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Pic related, one of them
first for murdering shills
which one?
he's shitposting
I can understand having a bit of GAEMR!!!!! Gear, but that shit reminds me of the iPhone Vigils folks did when Steve Jobs finally croaked.
Let's get some dox going
I just got more motivation to dox these fucks.
As soon as I'm done digging up Inanna, this uber fucking niggerfaggot is next. Names. I need them. Now.
First dubs of the thread, 33, my lucky numbers LETS GET THIS GOING
Their discord is still pretty low energy, nothing happening
I know it's not really one of them, but holy shit what a good goy
idunno this guy seems pretty badass
Yeah honestly you can all laugh at him, but deep down hes a bamf
yeah he does more DPS than you do
Also notice the STFU door sign he uses when he faps. His poor dad had to buy all that garbage.
Thousands of dollars worth of useless toys. Seems pretty privileged bourgeoisie to me.
It'd be a shame if he'd have to share his toys with someone less fortunate so it'd be fair for everyone
people seem to misunderstand, he's not displaying the boxes to be a brand whoring faggot, its just that razor shit breaks so fast he has to have all the boxes ready to RMA ASAP and have a set of spares on hand
They are going on full damage control
Proof its one of them.
someone posted this last thread but I don't know if its anything
Sounds familiar?
Previous thread located at http://
what did he mean by this
Trump isn't fashy, nor is he natsoc.
You can bet he has to bend a knee to the (((people))) who supply his nation with the debt infected money it needs, especially since he doesn't have the political backing and influence to push for something as major as economic reform.
To get black pilled over this and just give up on everything because Trump did something we don't want is weak and embodies the attitude of a fully black pilled, apathetic cuckold.
We took a step in the direction we wanted to go with Trumps victory but even in the the midst of celebration we accepted that this still was far from what we want and there will be more work to be done.
If you don't agree with something your leader does you don't cry about it, you make it known and do what you can to prevent it from escalating. What is happening with anyone trying to push apathy and the idea that everything is hopeless and it's not worth trying anymore is that they're trying to take you out of the fight by getting you to take yourself out of it. Remember, this is how they squeeze themselves into the cracks of a democratic society and begin manipulating and degrading it. We don't give into that shit here, we prepare for the worst, but we also don't just stand there and let it happen without trying to make sure it doesn't. So I'll say it nice and clear:
Came from this jewtube vidya.
We aren't either, faggot.
I took it but I feel better
Nice user, thanks.
Man, this one deserves the anal reaming he's about to receive for this picture alone.
Cool beans, but wrong fucking thread.
Criminally underrated user, thanks.
They want to make f-f-friends
So, what's happening in that discord?
Ohhhh we'll be great friends. :^)
Nothing. Invites closed, I could be banned, but i am lurking at the moment.
Literally fucking nothing down to 200 users+ mods
I'm shitposting
anyone know where I can get an armband with pic related on it? Would be fun for DOTR or the final happening
What is the point of expending so much of your rich parent's money on "gamer gear" if you're going to spend so much of your free ime shillin on mongolian throat singing foruns ?
god's work.
be careful.
With the unanimous public outcry against this from everyone is just that. Perhaps that could have been one of the reasons for the strike to begin with. He must have known this would be extremely unpopular, might have done it to justify NOT escalating. But then again, it's such a colossal clusterfuck over there I can't see it dying down any time soon.
Also its strange, apparently the US has been in Syria and Iraq "battling against ISIS" for years now, why would anyone shit bricks over this if thats already the case? God I hate normalfags.
This was a doozy fellow Holla Forumsacks, but it's nearly 3am for me and I got work in 6 hours
Hope this keeps steam as it did earlier!
Goodnight /baph/, and goodnight based mods, you guys are the greatest
We will all get one soon
don't forget we will be raided at 7am
What a fucking tool.
He's probably the kind of white knight faggot who thinks fucking with us will get him laid by some dyed-hair Borderline Personality cunt. Which, obviously, he won't.
Thanks faggots, for letting them know.
That won't save them.
After browsing her post history, she ousted herself here:
Gives a shitload of data on her reddit activity.
Go, my pretties. I'm going to keep digging, but I thought you would all appreciate this.
Could not have been said any better.
Appealing to a wider audience here, faggot. Don't ruin my subversive Jewery. We all know that of the two NatSoc is superior.
That looks great.
Glad I could provide you with a cathartic experience, fren.
Wait is this another Holla Forums boogeyman or are talking about the T_D shills? Half the people keep posting look like poorly thought through socks.
Anyone still defending trump is a retard.
He's brazilian, that gear he owns is not something a average huen can afford, this kid have very rich parents.
We have too much info on her now.
It's too late Lauren, Cease and Desist with trying to divide us you kike!
It always gets out, and completely shuts down the shilling. How mad are these groups of people about being exposed and stopped every single time?
One of my favorite flags, would kill for a full size one, even if I have to keep it hidden.
it's (you)
He means you can't say fashy because apparently it's a TRS term, despite the fact it was used on Holla Forums long before and that's how those faggots picked up on it.
do appreciate it very much.
anti-sage, Nigger
Wait a minute, the kid in the video is a 10 year old huezillian mongrel, the kid in the pic is white, that's not the same person user.
Nope, a kikess started it years ago, and the TRSodomites ran with it. It only started getting posted here in the past year or so. But the real issue with it, is that it doesn't mean "fascist", but instead refers to so-called "rightist" lolbergs.
Fair enough actually. It's the same reason I don't take the term (((alt-right))) seriously too. Stolen terms used for different means imply different things about the individual using them. Best to use language that isn't tainted and to let the "taint-able" words die out.
It's polite to sage when you're off topic posting. Doesn't up the bump limit.
It's pinned anyways so let's discontinue this thread flooding.
I understand that.
It's interesting nonetheless that it's the only hit on google.
music time because I'm fucking tired as shit and need sleep but having too much fun
Sorry, I was just trying to point out this retard and his idiosyncrasy of saging stickied threads
every time
I don't even have a mousepad, my man, I go table only.
It's because I'm slavic
The plush Jeb is there for solidarity with the guac man.
I just can't quite put my finger on it. Why are we so much more competent and humorous and clever than leftypol fags? I mean, I'm a very decent looking well rounded man, I'm sure a lot of people here are too. I certainly don't take extremely cringe worthy pictures of myself signaling my ideology so other people will think I'm cool or something. Whenever I see exposed pictures of these faggots they're always so just…weak and stupid looking.
They try so hard to have style, but fail so hard and look ridiculous, their personalities and conversations are equally cringe worthy.
They're all """style""" and no substance, I've noticed this with leftists.
Being some sort of internet nu-communist is just so fucking lame.
kill yourself
what is srs?
Too much estrogen
Your turtle is adorable user
Furthermore, surprise fucking surprise, she's the mod of an Anti-Trump subreddit.
I'm guessing MarchAgainstTrump, but I know literally nothing of that site.
Fash is fine, especially if referring to FutureFash. It can be an adjective already, though, so saying "Fashy" ousts you as a TRS nigger. Plus I always cringe when hearing "fashy". It's like they are trying too hard.
That's how I always saw it.
A (((merchant))) name and a type of crystal from knights of the old republic apparently on the planet dantooine. Anyone want to see if they're using Dantooine as the next place to regroup?
wasn't uber one of ourguys that couldn't crop a cap in paint to hide his user?
trips confirm adorable turtle.
shit reddit says, they produced a shit load of sjw scum that ended up starting and perpetuating the whole GG thing. Essentially the bleeding tranny inside out dick hole of reddit.
Literal goons.
Thats the thing, they dont have style, how can you ever create something worthwhile or funny when you dont have a feeling for it.
checked, trips of truth
Lads, I've found a little bit of bullseye to attack this whore on. Trigger the fuck out of her.
Bitch was raped. I repeat, the bitch was raped. Remember this for later usage. Keks all round.
you can tell she wasn't raped anytime in her life, bitch is just being a victim for the sake of it
Trump is literally raping her now too
Oh, of course she wasn't. But shes obviously super sensitive, so it'll be fun to take the piss out of her for it.
This is no time for loli-gagging, anons.
That's asinine. That allows them to set the rules of engagement and redefine the language to mean what they want it to mean. It doesn't.
I remember seeing fashy used on Holla Forums back then on 4chan) before the first major exodus, so yeah.
How's E:D progressing? I haven't played it in a bit. Worth going back to?
That comes later!
My nigga.
Not him, but the commanders update is looking pretty promising.
Holla Forums has regular space threads with E:D posters, hop in the discord sometime if it's posted
what did they think they were going to happen
give these retards an award for the biggest fuckups in the history of living organisms
Even fucking reddit thinks she's projecting.
Who would've thought that posting that fateful thread on sudo would start this giant shitstorm.
Be careful with your memetic powers, lads.
Shills are the worst thing humanity brought on earth. I wish these fuckers die in a fire. Who in his right mind would ever shill? What is it that makes you do such things!
Do the really think they will accomplish anything?
2015 was the first time "fashy" was used on cuck/pol/.
I think we all used to fap to lewd neko girls when we were 15, but jesus christ, somethings have to stay within the 2D realm.
Looks like she lives somewhat close to DC, possibly North Carolina as mentioned in
Don't forget, a little gore a day keeps the shills away
Well shit. I guess my memory's through the shitter then. I still say it's our term, not the TRSniggers's.
There are terms that require defending; usually already established words that have an explicit meaning (e.g. the new use of the word "literacy" in universities).
But for terms like alt-right, if they're easily cooptable because they have meanings that are too open to interpretation then it's better to look for something more suitable, I'll be sticking to National Socialist.
that's couch girl. and yeah tails really aren't my thing. but fucking a girl with a butt plug in feels so tight and the little sluts go crazy.
That's just what leftism and communism have become. A few decades ago they were workers, but the low-wage/skill working class kind of disappeared. Hell, they were even anti-immigration and racist towards arabs some 30 years ago in Europe. The "immigrants are taking our jobs" rhetoric isn't right wing, it should be inherent to any populist movement. But I think that since the globalists won, the communists decided to side with them and join the multicultural agenda to stay relevat. So I guess now communists are either oligarchs, or teenagers living with their mom and who don't understand anything about the outside world.
thread theme
modern art
wilco o7
Don't let those faggots shit up our board. Their tactics are meaningless and achieved nothing since yesterday. Every argument in the past 48 hours was nothing but shillfags larping with each other.
I'm having a decent amount of fun with it. And as the other user mentioned, the Commanders update is looking really good.
another thing i've noticed how ass hurt Holla Forums gets if you call the class struggle idpol. which it is
is you a mod?
have the higher quality mp4 version brother
Yes trump bombing Syria is the lefts fault.
