Why are strict Christains so dumb?

Why are strict Christains so dumb?

will you cucks ever go away

lololo ex deeeee
dude nihilims


No way, he's too much of a Chad for women to accuse him. I bet women throw themselves at him and let him grab their pussys like they do with The Don.

>>>Holla Forums


Wait 30 years.

The Virgin Atheist vs The Chad Believer

>(((Chris Pratt)))

Imagine being a christcuck in 2017 when anyone with a working brain knows the bible is horseshit fantasy
Jesus was a jew.

All reiligon scientology, hebrew, muslim, christains are all cucks

But christains were the worlds first true cucks to jews


there's nothing more cucked. religious people are usually right-wing too which makes them double cucks.

t. brainlet

Not to mention being cumskins and totally icky people. Just how big of a loser hick do you have to be to miss all recent progress?

No brain

Big brain

No brain, religious people are genuinely retarded. Preists are dumb and pedos

I can feel trough the screen that you are a fucking brainlet who never read any theological works of Thomas of Aquitaine or any Pope encyclic


I pray you will be strong enough to understand humility before it's too late.

Why would reading fan fiction make you smart?

why wouldn't it?

Stone cold proof Holla Forums is shit when you tards exist
Go to lit

no brain: not reading books and thinking there is a god
big brain: reading books and realizing there is no god
biggest brain: reading books and realizing there is a god
You will never achieve biggest brain.

Big brain: reading books and knowing they are written by mankind who is inherently flawed with no proof of god
FTFY alt righter

From how you write I can tell you will never get to biggest brain. I'm sorry. Not everyone can make it.

tbh the only thing good out of any abrahamic religion are the moral frameworks/parables.
without sand niggers trying to exert control over their camel fucking nomad populations thousands of years ago we wouldn't have moral frameworks. it's arguable without christianity we wouldn't see the self as important either.

but still, this is a discussion meant for Holla Forums, even though Holla Forums is basically Holla Forums, the only sane position is agnosticism because as soon as you hop on either side of the fence you're given the impossible task of trying to prove a negative based on bullshit rambling of semetic tribes.

well, let me rephrase that: we wouldn't have the current moral frameworks. it's arguable that they might've roughly been the same, more or less given time or experience, but the point is that moral frameworks don't appear out of thin air.
they're passed down as stories/parables.

cientists already proved god isnt real, pic related.

You already posted the other cover picture in another thread accompanied by the exact same text. That wasn't the first time you posted it either.

It wasn't funny then, and it ain't getting any funnier.

facts arent supposed to be funny.

As apposed to your shitposting.

excuse me kid? as a militant skeptic is my duty to make sure blatant superstition like "religion" isnt spread online.


gay thread
Also this can't argue with Richard "If God is dead how can he be real?" Dawkins

Being against homosexuality is a JEWISH meme. Manlove is white and redpilled.

Can't make this shit up

joke's on you kiddo i've never read a book in my life i'm illiterate

I dunno why do atheists stay in the friendzone?

I dunno, why do they?

(>Muh Booooooooooooooooooooooooooks)

Being an (agnostic) atheist is suffering.

Pretty much sums it up tbh.

Yearly reminder that the "The Old Testament" is LITERALLY random books taken from (((The Hebrew Bible))).

Monthly reminder that YAHWEH is LITERALLY a "national god" for a specific tribe of people.

Weekly reminder that this is the god Christians are praying to.

Daily reminder that both Christianity and Islam are self-admittedly (((Abrahamic))) creations spawned from Jewish biblical cannon which are being used as pawns to accelerate the fulfillment of Jewish prophecies here on Earth ushering in the return of the Jewish Messiah and the end of our times.

There are more christian and religious kinos or ones which use religious themes, moreso than atheist kinos whatever are there to begin with. Prove me wrong.

Lemme guess, you follow a "trve" European religion like Norse paganism and follow Varg like a prophet?


Christ is a European god. That's why kikes hate him so much.

t. not even christian


Why are strict atheists so fucked up?

So far from what I've seen Chris prat is the only Hollywood actor I actually think I like in any respect. I Like his movies and he doesn't make me blindingly mad every time he does something. Hope that doesn't change.

t. pleb
I dont hate him but his acting is ridiculously stale