I'm you're not bullshitting me OP, and you'd better not be, does this mean…The Nord has awoken?
There are woke swedes after all
bump for possible 2018 swede election
Dubs confirm. The viking rises again.
We are swegion.
Is he back in Sweden? Isn't what he just said illegal? He'll be going to prison soon.
That's The Golden One you fag, of course he's not some beta cuckold like much of Sweden's male population.
Latsbrah I feel sorry for him he wants to be a leader and a fighter but he's put himself in the eyes of the regime and cannot do anything.
After reading Turner Diaries Sweden seems like pre liberation USA.
I like the black sun t shirt at the very least.
He's finally accepting his heritage at least.
Hey guys, check the comments, there's already a bunch of jews shilling for themselves, go redpill.
I think he returned this year some time. I also think he's organized a vigilante group, which may be what he's referring to in the video about the police interfering and monitoring him.
Are you sure? All he basically said was: I told you so, you filthy cowards.
That's why they're monitoring him.
They're monitoring him because he talks about the J.Q. and organized a vigilante group and wants you to do the same.
nah, he's all talk
He still danced in a pride parade and supports faggotry.
stuck your dismay up your ass and declare Islam illegal already
One can only hope.
Voting and democracy doesn't work.
The only solution is economic collapse -> propaganda -> right-wing dictatorship.
Trump is the last roll of the dice, if he fucks up I'm resigning myself to pushing towards collapse.
Is he even in sweden ?
As others have said, tired of "e-celeb" fucking assholes. As a NEET grad school drop out, I do more search in a weekend than these motherfuckers have done in their lives. Even here, you'll see underage newfucks talking like they have big bills until I start giving sources off the top of my head, then they suddenly slink away like the judenrats they are.
Rule of thumb- Unless it's a breaking news story, for every thread you start on a new topic, you should do 2 hours of reading
That's the way this place can stay miles above cuckchan. I can never "lose" an argument on here since whatever I'm talking about, I can name sources of the top of my head while the scum scurry to see what they can find on kikeapedia (which has been discredited here so many times, should be a permaban for even using a s source).
Make the place better. If you are going to start a thread about something, actually know your shit. And not fucking kikepedia or other reference bullshit, do the reading of books on the topic.
Merely an instrument, the Jews don't want collapse actually they just want the end of the white race.
I do a lot of reading too but I'm terrible at remembering details.
Good to know there are faggots like you around though.
I don't see the point of this OP at all. Some retarded Swedish guy saying what we've been saying for the last few years about Sweden. But since it's an faggot youtuber it's supposed to mean something.
Lets meme him into President of Sweden.
Most women would vote for him purely on looks alone and most men would vote for him based on his content
Because women love a man with a horse face.
Guy is mentally stuck in his early teens, half of the videos is him flexing awkwardly to the cam or talking in memes like a robot.
It's better than nothing though, I suppose.
I like the golden one, he works out, trains in combat and improves his mind even though he isn't really that smart.
He really encapsulates the be the best you, you can be. If you post here, keep it up.
What a waste of a thread
Even without any browser add-ons to download videos off youtube you can still copy-paste the link on a site like keepvid & get a list of file sizes/resolutions to download it. Even the 720p MP4 is under Holla Forums's 12MB file size limit. /spoonfeeding
That was before he was redpilled
What the fuck is the absolute buzzfeed clickbait title of this thread? Shame on you OP you faggot. Just be honest next time : "The Golden One talks about the shit that just went down in Stockholm"
As with every other muslim terrorist attack in Europe, pretty much nothing will come from this.
The doggo is the only victim that didn't deserve this
When's this ubercunt up for reelection? If she falls, the EU falls, no real need for more referendums across the member countries. She's the tumor holding it all together.
She's basically the death star's exhaust port.
Maybe one day the Swedes will learn from this archive.is
Where you from? I'm guessing somewhere in Eastern Europe?
Bulgaria user!
I hope your laughing at the entire western europe.
Ah, I sperged out. Opened your link after I asked. Godspeed you glorious bastards - from your neighbor to the north.
I am. Having a meathead as your PM has its perks. Now we also have an air commander as a president too. Our economy is slowly getting better too. Kinda ironic since Sweden supposedly has the best living conditions yet just like Germany the refugees keep fucking their shit over.
I live in a fucking meme country, I really do
I'll be honest, I was hoping for PewDiePie…
This cuck wont do anything as long as he can cash out on degenerates. He'll prpably buy himself an island when shit goes flying.
This is the golden one, he's always talked about shit like this.
he did?
Very good! Guess they aren't happy when there is't enough free shit and the police actually enjoys beating them when they chimpout.
I'm sorry but Borisov is an ass-licker who flows in the direction of gibs.
I feel like living на село without gypsies is better than living anywhere else in Western Europe.
I have mixed feelings with him. Don't think of him as an ass licker. He's very interested in keeping his business in line, also tried to pull a Putin a few times and failed. We'll see what happens though since the patriots keep going (voted for em wew)
Little bit of exaggeration in your title, OP.
Golden one is always this swole.
Loads of me Swedish friends have been going super right wing over the last couple of years.
Its funny becuase they used to be very left wing but they started waking up to what the left wing politicians were doing to them a few years back.
The thing with sweden is that they form a consensus as a whole country. Right now the consensus is changing and it could come to the point where the whole of sweden wants the rapefugees out. And then things will really get messy.
huge anti-climax.
That's a nice Hitagi you've got there user… it would be a shame if somebody… saved her to their reacs folder.
Is he suprised that the police is using their resources on nationalist people and organisations?
For fuck sake, the head of the police, Dan Eliasson is not only a corrupt man that once stole tax-payers money but he also worked on the immigration-office and worked for making it easier to let these fucking rapists and terrorists stay in our country.
It's around 70% now, and that is just the estimatation, which has always been way lower than the actual numbers.