Other urls found in this thread:
This is HUGE.
This is apparently the Discord room. Someone go investigate and bring back shit
fuck off you redditor cucks
Everyone already knows that
Thats why we've been seeing some much anti trump d&c
So, dubious screenshots "prove" that calling Trump out on being a neo-cohen is D&C, but top neo-cohens like Bill Kristol defending his actions are somehow meaningless?
I don't know fam, how much resentment do you have for those few guys slacking off playing games while you're in enemy territory trying to do your job?
sticky this
Fuck off, goy. That image is real, just like Assad's gas attack.
In fact, why are you even here? Did someone tell you that you had an obligation to fulfill but ended up doing fuckall while you minions did his bidding?
Do enlighten me, it's always hilarious seeing the cycle of communism play out over and over again.
Who the fuck are these faggots? Leftypol?
You know, we don't space like that here, I guess it's a habit you picked up on plebbit.
There's a nuanced discussion to be had, but it's fucked up when flooded by outsider shills pushing one particular narrative, even if you happen to agree with that narrative. I do want to discuss this Trump stuff, but I can't tell genuine anime masturbators from "greetings fellow nazi" types.
One thing I've noticed is that the shills don't understand faith/ Kek/ mysticism related issues. When you understand the power of concentrated meme energy, then there's really no reason for alarm. The shills' lack of knowledge about this is the biggest red-flag.
Mods pls sticky.
How do I know you aren't the one trying to trick me?
If you have proof it wasn't a hoax I'd love to see it.
How do you manage to be this incredibly stupid so reliably?
It is just pathetic how hard they try to D&C spam Holla Forums with this shit.
Noone is biting.
Good find
So you shopping together a fake shill report trying to convince us that our self decided narrative is a shill narrative?
Decent tactics, but try harder. Also one screenshot isn't very compelling, especially because
Valiant effort, chaim
So furries never stopped being the most cancerous group on the internet after all. Color me surprised. Wish i'd been there to see that shit go down though.
That's where you fucked up kiddo.
What in the fuck is going on.
Because it couldn't possibly be LARPing, right? It's almost as bad as that "Planned Destruction of the Alt-Right" chatlog that gets shilled here.
user what's the group?
What did he mean by this?
For fucks sake see
apparently this is the group
More importantly, are you sure your discord is entirely free of Holla Forumsacks this time round?
I'm not encouraging suspicions and purges or anything, but somebody has to work the gulags. :^)
Sliced of half of the lower part of the "g" in the name.
"NEW ROLE MAT Leaders has been ADDED. These users will have more abilities than other users. RANKING ARE Grey- Normie—-Gold-Respected—-Green - Regular——Purple= MAT Leader"
Lol they're taking this rather seriously. Well I guess it's kind of working, Holla Forums right now is a complete clusterfuck. They even sound like leftist retarded children in the discord. They can't seem to help it.
OP should have included it. Furthermore, we've sided with assad for years. This is a really good attempt but there's nothing convincing about it
int/goons i would imagine.
I see. Pointing at the g in the post above it really threw me off.
lmao you are fucking pathetic
Manufactured clusterfuck.
It's like adults watching a horde of screaming children passing by and shaking their heads at it. Though, I wonder what they're trying to bury.
I don't know if you're actual kike shills are just /r/The_Donald autists who think standing by Trump no matter what is your patriotic duty, but you definitely aren't from here.
This Sass character is sperging out in every post. Maybe this is the first time she's felt welcome in with her fellow communist faggot circlejerks.
this is basic false flagging you retard tier spastic
(((media))) narratives
The Washington Post
I don't know fam, sounds like you need to fix that autocorrect when posting from your phone.
Found a Shill!
Anyone know how to send messages over this MAT discord? I'm blocked or some shit.
Have fun faggots, this isn't plebbit. We stick to our guns and are used to faggot shills such as yourselves. Same shills different day.
Keep it up. I am falling for it fam.
Said this before and I'll say it again. Shills and their entire family should be killed. The day that comes about will be sooner rather than later.
So this is where All the blackpilling/ neo-cohen perspective was coming from
And someone tell the cucks at cuckchan they're being raided by these goons or else they will keep pushing their narrative there
Colour me unsurprised. Does anyone know what Sass's account on plebbit is? He's one of /r/marchagainsttrump's mods.
This is a LIVE feed of the discord.
It's depressing how our corrupt mods will now be supported because shills think they are on our side.
Careful fam, won't want you getting arrested by the thought police for using a blacklisted word.
This guy is even more autismal that Holla Forums's BO
and yes I'm still angry about Evalion fans and threads being banned.
Nice fingerprinting. Not buying it.
we already knew about this. They're just taking the credit for the dissent over Trump's own dumbfuckery with Syria. All they are accomplishing is making Trump critics look bad.
=I'm ALWAYS watching.==
Kek, seriously? Can't say I'm surprised.
pfffffahahahahaha these niggers.
You didn't get the first reply shill, try again
If there is anyone who is a nigger it is YOU.
Until the kikes learn to police themselves, we do it. No exceptions.
Sad. This guy (as well as other leftists) lump together doing faggotry such as this because it's the only place they can find acceptance. Turns out no one wants to hang out with or blow a 5'1 400 pound autist. Pure fucking degeneracy.
they never fucking learn, their tactics have no staying power at all real propaganda is truthful and backed by evidence. this effort compared to redpills on the nazis are a good example; their shit can ruin a person's day but our stuff changes people's fucking lives.
Notice - The shills are considering use of bots.
Get in the discord faggots, after 10 minutes you can start talking. Don't sperg out right away. Play along and see just how fucking pathetic and childish these "people" really are.
Discord is fucking horrible, even the right-wing channels. It's like walking into a short bus.
link has expired
the rest of the thread has links and more screenshots dumbass
user if this post is supposed to be trying to get support, I honestly feel sorry for you.
lol this projection
it seems like they've learned absolutely nothing about these places
>>>Holla Forums
have you ever been such a shitty shill that you paid someone to shill your shit but get b& as a result?
You shills are awful at this. Reported for being a faggot.
Try saying God
I have the discord open in the app, How do i link it?
Who are these people?
Also judging from the leftists and the shill ITT this is legit.
This narrative was shill narrative from day 1
How about anons put fear of god into these fucks? Doxing, DDoSing and disrupting their base of operations
/baph/ here.
It's barawo33.
hey retard, ever consider he might be deceiving them?
Click on the server name top-left then invite people.
Keep doing your best while your narrative is falling apart shill
wooooo, you got me REAL good, goy!
Explain this, shill.
This Sass character is fucking hilarious.
this shit is gold. They truly are children with no purpose in life.
Oh please enlighten me, most intelligent one.
you know, you're right. shit is bretty bad atm but at least I'm not a commie.
Ann Coulter just logged in WOW
user the brain cancer must be terminal
Don't have permission to invite people.
There is more than enough evidence to prove that shills are invading.
