I come from the Net. Through tubes, tripcodes, circuitboards to this place...

I come from the Net. Through tubes, tripcodes, circuitboards to this place. My format: streamer to rend and offend to offend you all in the end. To offend you with: bad movies.

They say Ted and Yaki live outside the board and plays awful, awful things for pleasure. No one knows for sure but I intend to find out.

Pick your poison. One of these.

Jetsons Movie

Or you can pick what's in the boxes? Who knows? Could be anything and yet today is a day where we feel like trolling ourselves. Builds character and our boxes reflect that.

The Yaki box is from the questionable side of the internet. The Ted box has been shown in some households as a form of punishment for bad children.

The choice is yours.

Link for stream is here


Time for Yaki Box

Voting Yaki Box

Yaki Box

Yaki box

Flipping a super long Laffy Taffy says I'm voting for Yaki

Whats in Yaki's box?

voting ted box!

Voting Yaki

Voting Yaki

Yaki box, because I enjoy pain.

Tonight's first box is Cool Cat saves the world a movie about a horrifying man teaching children valuable lessons about bullying and guns unless you criticize him and then he'll fuck up your shit



The guy who created Cool Cat is issuing takedown notices against Youtube reviewers…


Ted Box

Voting Ted Box

Double down for Yaki

Voting yaki


More yaki box, cant possibly get worse!

Flipping a Shellder card says I'm voting for Yaki

Ted box now.

Voting Yaki.

Voting Bubsy movie, or Yaki box for double suffering.

Welp we've swallowed the koolaid and have doubled down on the Yaki Box, so the next selection of the night is The Adventures of the American Rabbit!

A kid rabbit dons the good ol' stars n' stripes to become a hero with a theme song vaguely similar to Superman's, but I'm sure it's just a happy coincidence.

Chris-Chan is obsessed with that show…