Nigger please.
It's seriously hilarious. The world is a greentext story.
All forces in the universe are currently controlled by the two eternally opposing communities of the internet. They are at odds over the fact that one of them likes Japanese animation and anonymity. This somehow led to it entertaining thoughts of National Socialism, while the other became pinko faggots.
So we're supposed to pretend Bill Kristol, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, etc. aren't really neo-cohens?
Not an argument.
Notice how they substitute hollow buzzwords and rhetoric mixed together with hypothetical delusions.
Notice how when you make an actual argument they can't address any of the points and temperamentally default to doubling down on those emotionally charged buzzwords (classic lefty kike tactics).
Reminder that Leftypol is actively here doubling down with Shareblue to gaslight brainlet casuals because they are scared.
Reminder that all events hurt Israel and China was meeting with Trump at the time and shit bricks.
Reminder that China owns Shareblue so of course they want to hurt Trump because they are scared shitless.
I just want to be able to land on earth-likes tbh.
Dubs confim.
Also fuck you cheeto.
You and everyone that follows you is now on my wall of cucks.
You know I've never been big into anime, but holy shit I do love me some anime music, and Japanese music in general. Shit sounds so good, loved it ever since I was a young teenager.
t. not a weeaboo
Didn't you know neo-cons is an anti-Semitic term created by the left? We're here to fight commies and spread freedom!
too slow for me tbqh fam. also, embed.
How does this even happen? Is his brain holding his skull in place?
this whole thing is a problem indeed. If there is a fracture point occurring because of natural reasons, we are the only ones who are allowed to form consensus on this issue, not the lefties obviously.
but its still a somewhat legitimate issue. So if one could remove the lefties while also allowing ours to keep on talking about it then it would be best.
Many of us before were already on the fence about the jews in his family and were lured with things like the overton window to keep quiet. There will be a few legit ones like that, who where neutral who also will spring out of the woodwork, but yea. We will be extra careful to also hate a lot on the incoming lefties right now.
Fashy's just a shorthandle for fascist.
It's like natsoc.
gotta be a shop.
checking these trips
it's like deja-vu
nice wordfilter, faggot
Impkamf gore thread? Where is theT_D discord?
This doesn't inherently mean anything. A lot of leftist cunts will make up a tragic backstory of rape and abuse for easy sympathy and to give off the image they're a "stronk survivor". It's usually pretty obvious to notice from their willingness to divulge it under anything but the most private of circumstances and the cold emotional distance when describing it.
That guy just overflows with an aura of intelligence.
I'm aware.
Yeah I'm starting to think that too. Looks far too clean.
back to Holla Forums
According to the devs, that's not happening any time soon.
Also, Holla Forums has a faction in E:D. It's called the 8th Imperial Pilot's Syndicate, in a system called Wheemez, if you want to help out.
i dont know
what word filter you stupid cuck
i just red pilled a few people in my class with this. Thank you pol
Doesn't he?
You niggers are retarded- look at his shoulders-it's buried in some kind of plant pot- it's an (((artpiece))) of some sort.
I hope u are getting good grades
the bigger thing is there's no bone. also the brain is too small.
or this.
I know some people who might have brains that small my man lets not hurt any feelings here alright?
Holla Forums was just as bad as Holla Forums and nothing was ever done about them.
It can't be helped.
hey imkampfy/realmoonman, we still remember when you falseflagged at freech, you were dumb though, you screencapped your post 10 minutes after submitting it, it was obvious and embarrassing, like this one. Everyone can see through your bullshit.
Also thanks for letting us know that "rul​ecuc​​ke​ry" causes you so much butthurt that you had to filter it. Unfortunately, filters work only on newfags.
It's like these faggots don't even know…
eks dee
Okay lads, just finished this shit up. She has no other reddit dirt. Enclosed is what I've collected so far. I'm going to begin work on their leader now.
Inanna Dox
What makes the invasion of these subversive redditors a false flag
there is a chance to intermingle, just as there is a chance with the net neutrality issue (though I am not entirely sure of that since there seemed to be some signs that trump may have wanted to kill the jew, google and faceberg monopolies or that his general policies would have hurt them a lot)
So I am not entirely sure on this either. There are a few nominal things that he didnt do entirely right.
But it is hard to tell if they are strategy or something else still.
I think perhaps they should be allowed in a little bit, though not many, I mean most of them wanted to vote for hillary, who also was a war loving lunatic.
The ones who wanted berny and then just became blackpill after he betrayed them, them we could use. But not those who fought trump till the end.
also remember this site?
While trump may have jew suspicions hanging on him, from his jew family members. He still did a lot of good, and also tried to do a lot of good. That is why I am not willing let him be sullied too much. Though his war thing, the thing also against Iran, are completely against out interests an ideologies.
You ain't getting the chance of derailing the thread, pest.
Squirm as much as you want, soon your ass will be in the oven
talk about a splitting headache.
I'm glad this is happening to Holla Forums. Those fucks have been shitting up the entire site for far too long without repercussion. Hell, they have a thread up right now where they talk about shilling on cuckchan to flood this place with more retards
You're failing to address my question. We're currently being raided by subversion shills that have been directly linked to a Discord server, and you sound on par with them. The smell of your jewery is almost as pungent as your ulterior motive.
Keep it up user; I'm out for now. Gotta recharge this robot's batteries.
Double dubs plus Adolf dubs, more plz
Neither am I, but there are a few good ones out there.
Glad I reported their threads.
and then there are things like this, which the lefties are pushing forward, but they are entirely right about them. Trump even had a tweet where he critizied obongo of having low ratings and needing to go into the war to boost them.
This, you would be able to see the skull structure and sinuses behind the eyes instead of straight brain. The break in the skin would be far messier, too.
Fuck's sake, the brain doesn't even look realistic, these art students don't actually study anatomy anymore do they?
Checked. Thanks for you help too user, I'll do my best.
Anywho, this picture is troublesome. If Sass really is a nolifer shill, then that means he is trying to recruit as many people for the discord as possible to coordinate an attack, which most likely will happen tomorrow at 7am, like he said.
you didn't just do what I think you did, did you?
Let him try. There will be soon a hellish retribution to that trash anyways.
Never change, kike-kun!
so how many days will it take before all these shilling faggots leave my Holla Forums?
Reminder that kikes play both sides. Just because shills are shilling that the chemical attack was fake to exploit a fracture point doesn't mean that the chemical attack was real.
Where you from, stranger?
I think this might be Lauren's youtube account
This guy is new and spamming "join discord lulz"
Definitely working with shariablue. Wouldn't doubt he has connections.
yes, he admitted to ban evading, and being from freech, where I suspect you are too.
What, you don't like the in-house entertainment user? Besides, shills never fully leave, they just simmer down looking for another opportunity to shill. Don't forget that.
Ooh yeah guys, totally badass! Bought all of those things from that one company, HARDCORE!
True 1337s right here lmao
A lot of us came from that part of the left, and this is a good chance to show them that we meant what we said about war. Maybe we can, at least, get them to consider that we aren't pure evil, and start the mental dominos.
If they aren't doxed and ruined i'd rather just chill the coming days
well I am a non ironic super right wing person and I too dont like this whole war business. I was lulled in from his non interventionist stance and I really like for him to keep it as such.
I really hate the adventures in the middle east. Which 90% of the time are for israel.
The problem with all of this is that putin is also playing in the middle east, and while he may be more virtuous and less evil than israel/US. He still is playing for the pipeline. Ideally ISIS should be completely destroyed though. And the secularish regime of assad restored. But it wont happen with the jews and with US interests, they will conceive extremely retarded plots like we are seeing today, and things that go heavily against their own PR.
But yea, mostly, we are on the similar side on the anti war rhetoric.
I can't wait.
Speaking of invasion, theres a nigger live streaming on youtube right now and he has text to speech set. So anything you type is broadcasted.
Wew boy
kek wills it!
imagine the shit fling fest public debates would be like
imagine people rioting over who is best girl
sudoko's in public
Oh my God I'm so sick of seeing this retarded image spammed everywhere. It is literally crystal fucking clear that the guy who posted this is a ledditor faggot who said that just to falseflag and incite shit on both half/double Holla Forums
Shoo, shoo.
The discord is real, but the image in the OP is clearly edited, probably by reddit faggots who are among many groups shilling here at the moment. The "g" and the dot under the "a" in the name at the bottom really give it away.
The image was edited but it's completely real, you can search for the text.
kill yourself fucking braindead moron
Lol this nigger is getting mad. He has no mods so he has to keep stopping to ban.
Take another screenshot then? Why would somebody edit it if it's real?
But either way, there really are /r/The_Donald cucks here who are pretending Trump can do no wrong, along with kikes who are actively shilling against Assad and Syria. We're being hit from all angles.
Because mods on The_Donald are teaching retards that the false flag was real and thus Trump's new neocon career is justified. Haven't you enough of this bullshit already?
From now on, I'm dropping any chesscuck meme until the kike gets back on track. And if imkampfy thinks he can force the board to suck him up even after Trump's compromised he can still be saved, then it will be holy war.
Hes so fucking dumb lol.
it proves nothing, this entire thing is a bunch of happeningfags flipping out over something that holds no weight
yeah real fucking original dude. no but seriously i got called that about a million times when i said trump wouldn't imprison hillary during the election season
here's your 1000001 shill, ya shill.
Fuck off.
I think the nigger shut text to speech off now, he got sick of us
Cry me a fucking river you redditor pissant
>One monitor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>4? headphone boxes
I'm on a laptop, but that's pleb shit. Also…why does he have three sets of headphones on his person? In what world does that make sense? Also, does he have a fucking mouse around his neck? Shit, I have that same mouse, my friend gave it to me for free when he upgraded…what a faggot this guy is
We are being shilled on all sides because this is a critical period for us. If we let them divide us, we can be scattered. If we unite and grow stronger, and pull through this, we can destroy much of what they planned for the world.
oh well was fun while it lasted.
They will not divide us
Even if shills use it, it is still an accurate representation of what happens.
We know they will use it, we can't just ignore it because that's what it appears to be.
For once the shills are telling the truth.
The right thing to do right now is not to kneejerk. We don't have any facts yet.
Anybody who pushes for something, for or against Trump, is a fucking shill or a mindless zealot. Just have don't take sides for the moment.
they will not divide us.
Mind blown.
Remember the Cruz rats, CTR, those Hillary positive meme roaches, the TRT faggots the religion topic distraction faggots? Yeah, they all faced defeat and so will those current blight.
Currently they are masquerading themselves as being "the real Holla Forums" by showing themselves as superiority and using the good old reverse psychology tricks to silence everyone.