Why is everyone who's cucking for Trump reddit-spacing?
Yeah these guys will surely be the shill group to FINALLY destroy 8/pol/ huh
Satan demands a way to get a new link
Someone spam them the vid of the dude fucking the dead dog hanging by a noose; that'll fuck with their heads.
They are creating a narrative that Assad is good and that Trump is a cuck.
My objective is to expose them, and alert the userbase of this shillry.
Satan Demands it, we must get another link!
nice kike tactic of totally misrepresenting what i said and then mocking it
i dont know how yet but you WILL be defeated
they got uber triggered by a picture of eye surgery earlier so go to >>>/gore/ and find some pictures of dead babies and half-eaten penises and that'll shake them up
More evidence of raiding.
it's pretty simple: maybe he's playing the media as he has been for the last 2 years non-stop? only impotent retards and shills jump to conclusions for the "WTF I hate trump now" narrative. Anyone actually from here is prepared if things go south, we'll just do what we would have if clinton had won.
Assad is good though. Trump probably made a momentary fuckup but if Bannon sticks around he'll swing back to populism.
Go back to your discord and go fap to your guro shill.
I never liked Trump from the beginning. He loves Jews and Israel, married his kids off to Jews and he was a 2 party candidate. What's to like?
Picture was still photoshopped for some reason.
As i pointed out, the whole operation is to D&C.
Holla Forums's stance on syria was well established before Trump was running for president.
People defending Trump over his fuckery the past days are obvious shills or redditors.
It was too obvious from the start. The funny thing is if they were more subtle they might of had a chance to divide us.
Stupid cucks are trying to keep quiet on the fact that we know exactly where they're raiding from.
It's like you have never shitposted ever. Guess what, while some of us are freaking the fuck out, others are gathering the salt of the butt hurt Trumpfags.
invite expired.
Shills shilling both sides RIGHT NOW
Requesting new MAT link
I'm going to dump pornfolder.png
You kikes are taking it a little too far. The screenshots might have been believable if you kept it subtle.
Do so, this will be good.
The Sass faggot (discord owner or something) closed all invites.
Spotted the shill.
No personal invites allowed?
Try inviting another account directly
What worries me is people deciding on positions because of secret logs. It's laziest thing in the world.
The group is called /r/MarchAgainstTrump. Sass is the mod over there.
Not possible. I'll ask for an invite tomorrow.
Post Sass's full name and tag
And then all of the mods full name and tag
Rev up your spam folders anons
We need /baph/'s help to fix this motherfucker
They wonder why people laugh at them.
This guy is in other threads saying the exact same shit lol. Zero creativity. Just PG-rated sledgehammer subtlety.
Good job demonstrating the exact shill tactics we are discussing. I assume you're doing so ironically, but if not, it's even funnier.
Trump's motives, whether he did the right thing, and what should be done next are absolutely things worth discussing, and nobody believes Trump is perfect. But the army of shills aren't forwarding the discussion, they're just trying to force a consensus of "DRUMPF IS BAD HE WAS ALWAYS BAD #RESIST"
Thank god they're so bad at their job.
Anyone falling for the anti trump shilling was pretty foolish tbh.
Sass's arse username and tag.
Thanks lad.
Will post pics.
So now we're going to support Trump on spite because these retards whoever they are have an agenda? How far is that going to go and when do we draw the line? If Holla Forums starts supporting Israel's wars to spite liberals, then well… I don't really know what to say. Haven't they won in a way then?
They are in just the same false dialectic that the hardcore Trump crowd on this board is. That it matters if you support the one hand or the other of the system. But does it? Isn't the path this is leading to one back into the mainstream media narrative? Is that where we want to go?
I say it's time to break free. It's right to call out Trump on this and many other things. It was fun memeing him into office for the salt and butthurt, but it's time to wake up and remember that he's only a few percentages in the right direction even if he's all he said he is. It doesn't matter what leftyshills want or think. Their opinions and machinations are like dust anyways.
Also, nice digits.
this post. 100%
All their posting right now are normie memes and white nigger rap videos and sperging out. Sass said to someone that she dosent want to raid anymore or something. All of it is fucking retarded.
We're not supporting Trump but getting to the bottom of outside subversive's is imperative in finding the real truth. For now we attack those who attack us and suck up as much information about them in the process as we fight them.
I say it's time to worry about what we're going to do to you faggots. Discord logs IPs
What the fuck are you on? Are you married to Trump or something? He was our meme candidate. That's over. Now he's the president of the fucking JewSA.
Wake up.
Inanna User and tag.
Also, will post reddit (it's linked) in a sec.
It's the fact we are getting shilled to change opinion, rather than forming our own.
You need to work on your 8ch accent, faggot. Get the fuck outta here.
sass is a fucking furry. goddamn it I always knew furries were a mistake.
Don't scare the food fam.
Get me links of everyone in that discord tbh fam.
Nigga none of these retards shilling for unconditional loyalty to Trump are Holla Forumsacks. Just look at cuckchan, 8ch.pl, Ironmarch or any right-wing community and e-celeb on the internet and beyond: they are condemning this. The so called trump-loyalists here all follow the same script, instantly call everyone who even questions their narrative as a concern troll.
This didn't work and now they're trying to paint it all as a Holla Forums operation.
They have some resources though, I'll give them that.
My fellow Holla Forumsacks
It requires a lot of agency to turn off friend requests on discord
Feel free to use, say, 400 accounts to spam unigonrable notifications at them that they have to manually go through
You heard the transvestite. Time to show how tolerant we are to different cultures.
Inanna's reddit. go shit on it xd
Why not go with the good old /baph/ way? Target and destroy
this always went on and Holla Forums was relatively immune. But to use this to drown out fresh pro-kike behavior from Trump is fucking delusional.
so many shills its unreal
Thankfully they're not very smart.
Nobody is shilling for unconditional loyalty to Trump. There is no question that attacking Syria is bad and he'd better have a good reason.
That's different from completely turning against Trump and joining the communists in demanding he be removed, which is what the genuine shills seem to be suggesting (while insisting they're not a raid and calling everyone else reddit.)
But of course, you'd know that, as you're one of them.
Can't we make some great bait and shit up their discord with malware?
Whatever you say. Just keep trying to hijack criticism and try to turn it into full on abandonment to suit your own tribe's end, you fucking filthy kike. Time is shekels and you are wasting it.
that's exactly when defending war with Syria is.
I already gave you Sass's, I feel like nobody is listening to me.that makes me want to bully even more
The only anons I trust right now are the ones saying "I literally have zero fucking clue and can't make a decision regarding this event without more information", faggot.
Are IP addresses salted before they're hashed here? It doesn't look like it.
Yeah, I don't think you're going to astroturf the idea that pro-Trump posters are shills sorry. Enjoy your discord chat.
