different.
Now I cant unsee John C. Reily as a transexual blue alien.
Bioware, it's time to stop.
These faces suffer from the same problem cisquition did. They are ugly. Not an natural ugliness, but they did not model the faces well enough ugly. They hit the worst part of the uncanny valley.
They traveled all the way to a new Galaxy and everything looks exactly the fucking same. It's like Bioware lost everybody who has an imagination. Wonder how long it will take before they bleed their ip's dry?
This is some scary shit going on
During the events of ME3 a group of people fucked off to the Andromeda galaxy somehow, so that Bioware could once again ignore the player choices from the previous games.
I've seen fish more attractive than that. How do you even fuck up this badly and so consistently when it comes to female faces?
when ME4 comes out I bet Mrbtoungue is going to say that it was great, good for what it is if we ignore the past, and that caring about past actions in the story or the other bullshit bioware did with the lore is petty and childish
Outside of that, it was just a hype trailer. Zero effort, and somehow they managed to not make it interesting.
they're doing it on purpose. that's exactly what they wanted to do.
fuck your cisnormative beauty standards, user.
you have to find that attractive otherwise you're a racist, sexist hitlervillain
It's the kind of ugly that would actually convince people not to buy the game.
I wonder if asari had faces like that since the beginning if fox would have ever done the "sexbox scandal"
Maybe Bioware is angling to do a remake of vid related game.
I don't want ugly fucking people in video games unless you make them like witcher series did
what's the fucking point?
looks like a fucking abortion
You are wrong. Bioware deliberately modeled females in Cisqusition ugly. Not that Bioware has ever been great at modeling, but it was clear social justice played a huge part in the cisquisition designs. All the obvious imperfections on the female characters. Cassandra going from pretty to manface, Josaphine's huge ass mole, Serah's pug tumblr face and Vivienne being full nignog.
It's like seeing a high school football star with a full ride scholarship become a paraplegic, or a chess child prodigy get brain damaged.
Well I loved the first ME, but that's a gross exaggeration.
Some neofaggotry
These niggas have dicks right?
in what world does this resemble a fucking woman
goddamn humanity. Nuclear annihilation can't come soon enough
i've never played mass effect, but according to porn i've seen, yes they do.
but also sometimes they don't
Looks like trans ayylmao
They're all supposed to be (non-futa) girls. SFM adds dicks to everything, so that means nothing.
I was talking about the neoguys actually, but both of your answers are equally valid.
I'm not too big on Mass Effect but do they ever explain how they reproduce?
Why do you people even care?
All Xenos deserve to be burned alive in holy Promethium regardless of their attractiveness.
I'm starting to think that Holla Forums at times has heretic thoughts about Xenos.
oh yeah no, botched circumcisions all. not one of them has a penis anymore.
Goobergate is dead man, and they can still trigger this cuck from the grave.
I take it all back, Bioware, you did a heck of a job. Making a character model that would make Neofags say shit like that, is fucking gold. I am not going to buy the game, but god damn I got a really good laugh out of it.
Mind sex basically. They read someone's mind and use their genes to basically jumble up one of their own eggs to make a baby.
There is not a single feminine feature on that face. Not a one.
I guess a race of attractive feminine aliens was too triggering for some folks at BioWare.
Huh, well now I know.
On a side note. I've been watching Farscape recently and I'm surprised nobody has brought up the Asari's similarities to Delvians.
The Blue Rose of Ilium and the asari selling the star charts in ME2 both contradict the Codex, saying the asari don't actually get any genetic information from the "father". The "mother" just randomizes her own genotypes and creates a unique individual, or a clone, as with conventional parthenogenesis.
In other words, they reproduce via an exotic form of haptic pseudogamy.
t. a lore autist
clearly an inspiration
They want casuals, casuals are women, and women fucking hate women who are more attractive than them.
I um….. I'm sorry for being retarded but….
That looks like an early 30s human male dressing up like an Asari.
Bioware what the FUCK
Asari are like Delvians as portrayed by tumblr.
True, but the game's ALSO act like there's some invisible force at play that gives them traits of the father too.
Assexual reproduction that requires a partner (but not their genes). "Haptic" just means "by touch."
They are just joking, in reality the father is always a pseudo cuck since none of his genetic information gets passed down.