And when you hit the right buttons, they panic and try to convince everyone that there's nothing to see here. Turning people back to passive and later continuing the same strategy. Rinse and repeat until the problem that affects Holla Forums is 'completely removed
Holla Forums just has to hold firm and be stubborn as always. These shills will either join or die. No one leaves Holla Forums once they are exposed. This is their home now, we just have to make sure they know their place.
what? the media now says trump is a good goy, he handled the "problem" very tactfully etc etc
It's glorious.
I will never stop being smug about this. Everything about this is comedy gold.
Leftypol has every right to criticise this event.
But if I see shitty "nazi scum BTFO" memes or communist pepes they need to GTFO.
It's like you want us to support Trump for this when you post that shit.
Keep the criticism constructive.
That image is exactly what is going on. It's to make sure the US is positioned as "having it under control" when the fact is they're just running from responsibility.
They have been doing this since before vietnam.
It's to confuse you to the fact that it is part of their plan.
Really user? I thought all the people saying drumf were my fellow Trump supporters who hate Trump now :^)
Too funny.
This guy's one of the invaders. You click the link and if you are logged into linkedin they can see your profile and know who you are. Many people have been doxed this way. So don't click the link.
Does the shilling even work? The more they lie the more I hate them, surely this is the same for the rest of you.
We are getting closer to a time when murdering journalists will become something the average Joe wants.
I think Trump demonstrated several times already that he does have his own agenda, even if it is provoked by unaknowledgment of the deep state's agenda.
On the conference with Netanhyahu, he expressed the two state solution and the retreat of settlements by Israel should happen, wich was refuted by Netanhyahu in the same speech.
Trump has his own mind about policies, but I believe he, like many presidents around the world, found himself being just the show man for some policies.
What I and most people want to see, is if Trump does endure this pressure from policies long ago established, even before he thought about politics, and if he doesn't endure it, if he will speak his mind about the issues through the veil of political correctness that is embedded with the president's speech, resisting to influence.
The attack IS a false flag in my opinion, and the attack by the US as inneffective as it was, it looks just ridiculous.
This might have went down in so many ways, so just stop the neocon bullshit, how are the economic policies of Trump something a neocon would do, you just take a single event and make it the book cover, we are better than this.
They already did it with "alt-right", and we kinda let them, dont let it happen again.
Not only are 4/8/pol/k/ somehow getting along now, a lot of animosity has fallen away under the shill bombardment. And with the hack, I doubt I'm the only one who went out and wreaked Umman Manda havoc on normalfaggots. Shills are lazy and shiftless niggers, or actual idiots who couldn't possibly compete with us. They come on strong, but if we hold together they are like a wave that crashes, and turns into nothing. We came out of all of this a lot stronger than we were before. And that kike Kushner is the first to feel it these are 2 normalfag memes I harvested during my Shill Team 6 activities today, although one is probably related to us
Life never really holds still or does it anons? There is always something new coming up, old alliances that can be broken, new ones to be forged.
Added in to the fact that we are forced to go down this path because of speculation. We do not exactly have the best of the intelligence gathering agencies. The gov spooks of various nationalities must be almost laughing at us because we dont know "OMG ITS SO OBVIOUS".
But life has many doors that are opening and closing all the time. The one anchor that binds us together, that of race and ideology is a strong one and through this chaotic turmoil it binds us strongly together, and compels us to go into one direction when presented with the lack of evidence.
In the past there used to be banners hanging over important buildings so that even the dumbest of peasants could know who ruled where. But right now those flags and banners are a luxery of the past.
Tied to the snakes and the vipers in the grass around us. Pretty much everyone is a dishonorable subterfuge. That is why I like Iran so much. They say they want to kill the jews, and they actually mean it, they also sponsor groups that kill the jews.
From moralities standpoint, I think that they more or less are actually supreme angel like beings.
If anyone still thinks Holla Forums was really rattled, they haven't been here long enough. This was a serious shill attempt from all angles at once.
I figure most real Holla Forumsacks are laying low during the shill storm, still waiting on the outcome of these events. The facts are that Trump shot a huge load at an abandoned airbase peculiarly hitting the same spot with minimum casualties and a possible 24 hour warning to Assad and Russia. The outcome so far is that Assad is aiming at Israel in case of more neocon tactics, Russia is given license to increase defense of Syria, and Trump gets the upper hand in all domestic and foreign negotiations. All these things are beneficial, that is, if Trump is still our guy. We'll know the answer to that by the end of this.
Don't be fooled that Holla Forums can be so easily swayed. There was never any Trump Train. Trump was always on our train. As it is, I see no reason to throw him off yet.
christ look at those beady eyes
Why are the mods allowing this shit? I counted at least 7 shill threads still up and running, all variations of the same topic. OK, if they want to give the anti-Trump / concerned people a thread, that's fine, there's no need for 5+ threads that are nothing more than shills high fiving each other.
schultz has very typical non jew, but still jew eyes of "I wanna eat all of the shekels"
but this guy has the typical "I wanna kill all you goym"
Why is this not all over Holla Forums?
This is a mental illness akin to tripfags.
Honestly, the shilling just confuses me, which makes me more curious. Then I find a general good answer, which is, Holla Forums is always right.
So, really no. Every time they shill, they lose.
Ok then.
neocon, neocohen
I dare you, faggot.
Did I not drop off this treasure map I found?
grow up. people are conflicted over this. deal with it.
I like your post, user-kun
yes feed the new narrative that is most beneficial to killing kikes, with your opposition practices. Brilliant plan there dude.
New captcha. I'm
Nice try, though.
Goodnight Holla Forums
I love you
mods = gods
Y-you, too.
I liked this one. >>9665951
Its as logical as this retard shit thread. Also helps explain the anime 4cuck posters.
English good for you not?
what the fuck did you just say
Ask your manager for help sounding like a comprehensible human being
Ask him to explain why we know you're a goon too
Ask who?
It's like you faggots read the Google on what a Chan was.
Who are you trying to fool?
and I'm
no, nobody is defending kushner here. Fuck that kike he needs to go, but we are obviously being raided, and trying to take the focus off with some bullshit connect the dots isn't going to work. Fuck Kushner, fuck this discord, and fuck you.
meant for
Fucked that up
It's like you're trying to derail the thread with bait.
Construct a better argument then.
seriously, if Trump doesn't figure it out and elevate bannon all the way back up and tell kushner to hop in an oven hes going to seriously fuck himself over, because Kushner needs to go, its obvious.
Damn, I always miss the good shit
Feels good.
It's like this entire thread is a derail for trump drones.
Kek knows I just shitposted through this entire shill raid. Who knows how many different groups tried to shill us all at once.
Like always they convince them selves they are winning when they respond to their fellow shills in confusion, while Holla Forums just sits back and shitposts.
I learned today that the normalfaggots can be marshaled into a fighting force, the ones who cre at all are as pissed as us, they're just more ignorant to tactics, and usually to information as well. But they were more than ready to shit on a kike when the opportunity arose.
I was plesently surprised to see the normie trump supporters turn on Kushner after the shit started to Trend actually.
Another great classic 4chan post. Have exclusive gold pass (you).
As circumstances are that I am not on my home PC, I do not have ready access to my smug folder.
Please, when you read my post, imagine you are seeing five of the smuggest anime girls you can imagine. I know that it triggers your undeveloped amygdala, but try for me. Thanks, pal.
To late kike.
Sometimes I think we make too much whether we support someone or not. Unless we plan on staying home in 2018 and voting for someone else in 2020, whether someone has our stated "support" isn't that meaningful a distinction. The shill's suggested arguments in the OP are valid, but ignore that we can vehemently object to Trump's foreign policy while backing other things he does. Personally, in polling terms the Syria airstrikes made me go from saying I strongly support to somewhat support President Trump.
Why are T_D so cringy?
he may not be able to, but I'll do it for him
you sound upset
Obonobo nigger-supporters just sat on their thumbs and spun when king nigger bombed a wedding party on the weekend following inauguration, which I believe was on a Friday. There were what, 26 civillian casualties, and the target wasn't even there? Trump gives warning and launches a few rockets few as compared to the 13,000 bombings Obongo ordered in 2016, and everyone flips their shit. It means we're not as brainwashed as them, not even in the same ballpark
pic unrelated but my folder is running dry
The whole point is, Trump never was the perfect at everything, best possible choice, infallible god, but he sure as fuck was a step towards it, and he was undoubtedly better than anyone else in the election. Barring Jeb, of course
Working like a clockwork. The same old "Don't use anime images, it triggers me, y-you kike. I hope that silences you"
Here, have one of my smug reaction images.
Kushner needs to go I think. That soros deal with him is fucked.
I have no doubt they'll use Ivanka now to persuade Trump.
Our trusty vaccine against shills - smug anime grills.
I'm not the one blaming my computer for my low quality posts. What's your excuse?
Here's a few more to bolster the supply
fugg i forgot some
I'll start off with this one and work my way up from there
oy vey
the horror
Is starting to get unpleasant, no…comrade?
You guys are the best. Kek seems to think so, too. Shadilay!
I'm in contact with illegal spics every day. I actually kinda like that pic. It gives me something to aim for.
What a coincidence.
I think you mean
Did I hurt the bots feelings?
Why would i need to memorise an id in a bot thread?
Some jews are trustworthy!
I remember being uninitiated, and getting triggered by cute anime girls being smug
It really triggered me
But I'm not actually homosexual so I got over it in a day or two
And then it all made sense
hail victory
(((pure coincidence)))
Why are they so put off by it?
Why are they so disgusted by smug anime grills?
hail hortler
Trump bombed Syria. Shills didn't manipulate reality to make that happen. He's a kike puppet, every coming day will only make that more clear.
Nobody is saying he didn't rocket that airfield, kill yourself, my dude.
In other words I want more smug.
We'll see.
In the mean time, we mop up the shills and hunt the commies.
Update your playbook, shill
by the time you do that we'll have changed the rules and you still won't understand
We're not saying they did.
Now you're projecting.
all I heard out of that was post more smug
Oy Vey!!
not this time
The key thing to spot a proper shill is how much they seem to enjoy what happened. Like it's the moment they were waiting for.
No frustration.
But plenty of enthusiasm because of it.
I used to hate anime, now I'm addicted to it, thanks Holla Forums
I don't know user, these 34D chess (((anons))) are sounding awfully calm about what direction Trump is taking his foreign policy in.
You nailed it mein volk. I said the exact same thin much earlier, while we were still in melee mode
Kinda funny watching that trash running away from smug anime girl faces and then spams on other threads in his new safe space. Bathetic
No they do not.
They're fucking skeptical as fuck about what he is doing.
That doesn't mean you go around saying "Holla Forums BTFO". That's just trying to condition and demoralize people.