OP is a heeb
Srsly? Assad IS the good gut faggot.
meant *exactly what
i will never get the
infantile obsession they have
Ps. Im also a faggot who cant into spelling
Is this Platypus?
So we're not gullible enough? How fitting.
Found another shill.
I only trust anons who literally aren't fucking 12 and remember Bush's shit WMD speech.
i must have missed yesterday's meme debrief, the fuck is
thanks in advance, friend
Going back to script again I see.
Not your personal army, faggot.
There's disillusionment and there's throwing fucking tantrums because they somehow thought Trump was literally going to insta-redpill the fucking planet with legions of super-nazis.
Funny how the shilling *coincidentally* makes addressing the latter issue more difficult.
wish there was an easy way to export lists of the people. I mean there's 250 or something online right now.
Yeah, any time i see some massive
consensus I assume the worst. This is all some retarded bullshit and I don't like it. We're being played somehow.
That's why you follow the rules and ask /baph/ very nicely.
Fucking shit taste I wonder who posted that shitty merzbow
There was 300, but I'm still in the discord and nothing appears to be happening, just normie facebook memes and shit posting music
Let's level here. You goons and commies saw that we were not happy with Trumps decision. And then without any style, and without any grace, you tried to turn it into a wedge issue by hammering it in while screaming at the top of your lungs. You will fail, because you are not that smart. That's why they don't pay you anything.
This means they PMed their regulars saying PLS APPEAR NORMAL
They are talking about this in a thread on Holla Forums just now.
if you're new and untrusted the admin can hide literally 99% of the server from you and you'd never know.
link to the thread?
Another mod's Discord and Unique hash.
Everybody ITT taking OP seriously is pathetic. Neck yourselves you pathetic cucks.
Either Trump is trying to get Russia to bomb Israel, or he was never our guy from the beginning, and was simply just a puppet to satiate and distract the rising nationalist movement. And feed our meme magic to Moloch or some shit.
Disillusionment is bound to happen with an event like this, but that does not justify allowing our enemies to drive a wedge to D&C the community.
Nobody with any intelligence is going to form their opinions on this shit until the facts are laid out in front of them, until then we'll do what is best for our cause which right now is nipping this commie bullshit in the bud immediately.
You don't have to be pro Trump, I literally could not care less. Just put two fucking braincells together once in your life and find a way to work through this shit.
I hate copying molyjew, but not an argument.
Use a webscraper? You could probably use linkgopher or some other browser add on and just export all the links.
of fucking course.
jesus god.
are they fucking operating from a minecraft server too? why not?
And shill.
I have their trust for now, I can probably get links tomorrow. These people are very, very stupid.
Give us an invite
The shills are coming in full force, don't fall for it. This is not a ""coincidence"". Report them all
is a lovely example
No, just immensely retarded.
A lower-level mod.
A mod, nonetheless.
Funny how you're apparently convinced I'm a Holla Forums shill yet still bother to make an argument. Almost as if you were trying to convince yourself kek.
Nice strawman, just because he isn't Hitler doesn't give him a free pass to fucking bomb the SAA in the name of Israel because Kushner and his whore daughter told him so.
Just close your eyes and plug your ears, eh user?
They really aren't trying very hard anymore. Good job at whoever found the source of this shilling.
The Invite expired.
We have to wait until Saturday for the next invite to activate.
This shill tatics can't work for more then a day, really. The emotinal reaction of the first hours when we still thicking how to read this is fading away and the "mocking strategy" (the only thing that a shill does, actually) have no more impact.
I have to admit that i got caught for some moments but now i just really want to see the nexts moves of Trump.
Don't worry about shills, lads. I know you tired, but this what they want.
Relax and let's keep this board going.
Found the goon.
Pathetic brainwashed doublethinkers.
That, or ZOG shills.
Seriously. Kill yourselves.
it was
who sent the invite.
someone apparently was spamming CP in there earlier
Are we lurking the same board?
An user on halfchan
I've been here for years and this is the first I've seen of pottery meme so yeah sorry
Good job user. post normally like any other person would in there. it'll probably take longer than a day, but just stay the course. you're doing god's work, son.
Look lads, the neocon narrative is that the refugees are fleeing from Assad not ISIS, they present it as Assad dictatorship vs noble rebels. If you don't have the backbone to accept that it's necessary to expose it as a false flag when you know everything points to that being the case and if it isn't for the sake of argument the proper way is an investigation first and an attack on military targets later then maybe you deserve a brown nation to stop the next six million from being gassed and that's not who we are.
Fight lies or don't but admit at least to yourself what you're doing. Don't hide behind chess, don't hide behind calling others shills, face yourself.
Why is everybody who's pushing the narrative that only shills have a problem with what Trump's doing also reddit-spacing?
How can these people be so massively stupid?
Get even a couple of us in there
We need an invite
Another lower-level mod.
Dunning-Kruger. It afflicts all people who adhere to left-wing politics.
We can't.
No need to wonder about the sharp increase of shilling, for OP has delivered!
Invites are closed. Sass said shes giving more invites out tomorrow.
Thank you m8.
Just noticed they have a voice chat room, holy fuck I would love to eavesdrop on one of these conversations.
Get rekt, cucks
Still lurking
can you clarify because I'm semi hammered and can't figure out what the fuck you're trying to say here
Thats what ive been thinking the whole time, that they think theyre having an effect when theyre too fucking dumb to realize its their own posts theyre counting.
The only thing theyre accomplishing is spam. Exposing themselves to be 5'1 and 400lbs, like that Sass guy and making themselves open to doxxing
Censor your name silly! Or they're going to kick you
Checked, gonna spam this all over their board tonight.
they have a meme war channel as well as a march against trump channel. dunno if the rest of you in there see this or if I got in early and haven't been noticed. if they're trying to hide what they're there for they're doing a shit job.
chance/fix your name asap user
I've alreay infiltrated, and lurking for now.
I will distribute invites once they are given.
you can record voice chat. even if its nothing but whale songs you can always go back later and decipher it
Fuck off faggot, filtered
Just get the links now it shouldn't be too difficult fam.
I'm not worried; it's them who should be worried.
I guess in my haste to condemn kikes I misjudged the meaning behind your post, my apologies. also
Which undoubtedly will be viewable here: cuckshed.com/user/barawo33/comments/
everything is recorded
tfw these faggots get charged with treason
Jesus christ not this fucking schtick again. It's either larpers or CIAniggers.
See all the "sleep" posts in
Friendly reminder to hide ur name when you post these cringe discord convos
fuck i feel new
We may be cringe but at least we are not Holla Forums
So how do you know if your banned from their discord? Do you get kicked out of the server?
Trying too hard to fit in with what you imagine this place is like
Ask your supervisor how to do better
kinda, some here are actually are angry and/or nervous. their real problem is they just don't fit in, too obvious. like this afternoon with the "drumpf" shit.
Third time I heard the same retort from a shill. Are you guys not allowed to be creative with your narrative anymore?
They said that
Which was me and another user.