I thought it was pretty clear that it's broaching the topic of nature vs. nurture. If a person hears that an asari has a krogan father, their learned biases about krogan behavior will cause them to perceive only krogan qualities the child expresses, like with confirmation bias.
Technically they do take healthy members of another species and make their own species kid from them.
They expect monogamy and look like whatever you want them to look.
A dangerous parasite if you ask me.
Liara talks with her "dad" about this and Liara tells her "that's not how it works" and her response is basically "I'm a thousand years old, don't tell me how it works."
It's PROBABLY nature vs nurture, but I felt like they tried to leave the door open for some ambiguity too.
I thought the reason Asari like to blanda upp so much is specifically because of DIVERSITY of genetics by breeding with other species?
That's why there was a disdain towards Purebloods, also because of Adart yakshi or whatever it's called.
its Onions!
Shit like that was basically out the window once they introduced thermal clips.
Indeed, imagine these blue vixens let loose on Earth. In the long term humanity would be doomed. Even if only a few humans decided to start families with them they would slowly but surely gain a majority. I imagine this is how they became one of the dominant species in the galaxy. Xenos such as them are the reason humanity needs an ever vigilant vanguard pushing for human interests.
Thermal clips are so retarded considering the overheating was never a real problem. Heat sink upgrades were also so powerful by the end you could have infinite fire.
They needed to fix the inventory system instead of chucking out gun customisation.
Let me fix that
Such a theme will never be explored in the multicultural ME universe, where everyone is a special snowflake.
So there really isn't any point in talking about it.
Something ugly had been tattooed on the wall.
This just made me realise but only Humans are shown to have any form of political diversity throughout the series. Every other race only has a single political opinion on anything. I think the only thing that got close to it was the anti-human Turian in ME2
Welcome to space opera.
man, that bumped me out, I liked that game.
that bitch look like ribisi
I think the how of it is just a superstition. It really doesn't make any sense if the two asari in ME2 are right.
It's also pretty dumb to stigmatize Pureblood pairings based on a tiny percentage chance that the child will be an Ardat-Yakshi. There's a tiny percentage chance a human child will have Harlequin ichthyosis, but that doesn't stop us.
All asari are fucking disgusting, personality and looks, but this one is the worst. I'm sure they'll give it a male "personality" and that news sites will all report on how he/she/it is is going to save the real world, too.
I cant make any webm's so watch this from 1:29:49
At least fucking TRY to show an atom of class.
ME1 was a rough diamond. ME2 was a polished turd. ME3 was a turd.
Humans aren't very fleshed out either. Bioware being a Canadian company can only imagine either space nazis or SWEDEN YES factionalism. In reality colonists ought to have a very different mindset from Terrans and spacers. I imagine that colonists might actually be much more conservative since they live out on the frontier and have to struggle to even survive at times and are targets for slave raids and such while Terrans would be more metropolitan and urbanised, champagne commies and mindless liberals. Then you'd have the spacers who would be both isolated and more influenced by alien cultures, their tight crews could be interesting since I'm not sure if they'd feel much loyalty towards anyone but the crew.
Of course that's just scratching on the surface. There would have to be nationalists on Earth for example and colonists who live near alien colonies that'd come to be culturally change by that.
Pretty much this. Take a look at the Bioware writing staff and it all becomes clear. You can't find a single attractive or even "passable" person among them. And they're mostly women. Ugly men for some reason can get past this–ugly women seem to really obsess over it to an absurd degree, I guess because their entire function in society traditionally was being pretty.
Yeah, Bioware is pozzed.
Someone should make this video be about Bioware instead.
That everything
I'm not sure even the older titles are remembered fondly nowadays.
I do.
Jesus Christ what a downgrade from Liara.
Please let this be the end. For fucks sake EA, you didn't win worst company for doing what you do, you won it for choosing the wrong targets.
I wish I could slap that cuck.
basically the point of sexxor is to mix genes along with a big of randomisation by way of copy errors, if I've got that right.
With asari they fug your brains out and change the genetic code of the asari baby by randomising based on your nervous system firing or something
Maybe it's a biological human male in blue face living as a trans-species trans-sexual asari. It will be referred to in game as xi xem xo.
How many of those are actually female and not lesbian
Oh don't worry, they LOVE the dick.
TIM did nothing wrong aside from trying to modify humans with reaper tech
Which doesn't make a lot of sense, but I guess they had to make him the bad guy in order to force those "three" endings.