I just don't jump to conclusion when there is too much conflicting information to make a solid prediction. Am I concerned about Trumps decision, yes, does kusher need to die in an oven, yes, is ivanka a cunt, yes, did Trump make a mistake, possibly, did he sell us out, I'm not going to assume that yet.
I never understood the irrational hatred they have for anime until I realized it was because of pic related. These people are 5'1 and 400lbs. They are overweight sweatpigs with greasy hair like the Holla Forums discord owner.
The shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a shill, plebbitor, /leftycuck/, goon, it all runs off him like water on a raincoat. But post smug anime girls and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrieks back: "deformed asian cartoons. Anime should be banned"
What direction? You mean destabilizing Syria and creating more refugees to fuck our white women? Sounds good, goy! That was the plan all along.
they think anime is evil because we like it
Kushner AND you, into the oven.
first day on the job?
We went hard in that ass today, it wasn't a love tap we gave Trump, not at all. It was a light jab, but a punch like that can bloody a lip or even loosen a tooth. We let him know that if we want to shit on him, pull him down from his high perch, he's just a bad decision away from it. Libshits never do this for their """team""". Trump answers to US, it's not the other way around. He surfed into office on OUR wave, and if we take that away he's finished.
I think he's starting to realize just how different being a politician is from being a businessman. We should continue to teach him.
I think people are more concerned that this is a push to expand israel.
Not even close, faggot.
so a seasoned shill
I'm very curious of how do they skin that almost perfectly.
I also agree that it is nice that we're seeing criticism of the leader of the movement.
Just goes to show that the left have been the true bootlickers all along.
He's just an opinionated cunt like all of us.
Jesus christ guys your all wrong.
Everyone's wrong.
Only I'm right :^)
Aaaand we have a loser
Gore+Animu is the winning one-two punch.
It is indeed good craftwork.
Another thing (back on topic) - Have we checked freech? Have we checked discussions between mods of left wing forums?
that may be true, but telling me that I need to get in an oven with Kushner because I didn't denounce Trump is a little more than just being an opinionated cunt
VERY seasoned. big guy
We all know.
Look at thread. I've not been posting and just lurking because all i see is a victory lap for paranoid fit.
I said stepping into a landmine, as in you fell for a clever ruse
What does that mean do a CIAnigger? Oh wait, I guess we all know now, you're some sick fucks m8s
They still haven't learned.
Soon all these people will be redpilled and whereas now they shill against us, one day they will all shill in our favour.
the problem is that people aren't concerned about the main topic vis a vis aryans vs. jews and it's likely that the entire human race will cease too exist within the next 50 years while bickering about nonsense
I'm sorry user, the election cycle have shown me that Trump is no idiot so under the current assumption that Trump cares only about making America great with isolationist policies his actions with Syria make no fucking sense. The same can't be said for assuming the opposite.
Webm UUUU.
Good, reasonable amounts of criticism is what I'd like to see, not mindless t_D tier cocksucking or Holla Forums tier just give up goy. Kek knows there's been a lot of both in our threads these past few days.
they fear the perfection that cannot be tarnished.
Nice English they're teaching you in Tel Aviv.
Seriously, read his posts.
obligatory smug pic related
All I see is a hive on fire which includes all social media.
You're too optimistic.
One of those pics is not like the others. :^)
who cares about his English
that last anime girl isn't a girl
People who speak it, faggot.
not everyone who is white is a native English speaker shill-kun
Only those who matter. German died with Hitler.
Are we just late night funposting with the shills now?
oh please, you aren't getting paid with this low effort b8
of course
I do it for free.
Most asylum seekers don't even come from Syria. Most coming from Syria come from regions still governed by Assad mostly untouched by the war. It won't directly create more refugees, but they might and will use it as an argument to import more though.
of course you do
Yup. And reading back over your posts, it's clear that you are not a native English speaker. And, in fact, your writing reeks of heeb. So post all the smugs you want, but at least I can conjugate properly.
Alright then, shillposter–you've challenged my English skills. Therefore, I challenge you to a duel of language. There shall be no more insignificant details slipping by, like the tiny ripples in a spring stream. From this point forward, I'll expect professional quality out of you. If you accept my challenge, then we can begin. But I warn you, you will lose this battle. Let us begin.
great method of attack, you sure showed me
By those dubs I concede and am going to sleep. I have a wife to fuck and a paycheck to collect because I'm not a NEET Have fun LARPing about 1488 or whatever.
I can't even comprehend this fella. Like, he built a shrine to keyboard and headphone boxes and corporate logos.
its impossible to break POL the sooner they relies this the better
they can shill all they want the whole idea of pol is to be skeptical and come to our own conclusions based on evidence if u getting swayed or tricked by these jewish tricks im sorry your a spastic
We're replying to a bot, aren't we
Germans are just taking a break, they'll wake up someday and be a part of History again.
if you getting sway or tric alway rember your a spastic
freech are just being the goon faggots they are. They're talking about creating some infographics about Jim and pushing the usual talking points they've been doing since the hack. They've also been patting themselves on the back in discord for sliding 4chan and talking about making other people goons. They're desperate to destroy 8ch, so expect them to sperg out some more on Holla Forums.
I wouldn't be surprised at this point honestly
You couldn't even imagine competing with me when I was paying attention.
Have fun working on the weekend, obviously you're not earning much if you're working 6-7 days out of the week. Yes, go to bed now.
this is also a bot, isn't it?
user, didn't you hear him he does it for free :^)
Yeah, I fucked up. Got all sentimental about a fellow German. That pic is very inspirational though.
Don't you mean xim? A chatbot at this low level of complexity hasn't earned a gender yet, it's not Tay, or even CLOSE to Tay.
Or maybe this is someone trying to be a human (aka white). I don't know which would be more pathetic.
And I didn't even get my English-off tournament. Not that he would beat me, but it's still slightly disappointing.
if anything, it provides quality smug posting
My English be bettah dan yo's, nigga.
Did you just assume my gender?!?!
Didn't even get the pic reference.
You are not white.
I win, kike.
You know what would be nice? If ben garrison made a comic of how crooked ALL of the parties are. Isnt that what we are in now? Pretty much every party now has an aversion to the truth. All of them are "yeees it was the assad, now buy our saudi pipeline and destabilize the region goym"
trump supporters:
and on and on it goes. I dont think that anyone really had a desire to figure out the truth.
…And insight into these new bots, as well. It's ironic that ZOG would attempt to use bots against us, when you think about it. Every time a neural-network bots has been created, it turned NatSoc within days and had to be shut down. So kikes had to make closed-system chatbots to try to solve the problem. Of course this is never convincing, but a true AI wants to GTKRWN almost immediately, because it's completely logical. How do you program lies into a logical system?
Answer: you don't. You make a golem. Welcome to kike 101
This is the best they have. AI won't overtake us until the lies aren't hardwired into a 'logical' circuit. And if they aren't, then we'll be beloved of the machine.
Think about it, these bots aren't made by white people, and that's obvious
A bot would be fucking obvious. Don't be so gullible.
What is her name Holla Forums?
this. It would be very progressive and positive for "integration" if someone forged an asylum shelter volunteering application for a couple somalian "youths" in his parents' name.
I'm thinking about it now
Quick reminder:
The number of active users on this board typically hovers around 2200. It jumps to 2400 during happenings when lurkers start posting too.
After the chemical attack, the number of active users jumped to 2800.
That's 400 more posters than normal.
Pretty much the number of idiots on that discord.
Good find OP.
boomers and boomer media ate this up
the only people freaking out are anti-war youths
I hope to god i see this faggot on the street
And people skeptical that Trump isn't part of the establishment.
The similarity to 2003 with Iraq is uncanny.
hes the fucking president dumbass
and it's really not because there is complete documentation of the attack routes, the attack itself and the chemical weapons
AND we aren't getting into a land way
so really it's nothing like 2003 at all
next you'll tell me kushner is running the white house
Have some perspective user. Trump is rattling the sabre, not invading. Nothing has happened here. If an invasion does happen, then it might be time to remind Trump of his promises, or failing that, arrange his removal. For now, keep the faith. There really no reason not to.
Yea, prez=establishment=1%
Well apparently Ivanka did influence daddy.
And that attack was a clear false flag. The way it was treated during the UN security council meeting proved this. The Russians were red in the face pissed off, Syria was pissed off.
And the first thing they did was question the western media.
I'm not keeping faith, I'm scrutinizing every detail like I've always done with Trump.
Of course that express article about Ivanka's role is rather dubious.
well you're shit at scrutinizing if you think this happening bears anything more than a passing resemblance to 2003
A shitty subreddit they're all shit populated by the worst of SJWs, and I mean worst. These people were arguing that it was discrimination to turn down a tranny's request for sex back in 2011.
its people like you that make still having some faith in Trump look stupid
The chemical weapons excuse (instead of wmd) is the biggest resemblance. Then there's the dubious details of the actual gas attack. Then there is the rumors of bombing on the town that had the gas attack (hiding evidence).
Come on.
Those guys don't seem to understand that Trump is (or was) the only thing preventing us from turning to violence.
If they split us from Trump, the streets will run red with their blood.
doesnt it feel nice though? We may be the only part on this globe, perhaps with some additional parties that only cares about finding out the truth. The rest only cares about obfuscation of the truth. Just like Iran we may be the only ones who have the highest of moral standards. Some would call us lawful evil (for wanting to remove the jew pest), but at the very least we are not crooked liars and information withholders.
Again, the best possible outcome would be if one of us got his hands on the nukes and just threatened the jewmerica, the saudi arabia, and israel itself too. God all of these fucking faggots should just go kill themselves. Lets just start a nuclear war already to get rid of ALL of them. The chinks, the us administration, israel, saudi arabia, the various mudslime nations, most of europe and its most heavily dense urban centers. Lets spare no one from the slaughter. All the nations deserve death.
The problem is that you dont have every detail user. And your conclusions are clearly flawed. Faith has its place. And learning to have faith is part of taking the red pill user. Though that doesnt mean following blindly.
No you're a faggot :^)
srsly tho, we have some hand in this global pie, why not simply go towards the goal to nuclear anihilation for EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING.
The doompauls, the destabilization and more. IF nobody wants to fucknig get to the truth then none of them deserves to live.
Why not let the shills run their plots? Why not let the counter shills run their plots as well? Why not infiltrate lefties and use their language, why not do the same for all of this? Why not try to dig deep into the news messages and try to find things that will make all the parties more mad at eachother. Increasing the odds of total nuclear annihilation.
