Am I a bad commie if I plan to vote for Hillary?
I don't like what she stands for, but I think status quo under a liberal is preferable to the uncertainty of an irrational neo-fascist
Am I a bad commie if I plan to vote for Hillary?
I don't like what she stands for, but I think status quo under a liberal is preferable to the uncertainty of an irrational neo-fascist
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When will these meme end????
Kys either vote 3rd party or not at all
Kill yourself.
CPUSA pls go
Nice arguing faggots. le accelerationism amiright xD
I'm doing the same OP
Trump is actually way worse than Hillary. I'd rather have more of the same garbage than 8 years of shitflinging between the president and congress as well as reactionary supreme court decisions from scalia and Ginsbergs(inevitable) replacements.
People who say "I'm voting for third party to prove democracy blah blah blah blah" Instead of doing something that causes no change, they should be doing something like trying to advocate to get the electoral college removed, but you know, that would take energy and actually doing something.
Mark my words: Trump will be exactly the same as Hillary if he wins. He's a plant for the Democrats.
no, a vote is a purely tactical decision, acting like it's sacred and should never be cast for someone you don't like is irrational and bourgeois
And Clinton being elected won't result in this? The Republicans are very likely going to retain control of the House and the Senate is a toss-up.
A phony weak left that does nothing to defend the working class is exactly what makes them turn to an increasingly extreme right to solve their problems. If you think Trump is bad, wait until you see what 4 years of Hillary brings in 2020.
Anyone notice an influx of CTR the past week or so? I think we've been marked.
That's a good thing. The more deadlock, the more factional federal power is the less the state will be able to respond to the various crisis tendencies emerging (policing, prisons, employment, uneven gains within the proletariat class).
Voting for Hillary as voting against Trump is dumb. Voting for Hillary with the aim of creating an American political clusterfuck (without the actually powerful clusterfuck of Trump + Republican legislature) is good politics.
5% of the vote will result in a roughly 5-fold increase in funding for the next Green Party presidential run as well as a secured spot on many state ballots. This will result in very real change. Despite never attaining executive power, third parties in the US have a long history of being at the forefront of social reform. It is their very existence that forced the main political parties to take up causes like social security (first proposed by the Socialist Party) in response.
Did you know? Scalia was confirmed almost unanimously by the Democrats in congress at the time.
Oh you mean that thing the Green Party has been advocating for years but the two corporate parties refuse to support?
vote jill stein you cretin
Yes you are a bad commie.
Not if you are a Posadist since she is the nuclear war candidate.
what this guy said- voting clinton should only be an option if you live in a swing state, solid reds/blues should vote stein or gare-bear if she's not on the ballot for whatever reason.
which is why it pisses me off when people say "staying home/voting trump/voting johnson/voting stein/voting for meme candidates like meme saltysuck helps trump" like no it puts a negligible effect towards helping trump take your state and honestly i WANT trump to take texas like is being expected being a swing state would be annoying and we're not ready for it electorally either learn how the electoral college works or shut up fam
Once a long time ago in the age known as Bush, lefties were against war. Now they want to vote in a worse warmonger than Bush. The corporate media propagating Trump derangement syndrome has done it's job.
It shouldn't be an option anywhere. Losing elections is the only thing these fuckers will understand.
He's mentally unstable and unfit for any public responsibility, and that can be determined just from looking at his actions and words.
Being this much of a pleb.
Lol they didn't take the hint when B████ had far more popular support than Shill they don't take hints the simple fact is a Trump presidency would be tea-flavored shit for everyone involved
He has repeatedly shown an inability to control himself even when it's in his best interest.
Like how he sperged out over those gold star parents. Even though it was killing him in the polls, he couldn't back down and move on.
Whenever he's making a speech by script instead of spouting whatever bullshit comes to his mind, he is visibly miserably.
Anecdotes from people who got to know him personally but didn't go into loyal serf mode back up the idea of him being mentally unstable, inconsistent, impatient, and immature.
What the fuck are you reactionary fags even doing on leftypol, anyway?
both are fascist, hillary's racist as fuck
vote jill
Jill "100% renewable energy" Stein is an ecofascist :^)
I really agree.
Voting for Stein or Gloria la Riva isn't any kind of brave, powerful statement.
I don't think Hillary would invade two countries
She'll just continue Obama's policy of drone massacres
Stein or off yourself
You're better than the ones who plan to vote for Trump
The record has been corrected.
Hillary is for the one world government, so no, she's basically your candidate. I dont know why you guys pretend like you dont like her when you helped her get into power.
So the reptilian is better because she can control herself on stage?
Not until the DNC and Democrat media complex has milked it for all it's value and everyone one is tired of the meme, including your grandma. It's going to be like the Bush boogeyman, but forever. You will only get one chance to get back at those annoying shill, and that's voting 3rd party. Or Trump, either works
You're going to start your communist revolution without guns?
It bothers me that I agree Unruhe on this one
If you don't eat you local grown, organic, fair trade veggies, you're going into the garden patch.
are you part of that "joke" or really such a dumbass?
The thing is, votes should always be tactical decisions. You're not really doing anything of interest either way.
i'm a card carrying communist but media conglomerates and powerful politicians keep saying Trump is mean so now I'm shilling for the Hill
not even subtle, Holla Forums
Not a bad commie, because you're not even a commie
Holy shit, I've never seen Unruhe so on point in my life. Why can't he always be like this?