I hope it crashes and burns.
That's actually pretty fucking cool. Asaris are the encryption masters of genetics, using other creatures as random sequence generators.
Hideous legs. They should be required to cover up their disgusting flesh.
You do realize your point was part of my argument?
The masters would probably be the Salarians. They each have their genomes mapped, and they use them as bartering tools in arranged marriages. The better genes have a better position in negotiations, there is a side quest in 2 where you have to help a guy recover his record.
You say that EA did win worst company for doing what they do. but killing off companies, driving out talent, and streamlining their IPs is them doing wrong so your original argument doesn't make sense.
now I'm getting confused again as your asking why my point was part of your argument when my post points out how your argument doesn't make sense.
*didn't win
Yeah I was shocked when she got up and her face was shown. Really ugly Jewess/Mestizo mongrel.
I guess all these big companies find propaganda more important than profit. I guess Japanese devs are the only ones who just want to make entertainment and make profit.
was the argument, and them doing it to still good companies got them hate. Euthanizing a complete trainwreck wouldn't make them hated, they'd just hear sighs of relief all around.
Now, you implied EA made them a trainwreck. In keeping my comment brief it seemed implied that I'd agree on this, which I don't. Look at nuBaldurs Gate, that's the driven out "talent". Bioware was already shit. Apologies for the misunderstanding, my bad.
so have the 10/10 reviews started coming in yet?
They have to be trolling.
No, the game isn't even done enough to have a proper trailer. This was all just concept shit. Third year in a row that the game has been too incomplete to show properly at E3. No one is giving it any scores.
It's very odd. Just look at Tumblr Edge: Catalyst, clearly putting the agenda in front of profit. You'd think a giant like EA would always think of profit first but no.
EA only needs sports to succeed, with a side helping of Battlefield. Everything else they just use for PR.
Man, the codex was great. Hats off to whoever got the main entries narrated. Brings me back to before the Mass Effect universe was made black and white. Remember when the Krogans weren't the sad victims of racism but a legitimate threat to the galaxy.
I do remember when the frogniggers were treated as such
I really liked ME3's UI. There were some parts I enjoyed about ME3 (once I pirated all the DLC) but overall it was such a blight
I suppose it's nice enough. It's pretty similar to 2's though. The only reason I posted ME3's codex is because it's pretty much identical in every game.
thats not due to any attempts at consistancy, its due to laziness.
Take a look at the ME1 and ME3 codex on the N7 certification, retcons for days.
I like to imagine its because other space-faring races had "unification" events where all subspecies were wiped out, leaving a single phenotype to reach space. I imagine humans skipped this step.
I imagine it akin to an alien race that skipped nuclear power but got to space travel all the same.
I think that's basically what happened to the Krogans, though not quite to that extent. I think they had a decent understanding of nukes.
really hate it when hipstercucks who go on and on about those goshdiggitydarn Japanese games with the titties use terms like "waifu" unironically.
I get why he would think it's racist, but don't follow sexist. Can you oppress fictional characters by having gigabytes of their pictures?
SJWs believe fictional characters have rights so long as those rights shame white straight men.
This guy has done his best to completely ruin The World of Darkness with SJW poz. Fuck him.
I honestly can't believe this comic is relevant again. Seriously, you're going to a whole other fucking galaxy in the game, and they're waifuing "generic blue chick."
user, please.
Will Mass Effect 4 be the last game in the trilogy?
They won't even let you pick your gender. They'll only let you pick between a list of like 7 pronouns.
I tell you.
It's kemono, you shitlord
You know what I mean. What's worse is that you know literally jack shit about the game, at this point. They're committing purely based on looks, with a hint of "yay, more of the same." At least Talifags rejected the idea that their first xeno encounter should be with a blue-skinned "totally not an Orion slave girl" character.
weeaboo furry shit then
The best.
Any white boy who buys Battlefield 1, Watch Dogs 2, Mafia 3, or Mass Effect 4 is a cuck.
Are you a cuck?
I think not.
So, are you stuck playing as a specific human protagonist, or do you get to choose your species?
I want to make my qt space Hebrew waifu
Is this loss?
We don't know anything yet. Three years and all we know is: Andromeda Galaxy, kind of a frontier, I guess? You drive around.
the funny thing is DA3 let you chose your race but you know this game won't even though it'd be way fucking easier to do it in this game.