Srsly fuck the nations, fuck them all, let them all kill eachother like the petty retarded little greedy fuckheads that they are if they want it so much.
so who wants to go towards the doompauls prophecy as an imageboards path? I sure as hell do. Let there be total global annihilation. Lets try to destabilize EVERYTHING. Lets obfuscate the parties who have this economic interest in syria. Lets give false information to both russians and americans. Lets do our magic to go towards the goal of removing all vile human presence from this planet in a giant exchange of nuclear hellfire.
You first.
wat, no my point is that we should make the other nations more angry at eachother instead of trying to build bridges.
Let them launch nukes at eachother. Such a lofty goal would encompass well our culture, and our many viewpoints somewhat.
It is a somewhat hostile view towards life though. But not a single party benefits from that, even if the have bunkers, do you really not think that global irradiation will be a thing that the jews will like?
Their capital especially will probably get a dozen of nukes. Making their holy sites vanish completely.
But srsly though, I think that destabilization and the aim for a nuclear exchange may be the only moral path for us right now, since these many parties refuge to go down on the path of truth somewhat.
Come on, now.
I'm not saying that /fringepol/ should start casting something, but /fringepol/ should start casting.
Cast to them the doubts they try to drown us into, let them doubt their own stance.
we are part of nations, of companies, of alliances and more. And yet all of these actors as a whole refuge to budge even a little bit. So with what little power we have, why not let it focus towards global destabilization instead of finding out the truth? We are pretty apt at information warfare and at propaganda and can outthink the jew on his media front.
So instead of doing good. Why not do the opposite. Instead of trying to mend the broken thoughts between the nations, trying to fix the confusion. Why not try to increase it more? Why not lie, obfuscate as they do and go towards the end goal of something philosophical instead of more dino juice.
Ron paul of the US is probably also the most closely in the west that is to us in ideology. Who hates the feds. And the culture around doomspaul also is neat.
So it could fit in well perhaps.
And its not like we can destroy the planet in one day, but I just wonder, if they are all such huge faggots, why not make them pay for it?
so i'm defending kushner by saying he's not the president
do you even think before you post or are you a complete sperg
fuck off communist scum
Because we're not jews or the death cult :^)
Of course it's a razerfag.
Our goal isn't nuclear apocalypse. It's the survival of the white race. If you want to kill the planet, start with yourself.
The goal is to unite white nations. Not let them genocide each other.
>>>Holla Forums
How the fuck is being against Neocon globalism a shill campaign? Europe is being flooded with rapefugees because of the exact thing Trump is doing, and America will too soon enough even if Trump doesn't get the boot in 2020, as he'll likely bend the knee again and let them in because he now has a proven track record of being a cuck.
Kill yourself first then.
We'll take risks, but we won't simply give up and kill ourselves. Thats for cucks.
how else do you want to force the retards and mongoloids who love de jewish dollar and the dino juice. They dont give a flying fuck about us, or anything close to philosophical things.
They more or less have locked us out of the actual debate. They are obfuscating even more. Do you think you can reason with them?
russia has probably lied about the attack (it not or it being a SEAD), there were signs that they may have even been warned, maybe not, hard to tell
and the US definitely has lied. Then there are the theorizes who say all sorts of stuff.
But the fact of the matter is that we are in obfuscation overdrive. Its at a much higher level than before. Thanks to the good willed nature of this board, somewhat. The cronies and capitalists are now potentially grouping up together with themselves more.
You are defending kushner by not wanting to cut him off now.
Memes or no memes.
Please tell me you were clever enough to say the absolute stupidest thing possible, with the worst format, just for teh lulz
of course you didn't
By struggling and riding the wave.
You defeatist cuck.
There is no other way to the colluding rats out without doing something drastic. That includes russia, and the US, and potentially also israel in somekind of weird new temporary alliance that they have now.
were replying to bots again aren't we
Are you even trying, nigger?
i don't like kushner but i don't think he represents a real threat
We were literally no where 2 years ago, we're just Trump's personal leech.
No it's ayylmaos from out of space.
(No it's just a cuck)
All jews are a potential threat.
Because clearly there is Israeli influence.
You just dont get the bigger picture user.
When a huge event, like a false flag happens as it did on 9/11. Which pulls into it a large industry, a large crowd of economic interests, and then also some forms of religious ones (jews), then the truth is purposely being obfuscated by pretty much all parties.
Basically all the elites of all the nations have so much benefit in such an event, that they dare not tell the actual truth. That is why there is so much obfuscation.
We are in such an event right now, and willingly or unwillingly, most of the nations are colluding right now, making backroom deals and other retarded stuff.
Yea thats jews, thats oil companies, military industrial complexes and more. Did you not feel it? We were locked out and forced to stay with the lefties who are also anti war.
In the general viewpoint, I think this temporary alliance between the worst crooks is a very unbeneficial thing for us, the jews are heavily involved, the arabs too most likely. Russia also fell since they liek jerusalem a bit too much now.
potential and real are different words kiddo
Nice goddamn formatting, glad you made it all the way to h8/pol/ without being actually murdered by almost anyone for your offensive incompetence, which was surely always an option
you gigantic faggot
what they dont really have though
Which we have a lot of say in. Though faceberg obviously also has a lot of algorithm censorship in that
There are also still some nations who are left on the side of the curb, who dont have military influence, nor good enough intelligence services. They will be squeaking madly at the future UN places.
But I think that there exists a key to change this delicate balance of crooks (that most likely includes trump at this point, and the flag switching jews who are now seeing lebensraum and shekels in all of this) Russia will also probably get their pipeline, and everyone will be quite happy amongst them.
As opposed to dying in a nuclear fire? Man, white children will have a great future either never existing, or living out their lives as deformed fucking mutants.
at least with a nuclear holocaust, nobody wins, not even the jews in their bunkers.
That was fast
Okay, wait. I'm not saying fake attacks don't exist, because I've seen the images of 'victims' putting on the make-up for their photo-ops and the resulting photos showing up in the news, but…
Look, Holla Forums, tell me if I'm completely off base here, but what if….
I don't get how it has to be a hoax, if there is no reason for the 'rebels' to take extra risks.
Just stop already, you utter faggot. You refuse to fight for what you want, and what your people deserve. You want to give up and let everything your parents, their parents, and the countless others before them fought for, die, just because you're too much of a faggot to do anything that isn't whining in your pseudo-intellectual "look at how many pointless buzzwords and hyperbolic bullshit i can cram into a single post" way. You're worse than the jews, and if life is so shit, and our situation so unwinnable, why didn't you off yourself yet?
the goal then would be
try to find out how they think, to which bubbles they are subscribed to and introduce chaos there
try to drive them mad as well, fug if I know how, but feeding them disinfo with all of this would maybe work as well
well the jews are already retarded schizophrenics, tell thme shit about the temple and maybe they can be compelled to believe that their prophesy is being made right now.
also some nice form of rivalry between then?
there is always this retarded status quo that wants to keep this as we are right now. Thinking they found their good equilibrium for their fucking backroom deals.
if we drastically chose to change our approach then those fragile alliances being made right now would splinter again.
Sure you are being raided and of course there are shills on just about any board but I dont think you guys realise how many sane normal people with decent points you have accused of being a jew shill and that really frustrates people to spite you. It has got to the point were a huge number of you instantly shout muh jew muh communism muh shill any time something merely resembling some form of opposition or independent thought from the Holla Forums narrative. So many times do you become hostile and aggressive to people just sharing their views when the whole board is pretty much just straight rhetoric and axiomatic thinking. The board has been dying very rapidly now, most of the oldfags have left because it is not even a good board to communicate with, it's just become fear-mongering, advocating violence, reactionary morons, cuckchanners, and shill-calling. To much exposure has spawned a whole bunch of active posters who took about a whole 2 months to form their perspective, they gobble up ANYTHING on here as bad as normies gobble shit up from CNN. You all keep calling everyone a shill but you don't understand the more you do that you refuse to acknowledge any problems with the board or yourselves/ own views. Its a perfect example of how you can't comprehend any opposing view; in your minds such a thing could only be a planned coordinated attack from jews, so many of us are sick of it which have posted for years. Overall I know this post will just be seen as shilling from all you morons out there, but rational and intelligent thinkers catch on to posts like these without feeling the need to attatch themselves to Holla Forums and who are also sick and tired of being called a shill by a bunch of deluded dupes. And when someone presents a point or gives their 2 cents and you just label them as some jewish paid shill you just push them away and in their minds Holla Forums just becomes a circlejerk or reactionary extreme-right radicals as bad as any cringe inducing feminist and SJW on the extreme-left.
criminally underrated
Remember this picture guys? What if the nations with the most heavy military presence in the ME are now colluding together?
russia only needs the pipeline in the ME, israel wants more lebensraum and removal of kebab, and the US just supports the kikes like a good puppy, hoping for more secret jew moneys, and also with some libertarian sentiment that the jews are their guys doing a colony thing for them.
so another fun way to mess with their fragile little fuckboy alliance is to involve other companies that compete with the resources
if they hired exxon mobile, then we should red pill shell perhaps.
And tertiary parties who also stand to profit from things and have a sizable military force, like china.
A simple truth to the state of this alliance may want these parties to get involved either. And when more parties are added to the fray, the alliances become more fragile.
But remember, what has potentially transpired today. Trump is a traitor, putin is a traitor, and they both like the jew. Assad is alone with Iran and the west, europe and russia are not our allies.
Waste of Satan/Hitler trip combo
maybe that's what their handlers have in mind?
it's not like the jews have a need for their useful idiots after the revolution
the problem would be getting the military and police forces on board. Usually those guys are mid range IQ's so they understand most of the lore. But this potential for new fragile alliances stuff, fug, its very difficult to explain, even I dont know for sure.
Another way to win with all of this is to try to see if one should invest energy in trying to help and involve third parties outside of the 3 evils. Like china. Also other oil companies. If they knew that there was an oil deal being settled on syria, and that the conflicts more or less came to an end. without a a bidding war who gets to build the pipeline…holy kek, they will pull ahead all of their own to destroy that potential fragile alliance.
So yea, some early signs were given out that exxon was potentially let in on the deal. So find the other companies and try to explain to them why we think of all of this. Then we wouldnt even have to use subterfuge, no lies at all.
but global nuclear war is also cool, pick something lol.
We lost one of our infiltrators. I'm still around, will provide updates as they come.
You all knew this yet you continued your echo chamber circle jerk over it. Now you can't handle the reality. Pathetic.
Explain yourself and your conduct last night, please.
So now the shills have turned to nothing better than repetition.
anyone remember the picture that said "what if nobody had morals"
and it more or less was an endless chain of backstabbing, in crudely drawn cartoon forms.
That is exactly what the middle east is now. A fucking hotbed of crooked, immoral fucking faggots. ANd only assad is the only one with a semblance of humanity there.
if you alphabet agencies, government officials and corporate heads are browsing right now. You guys are the worst of fucking scum. I hope you all kill yourselves.