They did NOT, however, bother to look at the caps in the thread.
Blatant idiots.
Suddenly the server disappears
Sass please step up your game
Extremely high quality posting.
You're giving Holla Forums too much credit. They're only capitalizing on the fact that Trump genuinely fucked up to try and seem relevant. A lot of the "shills" are just blackpilled proper white nationalists who are concerned that Trump is subverting Holla Forums to be civic nationalists supporting Israel. That's not the case, though, which is good. If you have to wait and see, then wait and see. Holla Forums will persevere.
Yeah, I noticed that. That was only one poster and none of the mods responded to it, or Sass, too busy circlejerking themselves pretending they have friends.
Thank you for the delivery of salt, user. Right on schedule!
Daily reminder
All these flavors
And you CHOSE to be salty
BTFO, go back to shilling.
here's a (you) leftynigger
Holla Forums can't handle the smug.
Fucking called it.
And they wonder why even Jim takes the piss out of them
Top fucking lel
This getting stickied is very telling if this is still your place or not. I don't think this can be argued. Bunkers are slow only if the quality people don't want to move their ass.
That I'm wasting my efforts.
Yiff the tears away
Whos !papa here
Checked. Hitler dubs prove commies are fucked
It was one base, jeocohens wanted all 6. The base is still operational. Its muh pr at the global level, shill.
Finn - Today at 10:41 PM
This is one of the first times a Holla Forums rai has ever worked"
pick one
We really need more competent enemies.
Is anyone stupid enough to fall for this? Every time Trump does something odd, the sharks come out to wag the finger, but then later everyone gets to see they had their foot in the mouth when the full information comes out.
Around middle of screen-
BTFO, we got you called out.
I know, it almost feels unfair
you fucks STILL can't blend in
no matter how hard you try you just can't figure it out
god DAMN you're worthless
Yeah, 59 cruise missiles pretty odd user.
If it's war you want, war you shall have you unbearable faggots..
This is the owner of the Discord chat.
WHY can't he fit in, lad
Tell us what makes him stick out from chan culture :^)
fuckin censor your names people
christ OPSEC 101 here
Damn it. Meant to post caps
You STILL cannot blend in, can you?
Go back to plebbit, where you belong/
This thread just keeps getting better
Of course they would have that saved on their computer.
I think he's talking about the Discord
nice try, friendos
They won't check.
Trust me.
And you wonder why we dismiss you out of hand
shit, they bothered to check.
goddamn user lrn2opsec
there is no we, there is only user
But shills stick out like a sore thumb every time. Explaining to them like they're small children exactly what they did wrong and how they can correct it seems counterproductive, no?
You seem like a Doctor Steel fan fam.
Holla Forumsite sage for offtopic.
well fuck me and call me a niggerfaggot.
Even a few scud missiles can do more damage than what those 59 inflicted. So yeah, it's odd. Just like the obvious alse flag event that led to this.
Or two or three MOAB's.
Oh shit somebody tell Farage and LePen there are discord screenshots, they've only been basing their criticism on the reality of the situation, this changes everything
Damn she's cute.
Think they'll reopen invites again?
They never actually correct it
It's instructive for newfags
Unless you were - and I know this is hard to believe - just calling him a shill because you want to shut him up :^)
Could I get a screencap of someone in their Discord saying Holla Forums was tipped off?
Big surprise there
Unless I am banned tomorrow morning, Anons, godspeed, and I'll distribute invites in the morning.
b-but Holla Forums has always stood for the elimination of states that oppose israelis and sunnis based upon dubious claims made by the pentagon and their moderate jihadi butchers.
he's not a neocon, but the "we're totally behind every position and you can't trust anything" disinfo campaign notwithstanding, attacking the syrian government was still fucking retarded, and the prospect of the US entering another unwinnable conflict is making all the wrong people happy.
Give me a minute here, I'll find it.
A single MOAB would have vaporized the whole airbase
I actualy saw someone say they were upset at Trump but were going to shill for him 100% because fuck these commies
I am in tears right now; Tears of laughter: This was the most divided everyone has been in months, yet all these shills are doing is pushing everyone back together.
ahaha of course its deleted
gj lefty fuccbois. come back in a week when no one remembers and try again you useless fucks
Are there ways to remotely disarm scud missles? I imagine you have to send some as folly to ensure the rest make it.
So it looks like one of them is browsing this thread as we speak
So it's that person who holds the main responsibility of spamming those black dick porn?
You're correct, but the hilarious thing is these shills are so blatant that people are calming down just to spite the shills
also, sass subtly hinting they're here watching this thread.
someone made that typo about 20 minutes ago.
multiple instances in different channels.
This it?
This info might be useful.
That wasn't it, it was before that, I don't remember
Pic of when they found it.
yeah, it would.
Note, in pic related, "Yesterday" is Friday.
oh fuck i can't stop laughing.
Tell Lauren May she's ugly.
SCUDs are older gen medium range guided missiles. They are only as "good" as the warhead installed on them. The US used Patriot missiles in the early 90s to defeat them, I'd imagine the tech required to do the same would be more advanced today.
What next?
based mods
I'm spamming these screenshots in every goddamn Holla Forums Discord I can find. Keep on giving.
Chinks hire niggers to do dirty work.
wait, that already happens.
Holla Forums uses their own bronies to deflect shills
Leftism, not even once.
Remember this healthcare shill?
Poor bastard couldn't get a word out edgewise.
What's needed is a brief return to the old ways.
Truly scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for any good topics for subversion.
At least you tried
They really are objectively fucking stupid
8ch has been on point today
well if i fucked the well friend im sorry, but these people are goddamned idiots
I don't even post here often but theyre just so blatantly easy to spot. Can't even quantify on how I know. It's a 6th sense.
I thought things would get interesting, but it's basically just the same old shit.
Found their twitter and their followers.
GG user, gonna save that!
Someone already has his dox?
I am just treating half-chan Holla Forums like a Nuke went off there. Bunkering down until the fallout levels drop.
I got to say this is pretty funny and pathetic. But lets be honest here… How does this change Trump's 180 on Assad and Syria? Oh it doesn't. Let them waste their time and try to flood with their subversive shit tactics. It shouldn't be affecting anyone regardless. Trump made a horrible decision and if he makes more like this why should anyone defend him?
the faggot who made that sub paid $800 for the mod of another sub to shill his other sub. so in all likelihood he's probably retarded enough to toss you some cash for shitposting.
Godspeed with those dubs user
I love you /baph/
Dox within 24h, good work user
8ch - world's greatest identity fraud exposing agency
there was one a lot earlier
pic related. believe that is the first mention of Holla Forums knowing.
If someone has it, post it!
Gods work user
It's going to be a few days. This place seems far better right now.
Good Job
stopped reading there.
Trump made a horrible decision but this thread is about Holla Forums shills
Those dubs confirm /baph/ is a pretty good guy. Fun times ahead.