I'm already an ugly person in real life, I don't need to be one in my fucking games too..
why the fuck are they doing this
Where's the mass effect where I get to be a group of highly trained elite human puritans who want to remove aliens?
I honestly enjoy making my characters ugly in games, mainly because it makes it all the more fun when I install rape mods.
rationalizing their incompetence with "looking bad is actually good!" denial.
Big difference between the player making ugly characters and the devs making ugly characters default.
Woah, holy shit Hitler, check your privilege. The Grays are a peaceful race of space faring technophiles who just want to probe your anus and perform scientific experiments on you why do you have to be so full of hate?
My problem is that they think they are making some sort of statement by making the characters ugly. It's obnoxious.
Although I do believe that they have every right to make their characters look like unappealing shit.
Reminded me of her
The only good gray is a dead gray.
Why is it that being a dick in RPGs now just means being slightly mean to people and occasionally punching them? I want to play my way damnit.
I guess I'll do so when I get good enough at making vidya
Because the game writers are pussies.
Hold up you fucking bigot. Nowhere in Big Gay Gray's Guide to Probing Guys does it tell Grays to probe. That's a hateful stereotype that people like you spread. #notallgrays
Nuance is a scarce thing. Writers for videogames have well entrenched ideas for what counts as good and what as evil, and they superimpose those ideas onto their creations. You might argue that letting this happen to you is an indication that you're not a very good writer, but they get away with it at the very least because there's no commercial disincentive.
Straight outta GoT.
Why she is so fucking greasy and oily?
Bioware's been doing this weird shit in Inquisition where every character looked like they had a thick layer of oil and sweat coating them "because it's more realistic" and it looks like they're carrying that into Andromeda.
The codex and Garrus were the only consistently great things across all three games. Whoever VA they got to do the codex was great casting, I loved listening to that dude talk about everything.
The funny thing is that the Codex was voiced by Colonel Volgin.
As always it'll be shills saying it's fun and posting their gamestop tickets of the ultimate edition with a smug caption saying we can't stop them.
Lubed up for bareback sodomy.
can probably add a dozen more games to that list by the end of E3
Slighty darker skin is not a nigger.
The God-Emperor was born in ancient Summeria, you filthy heretic!
It's almost funny how unappealing those games are. Shitty pozzed sequels to games which were already cancer.
Why is psycho painted blue?
There's nothing odd about it, the reason is that those companies have made the terrible mistake of hiring Jews. Of course sometimes people do that accidentally, as many Jews are what is called " crypto-Jews", ones that pretend to be whites and hide their true identity until it is too late.
To the high seas boys!
He was born in Anatolia, and by the way, around the time he was born, in the stone age, the Anatolian region (now Turkey) was populated entirely by Germanics only.
Wait this is real? I thought somebody edited some reaction image. Holy fuck.
yee fam
oh shit
People like them call shit like that beautiful and shit, but you won't ever see them clamoring to be in a relationship with the people they claim are beautiful.
You couldn't be more wrong there buddy.
Actually the only thing stopping us has been the inability to reproduce with anything non-hominid.
If I stabbed you, would you pop?
It would be extremely fatphobic.
At least a furry can enjoy something exotic looking.
What an absolute shithole of a website.
Guys, what if the reason it looks ugly and manish is because they're somehow writing in Asari trannies into the actual story. Asari's transitioning into men, with the help of progressive human ideas.
I can fucking see it.
you're a big cunt.
oh fuck that's perfect
and FIFA17 with single player nignog
>mfw I look like the ugly asari
It's fine if you're a dude. If not, yeah, you got a good plan there.
my fucking sides!
The right pic looks like Harry Enfield.
Ooooh, don't tell me, this is the bitch that cucked Burch, the King of Cucks?
I haven't been keeping up.
Why mafia 3?
Because you play as a black dude in it and he looks like a shaved ape.
Typical oldtypes are the ones who keep buying into the horseshit
Most asari are degenerates and racemix with any species while purebloods like Liara are hated so i would not be surprised if that happens.
I think the smile is cute, but the rest is meh.
They do that to prevent creating children with an ability to control and kill others outright.
Isn't that a good thing?
Fun fact: the problems with such mug can be sliiiiiiiiightly fixed with hair.
Also does anyone notice that she has human eyebrows? Actual hairy eyebrows, not painted-on eyebrows like Liara had.
It's a dude. There's not a single feminine feature on that face.