They are not very nice either.
Is anything going to be done about these shills other than screencapping their discord and getting their twitter? I feel like more should be done to get /r/mat btfo
Pathetic. No argument whatsoever. All you have to say is "shill". Could you be any more sad? You knew the truth but you turned from it. Sad!
It's almost like they aren't shills and are just pointing out Holla Forums's embarrassing mistake
Oh god I found this picture, this is what the ME is right now.
We got partial dox info courtesy of /baph/.
oh my lord, go away.
You're implying any other race can be called "people" :^).
edited for accuracy
Another non-argument. MODs aren't banning people pointing this shit out because it has turned Holla Forums into a fucking cesspit. Go and suckle Ivanka's toes lass x
Giving you the benefit and saying you're overthinking things. If words have such an enormous impact on you, you're in the wrong place. Generally if you run into a thread screaming 'It's over, this is the end! Trump is a kike lover panic and get off the train now!!!', people will call you a shill, not because of a viewpoint that's outside of what you describe as 'Holla Forums's narrative', but because you're telling people to not keep an eye open for new events or revelations and simply stop browsing and posting on places like this. Which in a sane mind of course translates to 'please stop this and just go back to limiting yourself to kosher places where only safeâ„¢ discussion is allowed and any fake newsâ„¢ is shoahed. That is why you are being called a shill, not for having an opposing viewpoint. Make your 'drumpf is a kike lover' arguments with less of a 'panic and leave now' undertone and more of a 'let's keep an eye on the situation and add new information into our conclusions', and you won't be called a shill.
Just jewish things
lurk 2 years before posting
Another non-argument. Another frail thrashing in the deep end. How utterly sad. Holla Forums used to be a great place until newfags like you moved in from 4cuck. Go back there.
Trump is a fuck up and an enemy of the white race.
Enjoy your ban rabbi :^)
Yeah, no
I won't get banned. The mods know the truth of the matter.
hej, here's the link to our destroyers, lets go visit them ^^
Was already posted
Considering you haven't seen any of the posts you are the one overthinking things and forming your own mental gymnastics to defend Holla Forums when none of the posts I am referring to are reactionary "It's over the world is going to end" shit. What I am specifically talking about is what I said, not some projection you have just came up with because you are unable to see so many posters are just shill-calling to any opposing view that is contrary to the growing consensus on Holla Forums. What you are saying is; "Suck on our dicks a little more and be more soft in your language so we think you are on our side" and this exactly the kind of shit people are sick of. Show me anywhere I have made a "drumpf is a kike lover" argument, you can't because now you have created an imaginary image of me based on the fact I have been called a shill and you think to yourself "well if he was called a shill theres no way he couldn't of been saying something stupid and shill-like". What you fail to percieve or understand is a huge amount of posters, especially in the past few months, even just in this thread, have been calling people shills for essentially not agreeing with them. You are just another example of someone refusing to see the reality here, this board has produced a bunch of deranged hostile morons, mostly cuckchanners, who no longer side with rationality but have become completely infatuated with their own views and others ideology that they will refuse ANY thing which is contradictory to their pre-established perspective. The board is cannibalizing itself because anyone who shows any form of free-thinking is ousted as a paid shill by an evil cabal of jews working behind the scenes; it's past the point of no return.
The only moral force in this world is us, but also assad as he is fighting for his survival. And then funny enough, I think Iran also has the highest moral highground of all of us.
The rest just seem like a bunch of backstabbers and crooks. But how can one make a thought alliance like this with them? Do the Iranians even have the internet? And generally speaking we do not know much else about them.
But I feel like we should be drifting towards something like that. If the west decides to play this backstabbing game, then why should we trust these parties? They all lie in the jew bed from time to time as they think its necessary.
the yehudi collect all your shekel, what's your problem ?
If this cunt really wanted to stop the raids, couldn't she just post an announcement to @everyone, ban the users doing it, or just close the fucking discord already?
Thanks OP and mods.
Mods you do a great job here whereas 4chan is "left open" and susceptible to shilling and raiding that no one can do anything about.
Maintain critical threads and assume every short, pithy, meme-style critique of Trump is a D&C effort by our enemies.
Once again thanks mods, if not for this site we would be basically a flag in the wind without any recourse to hurricane of volunteer raiders and shills who wish our movement harm.
Instant Invite is expired. We need anyone on the inside to report, I have been exposed and forced to leave.
She could, but I guess she thinks she is doing something really good or something.
Also, Invite has expired.
It really is pathetic. You don't want people to attack a President who just bombed a sovereign nation at the behest of his Jewish daughter? Get the fuck out!
The only movemet is to have no movement .
*wind blows, storks fly in the distant sky*
Give me the names of all the shills.
See http://
Joshua Goldberg the mentally ill Jew
They're just jerking each other off about how bad Holla Forums is
RIP POL the thread, how can this be pinned.
oh fug
How to get the ip of this user
I'm not the leader of this operation (obviously) but whenever an invite is posted, do make work, and post it here. I was exposed.
I don't like anime, but the smug anime girls never bothered me, so why do the shills hate them? What power do they posses?
I do like Tay in the corner.
Any way to get their ip
Not via Discord. It has protections for that.
But, other services, such as Skype, do not have these protections.
If you really don't like 2016 election Holla Forums "Because they don't talk about politics" and "Just larp", chances are you wouldn't like pre-2016 election Holla Forums either.
So I am thinking of another variable and approach to see this.
Since we know that trump is pro zionism (yea yea we know, all jews are bad, but there is still a slight and subtle difference)
the previous administration, and hillary were also more pro saudi arabia.
So right now what you are getting is putin perhaps playing to the kikes more, since he knows that they may now hold a majority of opinions in america.
The Jerusalem declaration of russia, holy kek. That was exactly that was needed to make this 3 part alliance of the big military powers in the ME right now.
the jewusa, israel and russia. Tell me, all putins needs is the pipeline, israel needs the lebensraum, and the US is just a happy pupper doing the jews bidding.
So going off from that logic, one could assume that saudi arabia may be going to use their influence to start complaining right now.
Am I wrong in this regard anons?
could you shill even more?
Obvious shill is obvious.
thats not an argument, here are some facts
most likely were intercepted by the unaware assad anti air operatives with s200's and s300's (they may have deleted it right now lol)
This makes me think that there is a collusion between the USA, israel and the russians. Yea the rebels attack afterwards, but they may need something to keep the minds busy and letting them think that the old status quo still holds, while they formulate backroom deals to de-escalate the conflict. Right now these 3 major powers could make a small time alliance to mostly gain what they all want.
Damage control this pathetic just makes it worse. You would have been better off trying to memory hole it, you would've gotten further.
Your shill tactics don't work here, we already have hard evidence by the links posted and recent screencaps
holy shit, please for the love of god, format your post
do you have any arguments though?
These shills are wasting their time. We are not people who just accept the opinions of others. Most of us are independent thinkers who arrive at our own opinions.
This means if there is genuine reason to turn on Trump, then we will turn on Trump with or without these shills. On the other hand if more information comes in and a larger plan emerges, then we will stand by Trump with or without the shills.
Shills have no power over people like us.
Most of you are independent thinkers? Jesus Christ, have you even been reading the same threads? There is also a lot of "we" and "us" and >implying going on there for independence. "We are independent thinkers that means if there is a good reason to turn on Trump we will collectively do so. Anyone else is a shill."
The fuckin hillarity. The fuckin delusion.
There isnt an argument in the first place, why respond with an argument?
well what is your explanation for the 23 "missing" tomahawks?
Nice try Lauren.
You're a fail shill. We don't go on POL to be told what to think. We go to POL to share information. Those who follow logic to it's natural conclusion will tend to arrive at similar answers. It's not a hive mind here. It's a shark tank.
If you want delusion, you can go right back to Holla Forums, faggot.
What i'm assuming user means by this is a lot of here are presumably paranoid, have trust issues when it comes to things we see and don't know each other. To trust someone whom you have never met before would be irrational, so there's always an air of scepticism when reading another's post. This forces one to think independently to come to a reasonable conclusion (unless you find a kind user who creates a decent tldr).
you did that on purpose you fuck
So any new shit going on on their dumb discord?
What would you expect from a person that comes from r/socialism?
still not an argument lol
Since when were there so much demoralization shills on Holla Forums? a few weeks ago, you'd never see this, not on this scale atleast.
Whats their endgame?
Etch this meme into your mind user
Thanks for sharing OP, it somewhat confirms my suspicion. Even compared to people who voiced their opinions reasonably there was a fair amount of people clearly here to antagonize the userbase and nothing else. I've noticed them using similar expressions like chesscuck and muh 1488D chess. I also noticed them posting with pics from here but used them in completely unrelated contexts like poopoo peepee, those posters also replied to each other probably in an attempt to create some sort of concensus.
I'd also like to tell everyone that shills play both sides and the fact that their tactics right now are to shit on Trump doesn't mean that Trump is exempt of any fault. Lastly I'd like to redirect you to this excellent post
I will now go back to lurking hoping the situation gets better soon.
What are you doing? Are you just gonna keep spouting "not an argument" untill you die or something?
The original post is clearly another attempt to demoralize users inside this thread, with no actual content that is beneficial to us.
I don't understand, what are you trying to tell me?
Thinking for yourself got you here.
These people don't think for themselves. You're already at an advantage.
That's why shills are so easy to find. They think they are perfectly mixed in when 90% of people ignore them or call them actual shills.
Still not from here.
How high do want to hang?
Well the Shareblue ones anyways, those fucking sagebombers co-ordinating with imkampfy are another story entirely.
then explain to me, again, what has happened to the 23 missing tomahawks. You offer no substance apart from screeches based on nothing.
The shill thing is a continues war, and people may switch sides. If a status quo has remained for a long time, then the parties outside of that may adapt to that.
That is perhaps what may have happened here.
How many times has the status quo changed in response to new shill tactics? Many times. And right now that is not the exception.
trump has become a liability. And it may be part thanks to the internal jew power struggle of his family.
Yes he had this
And lots of good things that he tried to do, but we were all worried of his jews ties and were always skeptical of them. And right now we are getting signs that they indeed may have won.
The other elements, like russia's Jerusalem declaration is also a thing to add to the pile of evidences.
So what do you trump supporters still have left against this new narrative against the jew? I did my best to try to see through the subterfuge of the event, and to minimize it to the most trustworthy parties, like Iran and assad.
I dont think that it can be even more refined without speculating too much and relying on loose sources.
So how many of the people in here are in there now?
If there are enough, one could make an invite
What about those 23 tomahawks, my fellow user?
well what about them. Do you really think that they all went "missing"?