/baph/ board is still 404ed from the hack.
/baphomet/ is back up however.
archive it all lads
we still love you so much.
It begins.
Prepare the memes Jack.
www.red d it.com/user/barawo33
Doing keks work user
Nice work
These doxes!
These heavenly dubs!
7am, lads. We fight.
Pretty sure !papa is not one of them
Love these Doxxes.
It's why I love 8ch.
user I think the 7am thing was a joke
Stupid bitch shouldn't have fucked with us
these fuckers… no wonder Holla Forums exists
trying to tell em…
Why is he feeding them caps that we took?
The owner said that it would be 7am.
Reddish username is owner.
Every goddamn day with this shit. Much like CONleaks it demonstrates commies have no life.
Pretty sure he's a Holla Forumsack that took them and posted them
4chan blocks 8ch links.
Main issue you are going to have is many of the sensible users have bunkered down and are just ignoring Holla Forums for a day or two
most of 4chan is shills right now. they were split between the two chans but we've basically ended them here so now they are all on 4/pol/
I know what the owner said, I'm still in the discord. I just dont think a 400 pound autist would wake up at 7 am to shit post on the internet, but hey, maybe he views it as his passion or something.
Just prepare.
they are in every fucking thread
we need a retaliatory strike at these faggots
It's because when you fuck with 8ch, you won't get away fro the consequences, unlike 4chan is having which lacks dedicated people that care about the image board
Should we prepare 400 lbs memes, like Trump said in that debate, about this Sass character?
I got at least three guys helping me out here, now. Keep on posting em'. You guys who're posting these, I love you
He would probably like the attention, but yeah that's actually a good idea
no problem, fellow Holla Forumsack.
In 5 minutes on this discord I saw:
This shit is pathetic middle school understanding of reality + hacker known as 4chan levels of cringe
user you don't know the half of it. The entire discord is literally a middle school cafeteria session.
This calls for TRS reprisal tier action, or possibly beyond.
my sides have taken a vacation to Venus, brb.
Mods have been excellent tonight, glad you faggots were on top of this stupid shit all day.
Call someone a tankie at some point, I have no idea why, but it makes some leftists incredibly buttfrustrated.
Let's see, he averted any rumors about russia and him, deep state dragging him into doing his dirty work by commiting WW3, while also narrowly averting WW3 and further intervention into the middle east. On top of that, Syria is threatening the US to attack Israel if anything else happens which prevents Israel from making any more false flags to encourage US intervention. This is the greatest outcome possible.
looks like mods are awake, half this thread is gone now.
sass posted a pic of their couch and laptops… anons I think I know that couch possibly. but it's been awhile and I'm not sure. I may have had sex on that couch with the owner of that lenovo
Post the pics of her laptop and couch
Seriously… good work mods
You had sex with a 400 pound leftist autist?
Post pics
A message to mods
Thanks for being awesome!
oh shit!
that was a fast response T.
wtf i love fighting Israel's enemies now
Wtf??? Holla Forums always believed that.
Why would they want to push something we already believe?
I browse both
Probably nothing interesting here but here's the imgur account.
What a sick degenerate.
story time
Oh Christ
These motherfuckers need to get rekt in a bad way. Not just dox, but some good ol fashioned ruin life tactics.
^ Obama follows one of the March Against Trump Shills on Twitter. This guy happens to work for Microsoft
You should browse other channels
these people are literal fucking children.
center Dell is a company laptop for someone. Easy lifewreck if doxxed.
see, the dell and lenovo… I never saw the apple but this was a long time ago… the couch might have slightly thicker pleats or whatever. trying to find a picture that I have of that couch.
leftists are all like that. Too much estrogen or something?
Welp. I was initially panicking and pissed at Trump but at the same time was conflicted by the overwhelming surge of blackpilling even in the face of troubling news.
I'm now completely reassured in our President. Thanks for being the worst fucking shills in existence Holla Forums and plebbit!
Someone should make a minecraft server and harvest IPs. Bet you could bait one or two of the higher up mods onto it.
We must secure the existence of our board and a future for white shitposters.
Post results
this thread went from hmmm to HAHAHAHHAHA
shills and leftist retards will shill against Trump no matter what, being critical of Trump and his upcoming decisions is important.
Oh shit, it all adds up!
All these shills are doing is going maximum overshill to the point people annoyed at Trump are deciding the shills are the bigger threat
Kek. CIAniggers BTFO again.
Also this sass bitch is posting from an iPhone.
which tldr; easy as fuck to break into
My sides have reached orbit.
Time will tell, he hasn't been on the past few hours.
We will see when he/she/xe wakes up.
that's what you think. just compare this board to any of the bunkers, they're /comfy/ as fuck and that's exactly because there's no shills there.
It all adds up user
Shouldn't have given them the link, they'll fuck it up with their anthics.
Exactly. A Nuke went off at Holla Forums yesterday, and this is the bunker while we wait for fallout to lower.
Sometimes Holla Forums is boring. Nothing will be happening, and so you wander from thread to thread calling people faggots and jews.
Sometimes it's depressing. Blackpills can be hard to bear. There are so many things wrong with the world, and so little you can do to change them.
Sometimes you'll need to leave. Give Holla Forums a break for a week, for your own sanity's sake. Sometimes you just can't go on hearing about Sweden's self-destruction or satanic child-trafficking. Sometimes the cartel webms and the South African savagery and the constant day-in day-out shilling get to you.
But sometimes, if you look really hard, you can see a little glimpse of that loveable internet hate machine. And on a good day, if you're lucky, you get to hear its old gears start up.
I would pound that leftist QT tbh
I don't know if I understand what you're saying.
twas a long time ago
I can't find a picture of this bitch's couch. had one with her bent over it but I deleted almost all this shit a long time ago.
This right here is the only reason I think there MIGHT, be something to a shill operation. At least if that strike is the only military action planned.
that couch is giving me a weird feeling in my gut that I know that couch.
Keep digging user, we need a name!
Nobody wants to see fucking triggelypuff nude fam.
What kind of cuck uses a vibrator on a woman?
Half-Chan Holla Forums is a dumster fire while mods have been on point on Cripple-chan, making it an effective bunker.
it was a joke filename, friend
friend, go hit up 4pol for shits and giggles. stay there for 30 minutes, then come back. Report on what your elf eyes see
Here is some grade A shilling right here.
Is there anyone on Holla Forums that isn't some kind of super freakish degenerate?
Have the entire mod team user
But it was about this Holla Forums that I was talking about. This is our main place and it is filled with shills to the brim, but the bunkers are nice and comfy.
LMAO these fags don't see it.. if Trump really is another zog puppet, Holla Forums is becoming even more natsoc than it already is, never again falling for anyone with even a jew as a close friend.
with this they meant the rebels. they think the rebels are poor opressed freedom fighters who don't have access to guns.