Asari always had eyelashes. Them having hair is not new. It makes it stupid that humans are considered novel because they have hair. I guess everyone just forgot quarians don't have hair, even the asari who've been around since before the Morning War.
Maybe they're just retconning eyebrows onto the asari because eyebrows are an important part of facial expressions and Bioware really wanted to show off their new engine.
Asari monogender is "feminine", but appearance is only part of gender. They could all have wardrobes full of party dresses, work dresses, and body armor, which might satisfy tumblrinas. It doesn't explain an androgynous asari, though, if they've never had males and hormones that cause masculine features, like T in humans. Asari should all look feminine.
So maybe you're right, and they're doing trans asari bullshit. Or maybe you're wrong, and it's just Bioware's modelers being ordered by company ideologues to make women look ugly. Asari are supposed to be sexy blue alien chicks, after all. Maybe this is an apology for soggy knees.
Funfact; people who think grin lines are okay in any way are subhuman
pic related, fugly as shit
Why does it look cross eyed and retarded?
There is nothing ascetically appealing about this character design. It is one damn ugly character.
What the hell is it with people wanting to put these fugly characters in games and actors in movies?
I can see tons of ugly people for free.
Do you have this mod? I can't find it anywhere.
Does anybody have the photo of the modern day Bioware employees?
It's a staff picture that's basically entirely women and it's a bunch of fat dyke tumblrettes with a rainbow of hairstyles among them? I need that image.
That was actually done by anons in photoshop long before the game came out. I'm sad to see no one actually modded it in, though.
When I first saw Jim Sterlings wife, I though it was him dressed up as a woman.
I shit you not, I honestly thought I was on to something, I started comparing pictures, looking for two of them together.
Even when I found it I couldn't believe it, I was looking for Photoshop or editing, maybe even a a couple body doubles.
Blows my mind that he was able to find a woman, blows my mind further that it was his female/male doppleganger.
ME3 was diarrhea
what an ugly bitch
western developers can not for the life of them make attractive women in their games anymore
As long as we have a Krogan friendo, I can just ignore the rest of the crew.
Please mr burgler don't steal my nuts!
[spoiler]Seriously? I torrented it and it was most objectively shit game I've played since skyrim. Boy this is gonna be fun watching ubisoft pulling this game out of their ass.
That would be the deathblow to the game, so no, they tear EACH OTHER apart on this one.
then again, that would be the deathblow to the game.
Pure tinfoil. Bioware's current modelers just have zero talent and were more than likely hired fresh from school based on their politics rather than their artistic merit.
At least you feel bad about it instead of going full "THIS IS ATTRACTIVENESS BECAUSE IT IS ME" mode.
Protip, a balanced diet and fat burning exercise remove fat in the facial area, improving how you look.
If you don't want to look like that, then pick up some weights and feel the burn.
Also don't go on a vegan diet, you need chicken and low fat beef to build muscle to help your figure not look like a bony mess after all is said and done.
Stay away from pasta, whitebread (go whole wheat) and excessive cheese( a slice on a hamburger is fine, but a calzone or stromboli amount of cheese is not).
drink WATER. Not cola, not Gatorade, WATER.
This is the fastest way to ditch that look. If you take care of your body, your looks will improve and so will your expressions and attitude.
This also goes for men. Never eat when you're not hungry.
Sounds like you're admitting it's only half-tinfoil, then, user
It never was about women.
Tinfoil it is then!
Actually, they do make them ugly on purpose.
Well it sure ain't gonna be THAT dipshit who's gonna protect our interests. Swear to God, Cerberus can't run a goddamned Taco stand without something going berserk and murdering everyone involved, and will most likely involve something being tortured to near insanity.
Are they being ironic, that thing looks like creepy.
Daily reminder that this is the currynigger responsible for bringing Shrek to your galaxy.
Okay, guys, I get it. The conspiracy is real, but Bioware is still a shit studio with none of that pre-ME talent.
Where is the gay version of this ?
Its ten times funnier.
How is this not the gay version ?
Your right.
"she" probably have a penis as well.
It's funny how I've never said anything as close to as racist as this guy but because I'm white, he doesn't like me.
I still don't understand how I'm the racist in this scenario.
Oh wait there was an actual midget woman in there.
Sorry when I see a bioware game nowadays I only see gay shit.