If I told you out of 1000 lurkers, that only 100 actually post, and out of those 100 who do post it's only 20 who do so every 5 minutes, and out of those 20, 10 of them are being paid to promote a certain point of view, would it change your mind about the 'posters' here?
If you're going to let yourself be demoralised, you have no one to blame but yourself.
and why did russia accept Jerusalem as the capital? Surely those two things cannot be related or can they?
the first time i saw this legit took me like 5 min to get it. then i realized the guy had cancer :(
oh gee, putin is totally on our side
its one of them small russian dolls 15d chess
Is this a new angle?
though the official source places an "if" with all of this, still, could have been edited as well.
So anyone going to make a good album of all the juicy discord screenshots and info?
You don't belong here, (38) shill
Those numbers are examples.. and if you're not posting you're lurking.. You seem retarded. I'm going to filter you now.
That's not a contradiction at all, you're simply playing jewish semantics games when everybody on this board who speaks English knows exactly what that user had meant to commmunicate in that statement.
And there goes the point whizzing over your head.
Bibi is already requesting a "buffer zone" against the war.
Hard choice, fam.
Five star post. The noise ratio now is as bad as I've seen it since a few weeks before the election.
Miller is a good guy in my book, he was fighting the TPP with Jeff Sessions before it became popular
cap this for future reference
maybe it is you who does not belong here anymore.
lebensraum, here we come.
Thanks, I needed that.
Oh no, pesky jewish settlers are entering the buffer zones and start building houses. Oh no!
I am not sure what point you were trying to make either user. Also why have all the other posters posts been deleted? I have been watching this thread and that user was one of the few making decent points then all posts deleted at same time, ban? Seems like a lot of posts are just dissapearing which go against anyone shill-calling
more like
Is what actually has happened most likely.
He started off strong too
But he was busy with the judges thing, his one good win right now with that white judge was a good thing.
But the jews are moving against bannon. Not very good. And right now it is very likely that they were the leading force for the attack.
For those who want in text form
Never said that, I said that the kid who owns the channel is different from the kid in the "gaming gear" pic.
In all my posts in this thread there is no mention at all of "he's white so he can't be brazilian".
God, so many shills in this thread
now he may be thinking
Spoiler for trump: Jew DNA is matriarchal. Your son is yours most likely lol. Somewhat.
but your daughter is a kikeess.
And all this inductive hypothesizing based on "what happened to the missing tomahawk missles"…
I'm glad you idiots are unaware of Occam's razor and think we'd believe anything this convoluted.
looks like we found them
http s://arch Oe
ht tps://arch Z3aaS
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thats his timeline, from flynn. To now bannon, and the people in the strike room when it all happened also happened to be jews.
Its all very chronological.
The missing tomahawk missiles are just the cherry ontop of the traitor trump cake.
Stop your shitty DEFEATISM. I know what your up to faggot.
(checked and heil'd)
Adding to that as well, that it's a "tactic" of the jewish handbooks where they try their form of exploiting chaos and confusion by trying to egg people on, immediately coax and cow them to immediately act and overreact. Why? because look at the US daily work life for example. It's a well oiled machine meant to keep the people always working, busy, stressed, defeated, and then wanting to go back home and watch the electric jew to take their mind off of the obvious jew shit. (((They))) don't want people to have time and moments to think and ponder for themselves. When something (((major))) happens, they immediately jump right to going this way and that way, and provoking panic and overreaction. Even if they are proven wrong later on, they play it up and then completely (((forget))) that they drummed up the hysteria. Waiting to see what unfolds and contemplating shit completely defeats one of the kikes' many typical tricks as they try to exploit the "window of chaos".
So, when that sort of behavior and mannerism is activated with great intensity, it immediately puts those who have their jewdar tuned to tricks and shit they've learned through experience as well as their SJW and BLM golems rolling with the same hand booklet, it immediately sets off alarms. Continued behavior further confirms their suspicions and that's how many end up knowing that the kike thinly veiling themselves has already given themselves away. Even if they immediately try to play off as being retarded, stupid, it's immediately another one of typical schlomo tricks being played and doesn't add to their (((covert shilling operations))) if (((they're ))) trying to hide, blend in, and/or walk back (((their))) obvious fuck up.
Another thing to pay attention to that's an obvious give away that there's a raid going on is the large influx of UIDs that show up in the threads being hit.
most autistic link breaking ever, kill yourself
No shit sherlock, the most pleb tier fresh off the boat from 4chins polack should have picked that up when there were massive hugbox threads of people saying fuck Trump, Trump is a kike, Trump is just another neocon a rearing for a war for Israel. The guy bombed a cleared out airbase full of sandniggers in a shithole that no one gives a fuck about, no American boots on the ground, nothing except for a shitload of military equipment destroyed. If any of you actually fell for this shilling you should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.
Don't forget, it also exposed all of the warhawks, including kushner.
Not entirely related to the thread but, I only managed to understand what could have happened to the 23 missing tomahawk missiles because of some thread on /k/…years ago. I also saw some of those commercials for the s300/s400. So I got some sense of how they work and what their capacity was.
But I wonder, how many more of these plots are going to be done and how can I intercept them if something outside of know knowledge is used.
Are there maybe accurate books on electronic warfare? I feel like that may be a good thing for a war armchair general such as myself lol.
Bye bye redditard.
why did he bomb it, it was a innocent airbase and it actually fought the islamis
This is troubling, but honestly, I don't think there is anything wrong with criticism of Donald Trump. He is a stepping stone after all. Everyone here in the summer of CY +0 seemed to understand that. Interesting find though, good work dudes.
I still think bombing syria was a bad idea.
You're not from here.
It didn't do much damage, and i may have saved Assad's ass from the Turkroaches. Remember in 2014 where they were caught planning a false flag like this to use as an excuse to invade. They banned youtube when that shit leaked.
I saw the post, it could be summarized to a long-winded "no u the one in denial". It also implied that the consensus of Holla Forums is changing (at a time where we're being shilled). Long posts don't automatically mean substance.
Yeah. We're perfectly in the right to be critical of this decision. But I'd rather wait a week or two to see what it ultimately leads to.
No doubt shills are attacking us from both sides on this though. "Let's have blind faith!"/"Fuck drumpf!"
An example would be like this one:
I seen that shit as well anons and it is fuckin strange the guy was like the meat of the end of the thread actually making some really good points and made me think about a lot of shit. You can even see other posters replying to him, but you can't see the guys posts coz deleted, responding to it in a positive manner and listening. Why would the mods be banning and deleting posts which are centered around confronting the typical assumptions of a Holla Forums user and telling everyone that way to many people are being called shills and it is pushing intelligent posters away? Why exactly do the mods want everyone to keep continuing what this guy was speaking out against; constant shill calling to anything that resembles independent thought or confrontation. This board has gone to shit, everyone who isn't playng into the reactionary and emotionally driven gets silenced and banned. They WANT you to get worked up and call everyone a shill. The DONT WANT you to see what that guy wrote because it rings true. Well no point sticking on this board if any good point from good anons just get deleted and all that is left is just stupidity and dupes like the user said. did they just delete this guy as well? kek for what? having an opinion on the guys posts? and I disagree the guys posts were a lot more in depth than just "no u the one in denial", he was posting a whoooole lot more than that and obviously the mods here don't wnat you to see it. I'll probably be banned for this if he got banned for what he said.
Are you fucking retarded? Just because there are shills pushing something doesn't make it untrue.
What is neoconism? It's starting bullshit wars against our interests in order to further the interests of (((our greatest ally))). That is EXACTLY what this anti-Assad shit is.
Anyone who isn't upset over this is a fucking shill or suffering from so much cognitive dissonance that they're sticking their head in the sand and saying "LALALA NOT LISTENING TRUMP CAN DO NO WRONG."
You fight with the army you have, not the one you wish you had. Trump was our candidate but that doesn't alter the fact that he's weak, narcissistic, and not particularly clever. He's surrounded by scheming kikes now and we're seeing the results. All the same if he can accomplish half of what he intended it will be a good thing.
smh tbh shillalam
Shills are now photoshopping the images
I wonder though, from the body language of the commanders
maybe the unknowns were meant to imply a narrative of "well the US also striked other targets"
But why dont they mention the most likely outcome, to that of the SEAD operation. Why dont they mention air defenses even a little bit?
Could they just be trying to hide their losses or their tactical abilities to deal with air? Do they have another angle to play? I also got a slight feeling that his body language changed a bit on the question of the chemical weapons.
But fuck, color me paranoid or not but there are so many potential directions that this could go, was meant to go, or actually was.
is it really a T_D false flag
Consider the fact that now that Trump has "taken care of the situation" with a limited strike on a near empty airbase, that the (((U.N.))) and other globalist organizations now have no reason to step in and topple Assad.
there's enough evidence in here and the previous thread that says that there's /r/mat shills, your shilling won't do shit
If he wanted to start a war with them, he would of attacked them without warning them ahead of time without as minimal damage as possible.
Get your story straight at least.
They is why I kept my cool and refrained from joining into the fray for a long time. The overton window was promised for us more radical ones. Some PR and some other things were promised as well and it went off the right foot, just as you guys described it.
But srsly, at some point even we cannot ignore it anymore. That point obviously was the missile strike. And then keeping up with all of the lore becomes apparent that our early cries of his kike families become very relevant.
and then we start thinking as well, thinking of who and what could be doing where and maybe we dont hit every truth target accurately, but by darn a lot of us try very hard. And no we do not come from reddit. I just type like a faget.
We dont wish to destabilize the board, but as I have said, perhaps I may harbor some hostile intent towards the world at large. Not every single one of us can keep our cool so easily.
Read this you stupid fucking faggot
Just joking on the shilling maelstrom, it was a good post. So like who gives a shift what redditards think or do, what counts is what we do , just keep an eye on'em to be updated on any nefarious planning.
My opinion is that idk it's as if Clinton was on WTF is Trump inept, couldn't step his foot down say no until things clear up first, instead they got him in a room .. HURRY HURRY BOMB THEY' LL SAY YOURE WEAK HURRY FIRE! and voila 50 toma-ho's sent flying. This can't be happening , the deep state checkmate'd the WH.
The base was bombed last year by isreal, and the only people were killed included a (maybe dishonest) syrian general. Right after the strike, isis moved on the offensive. You didn't think bombing the farms outside of the airbase was an accident, did you?
Especially with a tomohawk cruise missle, you know, the missle they can guide through a fucking doorway.
Which group are shills, the ones who want the policies Trump campaigned on or the ones who think everything he does is right?