The shills pound at the doors and paw at the bulletproof glass here. at /4pol/ theyve broken in. you'll see.
fuck off you know he is right. If Trump betrays us in the end this will only make us MORE natsoc, not less.
Memes are the gospel of Kek. Digits his herald.
He speaks to us. Are you listening?
Your slacking Jew. You should have been here early. Got to comfy with you other shill threads?
Oh well, in that case.
Kek, keep telling yourself that.
eh, ok, maybe i'm getting paranoid
What's with you idiots that you can't even type a single post without some odd mistake?
Well no he is correct, I don't think that is the case, but Holla Forums would become more natsoc if it does happen.
This is the best outcome.
I'm more NatSoc than ever
It's okay
Dr. user, I'm CIA.
if he's in WA i got dis mane
I know 4cucks is bad but this place is almost as bad, it's just that not all of them are as obvioous or as incompetent as they are over there. Seriously, just compare this board to any bunker and you'll see.
Should we just send banepost messages to them?
I mean I could give you a name, but there's no way to know it's her as of now. also anything you find, there's an 80% chance it's a lie. just know that, if it's her.
the kind of cuck that isn't me.
English is not even my 1st language, you sperg. Plus, I just woke up, give me a break.
They really think they're in charge.
though using a vibrator as you go through your refractory period is a good way to keep a woman going if you're doing orgasm torture, which I love doing.
she/he/it may be CIA but we are big guys
Something else useful. Shills don't like 'faggot.' Pic related; another user posted some of the info when I was editing.
So, uh… was getting caught part of their plan?
fat dyke, im KGB.
Dubs of size.
Of coursh.
did you even have to ask
why would you post this
jews always win, one way or another, left or right. You cant really change it anymore. They already own our schools, workplaces, and houses. Swallow the blackpill, its all over
Call Sass a faggot enough times and he sperges out and has a heart attack?
It's been a bretty good day tbh
They expect one of us in the wreckage
I assume anyone who has any opinion outside total apathy towards plebbit is a shill, or at least an internet addicted, interracial porn watching beta jew cuck virgin faggot.
Reddit is like starving niggers in Africa, their existence means nothing to me
Alright thats it, all this fucking memeing, I need to fire up the ol' throwaway account and start baiting these faggots, you should be doing the same.
nothin' personnell, kiddo.
It could very well be me if I am not careful.
/baph/ users, I CAN NOT control your actions, BUT, I request you only go ham on users who are involved, and not lurkers (those who make lots of posts- target them)
fucking this
What do you take me for?
Reminder: Filter and report
while I agree with the message
you have to go back
Try again
First off, obligatory
Secondly, the best way to tell actual anons angry at Trump from shills just being shills is, besides the obvious stink of normalfag (Holla Forums is not properly educated in this method), that they go at it way too hard and try too hard to shift opinion.
Why do shills keep talking like that?
This, though I do think we should attempt to apply some pressure and get Trump to change his mind on things. We need to get him to side with Bannon and toss Kushner or that very least, ruin Kushner hard in the eyes of everyone and make him unsavory as fuck to keep around.
wew go home shlomo
spoiler that shit.
Who gives a shit? We commie hunting now.
I thought 8/pol/ was supposed to be a non-bluepilled board
This is how you know who is a shill and who actually is concerned with the missile attacks
Just a quick heads up, for a while the fox narritive (I know, but keep your enemies close) has just about matched 8chans. But they jumped ship today and are now pulling for war.
Get outta here shill
didn't 8ch's filenames look exactly the same in the beginning?
I noticed. It was creepy to see CNN and Fox both orgasming over the attack.
But Normies seem to notice the sudden turn the media is doing and are fucking spooked.
Whats does it all mean?
It seems Keke approves of your actions. Please do continue.
Just remember these fucker's mentors once had full control of the narrative, and wished to make the People stupid and easy to control. Now when those same mentors need new blood to defend their narrative they have only idjits like these to rely upon. tbh it feels good man.
mods = gods
It's a great day to be a Holla Forumslack. pic related
double checked.
To those user wading through their shittastic discord. You are doing Kek's work.
Triple dubs checking dubs that check dubs.
I always suspected Bannon as being bit of a sperg and not subtle enough to follow Trump's planning into these manners, considering he was let off only recently before this.
I never understood what the fuck purpose Kushner in the position he is.
10/10 made me laugh
it means suck my dick, fag
Fucking shill. Waste of trips..
Nice dubs, nice find
I think every Holla Forumsack can agree to this
Chaos my friend and I love it. KeK is here.
I'll check 'em
fucking fags
I'm not going to keep citing the same matrix quote over and over again.
Fuck off nobody is buying your shit.
user, you know how we work; you'll be fine. We'll take out their leadership and the rest will be lost. Cut the head off essentially.
You know we do grammar analysis right? You'd be surprised how your usage of terms like "y'all", "pliable" come back to bite you in the ass.
This. Every user I've ever known on the chans who wasn't a shill has been the openminded, realistic, logical type.
Because they talk like that in real life and don't know how to filter it here.
Lovely digits.
We worship a god – no, THE God of Chaos, user.
We reap what we sow.
MUCH shorter
It's normalfag speak. It's common on tumblr, Reddit, faceberg, twitter, etc. for the same reasons "folks" is: it's excessively gender neutral and inoffensive and is associated with rural cultures as well as nigger slang so as such is used by awkward, condescending suburban spergs in a shallow, desperate attempt to seem "salt of the earth" and unpretentious despite all obvious indications to the contrary.
It's largely unrecognized PC jargon. I'd hesitate from saying this for fear of educating them on their tells, but they clearly can't stop doing this shit to save their lives so it doesn't matter.
Wait hold on shouldnt gravity make the dead body fall over on whats left on its face. Theres no real muscle control left so why is the body still so upright? Am i missing something thats holding up the body?
InannaQueenOfHeaven lives in Massachusetts.
Digging more to find I.D.
Go back to /a/ you unionist scum. American southern culture is the pinnacle of western society.
Thanks mate!
I don't believe Kek is a god of chaos.
I believe he's a god of laughter
bout time, explains why the last few weeks on Holla Forums was just the calm before the storm
Keep on at it user
I believe in you
Fucking hell, I've lost track of how many times I've tried to get him off the disinfo, learn to ID shills, and not be influenced by others' posts so much. Maybe I shouldn't have shown him Holla Forums. I'd sage for blogpost, but it's a sticky anyway.
They're trying to emulate niggers, not southerners.
Want to dump anything you have so far, user?
Veteran of the 33rd Holla Forums Doxing Regiment, reporting in.
Time to fire up the ol' bells and whistles.
any user who did not realize this from the positive deluge of "Trump has betrayed us, Trump cucked out, it's all over!" isn't worth his salt. It was incredibly transparent; still, it's nice to get confirmation. Good job on the sticky mods.
I posted "dude just wait for Hitler LMAO" in a thread earlier, and it was instantly tag teamed by these shills saying that of course we should have, since Drumpf sold out ;^) without the slightest bit of irony. As I said, laughably transparent.