He's just your typical butthurt currynigger wishing he was white and didn't smell of shit.
You mean ?
Something something privilege, something something white guilt, something something punching up.
i hate you neo/v/
We have the new Asari to judge it on. That's MORE than enough.
Seriously, I keep expecting to see a 5-oclock shadow on that monstrosity. Freaking Wu looks more like a woman.
i don't care how things look what i care about is the gameplay depth the story and the overall themes that this game * i know they will fail * will try to explore
i am not having hope i know they will flop but for me it will be interesting to see what they will get right and what they will fail delivering
Kill yourself.
Big companies are just as susceptible to drinking their own kool-aid as individual people. What started as a purely machiavellian marketing push to widen their demographic targets ended up attracting parasitical crazies into their inner workings, and has now mutated into a self-perpetuating ideological cult that seeks only to push their holy writ agenda, even at the expense of the very profit that was the whole point in the first place.
Who's neo/v/ here?
It had gameplay in it you twat. Did you even watch the trailer?
i think they had there time to make a 5/10 solid game maybe it will worth a pirate
Denuvo, so won't be pirateable for several month.
they didn't show any rpg mechanics
either they will make it a bland shooter or they will show it later
Try years. Fuck, the scene is a joke compared to in the past. I honestly am not even sure I'd call it a scene anymore, FBI fugged shit up good.
I dont get how that shitty Gears of War clone with generic Bioware shit story ever got popular
I blame you nerds, you will play any literal garbage with some MUH RPG
You made your bed, now sleep on it faggot enablers
I remember pirating ME1, going in pretty much blind, what with how Holla Forums was hyping it to high heaven, only to discover it's a shit third person shooter with superficial "RPG" mechanics bolted on top, and featuring the usual shit BioWare storytelling with infantile "choices".
Couldn't understand what all the excitement was about. Then again, I had read enough sci-fi to not masturbate to generic space opera.
Are you triggered faggot enabler?
You fags sure were quick to take the bait when some terrible shitty game had MUH RPG, MUH GENERIC SPACE OPERA #57657, MUH CHOICES
Fucking dumb nerds
Sorry they didn't like your bait on halfchan, user, but you should still go back.
She looked alright in motion. OP's pic looks fucking disgusting though.
Had to do it.
lol, look at this cuckchanner fag enabler outing himself.
Go away fag
they just confirmed the MC's new names is called Ryder
Dick Ryder, am i right
Not with that face.
Are implying thats a cis biofemale?
how rude, i called the cops to fine you a gender pronoun ticket
Because the writers are shit. It's why the 'good guy' choice is always 'help this person I met two seconds ago' and the 'bad guy' choice is always 'punch this person I met two seconds ago and kick his puppy'.
I want a game where the 'evil' side gets to spend awhile portraying themselves as the all-loving hero garnering everyone's trust before the turn around and declare themselves the one and true ruler of nations before having every dissenter dealt with 'heroically'.
Or at least a game where I can off a very-obvious antagonist who will only go on to start his shit again, and not have that seen as an 'evil' choice. It's like there's no such thing as being a 'pragmatic' good guy in the sense of 'This asshole is literally killing people every time I show up, shouldn't I eliminate him so people stop dying?'
That's what I hated about Zaeed's loyalty mission in 2. It's seen as a 'Renegade' thing to chose pursuing the criminal over saving a handful of lives, despite the criminal's escape meaning he'd go on to allow his organization to kill several times more innocents in their operations. It's short-sighted and wrong.
She's a quarter Krogan. It doesn't pop up except for her 'dad' joking about headbutting things.
Asari don't work that way, though. She's Pureblood because both her parents are asari, Matriarch Aethyta and Matriarch Benezia.
FONV did that, you could be the good guy most of the time then join the legion and fuck everybody else in the ass
Morality systems in general are kind of fucked, since it's the developer imposing their sense of morality onto the player and labeling them as a result. I often find RPGs with no arbitrary system telling me what's right and wrong the best, since it allows me to actually roleplay outside of being the nice guy or the not so nice guy.
This SFM video has better facial animations.
Same goes for the Illusive Man. I don't think this is what the writers had in mind when they created him. Sure, Cerberus was all "humans first" but in ME3 the whole "I want to control the reapers" thing was fucking dumb.
Garrus needs more work. I love his voice, and I can always run it through a filter manually to make it sound right.
The inmates are running the asylum