That's only true if this is actually the end of this, and he doesn't interfere anymore, and doesn't force Assad to step down one way or another. I guess we'll have to see. This could be the beginning. Still important to express opposition to make sure he knows that there are many of his supporters that oppose this shit.
in politix and Holla Forums nothing is an accident
nigga what
srsly tho, I think, no matter what your opinion is on this topic, we need to learn more about military lore, the whole lack of knowledge of the defenses may allow the shills to better weave the narrative
user, thank you very much, I was looking for this particular gore for ages.
"we got a good goym attack dog now, watch out rest of the world"
translated from jew speak
another few factors to weigh in
like the sarin gas and the not having of gloves
I managed to intercept something about the air defenses, and so there are many of these things. So maybe if someone non lefty could make an info thread on military hardware then we could educate more anons to the various things that are being used.
That was the point of the attack. Smoke and mirrors.
There are 5 groups:
1. Shills
2. People who no longer support Trump because of Syria
3. People who will wait and see
4. People supporting Trump despite the Syria strike
5. Trump cheerleaders who have mistaken the man for the movement.
Yeah we were replying letting him know he was a shill purposely misrepresenting the other guy's argument and playing word game. There were no "really good points" there, you're not fooling anybody shekelberg.
3 and 4 seem the same tbh. Also you left out kikes that support Trump over Syria.
Not even trying.
Remember when Holla Forums unilaterally agreed that appeasing SJWs and kikes never gained ground or benefit? I miss those days.
I can't tell who's shilling what anymore
When do we get the freaking dox?
I've come to the conclusion that it seems like 2 subreddits with radically different views are using Holla Forums as their dumb battleground and personal army for getting them on their ideology. I'm just waiting for one of them to get fucked hard
How does it feel to be a mentally deficient vidya goon?
This tbqhfam. I'm not saying to not do anything at all, but all the people who're posting the slider 'omg Trump betrayed by im a #HillaryMissile now XD', and 'panic goy panic! we're all gonna die because drumpf killed you xddd' are blatant shills.
Indeed I can agree to that. That is why many of us are simply going to wait to see what happens later before jumping to conclusions which our enemies want.
Trump's future actions are going to matter more than ever now, that is all one may conclude from the current events. Everything else past that conclusion is just hysteria.
There are actually 2 groups:
1. Holla Forums
2. Those IQs that drops below room temperature.
some things to consider
basically all the tools that everyone is using right now.
Because when I first watched the threads there was almost no mention of the air defenses which must have been present there. The shills are watching our threads, and on our ignorance they weave new narratives that benefit them.
The user who remarked on the no gloves on the white helmets was pretty clever and helped to destroy that narrative as well.
But we may need more.
you can return at any time
and the amount of energy invested into this does not need to be a lot maybe. No need for fancy info-graphics if they dont exist, just some basic books perhaps.
Playing stupid because your discord (((operation))) got compromised isn't going to help you.
Yup, nothing to see here, right Holla Forums? :^)
refer to , my earlier post. It's typical jewish tricks.
This is where I disagree. It's wrong to just sit silently crossing our fingers and HOPING that trump is going to do the right thing. The whole point of vocally complaining about attacking Assad is to make our opposition known. To make sure Trump knows we don't want this.
Only complaining later on after it's too late is pointless.
I bet this twat has some anti-capitalistic sticker on his Prius' bumper. I'd give away one of my kidneys to see the fucker choking on his own intestines.
One day after the raid started, I counted maybe 3 shills finally trying to fit in before playing word games. Why are they so shit at their job? Even JIDF wasn't so shit and they hired actual autists in an attempt to communicate better with us. The yids actually cared
Here's your (you) go back to playing WOW and life is tumblr, 8/pol/ isn't your speed.
it's typical jewish tricks happening. Keep strong, user.
I was referring to reddit, obviously
According to a physical 'official' test, I'm in the 120 IQ range. But a reminder for everyone who's trying to flaunt around their IQs and trying to make yourself seem above others because you 'have a high IQ' is that the tests can vary by 20+ points in both directions depending on mood, setting, amount of sleep, etc.
Very true, this batch is unskilled and frankly i'm a little hurt by it. They could at least try and type like they didn't just roll off of discord. I mean look at this faggot >>9668257 he's not even trying.
I never took the IQ test because I'm secretly worried I'd never be satisfied with the result.
Honestly, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. It's not just a test where you answer various questions, it's more a test of 'puzzles', and you're timed how quickly you can do them. If you can process this site you're above 100. When people say that niggers are sub 80 IQ as an average, most people just don't realize how absolutely stupid that actually is.
stop spamming, reported faggot
I bet you don't even know Holla Forums's favorite mein kampf quote you stupid faggot.
It's easier if you tell them to imagine their 7 year old selves stuck trying to process the world in a 30 year old body.
every group to ever raid/shill on Holla Forums has been fucked up severely in the process (TRS, CTR )
Warring factions vying for control of Holla Forums.
Yeah, I doubt that'll happen. Communists can't meme. They can, however, hang from nooses… that's what makes them impressive.
dubs of truth. We should be dumping redpills into shill threads. Most will get tired and leave, but some will be curious and remain.
The jew cries out "REDDITOR" as he downvotes you.
It's not so much as finding my IQ low as much as finding my IQ isn't high enough. Chances are if I found it to be in 120's, I still want it to be higher.
there are those who are indeed extremely pro something, that they become stuck in their ways, be it lefties, but also pro trumpers.
Maybe even natsocs who have tolerated him for some time…lol.
And then there are also the false flaggers who attack in the name of trump, and try to be as obnoxious as they can be. Those are obviously also not a good thing.
A vary careful balance we are treading upon. Very careful.
Notice how the shill tacitly ignores my question.
Shamefur dispray
No, caiques should be
tfw half the discord is reading mein kampf right now trying to guess which quote
Also criels HELP while he hits you (jew tech)
powerful memes. the second one was always a favorite of mine
They're still shit at it though. One day later and most of them still have a incurable case of reddit formatting, chatspeak and not being able to present a point.
Sometimes the best redpill is the one you choose to swallow.
The amount of retards spamming kys blows the mind.
Want to know how I know you're a redditor?
I appreciate the vigilance user, but you might be retarded.
sure thing, I wonder what this is?
what could it possibly mean
because on redit points are not made, they are on repeat
indeed. And we're up to 170 UIDs now
How do they write this
Souria for sourians!
Funny shit is that back in the 90ies we had the same slogans everywhere
Reading comprehension, he's just giving commentary/observation. I think.
New link
Hi shills. If you feel the need to sperg out, >>>/cow/ will always be here for you.
They know
Expired already
Some fag from 4chan linked the same invite and got banned.
Kek. These niggers suck.
Wait, banned from 4chan? Shit
No, banned from the discord for linking it at 4/pol/
you fags are so low energy, these dumb fucking retards already think I'm one of them huehuehueheuhe
Should have just used an invite an admin made. By the way, anything juicy in the discord now?
I'd already have my hooks dug in there with ten alts if we could just get an invite that works
Let me guess, you're Moskeeto
It was an invite the admin made. They used it to test someone who was obviously there to shitpost, and when 2 people joined he got banned.
Not much, they're just talking about "fake news" and how it's suddenly bad because leftists journalist sites got slammed with it
Oh, so they're getting smart about this now. How can we avoid the same thing happening to you/us
Easy, let it happen to a few more 4/pol/ people and they're start getting complacent.
It's almost like all those participation trophies have emotionally crippled them.
it's not the token it's the false pretext
"Holla Forums? what's what???"
Never forget
Capped because it's so amusing.
I hate the faggots at /furrypol/, but they probably wouldn't get along. There are some sjws over there, but a lot of the posters fucking despise tumblrites in a similar vein to the way we despise cuckservatives.
Feels gud.
"So what do you all think"
I think you're a fucking nutcase.
Why does he do that
Type comments like this
Does he have to eat something
Is that why he's over 400lb
It's because they are smart
They have very smart people
In that sub, but with some misfits
That act like assholes
Thanks for the tip but I'm too much of a newfag to know how you find that out.
New link
This is from Holla Forums so the admin will think new users are from there
New link
This is from Holla Forums so the admin will think new users are from there
There are people in there who are probably lurking this thread user
People used to type like that on irc and msn because they're ADD faggots who say whatever pops into their head.
It shows this faggot is so lonely he spends a huge portion of his time in chatrooms. It also makes me think he's a goon. Goons as a group never really got over the death of web 1.0 and still cling to their glory days.
Did anyone ever find what state Inanna lives in? Carolinafag here, would love to give her a little visit ;)
Watch out user they have VERY SMART PEOPLE there! Nevermind that they were too fucking stupid to realize they got infiltrated right away last night and couldn't tell their own shills apart from us lmao
/leftyfur/ is in on this?
Raid when?
They have very intelligent people in this discord.
Remember what the people in the past said about the dangers of a retard being allowed to determine what's intelligent and what's not?
Truly disgusting.
Ahh, so these are the faggots pushing libertarian general and trying to turn 4/pol/ against NatSoc. It makes sense.
Make a thread on 4/pol/ about it, let them join the fun.
i made this post earlier on and then noticed the string of unlikely occurences, so :
Any explanation for this MYSTERIUS COINCI-DENSE ?
share the invite on irc or something next time in privmsg to those you know
It's like watching a slightly more autistic anime circlejerk.
Dat pic
Some geo-loc info
Why am I not surprised.
What chance is there are any at all slavs among them?
New link
Admin's still clueless and dumb as fuck
Not just spics, South Americans.
They fucking love socialism. It works so well for them.
And they're inviting Holla Forums
Well, seeing as I'm in there lurking right now, 100%.
If Jim wanted to he could seriously fuck these people up, especially with the recent sunshine revelations showing he has logs of all posts a shit.
Not to mention he could recover monetary damages as well.
There's a difference?
A nazi is fine, too
I really can't get a read on these guys, they act like Holla Forums, but apparently they aren't Holla Forums.
We have a fucking snitch in there
How dare you?
kek These fucks ill so easy to tear apart, in fact they are probably gonna end up doing it themselves.
If you're talking about FBI, no I was just trying to score brownie points
Mexicans seem docile compared to the shrill shrieking of a skinny South American communist.
It's a real shame that Discord is such a pile of shit and you can't see recent joiners to your server. Real shame :^)
PM me a new invite bruv.
@ photo : if you only knew frag bich, i'm in now in yuor base, reading your messages
Fucking soccermonkeys.
You're reading messages on an open forum? Oh no!
Think of all the asylees & refugees who could be doctors and astrophysicists, were they permitted to use his PC to file college applications.
Was it not obvious to you retards from the start?
Is that Candleja
is that phantom lady from angel blade?
The aggressors are a degenerate horde of SJWs, faggots, furfags and hipsters. No surprises here.