Keep digging user
I always wondered why they were in the top 5 even though they're board moves slower than Holla Forums
wtf is this shit?
Rule no. 1
Dig and collect everything before publicly announcing what you've found. Or else the suspect will panic and try to delete everything
It happened, Middle of cap.
Or at least have everything screencapped first
Said suspect is sleeping.
I have my eye on discord, Nothing new since the raid announcement.
Fucking autists keep their taskbar on the left…
hey guys, I'm awake, is it time for TRS2.0 :^)
What are you saying friend?
capped, it has been a good couple of days here tbh.
Okay, everyone who is reading this right now: IRIDIUM. USE IRIDIUM. It looks and acts 100% exactly like Chrome, but the memory leaks are fixed and it doesn't fucking track you.
https:// iridiumbrowser.de/
I meant is it time to do to these fucks what we did to TRS. Those who dare to shill Holla Forums must die
thanks user, will use.
fonts are fucked up and i can't see the minimize/maximize/close buttons. there's also this weird black box. i messed with the flags, and sometimes it works, sometimes it goes back to the way it was.
From the South
They're still shilling. These were posted the same day we got raided with those articles about "compromised mods" and how TRS dindu nuffin.
meant for
idk if anyone posted this
The Discord admin Sass lives in Florida. Pic related dates from the start of the discord.
Hm. I still hold my stance on trump, but either way they should be raided for even suggesting fucking with us
yes, they are still shilling us, but I was not shilling for them, I was asking are we going to buttfuck these new shills like we did to TRS?
not my screen shot
They have far too much to delete fam.
Agreed. Let's not loose sight of this betrayal.
You should still sage if there's more than one sticky you dumb newfag.
March Against Trump originated on facebook; see if there's anything there for florida. Just use linkgopher extension to dump links; if need be I can sort them all out for you though it's not that hard
Don't know. The pic is all I could find. They are organizing by state for future marches. I did not see any info on city, zip code, or Congressional district.
the discord is dead rn
I called it, mods are cracking down on the disillusioned just like on T_D. I already gave you fuckers my alternative, but of course you deleted the thread.
There is no going back after the Syria attack, but we can still milk this presidency or all its worth, even if the love phase ended. Just have Trump fully restore Bannon, remove Kurshkike and we can reset relationships.
oh shit!
Globalist degenerate. Go back to your little bathsalt laden, fuckfest house parties with Anderson Cooper.
I would, fam, but I don't have FB.
Sass=/=Inanna, dude. Inanna is Lauren May.
Question - do we leak it?
Checked. Remember user, it won't always seem like things are going our way but through chaos Kek will illuminate the path.
that's what i figured.
I'm in Florida. Can leave burning doo on porch if possible
Fuck that /a/utist. This is a geographical colloquialism, I don't give a fuck if it gets co-opted by these degenerate fauns. Heritage is heritage.
found the picture I was looking for. the girl I was thinking it could have been and has two of the three laptops pictured fucked up deleting pictures on the internet and using robots.txt to hide them.
that couch is very similar as are the laptops, but that couch's cornrows are further apart.
I got to a github and a bunch of accouns named "MajinCry"
Here's info on another Discord mod.
it fits too much.
I posted this earlier, diqhedd.
And why the fuck not? I want Syria to win but at the end of the day fuck em.
Reminder there is exif data in the lenovo couch pic
we can get her gps
disregard I suck cox.
Fuck off cultist. This moloch bullshit makes a mockery of my norse-pagan heritage.
you've tried this before
Still trying, TRS?
fuck off
Not yet. Keep building. Once we've built a doxable case with decent information, slowly leak it. Then release when the moment is opportune.
you can't be serious
there's a thread there with mod information
Also, another nig with connections to mods
ill post his steam shit in a sec
Lemme guess, UCF?
They're all just monothiest shills. All pracicioners of abrahamic relgion must die in the end. Who gives a fuck what order they go in.
Scratch that, I don't think she's lauren may because of pic related
Let me pull the dick out of my mouth before apologizing. Sry bout that.
What the fuck is wrong with normalfags?
nah, as i was told by
we should wait
fuck right off
is there now? well I guess I'm gonna scroll the discord to find that pic
She's native american; always kvetching about muh 27 million.
how do we get it?
I use folk all the time. It's just the English form of völk.
Remind her the prairie niggers deserved it
Steam - https://
Checked. Those digits don't lie.
Don't spam the thread you're just going to get baleted.
I know this place is compromised, and I'm 100% raw-dogging it too. I just don't care anymore because I've lost the will to live so I'm just fucking shit up for lulz until the feds come to kill me.
wait a sec, I'm pretty sure discord scrubs exif just like the chans.
What geopolitical implications? This will accelerate the direct conflict between isreal and the caliphate. We all know who will win there, and then it's just left for the kremlin to gas Netanyahu
I hope so. Because I've seen lots of those events that baph or other unrelated threads experienced.
Something is discovered, someone can't contain the excitement and posts it calling for the procedure of the operation. Later the target is being warned because there are people who always keep a close eye on Holla Forums. Yeah, there are people who constantly keep a tight surveillance on Holla Forums activities.
Not Holla Forums here. I lurk often though between Holla Forums sessions, you guys are good at digging shit up, you'll learn more about what's really going on after an hour here then a week watching the 'news'.
Regardless, let me give you an outsiders view. The reason this new attack is working is because they have a leg to stand on. The gas attack is an obvious false flag, the media is pounding the war drum Iraq style and the stage is set for a war in Syria. But, and here is the big but, it hasn't happened yet. Trump has done one punitive strike. If he actually goes to war with Syria, then it's time to stay calling him a Neocon. Until that moment, don't jump to conclusions, don't get baited, just, fucking, wait. You aren't being forced to act now, so don't let them goad or shill you.
Also, if I, a non-.Holla Forumsack who just lurks often can smell these shills, then you actual Holla Forumsacks have no fucking excuse. You can tell if you really pay attention to tone, argument structure, word choice, image choice. Context is everything. Every little thing represents a choice and someone playing at being Holla Forums will never do it perfectly. It'll always be just slightly off. You may not catch it from a single shill post, but the more you see, if you pay attention, the more you'll start catching on. For example, you guys are blunt and rude as fuck. Shills try to mimic that, but it comes off more as dismissive. Do not fall of shills.
Sincerely, Holla Forums
Another nig with connections to mods.
Steam, as last time, going up in a sec.
We need someone in the Discord to get an ORIGINAL COPY of the picture ripped directly from Discord. Post it here, I'll take care of the rest.
Thanks Holla Forumseteran friend. Always appreciate unity, and through unity, strength.
It's not that relevant, but storytime motherfucker.
Implying they aren't working together to destroy the West.
Put this on Holla Forums immediately its time for a LOL thread.
not something you buy on steam for 400
Is she for Moloch?
Is this the best they can throw at us. I'm fucking insulted.
Natives tend to believe in shit magic, so yes.
She is for Hell.
This is an absolutely concrete kind of casual.
Link it once it's up.
someone posted it already
Jesus fucking christ. Rocket League is pretty fun though
Of fucking course
We might as well make a scavanger hunt of SJW games in these faggots librarys
>Life Is Strange
Naturally. How much do you guys want to bet they ALL bought Gone Home?
Probably just a chakras-and-cats basic bitch, but you never know.
this bitch is so right hand, though
You guys aren't wrong about the Lauren May thing either.
We've got so use to winning, we've forgot what it's like to lose. This must be how Holla Forums feels everyday x10
Time to move this conversation to /hwndu
They forgot who they are fucking with
There is not any GPS data in those pictures. I already checked.
It seems like it was taken with an iphone, though.
really unfortunate that her and I didn't meet sooner. could've been fucking legendary if she didn't get the liberal brainwashing and then get married.
Oh my fuck, it's like pottery
This her?
Why is 4cuck have blurt things out like some kind of spastic retard.
Tried that one. Either its a screencap or no exif data is present. Happens kind of often so I dont tend to rely on exif.
Thanks user.
because it's 4cuck and they lack experience. I have tried to teach them but it is as teaching niggers in africa at times.
But was it overall a good thing?
Do you regret it?
How did you meet her?
How did you end it?
Being an attractive young man with Holla Forumsack morals is difficult when there are so many attractive degenerates wanting my dong on a daily basis while any girl with a semblance of purity either doesn't want to know or is a complete bitch in disguise.
help me.
She's the niggercockposter from Holla Forums?
God damnit you gigga niggers.
It's a spoken colloquialism. Typing it out and inserting it into a written conversation is most often forced, unnatural, and most importantly indicative that whoever wrote it doesn't actually use the vernacular in real life. The best example is San Fran or Silicon Valley faggots who absolutely love peppering it in to everything they say yet talk like typical commiefornia scum in face to face interactions.
It's the unnatural and distant treatment of it that's key. You'll never see a normalfag use it as anything other than a substitute for an "unintimate" group pronoun. These people will never use it to the point where it actually goes against Northern speaking conventions, I.e. "I'm so charmed to be a part of y'all's wedding!", because it's an obvious affection. They'll also tend to emulate the way niggers use it as the only way most were exposed to it was through niggerspeak in hip hop and TV.
They know about /baph/?
No, this is what I believe is the second in command, InannaQueenOfHeaven. Claims to be actually CIA, but she doesn't know that we're big guys for her.
no. a 8ch faggot told cuckchan about it.
They will remember.
back when i still gave a shit about vidya i was a member of the reddit group. it was so easy to find retards willing to overpay/discount tf2 items for fellow redditors. only downside was you had to deal with legit cancer. for example one guy was using google translate to speak frog and another wanted to do commission work of my fursona despite me not being a furfag for a couple of keys.
more than likely the chakras and cats shit.
jury is still out on that one. I do still wish we could hang out like when we first met. just sipping vodka on her front porch shooting the shit. she was so chill when I first met her, and then things got so messy because life.
she did, shit got messy, we drifted apart, everything got fucked cause of a fucking god awful relationship I got into, she told me she hoped the gods would forsake me.
man I really don't know the answer to that one. I can tell you this, don't get them pregnant, look for the women that you could see a future with.
Hello /baph/ on the subject of kike mods on r/marchagainsttrump we have one that runs this board too, his name is imkikey and many of us feel he needs to be ousted, imkikey is holding this place hostage and no one yet has tried to step in to stop him. There is enough damning evidence against imkamphy that justifies his removal from Holla Forums as a moderator. Anyways keep up the good work, Hail /baphomet/!
Try harder.
you seem upset
it's like dejavu
the frogs are turning gay
it is
kek, there will be no bots. I have one of those services, I use it to download degeneracy while I sleep, it's fucking German and he has no idea about anything.
A (((merchant))) name and a type of crystal from knights of the old republic apparently on the planet dantooine. Anyone want to see if they're using Dantooine as the next place to regroup?
Honestly would have thought that couch would be more indented.
But than again it might be new.
" Regardless, let me give you an outsiders view. The reason this new attack is working is because they have a leg to stand on. The gas attack is an obvious false flag, the media is pounding the war drum Iraq style and the stage is set for a war in Syria. But, and here is the big but, it hasn't happened yet. Trump has done one punitive strike. If he actually goes to war with Syria, then it's time to stay calling him a Neocon. Until that moment, don't jump to conclusions, don't get baited, just, fucking, wait. You aren't being forced to act now, so don't let them goad or shill you.
Also, if I, a non-.Holla Forumsack who just lurks often can smell these shills, then you actual Holla Forumsacks have no fucking excuse. You can tell if you really pay attention to tone, argument structure, word choice, image choice. Context is everything. Every little thing represents a choice and someone playing at being Holla Forums will never do it perfectly. It'll always be just slightly off. You may not catch it from a single shill post, but the more you see, if you pay attention, the more you'll start catching on. For example, you guys are blunt and rude as fuck. Shills try to mimic that, but it comes off more as dismissive. Do not fall of shills. "
I remember, I think it was in late November / early December, when Trump was naming his choices for secretaries and all that, and the WaPo, the NYT, Politico, the Daily Beast and others were publishing negative stories on Trump doing 180 degree turns and betraying his supporters, etc., etc. and there was a wave of trolls all posting the same articles and telling everyone DRUMPF IS A TRAITOR! HE'S ALREADY TURNING HIS BACK ON YOU! HAHAHA!. It didn't work back then because as you said they didn't have anything, he wasn't even President yet. But it's obviously the same people who came back because they saw an opportunity.
Until there's serious talk of regime change in Syria I'm not freaking even if I think it was a stupid mistake to treat the attack as a real chemical attack ordered by Assad. But we don't know all the details, we don't know what the CIA told him about the attack, we don't know any of that.
Remember: the President isn't supposed to run the country, he's supposed to be an hostage obedient to the CIA. They don't like Donald Trump and they're setting up traps and hoping he's going to get stuck in them. Until perhaps(?) 3 months ago the so-called rebels in Syria were officially receiving the CIA's help and receiving millions of dollars worth of equipment and training thanks to american taxpayers. And the brand new Toyota Hilux pick-up trucks and all the rest of it. So who knows what they're doing in Syria right now.
need more coffee, I meant: "Unless there's serious talk of regime change in Syria I'm not freaking out about it even if I think it was a stupid mistake to treat the attack as a real chemical attack ordered by Assad."
We're relying on you to keep the shills at bay!
Sceond thread reached reply limit, anyone going to make third?
The latest invite is revoked, where is that 3rd thread?
discordapp com/invite/2Yaet8t
A gift from halfchan
Hopefully some anons from halfchan got in.